[52] Master "Magnum" Padlocks Picked and Bypassed

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this is the lock-picking lawyer I recently received a question from a friend of mine as he was looking through my videos and he said hey what is this it's abus IVA eyes ayo I fam how come I've never heard of any of the locks you're picking well my response was because my videos would be really boring if I if I was picking the locks that you've heard of and to prove that point we went to Home Depot together and we are looking at the locks and I asked the associate there what is your most secure padlock and I was pointed to the two locks you see in front of you both from masters Magnum series this one is a key lock with a five pin standard key tumbler and this has a four-digit combination and actually it's combined with a little four pin lock on the side and the associate told me this is the best home depot has to offer with padlock security so against my better judgment I took my wallet out and spent money on two more master locks so I could prove a point and I'm going to replicate what I showed my friend right now now the easiest one here is put this combination lock and it's not because there's a little no security pin for pin lock in the side to override the combination it's because these locks are very very easily bypassed in fact it's I'll show you it's locked and that's all it takes to open it it's literally faster to bypass this lock than it is to enter the combination and open it I'm not going to explain that if you want to know how to do what I just did just Google Master 175 bypass and there's probably two dozen videos on YouTube showing exactly that so this if this is the most secure thing master has to offer my videos would be really really boring let's move on to this other lock this one looks like a nice lock it has this heavy hardened steel body a boron carbide alloy shackle which i've actually done a file test on and you can barely even see where I hit it with the file I mean it's one of the hardest shackles I've ever come across in any sort of padlock but unfortunately that core is just not up to snuff and I showed my friend what it took to get into this to the most secure keyed padlock that Home Depot has to offer it's five pins go to the back five four three and a false set to counter-rotation one and we are open that would make for a really boring video if all I did was that so that is why you see a lot of unusual locks like Isaiah's and Avis and I fam because the locks you get in the store the quick sets the SH legs the Masters frankly they're just not that hard to open let me show you what's inside of this because I think this lock actually has potential it's a great body let's see what the core is and if it's something we can repin or replace this lock might actually have some tangel we actually not had this apart yet let's see I guess you have to just tear this plastic cover off I don't quite have that all the way screw all the way out yet there we go and there's our core and let's actually Gustus see what's inside and maybe we can ah it's a crimped core maybe we know it's crimped on two sides so we're not able to open this up but I still think we can do better than this let me actually take out my my box of of cores or at least the one with the the master lock compatible cores in here and let's see if there's something we can replace this with this is actually the most secure core I have ever felt or I've ever picked in a master lock and believe it or not it comes out of one of these it's the plastic lotto lockout tagout lock comes with a nice six pin core as opposed to the five pin one that was in the lock we had a more difficult para centric key way five security pins one standard pin and most of these come with some really great bidding as you can see that's the case here so it looks like this might be a direct drop-in for that another option would be something like this it's another master lock or a little bit tighter the key way than what came in the Magnum this probably requires a smaller pick like a maybe even 15,000 s to access it easily so that's another option you master frankly it brought its a game with the the body of this lock but the core just is not up to snuff so what I think I'm going to do is put this core that looks like that fits perfectly in there I'm going to replace the core in this padlock probably put this key in and replace a few of the probably four of the pins in here with some serrated pins from American lock and actually turn this into a relatively secure padlock so that's all I have for now for those of you out there wondering why you don't see masters and quick sets and mass and slags that often on my You Tube channel because this channel will be really really boring these locks just now I'm not even sure they're worth being called locks but this one has some has some hope it's a great body I'm probably going to do something with the core and we'll turn it into something that's worth worth having that's it for now if you have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 225,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OEOmzZrEs6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2015
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