Free CDN with CloudFlare: Faster WordPress Website, Free SSL & Protection from DDOS attacks.

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hello internet people in this video I'll show you how to install a free CD and using CloudFlare this will work of wordpress and other websites because we're not going to use a plug-in offer is an awesome way to improve your page speed get the free as a self certificate and protect your website from attacks and best part is it's totally free Arnie how does that sound frog punch I will first show you how to install CloudFlare after we will adjust most important settings then I will show you a cool plug-in to control everything from your WordPress dashboard and at the end I'll show you real user data and how much clever improve my page speed and you will find out why clover made me feel like Hercules just supporter my dad site is actually very optimized already you can see that my home page gets already 97 or GT metrics and 91 on Google so for this video we're going to use cloud fair which is the most popular CDN in the world and the great thing about it it's free ncloth fire works a bit differently like the others basically we're going to change our DNS settings to point on CloudFlare and this way it's able to increase our security also improves the performance and there's some other benefits like if your website goes down CloudFlare will still serve files to your users next just sign up for CloudFlare by clicking on the sign up button here on top and then enter your email and your password but i already have an account so I'm gonna just log in it's so pretty simple you should be fine once you sign up you get this kind of a page where it's asking you for the domain name so just type in your domain as it is without the www just in my case you'll be punched salad calm and then click on add site next it will ask which plan you're going to use the free one is really good one so just select for this tutorial the free one later on I'm gonna show you what you get with the pro one but that's for another tutorial it's free it's free it's free then click on confirm plan and now it's going to scan some of your DNS records and in just a sec it will show you everything that is you can see publicly available and here you can see there's this orange cloud that's what going to be pointed at CloudFlare so if there's something you don't want to point out CallFire just click on the orange cloud and it will become grey but in my case I want to just direct everything through CloudFlare but this is for example if your email stops working this is a great place to start to debugging it so you can switch off for example the vet mail for that but that's for later for now just keep it all enabled and if you're happy with this just scroll to the bottom and click on continue and this is the page where CloudFlare is asking us to change the name servers so in my case my domain is registered at Namecheap so I need to change the DNS records there so let's go to Namecheap and I'm going to show you how to do this or Namecheap and GoDaddy and now arnie will demonstrate how he changes dns records you've just been erased so i named chip you need to go to your domain list and find the domain you want to change and then click on manage next to it on this page scroll down until you see name servers here you can see I already have custom DNS so if you were pointing to Namecheap just change them to custom DNS in this drop-down and then you need to change the name server one as CloudFlare is telling us here so i'm gonna copy and paste it here and then the second one same thing copy and paste and then in Namecheap you need to click on this green arrow to confirm it and that's it now you have to wait for a couple minutes usually it takes only a couple minutes but sometimes it might take few hours and then although CloudFlare tells you that it might take up to 48 hours but in my experience that never has happened you lie next I'll show you how to do it Go Daddy so in Go Daddy actually you have to go to this GoDaddy dashboard and then click on the home and then go to domains in the domain manager you will see your domains and then the one that you want to change just click on it and on this page when you scroll down you'll have name servers I don't have them here because this domain actually doesn't exist anymore but it will be here so you change those as I showed you before just copied the name servers from CloudFlare and put them in here once you've changed your name service just make sure you scroll down here and then click on done check name servers in the beginning you probably won't have anything so it will take a bit of time you will also get an email once CloudFlare is actually in control of your name servers until then just wait and you can click on this button time to time to see if it actually works so for me it took about 10 minutes and then I clicked on this recheck now and I get this message that actually CloudFlare is now active so you can make your victory dance now [Music] this one's gonna be home responsible for any injuries doing victory dance and failed at empty making its but hey if you like this video so far I would appreciate if you can hit the like button that would help me a lot thanks once you get this message you can actually now adjust some other settings Indian CloudFlare and let's start by checking the SSL certificate which is free when you use CloudFlare if you don't want to use it you already have one you can just switch it off but in my case it's gonna expire soon so I'm gonna actually just leave it at full and if you start seeing issues like your website is not fully secured that means you have mixed content warning and you can just check out my video in the description and I have a tutorial how to solve it really easily in WordPress next let's take a look at the speed so here just click on this flash icon and actually I've already done this but you'll take you a minute or so for it to analyze your website and it will give you this estimate how much faster Loffler can make your website so here if you scroll down there's more information about it and what you need to do here is just click on this enable rocket loader and that will make your site slightly faster and you will enable certain features that CallFire provides so you can see there's some estimates how much you will improve and what all of that will look like then if you click on the optimization tab and you scroll down you can see there's other functionalities some of them you need to pay for and some you don't they're super useful one is the auto magnify so just check these checkboxes all of them and then here at the bottom there's actually nothing you can do without having a paid account next let's set up some rules in golf player so that you can make your website a bit more secure it will make sure you're ready for anything [Music] so just go to the page rules tab and here just scroll down a little bit and you see this create page rule just click on it so the first rule we are going to add is that your own WordPress you want to have your WP login more secure so just type in points allcom slash WP dash login dot PHP and don't forget the star in the end and then in the drop-down select security level and hide so this just means that if somebody's attacking this site was trying to log in many times coal fire will actually detect this and you'll try to stop the attack and then let's create another rule and in this case we're gonna again type in your domain so punch Telecom slash WP dash admin and this is basically everything inside the admin panel and don't forget to add the star at the end and we're going to actually increase the security level on this one as well then we are actually going to bypass the cache on this one so if you do any updates in your WordPress dashboard you can see it immediately and then we're going to disable the performance improvements on this pages you don't need them there and then if there's any apps just disable them those two just in case then if you scroll down let's add third rule and we are going to add and again just type in your domain and then just type in your HTTP domain so that we're going to actually redirect all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS so that you have a secure site for all your users and then in drop down jesse select always use HTTPS and keep the other drop diamas first and then save the changes oh one thing I noticed let's go back to the first rule let's add a star in front of the domain name as well this way you will include WW and also non w.w addresses in this case everybody just lands on a secured HTTP secured website Arnie what's your website's name just bodies and now this is an optional but we're going to actually install cloud 4 plug-in and what that does is that you can actually control most of the things from your WordPress dashboard so that's really useful you can clear the cache so let's do that by going to plugins add new and then in the search box type in CloudFlare and then just install it and don't forget to activate it so once the plug-in is activated you can find it under settings and CloudFlare and for this plug-in to work you we're going to need to sign in with our account so just add your email here and we need this API key which is really easy you can get it from your CloudFlare account just go to the dashboard and then here click on your profile and then click on the API token tab and here you need just like this global API key you might ask you to confirm your password one more time and I got actually a recap Chabot just fill this in and then click on View please don't share this key with anybody because if you do you might get in trouble later on somebody could hack your system or use it so please don't show it to anybody I'm gonna change the API key after this video so just enter your email and the API key you come from cloud fair and now actually you can see that you have all these options already in your WordPress dashboard so you can control everything and probably the most important button is this purge cache so sometimes when you publish new content it's good to also click on the purge cache button so that it clears everything that is old it tells CloudFlare that it needs to renew its servers so that actually the users can see the newest content other than that there's some other features here you can take a look they're pretty much the same as in the cloud flare dashboard but what's cool here is also called flare has its own analytics and you can see here if there's anything for example any threats or anything like that you can see everything in here no ok let's take a look how well CalFire does on PageSpeed so I ran the test already so you don't need to wait for them GT metrics I got 97 score and a yslow score was 91 fully loaded time it's pretty much the same as before so biggest difference is with yslow score and now here I actually have I have a CDN same thing with Google it improved slightly from 91 to 95 and they stopped it's still a hundred so I'm quite happy with this result but what's really surprising is when I took a look at my Google Analytics stats because that really breaks down by by country and also I can compare better because I have more data they're real users they just use the website differently from robots okay let's take a look at the page timings and how fast they actually loads so here I have a comparison between my normal website without the CDN and the blue one is actually with call Flair so you can see that the page speed is kinda yeah they're just going up and down depending on the day this is for nine days and as you can see what's surprising actually is that for example the average page load time is a bit in the minus so that means my normal website without CDN actually loaded faster without clever than with it kind of strange right but then if you look there's actually good metrics like every direction time increased also some other ones here but then average server response time that just plummeted that's more than half a second definitely something I would need to look into why and here if we look at the per continent please note that here I use document content loaded they're the same as Dom ready if you've heard of that this is usually the metric that tools like Google page insights users and also GT metrics they use usually this Dom ready and we can ignore not set for me the main ones are Europe America and Asia so as you can see in Europe it's pretty much the same in America it's more or less the same the version with alcohol fire did a bit better but the difference is quite small here and in Asia actually same thing the website with alcohol fire actually did better but overall cancer pricing results work basically this just means that my server or the house Papa is actually performing better than call fire or Bonnie CDN so the question is should you have a CDN since the differences are so small I might consider having caught fire because there's that additional protection and also they provide the free SSL but it's actually not that necessary for at least for the page it'll times my name is Robert and if this is your first time here and you want to learn more about how to improve your website get more traffic and other website related stuff make sure to hit that subscribe so you don't miss out on anything here are two videos that I think you should watch next watch
Channel: tipswithpunch
Views: 45,085
Rating: 4.8469777 out of 5
Keywords: free CDN, cloudflare CDN, free cdn for wordpress, how to improve website loading speed, free cdn plugin for wordpress, free cdn providers, install cloudflare, setup cloudflare, speed up website, content delivery network, CDN, tipswithpunch, twp, faster website, free ssl, protection from ddos, Is Cloudflare free, free content delivery network, cloudflare wordpress, cdn wordpress, cloudflare free, wordpress cdn, how to setup cloudflare cdn, how to install cloudflare
Id: C5_uK44XSqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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