How To Start an Online Business With Wordpress And Web Hosting (Reseller Hosting Tutorial)

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let's be honest here you're probably watching this video right now because you want to start your own online business working from home right my name is Darrell Wilson and tane this video I'll be showing you all how to start your own online business working from home selling web hosting services in fact the CEO of name here or com which is a very large respectable web hosting company is going to help me in this tutorial today to show you exactly what to do step by step and to be completely honest we put a lot of work into this video we were going back and forth for weeks making sure it was perfect to provide you all with very good valuable information that you can use to help you create your own online business so we really hope that you enjoy it and you benefit from it and if you have any questions put them in the comments below so with that said let's get started with the video hey what's up party people my name is Daryl Wilson and tane this video I'll be showing you step by step on how to start your own online business working from home selling web hosting services so by the end of this video today you'll be able to start your own online web hosting business from scratch with no experience required web hosting is a multi-billion dollar industry that generates recurring monthly revenue and is easy to manage because you are just reselling digital space plus you don't have to worry about shipping or inventory because everything is digital making it really easy for beginners or for anyone who wants to get started today also we're going to be using a drag-and-drop builder called Elementor and you'll also receive a lot of pre-made web hosting templates that you can easily import your entire web site in one click that'll make your website look super professional okay so let me show you how you can make money with this and also what you can expect to learn today in this tutorial so here's a website I'm going to show you how to make today and this is selling web hosting services and domains don't forget you'll also receive this same pre-made website in this video plus several others customers will then come to your website and purchase web hosting here the customer can select their domain where they can register their websites next we have web hosting packages we can create as many packages as you want and you can price your packages any price you want as well next the customer can also purchase add-ons for their website so you can also offer other services like SEO services or even content writing pack then the customer can use their credit card on your website and also checkout on your website instantly making You recurring revenue next the customer portal will be automatically created for them where they can install WordPress or any other software they want to use to build their website without you having to do anything at all because the entire system is automated and personally you never know what's gonna happen a lot of these companies start it up just like you and they built their selves up and now they are six-figure web hosting businesses just like these other companies so if you're ready I'm ready let's get started and create your new web hosting business all right let's get this tutorial started so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna purchase reseller hosting from name hero com now we also do have an exclusive discount for all of you watching this video to help get you started with your web hosting business step 2 we're going to install WordPress and as you know WordPress is super easy drag-and-drop builders all that good stuff step 3 we're going to install WHMCS onto your website so this can automate the whole process of people coming to your website and buying web hosting services step 4 we are going to purchase a wordpress theme now we're gonna be using a premium WordPress theme in this video called host eco and it's made specifically for web hosting businesses step 5 we're going to make all the settings install the theme changing the links importing the demo content and designing your websites and then step 6 we are actually going to hand this entire tutorial over to Ryan gray from name here com or he's gonna walk you through the process of how to use WHMCS and how to apply all the settings to your new website now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page to purchase reseller hosting from name hero com all right party people so this right here is named hero comm and this is where we are going to purchase reseller hosting now one quick notes you guys have seen my other videos where we talk about purchasing shared and cloud hosting but for this specific tutorial we need to purchase the reseller hosting because we need to resell the hosting right does so here we have 4 different plans we have the silver the gold the platinum and the diamond now for this specific tutorial we cannot get the silver because the silver does not include the WHMCS license that we need so that leaves us with the gold the platinum and the diamond now personally out of these three plans the best value here is the platinum plan because you do get double the amount of SSD storage for just a few bucks more a month so personally if you're just getting started out for the very first time I would definitely go with the platinum that is the best value here so right here under order now we have different options so we have a month the year two years or three years personally I think the best option for all of you watching this is one year because that'll actually give you enough time to decide you know if this is for you or not so for most of you I would select the one year plan or if you feel like you just want to go ahead and purchase more that is up to you and that is that is strictly up to you but for me in this tutorial I'm gonna select one year now here we have some options we have register domain we can transfer I'm assuming most of you don't really have a domain but if you want to transfer your domain you can do that but for most of us just getting started out I'm going to enter a new domain so it's really funny look at this I put in this domain right here and I just did check that's actually not available someone actually bought that domain like who does ad so here I'll just go ahead and put in WM CS web hosting comm and click on check and that's available so I'll go ahead and use this domain and click on continue alright cool so next we have the shopping cart or they're going to upsell some additional services personally we don't need anything here the only thing that you should have checked is this little box right here and this allows your customers to get free SSL's for their websites and that's pretty important so you really want to make sure that's checked and of course that is free as well so go ahead and click on continue next we have these three plans right here and personally I do recommend the ID protection so what this does right here is this will protect your personal information from people who try to get your information from your domain so personally I always recommend to have ID protection on because again it'll greatly reduce the amount of spam that you get all right next we have the review and checkout so here you can see we purchase the I'm reseller where we can go ahead and resell hosting for the entire year and then we registered our domain and we have a massive discount applied so usually this will cost you around maybe $600 but with the discount today you're only gonna pay around $300 for your entire web hosting business to get started so right here just click on checkout alright so next we have the checkout page and as you can see name kero is really highly rated and personally I do use named hero through a really fast web hosting company in fact I have another YouTube video where I actually test them and they perform top T was the fastest so I'll put that in description if you want to check it out later but right here we have the personal information and the billing address now right here we have support pin make sure you write this down because when you call for questions or something like that they're going to ask for your support pin and they use this to identify you and then right here you can go ahead and just fill all the stuff out like your account security your password you can choose your method of payment such as credit card or PayPal and even coin Basu it's interesting I didn't know that and then right here you can go ahead and opt in to their newsletters or you can say no thank you and then what you're done you'll click on I have read and agreed to the Terms of Service and payment policy bah blah blah blah blah and then you'll click on complete order and I'll meet you on the very next page okay so we purchased our web hosting and you can also give them a survey telling them how they did how was a checkout process but right here just click on continue to client area awesome so this right here is your client area so let's say for example we have a problem these where your tickets are going to be displayed if you owe a bill this is where you can pay it also they have domains right here so this is all the domains that you have and then right here we have cloud web hosting packages here you can go ahead and update your information so you can update your phone number or your address anytime that you want so let's go ahead and first activate the WHMCS license for our website so right here you see our domain and it's currently active so just click on this right here next right here we have add-ons and extras so we need to go ahead and activate the WHMCS starter license that we got so right here I'll click on this simply click on the free WHMCS starter license click on purchase and activate now this is already included for free so we don't have to buy it but we do need to check out so just go ahead and check out with it and then go ahead and do the same process as you did before okay so now we are ready to build our web hosting websites right here we have the domain just go ahead and click on that where it says platinum reseller and it says active and then right here you can go ahead and login to the cPanel so next we're gonna go ahead and scroll down right here and I think most of you know WordPress you probably use it before or even heard about it it is the easiest platform for building websites so we're gonna scroll to the bottom right here and you're going to see WordPress under the Softaculous apps installer so just click on WordPress and then right here just click on Install Now and don't worry about all this stuff you can change all this later so don't worry about it but here you can give your site a name and a description but the most important information that you need to enter is the admin username so go ahead and put in an admin username and then a password so I'll just put password and then your email now this is very important because if you go to forgot password this is where the email it's going to go to so just make sure that you know you put in an email that you have access to so if you speak different languages like Arabic or you speak other languages like Spanish or Portuguese in fact I do have two other channels where I teach everything in Spanish and Portuguese and then right here well go ahead and scroll down just keep scrolling and then right here simply just click on install and we are all good to go and your website has been successfully installed so right here if you want to see your website just simply click on this link right here alright awesome so this right here is the backend and if you want to see your website right now it is live so right here under my blog click on visit sites and this right here is your new website so we do have some work to do but yeah your website is now live on the Internet so let's go back here under dashboard and let's first go ahead and talk about some general options before we talk about everything so first let's talk about some general options Before we jump into web hosting so again the first thing you want to do is go over here and to general and if you want to change the language you can go ahead so first let's go ahead and cover some general options Before we jump into web hosting so first over here in our settings under general right here this is again where you can change the language so you can change this to any language that you want you can change your email you can also change the site title and the tagline and then you can just put general preferences like the dates and everything else right here under permalinks you want to make sure that this right here is under post name this is very important because we're gonna use a theme later that requires you to put this under post name so don't forget that and then here you'll click on Save Changes next under users and under your profile right here this is where you can go ahead and change your email now if you lose access to your email you can always go ahead and update it right here also I do like to change the background I like midnight's because I feel like Midnight's you can see this a little bit better because you know it just shows you where the you know where your mouse cursor is and everything so I'll scroll down right here and one last thing if you want to change your password this is where you can do it so if you click on generate password you can make your own password or update it and that's pretty important especially if your site starts generating a lot of money so yeah just keep that in mind and I'll click on update profile alright awesome now there's one thing that we need to do before we install the WordPress theme so right here on the top you can see this connection is not secure now we do have an SSL on this website but unfortunately we need to enforce it so we're going to use a free plug-in for that so here under the plugins we'll click on add new plugins are pretty much applications for your website guys so you know how we'd like your iPhone or your Android has a bunch of different applications that's basically the same thing is plugins it's just basically applications so the one that we need to install is called really simple SSL it's actually right here you can also find it by going to the search box and typing in SSL and it'll be the first one available so right here just click on install now and then click on activates now one thing to keep in mind before you do this make sure you have your information written down because this is actually going to kick you out of WordPress so the information that you use to log into your websites when we installed WordPress you're going to need that information again so just make sure you know it before you click on the button because then it's going to kick you out of WordPress so I'm gonna go ahead and click on this because I know my username and password so click on activate SSL alright and then it was what admin and then password right for me remember me and login alright cool so on the top right here you can now see that this is secured now the reason why you want this is because Google's gonna tell other people that your website's not secure and it's going to recommend them not to go to your website so make sure you have that installed on your website next we're going to install WHMCS onto our website so essentially what we're doing here okay so next we're going to install WHMCS onto our web sites so we can do that all through the client area so right here just click on a plug-in to cPanel now what WHMCS is again it's another platform that we're going to add onto our website if you're confused don't worry about it you are going to understand at all once we install the WordPress theme so let's scroll down right here and we're going to find WHMCS right here click on WHMCS right here click on install now ok so next we're going to install WHMCS onto our website that's a tongue-twister WHMCS so first I'll click on the quick install here we have our domain and this right here is the in directory now you want to go ahead and put something here that makes sense so for example I'll put purchase so this is going to create a new page and also a new permalink if you're not sure just yet you can kind of just watch me and understand how this works into our websites WMC s data I'm gonna leave that leave that standard because this is just going to create a folder for us here we have admin folder I'll leave a set to admin valid license key so you want to go ahead and go back to your WM CS account and you want to go ahead and copy and paste the license key so I'll go ahead and copy that and paste that right there Abin username I'm gonna set mine to Daryl oh three and then for my password I'll put patty-whack out of an email make sure you have some sort of access to this email so I'll put my email right here and once we are all set we can go ahead and press install so I'll click on install next is going to install WM CS on to our website all right so WHMCS has been installed under the administrative URL I'll click on the link right here alright so this right here is the WM CS login page so I'll go ahead and put in my username and my password now guys one thing I want to let you all know is that make sure you have the right credentials if you enter the wrong credentials in three times it will ban you from your own website and you have to make a whole new ticket to get access to your site because I've used this for a long time and it's very frustrating when I forget my information so just make sure that you don't forget your information because if you enter it wrong three times you will be banned so I'll click on remember me and click on login all right so here we have a cool setup wizard so this is where you can go ahead and set general settings payments where you can go ahead and enable domains web hosting and where you can create all of your web hosting packages etc but I'm gonna close this really quickly so this right here is your dashboard so whenever you make sales whenever you get customers this is where it's all going to be displayed right here so you can see the link right here and then purchase and an admin and that's what you would use to log in so simply just go ahead and log in whenever you want and this is logging into your WHMCS accounts let's go ahead now and take a look at our website right here now I'm gonna go ahead and go over here and type in purchase all right so now you see how the website our website is integrated with WHMCS and here people can go ahead and search for a domain they can transfer it and they can go ahead and purchase everything on your website now the reason why we're going to use a custom theme for this is because our website looks a little different than the current one so here we have our website and here we have WHMCS so they do look a little different so we are now going to install a wordpress theme that's going to make your site look amazing and we're also going to connect both of them to make the sites look identical so next we're going to install our WordPress theme and the wordpress theme that we're going to use is going to integrate our website with WM CS and we're gonna change our website from that to something like this right here so this right here is a fully premade template it comes with pages it comes with packages and it also comes with a WHMCS bridge that I'll bridge the website together to kind of make them look identical so for example we have our website and we also have our WHMCS right here so you can see how the theme integrates WHMCS with your website to make them look very identical so instead of looking like this and like this it looks a lot more professional and it looks a lot more connected now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page to purchase the host eco theme now there are also other templates that you can use so there are a lot of other templates that you can use and the reason again why we're using this theme is because it has a bridge so we can style and design our wmds page without using a lot of custom code so you do require custom code if you want to change that page but with this theme we can go ahead and change our WM CS page so it'll look a lot more better so this is the theme that we're going to use it's called host eco and again it comes with pre-made templates it has a bridge and it's made specifically for WHMCS man that is a really tongue twister in this video - keep saying wh MZ as so this is a theme that we're going to use it cost $39 it's not too expensive and you do get a lot of bang for your buck so you'll go ahead and purchase this theme and once you purchase it it'll be available in your downloads now I already have this theme so I'll walk you through the process of how to set it up so here is the theme that we're going to use it's called host eco so here I'll download it and I'll click on all files and documentation now this theme actually is a little tricky to install so I'm gonna walk you through exactly on how to upload it to your website it's a little different from other themes okay so I downloaded the theme I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna drag it right here just to kind of walk you through on exactly where to go so right here you see the theme I'm gonna go ahead and delete these other ones I was messing around with earlier so you'll double click on the theme so it's a zip file so you'll go ahead and open it once you open it you'll get this folder you'll open the folder and here you'll see the Elementor theme double click on the Elementor theme and you'll see this host eco dot zip take this file and drag it to your desktop this is the file that we're going to use to upload to your website so you're not going to upload the original file we're going to upload this file inside of the actual zip file now there is one small change that we need to do to our server before we upload the theme go to your client area go to this section right here and you'll log in to your cPanel now there's one quick change that I want to do before we do this because I actually you know went ahead and I did everything before this video and I did run into one small error so you're going to scroll down and go to software and go to select PHP version I know people get scared of server configurations and something like the ion key loader and all that stuff but this stuff is really simple so simply click on options and scroll down all you want to do is make sure your memory limits is 128 your post max size is 32 and your upload max file size is around 16 and that's it and once you do that it'll save automatically because I think the theme is a little bit bigger than this standard four megabytes so I think by default they have four so it won't let you upload it so if you put it at sixteen you'll have no problem so here we'll go to my blog dashboard appearance click on themes add new I'm sure you guys have done this several several times upload theme browse and then I'll find the file right here so it's called host eco see it is bigger than 4 megabytes so you really will need to make that change in order to upload the theme so by standard it's 4 megabytes so change it to 16 so you'll be able to upload the theme so I'll click on open and then I'll click on Install Now so now it's uploading the WordPress theme on to our website to make it look beautiful alright so we have uploaded the host eco theme and here you'll click on activates alright so are you guys with me congratulations we have now installed the WordPress theme and our WordPress website is gonna look a little bit better just by installing that one theme now here it's going to say begin installing plugins or dismiss this notice click on begin installing plugins so what we're gonna do is we're going to install the necessary plugins that we need in order to make a functional web hosting website so I'm lazy I'm just going to click on this you know select all and then under bulk actions I'll select Install and I'll click on apply so it's installing the plugins here we go ok so I have installed the required plugins on the bottom I'll return to required plugins and now we're going to activate the plugins so I'll click on all again click on activate and apply alright so I have installed the plugins now if you got an error saying that you're not allowed to do this or you got any error just refresh the page or just visit your website and any weird error that you get should go away so this annoying notice right is saying you need to register you need to register let's just go ahead and register the theme so this thing's soft popping up and sobs bothering us so here I'll click on register now so when you purchase hosty go in the actual file right here under download it'll say license certificate and purchase code you'll simply go ahead and open this text and here you'll see the item purchase code just go ahead and copy this and paste it into the WordPress theme so I'll paste that code right here and click on register the code alright so the theme has been successfully activated I'll click on Save Changes alright so now you can see that we have all these templates that we can use and we can install on our website now there's one more small server change that we need to make so here you'll see that they'll tell you about your server and if there's something that they need or if there's something that's not compatible here under the max execution time we need to set it to 60 so go back to your cPanel remember here how we have the PHP selector so if you don't know where to go you'll go to login to cPanel you'll scroll down to software under software you'll select select PHP version and then you'll click on options and here you'll see max execution time just change that to 60 and click somewhere else and success if we go back to our websites and we reset the section and click on OK you'll now see that the server looks good and now we can go ahead and import any website we want so here I'll just go ahead and grab any template now remember you can install any template that you want at this point it's basically your websites and you can use any template and then adjust it to fit your needs or criteria I think this right here is a new one you guys want to check that one out it's definitely a new one but I'll just keep it simple I'll click on this one and click on install and click on OK also you can go ahead and delete the entire website and start over again you won't lose any of your important settings and just know that it'll delete your entire website and the database so you can restart from scratch all right cool so the layout has been installed let's take a look at our websites all right and look at this we have a beautiful website fully designed and it's all ready to go so the website was made and on top of that it has all the pages over here for us so it has all these other cool pages that it created for us so hosting domain it also has these other pages like the blog the about the contact and you can go ahead and have fun with all this stuff right here so let's just click on one page just to see how it all looks I'll click on shared hosting so here's our shared hosting and we have our tables and we have some prices really really cool so ultimately I think this is a really cool theme to get you started because it just created a beautiful web hosting website for us and now we can kind of focus on what's important like making money right so let's go to our home page now the next thing we're going to do is we are going to connect to WHMCS with our website so for example if you go to our website - purchase right that was the domain that or the link that we're using you can see it's taking us to this website and it looks really ugly so first let's link this site together I want to take this and copy it now on your website you'd probably want to do the same thing you want to go ahead and redirect people to that website so now let's link WHMCS with our website we're going to use a plugin for that called WHMCS bridge and it's already installed for free so I'll take this link right here and copy it so this is the link that you need it's very important make sure you have this specific link and let's go back to the backend of our website of WordPress so my blog and dashboard next we'll scroll down to settings and go to WHMCS bridge here you'll go ahead and paste the URL of the WHMCS URL like that and scroll down and for footer we're going to put none and then here I'll click on save settings now if you want to see if this is working or not you'll go over here to I help and click on check for problems with my setup click on that alright so the plug-in is telling us that there's no problems now if you want to see your new setup with WHMCS this is now your new link so you know how before it was our website calm - purchase now it's using this permalink right here so go ahead and click on this permalink so this does look a little funny but not to worry we're gonna fix this page but you can see how the website is starting to change and how the plug-in is connected to our website so to fix this page it's a simple fix you'll click on edit page right here now this applies to basically all the templates that you use and under page attributes just go to elements or full width and click on update and then we'll view the page alright so now we have a beautiful WHMCS page and it's fully designed and looks great so you can kind of go overhead and kind of look around and everything now I want to go ahead and talk about the menu really quickly so this right here is integrated with WordPress so this will actually take users back to the WordPress web sites these right here will take them to the WHMCS platform so for example if some wants to go check out the hosting packages over here under hosting they can click on shared and it'll take them back to the wet WordPress website and it'll take them back to the WordPress website so just keep that in mind here I'll go back now if someone wants to go ahead and register a new domain with WHMCS for example under the store I'll click on register a new domain and here users can register our domain you can set a price you can go ahead and add some web hosting packages and you can also allow users to transfer domains to your web hosting websites so before I give this a tour over onto Ryan gray let's quickly is how this works and how you can link these together so for example I'm not my homepage for WHMCS and this is my new permalink I'll go ahead and copy this and I'll go to my home page so the trick here is you want to kind of redirect people to WHMCS where they can purchase web hosting so let me give you an example here I will edit the page builder so here I have enabled Elementor and what I'll do is I'll go ahead and take that link and I'll put it inside of this button right here so under the links section I'll paste it and I'll click on updates now as you're building your web hosting website whenever you make packages from WHMCS you want to go ahead and take the links for those and put them or they're supposed to be on the WordPress websites I hope you understand that hope oh I hope I'm not losing you there so Ryan gray is gonna show you for example how to make a shared hosting account and once you make a shared hosting account in WHMCS you'll take that link and put it here where you can redirect people to WHMCS so let's just go ahead and make sure that these links are working here I'll click on the view page so for example you have a new visitor coming to your website and they probably want to buy some services so here I'll click on order now and now you can see how it's redirecting people to WHMCS now people don't really know it's two different platforms because they can still go back to home and go back to WordPress so here they can go ahead and put in their information etc so as you build your website you want to kind of guide them and show them where to go on your WHMCS platform I hope that makes sense I hope you guys are all ready to go now one thing I want to note that this is using a drag-and-drop builder called Elementor and you can build your website with Elementor it's completely drag-and-drop and doesn't really require any sort of experience whatsoever now I'm not really gonna cover the whole rundown of Elementor but just to give you a quick crash course if you want to add something you would just take the button and drag its like that and go back over here and you can take some text and just drag and drop it and vice versa I'll right click on this and delete it and also delete now I'm not gonna cover Elementor in this video because this video is more for web hosting and if you do want to see how to use this page bowler step-by-step I do have a free tutorial that you can watch where we go through all the settings with Elementor we talked about how to use the page builder from scratch but again it's very intuitive it's not that difficult to learn so if you're totally new to Elementor and this is your very first time I highly recommend to watch this video however most of you probably know how to's Elementor so if you are an expert congratulations you can keep going off with this tutorial okay so before I hand this tutorial over to Ryan gray I just want to clarify and make sure you understand what we just did so again if you want to log into your website your WordPress website you'll type in WP dash admin and here you can go ahead and log into your website and build and design your websites now also if you want to go ahead and login to WHMCS or we're going to make hosting packages and sell domains and basically how you make money you're still going to go to your website and - purchase so you're going to use the old one that we originally started with not WHMCS bridge - just - purchase and then again admin and it'll take you to this page right here now writing gray is going to take over this tutorial and is going to show you how to make hosting packages and how to apply them to your website so you can start making money so again guys I wish you all the best congratulations on your new websites and now i'ma give it over to Ryan gray from name hero com hey thanks Darrell hey everyone I'm Ryan gray the founder and CEO here at name hero and certainly a pleasure to be along here on Darrell's Channel I'm gonna send a special thanks to him for letting me come on and work with his audience you know I'm really excited that you've gotten to this point in the tutorial if I just kind of go back over here we can highlight what you've accomplished so far and this is a fantastic-looking website that Darrell's helped you develop I mean it looks super professional and your audience is really going to respond well to it I can absolutely be sure of that so if you're at this point you should have your WordPress website set up where you you know can kind of see your template and your thing and you know you're ready to start incorporating WordPress with WHMCS so let's head over here to name Hiro because before I start showing how to configure WHMCS I want to give you just an overview of what you're going to be able to sell so this is named Hiro com and if I click on just the get started here on our main page you're gonna see our web hosting packages that we offer to customers around the world so you as a reseller you're going to be able to offer the same type of packages to your customers and so rather you're starting a new business to make money online or you already have a current business and it perhaps you're already in website design or WordPress development and you have customers and you're looking to make additional revenue from them web hosting is a great way now named hero we're a little bit more unique than some of the web hosts out--there's we offer a high-speed cloud infrastructure and if you go back and look on Daryl's videos he's done some speed tests and comparisons with named hero versus other hosts out there and so that's really important to understand that the product the packages that you're going to be reselling to customers is a lot different than the other hosting providers out there so it gives you a huge competitive advantage and @name hero we don't like to overcharge for hosting packages so you know with our reseller accounts that you should have set up by now if you're at this point in the video you know you're able to resell our packages set your own prices you know for these flat rates here so you know based on how much space you purchase which I recommend the Platinum package because it gives you 150 gigabytes of space to resell you know you can set that whatever the cost is for your customer and the ROI can become tremendous and then hero we also allow you to oversell your space which means this is actually the space that you're using so you can sell you know over one hundred and fifty gigabytes you're only build on what you're actually using and this makes it extremely easy to be able to upgrade so you know if you're just starting your hosting company you're using Xero now as you start to add customers your usage will increase but you should have a fair amount of customers by the time you reach this 150 gigabyte and that's why we allow you to oversell it since we are on the cloud you know once you get to that point you can easily upgrade to the diamond and we can go even further than that if needed so we can of course help you once you continue to grow okay so now that you understand here named hero with the services that you're going to be able to resell I want to dive in to your WordPress website and talk a little bit about that infrastructure and then we're going to head right into WHMCS and get into all the nitty-gritty of setting up your actual packages so the first thing i want you to do inside of WordPress there's just one step and then we'll head back over to WHMCS I want you to go over to my blog dashboard on the back end here I want you to go to settings and I want you to go to I'm sorry users all users and your admin user so the first thing it's very important is with this incorporation of WordPress and WHMCS you want it to be extremely secure as you add customers as your business becomes popular unfortunately there's evil doers out there that will try to get into your system and since WHMCS and WordPress are working together here you have to keep both really secure so what I want you to do is I want you to double check your admin user to make sure that it's using a strong user a strong password so you can see if you made it admin and you cannot change the user name on this page I do recommend if you haven't installed it yet just to use something different than admin because that's a lot of people try to use them and they try to get in but nonetheless go over to and this is password generator net or you can just make up a random one I like to use this because I'm a little bit lazy and generate a completely random password I'm gonna copy it and I'm going to go down here and change it actually I can generate one here if I want you know that works just as well but you want to copy and save this you know so you don't lose it Suns gonna update it here you know I've got a document here above my head here so I'm gonna just paste it in there so I have it for usage and you may be saying here Ryan why are you going you know on the security because this is the first step that is so important that we've seen customers over the years that they you know don't take this serious in the beginning and of course at first it doesn't make a big difference because your site's new but as you grow as you get customers people are going unfortunately there's evildoers out there and so you want to keep it to where you can just get into WordPress where you can just get into WHMCS so that's our first step that we're doing in WordPress and actually only step we're going to do in WordPress at this time next we're gonna head over to WHMCS okay so let's get started here as well we're gonna login with the credentials that Daryl set up there in the install so you'll see me keep looking up because I've got another monitor above me it has my login just world stored 0 3 and their password okay so if you've already installed WHMCS it's likely you've seen this screen before but I'm going to begin to walk you through this setup wizard to get they get you familiar with WHMCS because I want to show you and I most specifically address how to create your own hosting packages like we have here at name hero2 where you can insert these onto your newly made website so you'll be able to offer your own version of like a starter cloud plus turbo or business and you can again you can customize all of this you can customize the spacefield how the users to use the features they have as well as your prices and names everything's white labeled and unique to your business so let's go back to WHMCS so this son this getting started wizard it's you know just helps you go through the process simple and integrate your hosting account with it some look like next ok so this just defaults to name hero so inside of here you want to put your actual company's name so Daryl used WHMCS web hosting so that's going to be our example in here now you can change all this later so I'm just going to walk you through how that you initially do it but you can always change this later if you decide to change your or whatnot okay so we're just going to use this our company name if you have a logo made you can upload it from your computer so if you have a you know specific logo for example named hero you can see our logo here with your existing site that Daryl helped you helped you build you can see it's kind of got one with it already I'm assuming you probably want to change it to make it unique but once you do that you could take this file save it to your computer and upload it to WHMCS but again you can do that later so there's no rush to do that next you have your email address so this is important you need a generic kind of catch-all email address for WHMCS because as you get customers the system WHMCS is going to already it's going to send them automated emails so when they have an invoice to or when they make a payment and it's good to have access to this email account so you can address questions you know someone has an invoice and they reply back and they ask you know what the invoice is for and if they're have questions on it and you don't have access to this then it gets you know a little confusing so I would go back into name here oh so I'm going to log in really quick with the credentials that Daryl set up and we're just going to set up this catch-all email address it's very simple to do but you know this should be a unique one I don't really recommend using your personal email address for this you want to use it at your domain and you want it to be a new email because it could get overwhelming especially as you get a lot of customers so I just logged into the name hero client interface and I click here to navigate to my reseller package and I'm going to click login to cPanel okay so from here I'm just going to type in email you can just start to type it and you'll notice email accounts come comes up alright and we're gonna go over here to create and I just want to type in billing because that's the one I'm going to use you know I think but billing at your domain would be a sufficient one you can make it contact or whatnot whatever makes sense for you it doesn't matter as long as it's not being used already once again generate a strong and make it unique you know everyone here username and password should be unique ideally you should be using a password manager in a LastPass one password Nord pass to store all of these securely we see so many customers that name hero they get into trouble because they're using the same user and pass user username and password for every account and all it takes is one one breach and they have access to everything so it's important to please make everything unique every login unique so I've got my little document here for this tutorial and I'm just going to note this in my document all these logins so I've got them okay storage space this is the amount of space the email account can use once it reaches this it won't be able to send any more emails so you want to make sure this is set high but it's also important to actually have a cap on this just because you don't want to eat up all your space you know and also motivate you to clean up some emails so 1024 megabytes is a gig and that should be plenty click create whoops okay it needs a stronger password so let's change it here see if your passwords not strong enough our system will surely let you know and that's because we know we want to keep your account safe we want to make sure that you have everything set up the correct way you know from the beginning and that includes having strong users and passes okay so now I've created my generic catch-all email account and I can go back to WHMCS and it's already defaulted in here now I could of course change this if I want to call it something different I've just edited here address goes here so you would just type in this is your billing address that's gonna be shown at the top of your invoices so if you already have a company formed this would be that physical address of that if you don't yet you know you can always add this in later I personally probably wouldn't recommend putting your whole email address or your home physical address on there just for you know privacy and security so this I recommend being a physical address to a business location or you know some type of location that you could receive mail at alright I'm in the United States so I keep that WHMCS comes in many different languages so if you speak another language in English you'll see that it's prepackaged with you know Arabic Spanish so you know whatever language you speak you know there's a chance that WHMCS has it already installed I speak English so we'll go with that okay so next up is payments so with the WHMCS it allows customers to come to your website purchase hosting and it deploys it automatically so it actually takes care of accepting the payments for you so you don't have to manually send out invoices PayPal is by far the easiest way to begin accepting payments all you have to do is make sure this is checked that it's checked by default enter in your paypal email address to begin accepting payments now if this is a new business or even maybe you have an existing business and already have a PayPal you could use your existing paypal email account here if it's a new business then you could just use the email address we just created so I could use billing at WHMCS web hosting comm and when I receive my first payment when I get my first paying customer I'll get an email at this address with instructions on how to do everything else on how to set up my PayPal account so essentially PayPal makes it so easy to get started because you just have to put in a you do your current PayPal address or a new address and they'll teach it'll show you what to do after that when you get your first payment so super easy and you can see it stateside here next you can accept credit cards this is actually a promotion with WHMCS and evie I don't recommend that one cuz I've never used it so I might pick that off you can also use payment processors such as stripe so if you don't wanna use PayPal or you want to use PayPal and stripe those are two that I recommend I'll show you how to do that a little bit later in this tutorial how to set up stripe but we're not going to use this default one mail in payment if you want to allow your customers the ability to mail you a check or payment you know this is good if you're targeting a local audience you know if you creating web hosting or allowing customers in your local area to send you payment I personally don't recommend it for global businesses so here at main hero we do not accept the mail in payment most people they want to instant and nowadays you can send each X with PayPal so you know I don't use this but it might be applicable to your business ok domain reselling so if we go back to your website here that Daryl's helped you set up if you click on domain you can see that you can offer your customers the ability to register a domain so essentially you can become like GoDaddy where you can offer your customers the ability to register new domains and transfer existing domains in and you do this by setting up a domain reseller account so within WHMCS you can set up a complimentary UNAM reseller account to where you actually pay them a price for domains and then you resell them for a higher price and you make what's called a margin a profit margin so this just allows you to say yes I want to do it click enable and then you set up just some basic fee IDs by default socom network is not info these are probably the most popular ones but if you've ever bought a domain before you know there's tons of TL B's out there but these will at least get you started and this is just the base price that you're gonna be reselling for I think the default enum is about eleven dollars eleven ninety five a year for com so if you sell at fourteen you're gonna make about three dollars per domain if you wanted to raise that up just a little bit you know you could increase your profit margin so you know you can always change this later but I always recommend setting it a little higher than what you're paying obviously so you're making a profit okay and we're going to want to enable this account so we'll make sure this is checked and click Next okay so in order for us to create this we have to enter in our information to set this up you know to actually create the email account so we want to do that so and I'm gonna use my email address I just created address enter a phone number all right I'm gonna I've got it again I've got my document above here I'm storing my logins for this tutorial and I'm just typing up a random password right now they put in here as well all right so I just created a username and password in my document and again all my logins are unique please make sure that's important that all your logins are unique to everything you do because that's going to keep your site safe and secure and online so I put my username and password and you have to put a security question here some favorite pet finds a dog and click Next okay so this actually is going to take your information you just input its piping it over to e Nam to create that free account for you and again you have to do this step if you're wanting to resell domains if you're wanting to be able to offer that functionality to your customers which I'm assuming that you want to do that okay so now that's done so now we've got our next step here we want to set up our actual server that we're going to be deploying our accounts on so I'm gonna head over here to name here oh so you want to make sure that you're logged in and on this main dashboard page of your package we're going to need some information off of this the first thing is the server name so depending on where your package was deployed this is going to be different so don't just copy from my tutorial here make sure you look and get the server name for your package it might be the same but chances are it's probably going to be different depending on what it was deployed on now this is completely white labeled your customers will see this but it does not say named hero as you can see Delta cloud rack com if you go to it there's nothing there for you to cloud rack comm there's no site there nothing it says your reseller or nothing that leads back to named hero so it's a fully white label for you but we have to have a name for the server in order for WHMCS WHMCS to function so let's head back over to here so we need to enter that here alright and so now i need to get my username and password from a reseller account and so if I scroll down here I can find these under login details now you're gonna notice if you do not have two factor authentication enabled you have to click this to actually be able to see them inside of your user interface so you can click here and you can setup two-factor to do that now if you say Ryan that's to be the hassle I'm saying well it's recommended for your security that you do enable that and then you can see that in your interface it's also came in your welcome email so if I go to email history and I get a reseller account information and click view message I can scroll down and I also have this information right here now again it's important I'm going to change all these passwords up to this video but it's important you have this and it's unique and it's also strong because remember this is what it's going to connect your customers to the server so I paste my username here and my password all right now I'm gonna verify the connection alright connection successful there main details have been populated for you ok so really quick just this just identifies the name of the server which is Delta the IP address automatically imports as well as your name servers so it puts everything in here for you click Next ok next you have the opportunity to use what they call market Connect to be able to offer upsells and add-ons to your customers so this can be stuff like ssl certificate the Weebly website builder I think this is an email spam service code guard backups and site lock so these are upsells that you can add and you can click learn more to go through each one these are super easy to set up but I'll show you a little bit later on how to add these you don't have to necessarily do these right now click Next ok now setup is complete we're ready to begin using WHMCS so this is a easy step but it's also a very important step that you did this and completed this just to kind of recap what we did is we first went into WordPress you know we did our security deal we logged into WHMCS and we loaded up this getting started wizard and we just completed this step by step to make sure that WHMCS is ready from the get-go with all of our information so we can begin setting up our own packages and our own prices and our domains and all of that good stuff it keeps it all in one place now if you accidentally close that out you can always get back to it by logging into your WHMCS admin going to help and clicking setup wizard c brings it right back up here so you can see this will actually take me back through it again but it automatically populates what I've already inserted so you know if you miss something or want to change something or need to go back you can always go back to it that way all right after we finished the setup wizard there's one more step that we need to go do in the name hero client interface and this is an optional step but if it's me I personally recommend doing it and I think you'll see what I mean here in just a second so when I head back over here to the client area of named hero and again you just log into your account at named hero and click on cloud web cloud web hosting and we click on our reseller package and this next step is setting up our private name servers so name servers this is what connects domains to hosting so this is this allows you to have your domain at GoDaddy and your hosting it name hero all you have to do is point the name servers at GoDaddy using these and then it's connected to the hosting now when you're offering reseller hosting when you're selling web hosting your customers are going to need be able to connect to your hosting and white-label private name servers this allows them to use like NS one at your domain and NS to dot your domain to connect to connect their website to it and so it looks a lot more professional you can use ours which are right here and these are also white labeled so it's just NS 85 dodd react and NS 86 cloud react which these can change depending on your reseller package but you know it looks a lot more professional just to have your own domain so if you want to use our as you can they're already set up for you but if you want to use yours it's super easy we just need to first go into domains in my domains and click on our domain here now it's important to note as I do this if you did not register your domain with us at name here oh that's fine you can have your domain registered wherever but you'll need to log into their interface and complete this one step we're about to do so if your names registered GoDaddy or Namecheap you need to go into their system and actually complete this step since we do have it registered at name here oh that's how I'm going to do it here and you know unfortunately our team can't log in to your accounts here and there so in my opinion it's easier to have your name with us here at name hero because we can actually do this step for you if you need us to but I'm going to click on name servers sorry private name servers and I'm gonna go back over just to this page and I need to copy these IP addresses copy this one go back over here and I need to type in ns1 paste the IP and click Save so this just registers the name server with the domain and then we're gonna go grab the second one so this just associates these with your actual domain and again it's got to be done wherever the domain was registered so if again if it visit name here oh it's right right inside of our interface I know some companies make this a little bit more complicated than it needs to be okay so I went ahead just registered those if I click on name servers now I can actually use these for my domain if I want see right now by default I'm using the default named hero ones which again these are white labeled they won't trace back to name hero but I can actually use my own if I wanted to at this point now whenever you change your name servers you have this period of DNS propagation which in plain English makes it seem like that the server's offline for a little bit until those DNS servers kick in it takes normally about an hour sometimes a little bit longer depending on where you're located so I'm not going to mess with mine right now I always recommend to customers you know if you change your name servers you know do it late at night do it on a weekend you know do it when it does not you know affect anything all right so I'm gonna go back over to here and next I have to take these newly registered name servers and make one change into web host manager some under actions I'm going to click on login to whm and this is our first time going into web host manager but I promise it's not complicated web host manager this is your control panel for all of your customers so as you get customer accounts they were actually placed inside of here the cool thing about WHMCS it does all this for you so it generates all the stuff you need for you inside of web at web most managers you'll very rarely have to log into here so it's it's not so an interface you have to become too familiar with because WHMCS does everything for you I do need to type in DNS and click on edit DNS zone select my domain and click Edit yeah I sneak go down to the bottom here under add new entries and I just need to add those entries for those name servers so I type in NS 1 and I type in NS 2 I click in the a I click the other a go back to here and I just copy and paste these IPs and once again if this skips if this step scares you don't worry about it it's not a necessity it's just you know it looks more professional to have private name servers but it's not a hundred percent requirement so again if that you know makes you nervous don't worry about it you don't have to it's not an absolute requirement but it certainly just does give your customers new that confidence that you are their web host and it also helps in some of your marketing because if someone looks up you know you want your customers website your domains it shows your name servers in that record okay done so it's saved and we can exit out of here for right now all right so our private name servers have been set up and we can head back over into here okay so now with our our private name server setup you know we've got our PayPal set up we've got our email account setup and we've got our account set up to our hosting to our reseller hosting the next step is for us to take some to create some packages that we're going to be reselling and then to actually implement them on our website and so for example if I go back over here you'll notice on your site you've built with Derral Google's being a little slow on the Internet today you can see this is where your plans are and I'm going to show you how to create your own packages to insert them in here and so if we remember name here oh you can look at cars right here so you know when people come to name Hiro to buy hosting they have four choices your default here I think there's you know three places for packages but you can always add more or less you know I think three is really a good number and named Hiro we started off with three but ended up getting four just based on demand but I think starting off with three packages is good so I'm just pulling this up for reference and we'll go back into here and we're gonna go to setup and if you just click the setup let's click the tab you can see the WHMCS kind of has a rolling checklist of stuff that you know needs to be done to set up so this is like you know we did the help wizard of the setup wizard but this is like an additional one and you can see the five tasks completed but there's still you know several that's not you know one was that logo that we have not yet uploaded and I'll show you before we complete this video and how you go back and add that later but the credit card payments we'll get to that but next we want to create our actual package so our first product so we'll go to here and just create your first product okay so this is where we add our products inside of WHMCS another way to get to this screen is just to go to set up products and services and click on there so there's several different ways in WHMCS to get to stuff but I try to show you the simplest way so you can easily follow this tutorial okay so the first thing we need to do you can see before we can create a product is we have to create a group so groups are useful if you're offering different types of hosting so for example you know named hero we offer web hosting reseller hosting VPS hosting cloud dedicated so you're probably wondering like Oh Ryan what am I gonna offer you're going to be offering just basic web hosting our name hero reseller accounts allow you to sell web hosting packages like these so essentially it's shared hosting but it's shared cloud hosting so we're gonna want to create a group to reflect that so our product group name you'd want it something it can be just plain web hosting if we wanted to you know make it a little unique you could say cloud web hosting we get to call it shared hosting shared hosting is kind of an old term nowadays we could even call it WordPress hosting so you know you can name it you know whatever works best for your business and however you're displaying the packages to your customers or to your audience but it's just important that you do have a product group name because you can't add a product without it okay you have the option to add a group headline and this is just purely cosmetic this doesn't affect anything so you can see the examples like select your perfect plan I wouldn't even worry about adding it and unless you have something specific and then a tagline you know just adds a cosmetic display to the actual WHMCS website that it deploys for you so you can add this if you want I'm just going to skip over it because I don't feel it's all that important since you have an awesome template already set up and install it okay so your order form template so this is the template that WHMCS will use when customers are adding their package to their cart and you can see there's several of them in here I just start off with the defaults and then we'll take a look at it and we can always go back and change it later you know in initial setup don't worry so much about the design and stuff you're gonna get that done and completed but it's best to get the products actually in the system and set up so you can get customers up and going a lot quicker okay we're going to select our payment gateway if you remember we set up PayPal already that was what we did in that setup wizard PayPal is by far the easiest and in my opinion it's one of the best providers out there it integrates super nice with WHMCS and it automatically will create a new PayPal account for you and your new website here you've set up with WHMCS so if you're not in a region without PayPal so if your region doesn't accept paypal the united states i'm going to show you how to add additional payment gateways a little bit later in this tutorial but I think PayPal is the best one to get started it's certainly the easiest and click Save okay so now we have our group and now we have to create our product for the group so imma go to create a new product and you can see I've got a product type so WHMCS it takes the work out of this for you it allows you to point and click on what your group is about or what your products about and this defines all kinds of emails and settings for the system so you don't have to go do it so as I mentioned you're going to be reselling shared hosting so that's what you want to keep it on now reseller hosting a server VPS or other products and services you know you would use these and you can customize based off of that but if you want to resell reseller hosting this requires you to have a different service than just a standard reseller account and the same with the server VPS and then other would be your own services so make sure you're selecting shared hosting ok so we got our group we only have one set I'm product name so if I go back to my example site you can see this template has personal enterprise or business so just to keep everyone you know on the same page I'm gonna use these names here feel free to customize or change these you know to whatever is best for your business but I'm just going to do this we kind of stay simple so personal module so this is the module that automates it automatically when someone comes to your site and buys the package that it actually sets it up so we'll click this drop down and we want to select see it's at the very top and that's because that's what we use here at name Hiro on your reseller account is use cPanel to deploy the hosting packages create is hidden so this is useful if you're creating a new product and your website's already live so your audience doesn't see it right off the bat you know because when you first create it you probably don't have it set up and ready to go live now since our websites new we can click off because we want it to be visible immediately click continue ok so now our product has been created but we have to configure it really quick and this is again not hard to do but we have to go through and we have to define in WHMCS what makes this package unique so if we go over here and look at our example site you can see all this all the features here are just the same so we need to make each package unique to provide the user or our customers options to start out so you know how to budget and then upgrade as they move along so let's go to name hero so you'll notice that name hero we have our starter and then we going up to our business and each one of these has different a different set of features which allows customers to choose you know which one is best for them now mainly a named hero our main difference is the amount of RAM that these packages have you know how how many visitors can each package sustain and how many websites can each one of these hosts so if a customer just wants to host one website you're able to choose the starter cloud because it also has seen for one website and the plus six the turbo business can host unlimited websites so this is for those that you know are on a budget and they you know need an affordable way to get started but those that you have more popular sites and you're gonna use more resources they're gonna pay a little bit more and the same with the RAM you know they'll start at the smaller is the more popular website they have they increase it just a little bit more now as a reseller your RAM is all going to be pretty much standard but you're going to be able to define how many websites they can host how much space that each package can have and also how much of these different features can they have so if we go back to here and look you can see like on this example it's like one domain hosting for one site and again this is all copy and pasted but I would recommend that your personal or your startup this has I've seen or one web site you know just start that off have an entry level package and then have upgrades as your customer moves along you know what you'll find and what we find at name hero most of our customers they start off with the one that allows for six sites the plus because most people if they need hosting for one site it's likely later on they're going to need hosting for another and so it only makes sense to pay just a couple dollars more a month to have that option versus having to go back in and upgrade later so you know I trust that's going to be the same with your business most people they don't want just the bare-bones package they want a little bit more but they still need that option or you still need that option to give those on a really tight budget the option so we'll go back into here and you can use HTML to put the lists of stuff in here and if that's complicated for you don't worry it's it's not you can just copy and paste this this just creates a new line and this is just strictly cosmetic as well that's copying this okay so hosting for one web site and then we want to assign an amount of space for each account or each package so this is how big the website can be you know how much resources can the website use on the package and again start small so the smaller websites are more affordable and as larger business or website comes in they have to pay more for the next package I think 10 gigabytes of storage is a good starting place for a personal website I think the average website's probably around 3 gigabytes and that's even a little bit on the high end so 10 gigabytes really is more than most people are going to need but still you know kind of giving that extra cushion and that should help you you know attract some eyeballs now at name here Oh remember you're reselling our same premium infrastructure and so one important thing to mention about storage is we use SSD raid 10 which is popular for those that know what it means it's basically a type of drive it's a lot faster than a traditional hard drive but it's also a lot more expensive so just imagine that Mercedes versus a Honda and they're gonna race or a big sports car and just say you know minivan that's kind of the difference here it's a premium it's a luxury so you know adding that extra thing on there allows people to know that they're getting a high quality infrastructure we're not selling a you know just a bulk discounted hosting package to you you're actually selling reselling a managed infrastructure so your customers will love that and the way you explain it is it's a lot faster you compare the Honda to the Mercedes or the sports car to the minivan and SSD drive is what they need to be using okay so we can define that and then we can say five email accounts we can break rule for our new line okay so what are what we're trying to do now is we're trying to just give some options to so the user can start small and then they can grow I think the number of websites a can host is by far the most popular next the amount of space is you know price are the most popular and then followed by how many email accounts they can set up you know if it's a business they obviously want a lot more than five but a personal a website you know five is probably good and then the final thing is you know how many subdomains so maybe you could do like five subdomains and you break rule here okay so as we type these out next we need to begin creating these in web host manager now if you remember I just use web host manager a few minutes ago to make that change for my private name servers but I actually need to add this package inside web host manager because I need to link them together so I go back to name here oh and go back to my dashboard here and I click log in to WH a.m. and again this is just initial setup once you're done with this initial setup you will very rarely log into this but WHMCS again automates web host manager for you and so that's why when Darryl was showing you how to set up your reseller account he said that the first one's not going to work because it doesn't have WHMCS and that's absolutely correct it just has web post manager so you have to manually set every account up which gosh that'd take forever so WHMCS saves you the time keeps it simple but you do have to initially set it up so they link so at the top I'm gonna type in package or just start typing in pack and I'm gonna click add a package okay so this is just where I'm going to create to make the correlation to what I'm creating in WHMCS so this one's called the personal so I can just start it and I like to do these simultaneously cuz I can just copy and paste and as I mentioned earlier I'm lazy so less typing right okay so disk quota so this is in megabytes so remember we said 10 gigabytes so that's actually ten thousand megabytes so ten thousand megabytes bandwidth so nowadays most hosts offer unmetered bandwidth because bandwidth Spri cheap and most people aren't trying to stream a huge website you know on shared hosting nowadays they'll use youtube stream videos or vimeo or whatnot or Facebook so bandwidth isn't really a big upsell anymore and so most so it's just call it unlimited now if you want to have some limits you can we could put like 500 megabytes a month especially on our personal package have that in here and again bandwidth is I misspelled that I'll fix it bandwidth is the amount of transfer that a website's using so the more traffic the more website visitors it gets the more bandwidth it's going to use the more media files the more pictures the more bandwidth it's going to use there for your personal site is going to use a whole lot less than your business site that has an e-commerce store or a WooCommerce WordPress site and set up the resale or sell their products so we can put that bandwidth cap on this one and we can go back into here sorry and we've got 100 or 500 megabytes max FTP accounts you can limit that's the number of accounts they can have to have TP into their site you know nowadays that's really irrelevant I like to say unlimited max email accounts that say can't be a big one and we said five max quota per email address if you remember at the start of this video when we set up our catch-all account you know I said it's a good idea to have a quota on new email accounts so one doesn't just fill up with a bunch of emails so you can do this by default you know it set the hard cap to where a user can't use five gigabytes of space an email account usage so you know this is a good option here to enable just to keep your space from being filled up by a customer that doesn't empty their spam box so you know use that if you want but it is a good option to keep your web space clean max email list databases and subdomains you know nowadays most most companies they don't use the email list in cPanel so you can just say unlimited or even zero next databases WordPress needs a database so if your customers plans on installing WordPress they're going to need at least one database at WHMCS uses a database so see - so you right now you're already using - on your site so think about that when your customer comes on you know how many databases might they need for their site so you could say maybe five then we go over here and we could say and again just another option to upsell them into the next package the bigger the site the more complex the application the more databases they might need subdomains I like to say just well on the first one five is good but unlimited on the rest subdomains just allows users to have like billing doctor or blog doctor I just said I wasn't having okay sectionalize parts of their site especially if they're really big they're not near as popular as it used to be ten years ago but it's also an option to you know give your customers next Park domains a park domains a domain that is parked on top of the original domain and it points it to it is what's called a V host now it sounds really complicated all right we have named hero com let's say we have named Hiro net what we want it to point to named Hiro calm that would be a parked domain so essentially a domain that cannot have content but it just points to an existing one you can set this as unlimited or zero I think for your personal 0 is fine max add-on domains so this is a really big one this is the one that defines how many extra websites they can host in the account hints add-on domain so remember we said this is going to be hosting for one website so it's very important that we make this zero because it's only will allow the one website and not more now of course when we create our next package we're going to add some of those so I'll display hell max email real ayres and percentage of failed these are static you cannot change these because these are for the name hero abuse team to edit basically how many emails the customer can send out per hour we can increase this for your customer if they need it increased but there is a process and you need to reach out to our compliance team to do that but don't worry about that here during your initial setup ok settings you have a couple options here a dedicated IP when you're a reseller you actually have to reach out to name hero if you want to offer your customers this it's not needed really much nowadays so you're probably not gonna even need this anyways but if you want to you have to reach out to have this added per customer as they order one she'll access we can enable she'll access but once again you have to reach out to have that enabled so that's why those options are blocked off CGI keep that digest authentication and account creation you can leave that cPanel theme so there's only one theme for a cPanel paper lantern to keep that feature list so featureless is interesting if I go over here to where I had my pack and I'm going to open this in a new window cuz I haven't saved yet the feature list is what allows you to give specific features to each control panel that's deployed so let me give you an example here I click login to cPanel you're going to notice all these different features that you have at your own account to your name hero now when you're reselling to customers you're going to give them their own control panel so you can limit all of these options and so these can be fantastic opportunities to upsell users you know for example jet backups in name here oh we provide you and your customers complimentary weekly and nightly backups but if you want your customer to be on a more premium package to access these then you could simply eliminate them in the feature manager so I'll show you how well I do here is I would create a new feature list and I would just call this the personal feature list and inside of it we're going to enable everything at first everything that we can disabled means it's disabled at the server level so it's no longer in use and we'll go down here and you can see each one of these options you can go into cPanel and see it so like files file manager but jet back up is the backups so we're looking for all of these here because we're not going to give access to our personal package to the jet backup service because we're gonna use that as an upsell so I'm just gonna click off of here everything's enabled but chip back up but you can see now I'm just doing this as a demonstration you know you spend some time in here and you can get very specific about the features that you want to give your customers per package so you know this is a you know good opportunity to where you can offer more per account so save alright so now I've got my feature list and we'll go back to my package here I've gotta save it before I can get access to that feature list so let's just go ahead and save it and by the way you can ignore these settings here because these are already defaulted for you so there's no need to click on those or setup for you already okay success so let's just go back click this and we just want to add that feature manager feature list rather there's my personal and save all right so now the package is created inside of huevos Manager let's go back to WHMCS alright and so we're good here now we don't have to you can add more stuff if you want you know you can add every single feature on but you don't have to a name hero if you notice our is we only list like five of the top ones you really show what's different to our next package but it's up to you you know how you like to display on your site okay welcome email this is an awesome thing about WHMCS it already knows you're using cPanel because we told it it already knows the details because we imported them and so it's automatically going to send your customers personalized welcome email so you don't have to type it it's already set and ready to go so no change there require domain so this means when a customer buys this package they have to have a domain name with it and of course you want it that's got to be checked because the customer has to have a domain with their package now if you did not set up your UNAM account and our setup wizard you're going to want to make sure that's set up before you can offer that so keep that in mind stock control you can keep that disabled you know it's if there's a limited number tax now I'm not a tax attorney or a legal advice or a legal consultant you know some areas you need to apply local tax so you know if you're starting a new business if you're having at your consult with your attorney which I hope you are if you're starting in your business you know they'll let you know if you need to enable this WHMCS has it all built in but I'm not going to because in our region where we're located we don't have to add on the tax to our products featured this just displace it more predominantly on order forms just displays the package more I'm not gonna feature this as my personal I'm hidden obviously this just makes it hidden from the order form and retired if I no longer use the package I could retire it so that doesn't apply either okay I'm gonna save it alright so the next step is I need to click on pricing and I need to give it a price because you can see payment tight free we're not offering free hosting by the way it's not you're not allowed to offer free hosting at name hero so you know you can't offer your customers free web hosting that's a violation of our Terms of Service because what we find a lot of people sign up for free hosting they're not doing nice things they're not creating real website so keep that in mind but anyways other than free you have one-time or recurring you're going to want to select recurring see that's the great thing about the web hosting industry as your customers are a great source of recurring income for your business they don't just pay one time and are done you know they have to pay each month for each year every two years every three years or what have you but it's a service that continues to go on because it's being provided for them each month so that's the awesome thing about web hosting now we just selected that recurring and now it gives us these options got a price it so you can see one time slash monthly since we selected recurring this means monthly we enable it and then we can set up a setup fee and a price so we go back to our site you can see just for the default template here it says $2.99 a month now I I highly suggest don't cut yourself short don't be scared to offer a little bit more expensive hosting then you see out there if you just Google web hosting here's the reason for it you as a reseller you've got the unique opportunity to present to your customer a lot more better service than a lot of the big brands out there so use this as an opportunity to also be able to offer your customer you know a free consult a free you know website design or a free website implementation so you know if you're going to go really low I found price is a poor competitive advantage because there's always going to be a post out there cheaper so and you can always you can always go back and cut the prices back later but really changing from a low price to going up that really doesn't go over too well so first like $2.99 seems a little bit low even for the personal so I'm gonna suggest you know on the even written on the low side to of 495 a month if you go look here at named hero in our lowest package is 895 a month now we have a promotion going right now it's where it's it's cheaper than that for new customers but you know by standard eight ninety-five a month so you know don't be scared to go to that price point as well you know 895 might be a good price point for your business actually we'll start there I'm just not a huge fan of super discounted hosting I feel like so many hosts did that in the mid-2000s they really took the industry in a bad direction because they were over selling and making promises they couldn't fulfill so don't short sell your services you know you're gonna be able to resell you're reselling a high quality infrastructure using named hero and I can promise you your customers are going to be super impressed with our uptime our performance or reliability and our security so again don't cut yourself short okay so you also have the option to have your customer pay quarterly so you know once every three months once every six months once a year once every two years or once every three years so this is up to you if you want to offer these you know if you're just starting the business I recommend just starting off billing monthly because you know if you collect payment for a year you better keep your business around for a year and so sometimes I just caution new resellers start off monthly and then you can go back and add this later you can also discount the rate you know if you sign up you're Li you could give them a month free and that's a good way to to reward your customers that are going to sign up with you for the long term allow multiple quantities you don't want to check that recurring cycles limit don't change that Auto term or Auto terminate you do not do that termination email is not applicable prorated billing no and no and no so these options I just recommend leaving them you know as they are you can go through and you know customize or read through specific to your business but most people want to leave it just like that okay save next we'll go to module settings okay so now a lot of this is pre-populated for us module name is cpanel server group I don't have one created so I don't have to worry about that web post manager package name see we have personal in here and this is because we created it in here so you can see WHMCS is getting this from here that package we already created just a few minutes ago so we want to make sure that stays the same metric billing this allows you the ability to build customers per you know how much disks they're using or how much bandwidth they're using we're not going to set that up in this tutorial we're going to set up a defined hosting package for your customer this is a newer feature of WHMCS it is pretty cool but for my experience most customers buying hosting they just want a fixed amount they don't want to you know be surprised eats each month with their bill they want to know what their bill is going to be this month and what they're buying just my advice the next step automatically set up the product as soon as the first payment is received this is what I recommend so when your customers come to your website and they place their order and they pay they get their hosting account immediately you know in my from my experience nothing makes a customer more mad when they pay and they have to wait for their service they want it instantly and that's the purpose of using WHMCS and so that's you need to check this option to make that happen you have options here that you know set it up as soon as its place but that doesn't collect the payment so don't choose that option and then the third one is when you accept it manually well they have to wait for you on that and then the next ones don't set it up automatically you don't want to do that so option two here save okay so now our product is added we have a couple more options in here I'll briefly highlight over them but there's nothing else we really need to configure custom fields this if we wanted to add an extra step on the order form for him you're not gonna want to do this you know 19 chances out of 10 you're not going to want to so you can just ignore it and figure Ballabh shion's you're not gonna have anything configured because you've pre-configured everything for them so that's an option there for more complicated setups but don't worry about it upgrades so once we create some other packages we will add some upgrades because this is allows your customer to start off with your personal package and then upgrade to your bigger one later and so this just tells WHMCS yes you can offer this upgrade to my customer inside their client panel make it easy for them to upgrade free domain so some customers may have noticed that name hero a free domain comes with our services for two years or three years so if you order name hero if you order our starter cloud for two years you get a free domain if we go over to here you can offer this same opportunity of the same promo to your customers but remember you still have to pay for the domain on your end so even though you're using UNAM to resell the domain you still have to pay Enon their fee and then you charge an upsell or you charge the customer rate to make your profit margin so if you give away a free domain essentially you're taking money out of your pocket but the incentive is if a customer pays 2 or 3 years they're going to be loyal to you so this is an incentive for them to do that if you want to set that up this is where you would do it most reseller is just getting started out don't want to start off with you know aggressive promotions like that so they just simply leave this as none if it's your first reseller hosting business your first business I would probably suggest that as well you can go back and you know create promotions like that later but that's where it's done other this is for the affiliate program inside of WHMCS WHMCS has a module to where you can have customers friends family signup isn't an affiliate and they'll actually get paid a portion of each sale that they refer to you so when you set up a product it says you know do you want to conclude a commission for this product use the default a percentage a fixed or no Commission well by default just using default is sufficient so you will set up the affiliate program later on inside this tutorial but using default that will just use whatever we set up inside the affiliate program but allows you to get very specific inside of here and additionally these other options here are just for more specific type of setups you don't have to worry about these Save Changes and then finally we have our links so we're going to go back into WordPress after we add our other products our other two hosting packages and we're going to take this these links and we're gonna put them on our website so when you click when a customer comes to your site and clicks order nail it will take them to WHMCS where they can buy their package we're not going to do that just yet I just want to show you where this were alright so now let's go back to product list and you can see we've got our product group and we've got our first product now we've got every here we've got two more packages that we're gonna set up and again you can set up as many hosting packages as you want I feel like personally three is enough to get started four is a good number if you get you know more specific but as your business grows your customers will begin to tell you you know what they need I said this recently to one of our employees here at name here at one of our superheroes I said customers will give you all the feedback you need to grow and expand your business you don't want to overwhelm them at first with you know 10 hosting packages start off with a couple see which ones get ordered the most and then develop based off of that so with that said we're going to make this a lot easier now huckle be near as long to go back through and add the other two packages because we're going to use this duplicate a product feature of WHMCS so we're going to duplicate the personal package that we just created and we'll go back here this is called the enterprise one and so this should be your middle the middle of the line package remember at name hero I said that our plus cloud was the most popular this and the turbo our middle the line packages what we found is most people they like to stick in the middle because they don't want to secure basic but they're also not quite ready for the business and so based on how many sites they need to host either six or unlimited they'll normally choose one of these so most likely this is going to be your most popular package so just keep that in mind as you created here so we'll call it enterprise and again you can name this whatever you want I'm just calling an enterprise because it's already named Enterprise here and I want to make sure that's easy when we link them up click continue ok see it pre-populates everything that we just entered to make this super easy ok so the big difference is I said is how many websites they can host so our entry levels one for the next step up you know and again this is going to be a mid-level package so it's going to be one that's probably purchased the most I like six at name hero but you can change this to ten you could change this to eight you know just more than one pretty much you know so customers had the option to host more than one site you'll more signups that way for that type of package storage I like to increase in increments of 10 so I need 20 gigabytes is good for our for a mid-level size package space again 20 gigabytes is a lot of space you're not going you're going to very rarely have customers that reach all that space you know there's so many sites out there that you know they over purchase their resources and they don't really know what they want they're just looking on comparison charts so I think 20 gigabytes is just fine for a mid-level yeah and I like to increase in 10 gigabyte increments or even 5 gigabyte it increments depending on if you have that you know four or five different packages being with so what you could do here is you could just say unmetered and for email accounts we could say limited subdomains we could say unlimited so see what we did here is since we're creating a mid-level package you know we increase the amount of websites they could host we gave them double the space and then we made everything else unlimited so this is really going to draw the customer towards this package it's kind of art it's going to be our sweet spot that's what our goal is here now we need to go back to web host manager and we have to create the package in here too so add a package and I like to copy and paste back in here paste baby just quote now remember this is in megabytes so that's why we have to add three zeros after the 20 so that's 20 gigabyte is 20 thousand megabytes monthly bandwidth we're gonna actually we need to type in an integer here nine nine nine okay let me tell you why this is important so when you bought your reseller package from us a named hero to the reseller you can see that each package has an allotment of bandwidth and so we allow you to over sell but you're only built for what you actually you so if you do reach this is a thousand gigabytes or one terabyte have you per month if you reach this number then you would need to upgrade to the diamond or by another reseller package so when we go over to here and we're allowing the customer to have unmetered you know if they use you know something crazy then we might have to cap them most of time that's not the case but because we allow you to oversell your resources you just have to enter an integer in here so just a random number that's really high so it will give them the unlimited so that's why that's important to do so it allows you to actually over say only bill for what you're using okay max FTP and email remember we said that's gonna be unlimited we're gonna be unlimited here we can make these unlimited here too all right add-on domains so we said eight and so again this is the number of websites they can host on their account so they've got they're actually it'd be yes it would be eight total add-on domains so this is a huge selling feature most the time more so than space because people aren't so much concerned about spaces how many sites can they go put on it and I've even say crammed on its as a less polite term but so make sure you set them that properly alright so we're just going to use the defaults on these and feature lists so this the person will remember we had a customer with no backups so we're gonna go here and we want to make sure that we put this somewhere let's put it towards the top see what we did here so we I put an exclamation point to kind of help it stand out so this are our money package you know the one in the middle the one we're trying to draw customers towards we're going to offer the backups so when we go in here we're going to add that feature list that includes the backups which is just the default so remember we created the personal to disable backups all right I'll leave everything else default and click Add all right so now that package is added and we can go back in here and finish it's all the stuff all the changes we need to make in there now you can also use HTML to highlight specific features you know I think that daily backups is an important one so we can just copy and paste that HTML and this highlights it more so throughout WHMCS the order flow if you don't want to mess with it you don't have to but it just makes it look a little bit better all right all this other stuff we keep default to save all right and then we head to the pricing so remember we did recurring 895 for our personal package now this is the package that we really want customers to buy it's an upgrade from it but it can't be too high but it can't be too low where do we go so if we look over here you know your template here it says $7.99 I still would think that's a little bit too on the low side so I would suggest something like 1495 if I go back to name here oh you can see a post name so our next steps like between 12 and 19 that's really why we have two because of the different types of webmasters that might come about to buy this I feel like that 1495 a good level to you know eight so you know it's from 895 so just a couple more dollars they're able to get all those added features and it's really going to draw your audience toward that towards this you know I personally even say 1995 a month would be a good deal on this package so you know use your judgment you know your audience better than me of course if you're gonna be offering extra services such as SEO or social media management absolutely go higher than 14 don't be scared to go too high on your pricing you can always come down but it's what you it's harder to go up than it is down and I've seen far too many resellers come in and they think just because they have the cheapest prices they're going to get them be the most popular from my experience at name here oh you're going to find that the higher quality customers are willing to pay more and the higher quality customers are going to actually provide a better experience for you because they're not going to ask as many questions they're not going to have as many issues the lower quality customers why it may seem good to have vol you're gonna see a lot of issues in that pool because people that can't pay anymore than you know 20 bucks a month for hosting a lot of times aren't real serious about their websites and you don't see them they don't stay on monthly and bill and they also don't stick with their websites and they ask a lot of questions and make a lot of requests so I always like to say to our resellers here named hero look for quality over quantity I would rather have a hundred customers paying $19 a month and 200 customers paying me five dollars a month or you know however that evens out but look for quality over quantity I would rather spend my time and building business with high quality customers it's going to be with me and don't be scared to price too high even if we want to do 1995 don't be scared of it here all right so we can leave everything else default if you want to add other billing cycles in you can but we do need to go to module settings and you can see this is pre-populating everything from the personal since we duplicated it but we do have to customize for our enterprise so again this is that package we just made over here if I click Edit package you can see I have enterprise and personal and I select the enterprise once again we don't have to mess with any of this and we want to make sure that's checked and save and we didn't make any other changes so we don't have to edit the other other couple tabs so we just needed the first three just to modify go back to products list and we're gonna do our final one duplicate a product we'll grab our name from here our business package enter it here click continue okay so our business package so now we had our entry level package and we had our mid-level which is where most people were going to go and then we have our higher end so our higher end these are going to be websites that have more traffic they have more content more disk space and more demands these aren't going to be as most as popular video it is going to be useful service and you're going to have people that buy it but these are more serious users about their web space so you better bet they're going to be using more of this space than someone on the other two packages that we created so you know again I like to go up in ten gigabyte increments you can you know make that judgment for yourself 30 gigabytes is plenty for a shared hosting account again you're allowed to over sell at name here oh and the reason why I say that and it's important because you say well Ryan 30 gigabytes if my name here a package only has 150 I can't actually me back to him I can't sell more than that well I just told you you can over sell so you're only built on 150 gigabytes you can that doesn't mean you can only sell one hundred and fifty gigabytes worth of packages and so we allow you to over sell your only build on what's actually used now you're limited per reseller package to the number of customers that you can have per package so this allows for 80 so you can have up to 80 on the Platinum and that's perfect to get you started once you have 80 you'll be making enough to add another package into your mix and so I really get ramped up and you could even upgrade to the diamond to have a hundred customers on the package okay so let's get back into WHMCS with that said alright so now our premium are a bit our business I like to make that unlimited unlimited websites whoops for disk space we had 30 man with us and metered unlimited I really should be copy and pasting right now I've got a really loud keyboard and you can get quite the nerve pincher alright so unlimited features 30 gigabytes faced and limited websites now remember we have to go to web post manager add it in here just called our business disk quota was 30 gigabytes which is 30 thousand megabytes remember 2:30 with three zeros our bandwidth son metered but we have to have that integer FTP unlimited email unlimited we keep this unlimited and limited and limited and limited and limited and remember we've got the free backups in there too so don't forget to add that over here nice let's put it right here and we'll save it alright hit now it's good or our pricing okay now in your higher-end package this is where you know if someone's going to more higher end you know they're most likely an established website and established business and so this is also the opportunity for you the reseller to make a little bit more so we could say on this one we might have a setup fee so let's say to setup fees 9.95 and in the monthly prices let's just say I don't know twenty nine ninety five months so you know we went up on the price we have a little setup fee here because we know there are more there a user they're already having a website and so you know they're going to they're going to spend more time on your platform and using it you're probably going to spend more time helping them get set up and going so you can put that on there if you don't wanna do a setup you obviously don't have to but it's an option save and we go to module settings and change this to business and save alright congratulations by now you should have all of your packages setup so just to recap you know we went in we had to first we start off by setting up our private name servers and then we went ahead and created our hosting group our group of our products called WordPress hosting web hosting shared hosting what-have-you and then we created the products or the packages that we're going to resell I think three or four is a good number getting to five or six gets to be a lot especially early on as your business grows you can always add more later but we went in and generated these packages and web host manager and WHMCS but we did them side by side to where we get copy and paste a lot of the stuff and both the tools they could sync together alright so at this point I want to walk you through your site and just kind of will start tie it together a little bit here so you can see the progress that you've made I'm going to head over here to my just my base website here and this is the URL that Gerald showed you how to generate in the beginning of it but if I go back over here and click home I'll head back just to the WordPress main site so this is WHMCS web hosting comm when you land on the site now now what I want to do is I want to tie in these packages that I just created and start putting them on my site so if I go under hosting you can see there's several different pages here and of course you can you can set up your site how you feel best for your business but I'm just going to demonstrate on how we set up the shared hosting because remember that's what you're going to be reselling from us here at name here oh now of course you want to want to get into selling these other items you can but you have to have a little bit more than a reseller account so I recommend getting started with the shared hosting get your business off the ground get some customers and then you can start upgrading as you go along alright so on the shared hosting page you see if we go down here we're gonna see these are the packages and this is just from the template but what we're going to do is we're going to incorporate the packages we just created in NW HMCS and two here so when your customers come to this page they can begin to order and they can compare your packages so what I want to do is I'm just gonna click on edit page so you guys are doing very good now Ryan's about to jump into the page builder part of this tutorial now if you need more practice with this page builder I have other tutorials in the description below where we cover Elementor and all the pro versions of it as well it does take time to get used to but it ultimately it's a very simple drag-and-drop builder with that said let's go back to the tutorial and I'll click Edit Elementor comment tour and while that loads I'm going to go back to my main blog site or my main site and I'm gonna click order now just because I want to go in I want to show you what it look like okay so you'll notice the URL here at the top is the WHMCS bridge and that's what connects the two together so you can see you have a beautiful looking theme thanks to Daryl on your WHMCS already and if I get hover over store and you'll see now I have this WordPress hosting group and this is what we created in the last step so I'm just gonna select it and then I'll have the packages I just created excuse my internet connections lagging for some reason this evening all right so I've got my personal my business in my enterprise so what I can do is is I can just right click and copy link address and go back into element 2 where you can go down here and where it says order now I can just click on it and I can put this link there cuz you can see this is just a generic URL that's not actually yours so I'll just paste that in there and we'll go every get to this one and so this was our mid-level package remember the one that's gonna be the most popular is what we're shooting for let's go back over here so that's gonna be our enterprise copy that one change that URL then we'll go back over here and puts go grab our business and put that in here and paste and then you know we can begin to also edit these this was our product names here so I forget so our personal or enterprise in our business which was kept the same but we had one domain here and then this one was we go back over here you can see that's why we labeled these here because it'll show us and I'll show the customers 8 web sites 1 8 and unlimited so we can put 8 domains there we go and I'm like I spend the time to go through each one of these and bore you through this video but you can see that I mean you know you want to go through and modify each one of these packages you know obviously change the dummy text and to meet what you just created so when customers come to your site they're actually seeing the packages but we've got the order links incorporated now and so we can go down here and we can just save the page notice I'm sorry here all right so now when someone goes to our site and I'll just go back up here and click home home and I get a hosting and shared hosting I can go down here and you'll see my packages now they display or update and you can see the package we're talking about our money package it's nice and pink and bright I'll click order now and as you can see so this is what the customers order flow would look like and once again excuse my lagging connection they're right here to begin ordering their package so this is your site at this point it's live and ready to go it for this far and I'm gonna show you how to do a lot more too but I just want to show you what they're gonna see so remember we set up that domain reseller accounts so your customers can actually order their own name they can transfer their existing name or they can go ahead and use their name that they have existed so you know if the if they don't have a domain they can use your business now just like they would at GoDaddy to register their name and so I can just type in an example one so I just type in Ryan gray one two three and you can see it's available so remember this is the prices we set up some initial pricing in the beginning and this is what you're going to be charging the user for the domain so they can click continue once again I'm sorry I got to kind of put up with my hem my unfortunate internet connection this evening and I've got a couple more added to here I was the one just some tests but they can review their cart and check-out and then then click checkout all right so now you can see your customer can come in here and they can fill out their personal information fill out their billing address generate their password set up their security and then they can pay remember we just set up PayPal so once they click complete order it will then transfer them to PayPal where they can make their payment with credit card or their current PayPal account or even an e-check and then it'll set up this hosting account automatically so that's that's what that looks like now I want to go back here really quick into WHMCS and I just want to show you some additional add-ons that you can do all right so if you remember we set up the initial means during the setup wizard we set a base price so we're going to go to setup and products and services and we're going to click on domain pricing and you can see these are the domains that we set up now you'll notice each one of these boxes here and I've been playing with it but you have the option to offer DNS management email forwarding and ID protection so these are upsells to your domain so if a user comes and they just want to register a domain with you and not by hosting then they might need this DNS management and if they buy hosting they don't need it because it comes with the hosting and the same with email forwarding if they buy hosting from you they don't need that either ID protection though I highly suggest upselling that because people want that because it actually protects your information from being in a public database so I recommend at least enabling this one upsell and you know the way you're gonna route your business is up to you so if you figure you're gonna have a lot of customers that are going to be signing up with for just domains then you might want to consider these other ones as well but when you probably when you add this you have to set a price so if we go down here to the bottom you're gonna notice the domain add-ons here and this is what you're going to charge the user for the year and I just entered 1295 but what we need to do is all of these services are provided by enum and you got a free account which I showed you how to setup in the beginning but let's login to e nom so we can see what your price is the wholesale price went in it so you can make a markup on it and make it accurately so this is e NomCom and all you do is just use enum calm and use your username and password that you created in the beginning and you'll be brought to this page now from here you'll see reseller Quick Links and you can click on manage actually edit domain pricing and you can see my cost so this is what your cost is for all of these TLDs so you can see it costs you 998 a year so we set our price in here and it was just like a default to 1695 and so we're gonna make that profit here off of the 998 so a couple bucks or more than bucks they're like $7 profit because our cost is only 998 a year so you can set that however lower or higher you want it but this cost is static so you can you know increase it or decrease it right here inside a WHMCS now the same with ID protection if we're gonna offer that is an upsell you have to remember that that is also a product from UNAM so let's see where it is ID protection so your cost is 375 a year so if we go back to here you can see I just set it to 12 from 25 that's probably pretty expensive let's just say 895 because you want to make sure you're setting your price higher inside of here than what you're paying because obviously you don't want to lose money now before you can start registering domains on your site you have to fund the email account they only work on prepaid and then you can tie your credit card to it later on if you want like post pay but you have to fund the account so if I go to Anam let's go back to my account and you'll see the available balance so need to add funds refill account so you'll need to deposit and I think the minimum is like $25 yeah min max yes $25 is the minimum 3 thousands of max so if you're really brave but the 3000 and don't do that it's all all sales are final but $25.00 will get you started so you want to make sure you do this and you can fund it with credit card PayPal check or wire transfer before your website will begin allowing your customers to register their domain so just keep that step in Mike's and we have some customers that name Hiro that come over and they're they're kind of curious as to why their domain registrations fail well if you don't have a balance then obviously that will not work so keep that in mind and that's how you add the upsells I recommend the ID protection on all of them it doesn't you know if you're not gonna be essentially if you're going to be offering hosting these other upsells aren't as important but you can you know you could add them if you want and you know your customers might buy them DNS management email forwarding I believe if we go back to my reseller pricing it depends on what type of reseller account they give you here I know they've changed some stuff over the years but this might this might be complementary to you let's just look at product pricing and see if it says the NSSC no no okay 495 a year a team of four Dean's free okay so there's no there's no cost to you for the email forwarding so that probably a good idea to add that and then the DNS management if you're gonna add that there is a cost to you of you know for ninety five years so you want to make sure that it was you know good on here well obviously said it more than four dollars so so it's like six ninety five and then email for it in you could say I don't know four ninety five save so that's just important when you're adding the upsells and also modifying your domain pricing that you're making a profit you're not losing money for example net we set it to 16 and if we go back to e Nam elected main pricing you can see that your net price is 1350 a year so you'd be in the safe here you know if you want to add a couple more dollars for net you could but make sure this is the registration price if the user doesn't have a domain they want to buy it the transfer price is if they've already registered their domain at GoDaddy or Namecheap or wherever you wherever and they want to transfer it to you this is what the cost would be your cost for transfers the same as a register so you wanna keep that the same and then this is what it renews for so you know it's most of the time these are the same but if you wanted to offer your customers you know a promo hey register it cheaper then it renews higher you could do that here some window and you can set up all of these TL DS in here so I mean as many as you want me personally I'd recommend going with just a couple of top ones and then you know kind of seen what your audience wants or you know once you get asked for obviously if you're United States you pick a couple of the u.s. ones if you're in the UK pick the UK ones and you know whatever your audience is looking for but there's so many of them you can spend forever adding these and I think there are some ways to import this nowadays but for me the sure sure way is just to add them down here so if I want to add one I would just do it inside of here alright so with kind of domain and upsells and domain upsells out of the way here I want to go back to your site and I'll show you something so this is the WHMCS web-hosting commissar demo domain if I just click order now I'm sent over this then sends me to WHMCS what we've been working on and you're going to notice that this CAPTCHAs here and so this doesn't look too good right so someone essentially has to type in their domain and then enter this so that doesn't it doesn't really fly right let's go over here to WHMCS and go to setup and go to general settings and we have to enter our password and see if I can grab mine really quick firm and we get a security the security tab and you can see here this is the CAPTCHA this is where it displays and so we can deselect domain checker and then I can save a CAPTCHA protects forums from submitting it so basically I bought couldn't get on your page and like try to reload it it's not really that bad for domain checks you know people could try to our spam bots can send client registration stuff so a good solution is if you do want to use CAPTCHAs instead of using this default use the invisible reCAPTCHA from google it's 100% free but if you decide to use it you do have to go to slash reCAPTCHA slash slash admin and you have to actually put your domain in and get a key from them so it's under percent free but you do have to verify it that you do oh they own the domain and they'll give you these keys here so just an option but you can turn it off especially for the time being you know while you're building out your site but when we refresh this page you'll see that and that disappears see much cleaner so now you know I type in dry and gray one two three four search I'll get to see my upsells searching available Add to Cart checkout and there's the ID protection so see and now the customers can just select this and you're gonna make extra money there you got a net sale you're offering them in service that you're getting as well and continue and then pay with paypal so that's kind of what the that is what the flow looks like there so at this point you know we have our packages set up we have our domain search engine set up we're able to register domains once again we do have to go fund that email account and I showed you kind of how to make it look a little bit prettier with the getting rid of this CAPTCHA here because gosh that you know just doesn't look too good now I'm next you might have the need if you notice on here apply promo code so I know a lot of people like to do that you know a name hero we have learn all kinds of specials for new customers and they just lightly use what if you signed up with this so it's worth showing how you how to do that if you go to setup and products and services it's go to products you'll notice here on the left and the promotions tab but this is where you do that right here and you just click create new promotion and you can auto generate a coupon code so just a random one or you can create a custom one so it's pin here like and hero is cool and then you have the option to choose you know is it a percentage off discount is it a fixed amount discount so it's like is it twenty percent off or is it a $5 discount or is it a complete price override or does it just mean like you get free setup it's whatever that you know works best for you I like to use percentage of myself and then next one is is it a recurring discount so if they buy a domain this year and it goes to renew next year does it apply to that if so you don't I click on this most of the time you don't want to do that so value this is the actual percentage so say you wanted to discount at 20% and then you select the product so let's just go back over here you can see I just got a domain here so if I wanted to make it for a domain I would just click that this is does it require anything yes or no you know it's selective it does billing cycles you know is it does it matter yeah so if you know if you're offering hosting monthly you don't wanna select that for me I'm saying this domain registration it's for one year so we'll click that and if you start next start date expiration date you can just leave it not blankfort for a none and maximum usage so this works good you know don't allow it happen like five times lifetime promotion apply wants new signups apply wants existing client and upgrading downgrade so there's a lot of different options to tailor it you know I just missed the time there you go you know you it's just the WHMCS is very detailed so you can become very specific for your business which is great you know I love WHMCS but because it provides that amount of flexibility but initially don't overthink it you know just kind of go with the basic and start from there and then as you get customers as you get your business built then you'll have time to really get into all the specifics so I'll validate that code hopefully accepts it let's give it a second here right loads make sure we got everything typed in right yep mean hero's cool 20% one-time discount see so now instead of paying $25 I'm paying twenty seventy two all right so that's how you add a promo code to your your package there or to your website and you can do this for any product you want so anytime you run a promotion for domains or hosting packages that's where you add the promotion code so next I want to talk about how to add a credit card processor so remember in the beginning of the setup wizard I showed you how to add paypal but if I go to setup and I go to payments and I go to payment gateways I can see all my options there of what I want to use so first off they have their featured payment gateways that's like the first what they recommend for the most part and you can see PayPal and then they've got a sponsored credit card processor so it's likely that these people are just like sponsoring WHMCS so I've never used them feel free to check them out if you want but I think that will actually allow you to process credit cards with through Evo but what I really like is stripe so if I go to all payment gateways and if I go down here you can see stripe here so there's stripe right here I'm sorry I can click stripe and then add it and so then I can accept credit cards through stripe all I need is my publisher ap publishable API key and this can be obtained from here so you could just get head over to stripe and you could set up your account don't have an account sign up all right so this is uh this is what it looks like to do that and you have to just create your account your email your your full name and create a password there signup is so simple here I'll show you how to do it that's kind of what they're known for is being extremely easy to sign up and sorry I'm just looking up here to grab my demo email address check out that alright to be you can see us web noticing and demo I'm just gonna log this down here at the top top of my screen so I have it and copy a password create account and so what one thing I also like about stripe is it keeps users on your site so this is all you need here now so you can see that that quick to get now obviously you want to keep this private this is a demo site so it's not gonna we're not gonna do anything with it but if I go back over here you can see your stripe publish will a bi key your publish will key right here copy this and then you would grab your secret key now I'm not gonna review I'm not gonna reveal this just because we are in a video and I don't want to compromise any system so I would just published that here company name this just takes it from your WHMCS settings so whatever your company name is called click Save Changes and it's not gonna add it since I didn't have that in there but that's exactly where it is right there I just reveal my test key token Oh actually it's a test key token so what the heck let's just do it so we can have it in there for the sake of the demonstration and save all right so now my check out if I go to activate it so I've activated or I've activated the Gateway but I have to make sure it's shown on my order form so make sure that's checked now if I go back to setup products and services remember where we set up our packages earlier you can see it defaults to that so it did set I just want to make sure that it had stripe on there as well because I didn't want to go through this and I'll show it if I get a check out now well that comes up here we'll go back into here and I'll show you all the rest of these gateways so I'm just going back to products and services and I'm sorry payments payment gateways if you know if you're in another part of the world where you don't have stripe or you know you don't want to use strife you have a ton of different options I mean there's a and these are pre built-in gateways so there's no coding or anything to um you just do pretty much what I did a stripe you know click the one you want to use and then sign up for it now some merchant processors do require a good bit of paperwork but you know that's what I like stripe because it's simple and easy to get started and so is PayPal if I go back over here you can see stripes here it's a boom now I can accept cards on my site alright so now we can accept credit cards we can accept paypal we've implemented our hosting in our domains to our site so now as long as we've funded our email account customers can now go to our site and also register the domain to transfer them and buy the hosting now before I run you through a sign up there's one last thing that you need to do or I would suggest that you do just to make the fully white labeled experience between us and name hero and your own brand so if I want to head over here really quick to my client area named hero so go back over here and click login to WH M here and from inside of here we allow you the ability to add your logo inside of cpanel and of course your customers will want this or you'll want this so they don't see named hero and they see your brand so what i did for an example is i just took this logo here let's go back here this host ago logo I just took that for an example now you know I'm sure you've got your own or feel free to you know have one made or whatnot that's when I grabbed I'll go in here type in type in VRA used to be called branding but now it's a customization old habits are hard to break but right in here is where you can set this and so these are all unique to your business so company name the Debbie HMCS web those scenes what you know we're calling us here help link so if you go over to your WHMCS and so to get to this link remember this is the WHMCS bridge link but i can always get to it from my main page right here if I click order now it takes me over to here but that's how I got here now you'll notice there's a knowledgebase section of it here and by default this is going to be empty anyways okay so you're not gonna have any articles in here some people asked can we copy name heroes knowledgebase no the answer is no you have to write your own articles but if you want to have your own knowledge base that you do have the option to do that so this is the link you would use so I would just grab this link at the top and then I would put it right inside of here the help link or that you could put either one there's a ticket desk inside too so you grab that link or just put your documentation link I'd recommend just using the doc link which then people can submit a ticket from there but then grab your company logos so I could just browse and I just added it to my computer here and then web mail logo so it also shows on web mail so if you have different logos you can because your customers remember they have a cPanel interface and they also have a webmail interface so I've got that the fav icon if you have one of those you can add that so I save alright and so I'll demonstrate this in a second and show you where this shows up but if I go back to my WHMCS and I go to support announcements this is where you add the announcements so if we go back over here when I go back to our home you'll notice down here that it shows like a demo announcement so if you scroll down here thank you for choosing WHMCS you know you probably want to remove that or rename it or something so I would just simply remove that here there so now that's gone but also I get a support you'll see knowledgebase so here if I click add article this is where actually have to add a category first so you could add a category say getting started category and add article and see this is a great way to connect your customers but also to cut back on them asking you questions by just typing out your articles here so you would just type in you know I'm just using a quick demo obviously I can save it now if I go back to my site next let's make sure I click publish yes so I go back to my site now and I click on knowledgebase I should have an article yep so category is getting started how to sign up mr. popular article and I can populate my knowledge base with articles about my company unique to me and you'll tailor that around it did you know same with announcements you know I deleted that one but I could go to support and announcements and I can create announcements and whatnot there as well now if I go down here you can see well that we got rid of that one there but I can make new announcements and stuff right there so that's how my my announcements and knowledgebase work and you know I can't say enough about I recommend going in and making knowledgebase articles unique to your business and unique to your customers you only know your customers is good as you will know your customers the best and they will give you all the feedback you need but as you see more questions coming about from your customers I recommend adding articles in the knowledgebase because it sure as heck makes it easier for them and it'll make it easier for you as well network status you'll have to worry about that and you have your contact page as well okay so with all of that with everything is customized now and what we can do is just save and exit out of whn so I just wanted to show you how you added your name in there now you can download the style of cPanel and I'll that if you're a designer or something but man it seems like it seems like a lot of work but you know of course if you're into that then go for it you have all you have the full option to do that okay so let's go back to the site and that's just I want to put through a test order so let's I'm gonna go back to my main page of my site okay so if I hover over hosting and go to shared hosting remember that's what you're gonna be reselling to us you go to this page here and we have our packages so let's do a demo Enterprise signup once again I showed you I'll put these links in your one modify your prices and all the fine details and you know write all kinds of cool information about you know the services you're offering you remember in the beginning of the video I kind of explained you know a lot of the features we have at name hero that we offer you to resell so you can go to our reseller page and you know really you know get into those details as well when you're developing out this page but keep it simple keep it easy and your customers will love it all right so we're gonna click order now oh my internet connection has not sped up tonight all right so now the customer has the option you know they can register a new name transfer a name or use their existing domain so we're gonna pretend like we have our own because I don't I have not funded my email account so I'm gonna pretend to use my own here I'm just gonna call it angry calm so this is assuming the user already has where the customer already has their domain it good out of your name cheap and they're just going to change their name servers to you remember we set those up as well so we'll click use and so here's our total so I'm at fourteen ninety-five a month I'm gonna put in I made a promo code for a hundred percent off so you might want to do that remember how we created the promo code just so I don't have to go through and pay check out all right so now we're gonna pretend like we're customers so all right so I don't owe anything so I don't think you owe me it might make me put a credit card in so we'll just keep it on PayPal click complete order and so again this is what your customer will see obviously they would need to pay but unless you did give them a coupon code but so now at this point in time it's actually provisioning their hosting account everything's in real time so if they are registering a domain it'd be registering the domain as well I have an account awesome so if we go to our order or our admin area and now go to pending orders you'll see here's the order I just put through right here you can see this is my domain all my information the promo code I use and we'll go back here this this is what you see I'll go back to the screen what your customer sees alright so your customer sees all this hello Ryan it looks all nice and professional click continue to the client area alright and you can see very similar to our setup here at name here oh so your customer will see their services demo email box set up here but they got all the information about their hosting account via email it automatically sent that to them but if I click on here I can log in I'll show you what it looks like when they log into their control panel everything's good click login to cPanel alright and so this is their own control panel just like the cPanel that you were using to set this up to where they kept their file manager they've got their backups they can go install WordPress and they're ready you're they're ready to get building on their website now and so inside of your client area interface here you know once you get these orders you can just accept them it's click accept order here and it keeps everything nice and neat now as you generate revenue know also show in here you'll start to see revenue and sales and stuff like that go to clients and view search clients you can click on the client and see I can log in as a client so I could log in as myself and/or log you can log in as your customer and see what it looks like for themselves but that is pretty much all there is to it you know it's WHMCS is amazing piece of software it makes it extremely easy for you to get started reseller hosting and I think we've demonstrated just how quick and fast I mean I think we're about to you know two three hours into this and we have a fully functional live website I recommend starting with PayPal stripes another good one because they'll I just get set up and get things live and then once you start to make sales and you can finish the rest of the account setup at that point but you know really all there is to it just taking a couple hours to configure everything now don't you know WHMCS has so many pieces to it I mean if we go into the if you go to setup and market connect I grab my password again my point being is they've got their market connect where you can resell other services than just web hosting from us here at named heroes so you can see you can resell the ssl search and that's not a big one nowadays but Weebly is pretty good to resell the Weebly website builder you can resell code guard site lock and you can resell VPNs or email security SEO tools another big one so you can you can set up any of these into your WHMCS by just pointing and clicking now the first thing you need to do is just create your market account connect our market Connect account I'm entering your username email and password here and once you do that let's just do a quick create at first success ok so once you create your account you can select any of these and all you have to do is of course deposit your funds just like we did with e nom so it's very similar to that you would go deposit at least $20 but then you say if you wanted to resell Weebly here's all the details on it let's grab my taskbar but here's all the details on reselling Weebly if you go to pricing you can see this is what you can sell for free retail price like a trial and then here's what you can pay for six thirteen a month for the starter and they recommend reselling 899 but all of this all you have to do is click activate it activate now success and now we go to manage and now you can start offering Weebly throughout your whole store throughout your whole WHMCS if I go back to my WHMCS and go to store and go to browse all see the category website builder and inside of this will be is the Weebly packages check that out super simple pretty cool huh so again it you know to spend some time to go through WHMCS and just look at the many possibilities you have besides just the hosting the hosting is great the domains are awesome but you know being able to explore the market connects another good opportunity to you know have additional app sales and to you know really get get the items for your business and then your customers need you also notice that WHMCS has a full support desk too so if we go to set up and we go to support you can actually create support departments so you want to added a support desk you can add description if you want and email we could put like I could assign administrators make it for clients only a new department so now customers can submit tickets to you and you'll see these popping up here as people do that so there's so many different features inside of WHMCS you can utilize so I don't want to overwhelm you if all of them because there is a lot the purpose of this I want to show you how quick and easy it is to set up to get to a lives website we're actually selling web hosting to where you're able to sell these packages yeah the other opportunities you have the sale and you know you can really start a huge business in web hosting it's a it's the industry that continues on growing every single day I never thought that we'd begin carrying our the Internet in our pocket and you know this nowadays is just crazy the amount of people they're creating websites and now you can be able to offer that for you and your audience and they easily have the same one-click wordpress install that you've used and set up your website here you know you can offer that to your customers I recommend going local you know if you are in an area to where you have customers or you have that maybe you've already worked with and at some capacity maybe doing web design your social media management I would say start there you know once they get used to your hosting and they see how good it is I mean if you're using named Heroes cloud I can promise you're going to have really good uptime you're gonna have a lot of features and they're going to be pleased with it and I would recommend starting there and just expanding outward with that said it's been a pleasure being on here feel free to you know leave the feedback I'll try my best and you guys stay up with Darryl's channel and and to provide my feedback where I can if you need help you know certainly make sure to use it utilize all those channels and we publish a good bit of YouTube content as well so we have tons of video tutorials on ours and Darryl and I have been doing these tutorials every year so we've got other ones before this as well to where you're likely to get even more information as a WHMCS product continues to evolve things seem to get even simpler which is great but you there's all kinds of options in WHMCS you know any type of business can run on it not just web hosting so you know if you're offering other services you can do them as well inside of here so thanks so much Darryl for having me thanks everyone for watching it's been a certain it's been a great pleasure and I'll see you around next time so pretty simple stuff right now if you guys have any questions about this video about things we didn't cover or if there's something else that you want to know please feel free to put them in the comments below we do our best to try to get to all the comments of course I cannot respond to all of them but I will do my best so congratulations on your new website slash business and let me know how it goes and until then my name is Daryl Wilson and I will see all of you party people in the next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 79,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create an online business, how to create a business step by step, web hosting business, whmcs, how to make money online, wordpress, how to make an online business with wordpress and web hosting, namehero, hostiko, darrel wilson, reseller hosting, how to start a business, how to make a website, online business, how to start an online business, reseller wordpress hosting
Id: GDbR0sN1mWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 3sec (9003 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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