[594] Centurion 60mm Iron Padlock Picked and Combed Open

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combed open a master 140, couldn't believe it was that easy, love your videos man, you've taught me tons.

Edit: had a question for you not pertaining to this video, I have some pry bars from Sparrows, but would love to bend them, any recommendation as to how to bend them? don't want to snap them, and don't have the inserts to make my own.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Havok289 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great video as always. Do you have or know of other videos specifically related to combs? This Centurion and the Master 140 are the only ones I really know about. Is there a way to select a comb without having a key to compare?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wangminam 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a Centurion USA sixty millimeter iron body padlock it's the model SI PL zero six zero I picked this up off of Amazon awhile ago when it was the number one search result for the term high-security padlock so what we're gonna do today is take a closer look at this lock and see just what level of security it provides now at first blush it actually looks like it might be an impressive lock we do have an iron body there's a 10 millimeter shackle that's protected by a high shackle guard and a 6 pin key now an interesting note about this key is that the bow appears to be the shape of a quick set key so you might think that you would be able to use this same key in a quick set lock maybe key it the same as your door however the key way is completely different and in fact we're a quick set has five pins in this length the key the Centurion spacing is completely different and it fits six pins in there so despite the looks this has no relation to a quick set but there are some issues with this lock now as I mentioned it does have an iron body and I don't think that's a particularly good material for a lock body the problem is that iron has all of the corrosion problems that you would find in a steel padlock but none of the strengths that you would get from a steel padlock conversely it's a relatively soft material like brass or aluminum but it doesn't have the corrosion resistance of those materials now it does look like Centurion tried to address the corrosion issue by putting a nickel plating on this however this is a brand new lock and you can already see there are chips in that nickel plating so I wouldn't count on that plating keeping rust off of this lock for very long then we have the fit and finish of this lock and it's actually pretty horrific if we look carefully just at the machining we can see at the top you can see it looks like there absolutely chewed through this material definitely they were not using sharp tools and some of the edges are so sharp like this one right here you can literally cut yourself on them so not a lot to be impressed with the fit and finish of this lock next we turn to the shackle this is a 10 millimeter shackle and with any chinese-made lock I make a habit of checking to see whether its claim of being hardened is in fact true and I do that by taking a file and just running it across it a couple of times and on this lock I did exactly that and you can see we got a pretty deep groove into into the shackle so certainly the claims of this shackle being hardened don't appear to be correct now there's one other I'll say unforgivable problem with this padlock but I'm not going to show you that until after we see what it takes to pick this lock open so let's get some picks out I'm going to use top of the key way tension with this little wiper insert and you get this 18,000 Peterson standard hook okay little counter rotation on one counter rotation on two got him set counter rotation on three nothing on four counter rotation on five nothing on six back to the beginning little counter-rotation on one on two and we got him open so definitely some spools in here at least four in slots one two three and five I think it was but don't be impressed yet because there is a big problem that will let anyone get into this quickly and it's not the fact that we don't have a ball-bearing locking mechanism this does have spring-loaded locking pauls in there but you really can't get to them to open it up because it is high shackle guard so I'll give them a pass on that the problem has to do with the construction of this lock now in many padlocks you'll have a removable core like this that set into the lock body and you can see that the body of the core and the body of the padlock are separate this does not have a removable lock and the body of the core and the padlock are actually the same thing so in making this lock what they do is they drill straight from the top all the way down this really wide padlock and that's where they insert the driver pins the key pins the springs and then they cap it off with a little rod now we've got a ton of space here so you need to fill it up somehow and that's where they made the mistake you essentially have two options the first is to put a really long rod in there in a short spring or you can put a short rod and a long spring and the latter appears to be what they did in this Centurion the problem with that is that when you leave a ton of room in this channel there is enough space to lift both the driver pin and the key pin above the shear line and open the lock up and they actually make tools just for doing that they're called comb picks and the way you use it is insert it into the keyway sometimes it can be an issue but if you rock it it's not too hard as it's the case here once you get it into position you lift it up like that and turn it and we just open this lock let me show you that one more time get into position lift it up turn and we open this up almost as fast as if we had the K so I see that as a completely unforgivable sin even putting aside the fact that our shackle isn't hardened we have a locked body that's going to rust and the fit and finish is atrocious the fact that I can get into any of these locks quickly using a tool like this is simply not acceptable so that's all I have for you on this Centurion us a sixty millimeter iron body body padlock again it's the Model S IPL zero six zero if you have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 87,401
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Id: 03CMxs-JLVI
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Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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