6 Military Personnel vs 1 Fake | Odd One Out

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- I'm in the military. - I was in the military. - I'm in the military. - I was in the military. - I was in the military. - I was in the military. - I was in the military. (dramatic music) - I'm Trevor. I'm a Marine Corp Vet and got out as a Lance Corporal. - I'm Dane, I'm 26, and I got out as a HM3. I was in the Navy for seven years. - I was just looking at people's position of attention. Their feet at 45 degree angle and everything. - I'm Yvette, you do not need to know how old I am, but I did eight years in the Army. - My name's Elliot and I served in the U.S. Marine Corps. - My name's Max, and I'm an Army vet. - Max really stuck out. He was kind of dragging his feet and everything. A lot of military guys, like, don't drag their feet when they walk. - I'm Brandon. Active duty, United States Space Force. - Oh, shit. - I'm Susie. I'm in the Army Reserves and I'm a sergeant. - [Max] Space. - Yeah, space. - I've never even heard of that. - Brandon] Brand new. - Were you in the Air Force and then they were like, Space Force. - Yeah, so I was in training, I was doing ROTC to be in the Air Force. And then 2019 is when they created the Space Force. - You're in the Space Force, like, like what? - So I already saw that it was going to bring attention to me being in the Space Force. We don't know about it, so he's probably using that as his cover so he can make up whatever story that he wants. - Are you stationed here or were you stationed in- - Los Angeles Resource base, yeah. - Oh, that's cool. - [Brandon] But we have a base in Colorado too. - Okay. - Yeah, you guys are unicorns. Like you're literally the only one I'm talking about. No offense to anyone in the Space Force, but no one knows anything about them. - But, like, your dog tags outside of your shirt not bothering you. Like that bothers me. First person I was suspicious of was Trevor. - I never like wear these things. They just like wanted me to kind of wear something Marine-ish for the video so, yeah. - Oh, okay, all right. People who were in the military, you never wear a dog tag that's, like, cringey. Because you wear dog tags in, like, bootcamp. - Who goes to the VA? - I haven't yet. - You haven't yet? - I've gotten my QTC done and like done my appointments, but I'm still waiting on the rating. - Okay, which VA, what facility do you go to? - West LA - Loma Linda. - Okay, alright. - Oh, I don't. - You don't, okay. - Oh I do, Long Beach. - [Yvette] Okay. - Why don't you go? - Are you still in? - No, I'm a veteran. - Where did you go to bootcamp? - Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. - Where were you stationed? - Oh, camp Zama, Japan. That was my first and only duty station. - Where is that in Japan? - [Max] It's like an hour away from Tokyo. It is near Atsugi base, which is a Navy base, like an Air Force base. And then Camp Zama is like right next to it. - And what was your MOS? - MOS was 60 to zero. A Preventative Medicine specialist. (bell ringing) (intense music) - Every time I wear them like I am always wanting to just tuck them because they're not, like, supposed to be worn out. (intense music continues) - When he stepped up and introduced himself, he just said Army veteran. He didn't say anything about like his rank or anything like that. - Didn't know a damn thing about the Department of Veterans Affairs. - I have never met anybody from the Space Force. (jovial music) (buzzer buzzing) - Damn. - Sorry bro. - I believe him. (Susie laughing) - I can't believe I just got voted out honestly. Like, just because I didn't get VA, that's the only reason why they kind of kicked me out. Which is kind of like, I wouldn't say dumb, but like it kind of sucks. - You are on Space Force, like now, you're current now, but you have a beard. Like what is that all about? - No shaving profile. - Yeah, no shave, yeah. - I'm still active duty, so I- - This shaving profile though, I'm- - [Brandon] It's 85-36-29-03, if you wanna look it up. - I know what the reg is, I'm just saying. - [Brandon] My command has been on me about that. (imitating command) You got a beard? In all of my years I wasn't able to get a shaving profile. - [Brandon] I'm like, I don't know what tell- - This beard is the evidence that Space Force isn't a thing. So I kind of wanted him to talk more about it. - Wait, you're an officer? - Los Angeles, yeah, Los Angeles Space Force. - What's your rank? - First Lieutenant. - You're a sergeant? - Yes. - When did you get promoted to Sergeant? I got promoted back in November of last year. - You look really young to be a sergeant. - I'm 25. - [Elliot] Wow. - I was like, when he asked me, you know, like, how old am I? Like, 'cause I look young. That's when I was like, oh look, I need to start answering questions and stuff. - You're national guard or reserve or reserves? - Reserves. - What do you do in the reserves? - So I'm an 80 in November. I'm a transportation management coordinator. So basically my unit, we're a small detachment and so what we do is we go out to like the sea ports and basically, like, there's vessels with military equipment. We basically, like, offload them or upload them and then kind of like send them where they need to be. - For the Marines, what unit were you guys in? - Three-Five and weapons and field training battalion. Edson Range. - What company were you with? H and S with two-four and then bravo with one-five. - Okay. I, yeah, I knew some guys in Joker two-four. - Okay, yeah, Joker, yeah. - Okay, and what's this? - I don't know nothing about no Marines. I don't know if you guys are tracking - But you're super quiet, they're doing Marine stuff over here. And you're super quiet, right. - To have big Marine guy with the shirt and everything. So I was like, it would be too obvious. - Where did you serve? - I was in first fast first, and then I went to eight to nine. I was Yankee White and then I was in 03-11 with one-five. - With one five? What company? - Bravo and then H and S. I went to Ramadi in oh-five. - Yeah, same unit! - [Elliot] The only other person that stood out to me was Dane. He said he was in the Navy, but I noticed that the logo on his shirt was actually a Marine Corps unit. - What's the mission in the Marine Corps Rifle squad? - To close with the enemy- to close with and destroy the enemy. - [Both] Locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire, maneuver, or propel enemy assault by fire and close combat. Yep. (everyone talking at once) - I had hazed into me by my seniors, so you know. - [Elliot] Yeah? - [Trevor] Yeah, I learned it pretty quick. - And when did you ETS. - 2007. Yeah, it's ETA, yeah, ETA but- - [Susie] Well Army it's ETS. - Oh, is it different for them? - It's different for every branch? - Yeah, yeah. - ETS for the Army? - ETS For the Army, yeah. - [Susie] Expiration of term of service. - Yvette was kind of next in line to be voted off. Maybe it was just 'cause it had been a while and she had forgotten like some little aspects of the military. - [Susie] So why'd you guys join? - College, I wasn't really that passionate about many career fields or anything like that. But one thing that I did find passion in was comradery and a bunch of people unifying together towards one goal. - I joined because, do you remember that Marine Corps commercial with the guy on the, on the bridge slaying the dragon that's made out of fire from like back in the nineties. - A little before my time. - Slaying a dragon?! (Susie laughing) I don't remember that sounds like a good commercial! - The Marine Corps has the best propaganda out of every branch dude. - I watched it, ran to the recruiters office and I was like- - Oh man, okay. Two things, like, I joined the reserves first, right? So I was a reservist. Yeah, so I got into, I reclassified and did intel. - So I joined in 2016. I think it was a combination of like patriotism and just also the benefits were very attractive to me. Like, you know, a route to pay for school. I come from a military family, my sister was in the Air Force. But yeah, that was kind of my reasoning. - If I went to college right after high school, I would've just like been a dumb ass and dropped out within a semester. Might as well be a badass, become a marine infantryman. And you know, that's kinda what I did. - I joined in 2017 and I did a semester of college and then like this recruiter like came up to me and was like, "Hey, like do you wanna join the army? I feel like you would be a good fit." - Maybe she's been lying this whole time. He didn't tell you about basic training. - Oh yeah, he told me about basic training. - Oh, okay. - No yeah I went to basic training. In AIT and then like came back and then I was like, okay, cool. I could like go to college. - Do you think you know who the mole is? Make sure that you like and subscribe so that you can see more. (suspenseful music) - It's gotta be the beard. I get that he has a no shave chip, But still, out of everyone, like, that just kind of makes me suspicious. - So Yvette was a little suspicious of me, so I was thinking maybe if I vote her out then I could clear the ear from me. - Space force. - Sorry man. - Space force isn't real. - [Brandon] You gonna regret that. I feel disrespected and it was pretty much a bunch of Marines, so they had their little pow-wow and that's cool and all. But you gotta put respect on the Space Force because without us, good luck. - [Game master] If everyone feels confident that you already caught the mole, you can end the game now. But if the majority has doubt, the game will continue. So please raise your hand if you want to continue the game. - We got 'em. - Very confident group. All right, look at that. If the lights turn green, you voted the mole out and you win. If the lights turn red, you didn't vote the mole out and you lose - If we didn't I'll be pissed. - [Game master] Ready? Three, two, one. (everyone cheering) One, two, three. (everyone laughing) - Yup, yup. - So I'm a military dependent. My dad served 20 years in the US Navy. He retired in 2008. I was born and raised all on military bases, whether that's from like Hawaii, California, Japan, just back and forth, military bases. Camp Zama is a real base in Japan. - Yeah. - I'm a dependent. All my homies are in the army. All my homies are in the Navy, Air Force all the branches. - There isn't one type of person who goes into the Marine Corps or the Army. - If you are a veteran, if you're about to get out or if you plan on getting out. My recommendation is just to nurture those parts of you that are not in the military. - I think that everybody in the audience should do a little more research on the Space Force. Acknowledge and respect that we are an actual branch. And then without us, there's a lot of your day-to-day life that you can go without and put respect. - How many raisins does it take to open a box. - You know what? (everyone laughing) - Yes! - If you wanna join the Marine court, talk to Sergeant Evan Rodriguez, Palm Desert. - This is the bonus that I never got for my enlistment. - Yeah!
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 677,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, army, space force, air force, marines, marine corp, navy, us military, funny, fraud, goofy, Stolen Valor
Id: W6NDW1Ktfw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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