6 Hooters Girls vs 1 Fake

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- I worked at Hooters. - I worked at Hooters. - I worked at Hooters. - I worked at Hooters. - I worked at Hooters. - I worked at Hooters. (dramatic music) - [Lina] All right, let's get down to business. (laughs) - How old were you guys when you first applied? - 21. - 19. - 20. - 18. - 18. - I was 19. - I was in college. - I'm looking for body language, and how bubbly are they? Hooter girls are typically pretty outgoing, outspoken. Did you guys all start as hostesses? - No, I started straight in as a waitress. - [Lina] Okay. - Don't you have to be a hostess first? - Um, no. - Not all... - Yeah, not all the time, yeah. - [Lina] Yeah. - [Maria] It just depends on your experience. - I had hosting experience previously. - Like my location, you have to be a hostess first, they don't hire you as a server unless you've worked at Hooters already. - How did you guys apply there? - There was like an open hire and I just showed up, and had an interview, and got hired on the spot. - I would just see it constantly, and then I was just like, "Okay, well might as well try." - Riley was kind of suspicious. I don't know, it just sounded like she was just making it up. I really just wanted a uniform, so I kind of just was like, "Let's see what happens!" (laughs) - Mine was 'cause a friend worked there. She literally was like, "Why don't you just come with me and apply while I walk in?" And I was like, "Okay," and then they hired me the same day. - Hannah looks like the ideal Hooter girl, which is kinda sus. - My sister worked there and then she was like, "You should come work there." And I was like, "Okay." How did you start working there? - I was on a date. (laughs) Yeah, to Hooters. I had braces and everything. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, and then I was like, "Yeah, this is it." - Hmm. (laughs) I don't know who... (bell rings) - If you like this episode and you wanna see more, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel. Now, let's figure out who the mole is. (uptempo music) - She's quieter and her body language was just a little bit more reserved. - She looks like a Hooter girl, but she was just quiet the whole entire time. (buzzer sounds) - I didn't expect to be out that early, I'm not gonna lie. It was probably the piercings being left in, 'cause piercings aren't allowed. - Everyone say "Hooters makes you happy," but like really chippy. - Go ahead, you start. - Okay! (laughs) - Hooters makes you happy! (upbeat country music) - Okay. I don't think I've ever said that phrase, but... Hooters makes you happy. - Hooters makes you happy. - Hooters makes you happy. - Hooters makes you happy. - How about we all follow up with the next line of the birthday song? - Yeah. - Okay. ♪ Hooters has a birthday song ♪ ♪ Hooters has a birthday song ♪ ♪ Not too short and not too wrong ♪ - I don't... I don't think I know that one, I know a different one. - Oh! - Yeah, our Hooters has a different one. - [Lina] How did yours go? - Hold up. - I can't even remember mine. - [Maria] I know, it's been so long! ♪ Not too short, not too long ♪ ♪ Good thing is we sing for free ♪ - Yeah. ♪ A bad thing is we sing off key ♪ - Oh, okay! - I've heard that one! ♪ Sing it right and get your wishes, ♪ ♪ Sing it wrong and do the dishes ♪ - Yes! ♪ Sound off happy, sound off birthday ♪ ♪ Bring it on down, happy birthday to you ♪ - Yeah. - Yeah. - Hmm. - Ooh! - You did good. - Okay. - So, what was your song though? - It didn't start like that. It was... So we would come out and we would be like, "Okay, there's a birthday in the house!" And then we would start off with... I'm trying to remember how we started off. - Sing that it's a birthday song. It's kinda the same thing. - Yeah. ♪ Hooters has a birthday song, ♪ ♪ Hooters has a birthday song ♪ ♪ Not too short, not too long ♪ ♪ Not too short, not too ♪ It's the same thing, I guess, yeah. - She didn't know the birthday song. And then she said she learned a different one, but then didn't know the second one, either. So that threw me off, too. - Okay, I have a question for you guys. What is one way to upsell? - I would just sit in the booth with my customers, bring out whatever it was, whether it was the desserts or the calendar. I'd be like, "You could buy this for me." And they love that! (everyone laughs) They love that! They were like, "Oh, for you, I'll buy it. I don't want it for myself." But yeah... - I got you, yeah. - But the desserts, I would be like, "Oh, I really like this flavor!" And they'll be like, "Oh okay, get one, and I'll get one for myself." - It's more of what I did, too. I'd be like, this is my... Out of the key lime pie thing. - Yeah. - I'd be like, "Oh, if I get a chance, man, on my break, I'll get some of this." "Oh, you should get it too though, 'cause we could share it for real!" - We can share, yeah. - Yeah. - You mentioned key lime pie, what are the other desserts? - Caramel fudge cheese... Oh, shh! - Honestly y'all... - [Lina] It's been a long time for us. - It's been so long. I also was just a hostess, so... - Oh! - I'm not gonna lie, I don't... I... - It's okay. - Yeah. I... - Okay. (Yamani laughs) - She was kind of just like stumbling on her words, and I was like, "Hmm." She just doesn't remember, or she truly wasn't a Hooter girl and just doesn't know what to say. - What's your favorite food on there? - I liked the buffalo chicken salad. - Beer cheese pretzels. - Fried pickles. - Oh, their fried pickles... - Yeah. - I like the buffalo chicken quesadilla. Okay, favorite sauces? - Daytona. - That's what I was gonna say, too. (bell rings) (uptempo music) (buzzer sounds) - I was thinking I have this in the bag, like there's no way anyone's gonna vote me out. So, I don't know... (laughs) - [Paulo] If you think the mole is still in the box and you'd like to continue playing the game, please raise your hand. - So you're working at Hooters while you're in college, right? - Yeah. - That's when I was there. That's what was... I didn't tell my parents or anything too, 'cause I don't know how they'd feel about it. But were you paying for college too, or like...? - Yeah. I mean, I went when I was in undergrad. My whole family knew, I didn't care at all. I was trying to make money and it's fine. - Hooters for me was more like a sorority, honestly. I love all the girls that work there, I still keep in touch with them. - Yeah. - Oh, me too. - I met a lot of my best friends there, actually. I'm still really close with a lot of the Hooter girls. - Okay, what is a Blue Moon served with? - Orange. (bell dings) - What about the daiquiri? - I was never a server though, I was a food runner. - The clear water punch. Cherry? - Yes. - Okay! - I would know the ones that my moms got before, but like, what was I gonna say? - Wait. That your moms got before there? - My moms are lesbian, they love Hooters. (laughs) - Wait. But I thought your parents didn't know? - Yeah, they don't. No, not while I'm there! No, no, no, no. I mean like, before. I've gone to Hooters with them, they've never come... Nobody's come out to Virginia with me. - But they love Hooters, but they wouldn't want you working there? - No, they wouldn't want me to do that. No, my parents are strict about me, but not them. You know what I'm saying? Like, I know because 'cause they're like... This is gonna sound bad, but they're sexualizing them, so I don't think they want me to be sexualized. - I don't know, I feel like your story is a little suspicious. - Yeah. - I understand that, I understand that. But- - You look the part. You're cute, you're talkative. - Definitely. - Thank you. - You're bubbly, but... - Yeah. - I think all of us were kind of ganging up on Hannah 'cause we were just a little bit suspicious. Part of me really wanted to believe that she was a Hooter girl, she was selling it. But then there were just some things where I was like, "Hmm, I don't think so." - Okay. How do you guys say... How do you greet a guest when you come into Hooters? - Okay. I'll just be like, "Hi, welcome to Hooters! How's it goin', guys?" - "Hi, welcome to Hooters!" (laughs) - Yeah, I guess the same thing, too. It's, "Hi, welcome to Hooters!" - Yeah. So you guys all do this, I'd be like, "Hi, welcome to Hooters!" - You have to have a sweet customer service voice. - Oh yeah, you fake it. But it's... - Yeah, all the way. - I mean, you're entertaining. - I think we're actually hired as entertainers. - We are hired as entertainers. Because you're not really allowed to hire on a server, and then have requirements about X, Y, Z. But as an entertainer, you're allowed to have those requirements. - Did you guys take pictures with people, and stuff like that? - All the time. - Yeah! - For sure. - All the little kids, all the birthdays! - I know! - And the little boys are always in there with their dads. (laughs) - Yeah. - I'd prefer that though, than the creepy old guys. I'm like, "Yeah, give me the teens!" - Oh, all the way, all the way! - Okay, really quick. What are the nail regulations and what's type of nail can you get? - Short, and then they could either be nude color or french tip. - No, only say one type of style. - Oh, I'm so sorry! - It's okay. - Okay, well- - I'll say it. I guess the next option is a shade of pink. - Yes, a shade of pink. - But it cannot be a hot pink, it has to be a neutral tone, like skin-color almost. - What about hair? - Down. They want it down and done. - What color? - Natural colors. - Yeah, natural colors. They didn't want anything bright. - You guys are good! - I know, I know! - What do you guys all do now? - So, I'm in sales. I'm a sales representative, and I also teach kids how to play chess. - Aww. - Cute! - I work in the cannabis industry, slash bartender, slash promo modeling. - I'm a physical therapist. I have my doctorate degree, no big deal. Hooter girls are smart, too. - Literally goals. - Yeah, Hooter girls are smart. - I work at Sephora now. - Nice. - Cute! - I'm like, I... - I'm trying to figure out- - I almost believe you. - I know! - I'm starting to think- - I'm sorry, you're the most suspicious. - Yeah! - Like, I cannot... - It's because of the parents thing, right? - I just wonder, what lie did you tell your parents that you were doing for work? - I only worked there for three months. - Oh! - Oh! - And I only worked there during the weekends. Yeah. - Why'd you quit? - Because I needed to make more money and they weren't bumping me up to server. - Why didn't they bump you up to server? - I don't know. Maybe... I don't know. I mean, I'm gonna be honest. Maybe my height? 'Cause I'm taller than everybody. - Yeah. - Yeah, you are though! - I was so- - If you were tall, it was better because you would get more front cover, promo stuff... - Tall blonde was the... - Yeah. - I almost wanna believe you. (Maria and Mariela laugh) Almost. (bell rings) (uptempo music) (buzzer sounds) Sorry, girl. - Your story just didn't match up. - Yeah... - I'm sorry. (laughs) - [Paulo] If you think the mole is still in the box, and you'd like to continue playing the game, please raise your hand. That means the game is over. If the lights turn green, that means you have voted out the mole, and you all win. If the lights turn red, that means the mole is still in the box, and you lose. (intense dramatic music) Three, two, one. - Oh, my gosh. - I felt it! I felt it, I felt it. - Yeah. - Me too! - I was like, "Okay, this is totally like a Hooter..." - Yeah. - A Hooter vibe! - Yeah! - It's totally a Hooter vibe. - [Paulo] On the count of three, can the mole please step forward? (intense dramatic music) Three, two, one. - Oh my... - No way! - Oh my gosh! - [Mariela] Thank God we trusted our instinct. - No, you had us. No, you had... - Yeah. - You were you close, though. - Yeah. - You were selling it. - You were selling it. - I watched a lot of the day-in-the-life YouTube videos of the Hooter girls. So I worked with an ex-Hooters employee, she made me a whole study document. We went over that, we practiced the birthday song. We were sittin' there clapping and singing to it. - You should really work at Hooters. - You was worried about the parents thing... - My moms would not be okay with that. Like, they definitely would not. - My parents go, but they don't... They did not like me working there. - I said the same thing. - Yeah. So when she said that and you guys were suspicious, I'm like, "Oh, they did that me." - They love Hooters, but they don't love your (indistinct). - Don't take my little brother, yeah. - I hid it from my parents for a while, but they literally could not care less. - Yeah. - Honestly, Hooter girls come in all sizes, shapes, and you don't have to be the prettiest or the skinniest. Honestly, Hooters will bring the best out of you. - It's just any other job, they're just pretty girls using their looks to an advantage. Clearly not an excessive advantage, but it's literally just like going to any other restaurant. It's just that we look hotter. And then the worst part is when you tell someone you worked or work at Hooters, it's like, (shudders). - Yeah. - Oh! - And it's like, what? What do you mean what? It's a family restaurant. Kids come for their birthdays. At my restaurant, kids eat free on Sundays, so that was the specialty. - I definitely think it actually sounds like a great job. Like, it seems very woman-led. I also noticed they were talking about how you can get guys kicked out easily, then it really seems like you're the focus of the restaurant. And that's really important, especially as a girl. - Yeah, there's like this bad stigma around it. But honestly, I feel like Hooters really molded me. It really empowered me and got me out of my shell to become more of a girly girl, more confident, and just really generate lifelong friendships. (cheering) (money fluttering) (cheering and laughing) - [All] Hooters makes you happy! (cheering and laughing)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 963,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, hooters, nectar, hooter, breast size
Id: JS5Z8KD2sK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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