[608] Kryptonite KS72 Padlock Picked, Improved, and Repicked

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a kryptonite model KS 72 round body padlock this is a nicely built product with a solid steel lock body that's actually five millimeters a larger in diameter than a normal round body padlock and I'll explain why that is in just a moment then we have an 11 millimeter molybdenum alloy shackle and that's always a nice feature to see because it's going to offer a lot more cut resistance than a normal hardened steel shackle or even one made out of a boron alloy holding the shackle closed is a ball bearing locking mechanism that can't be shimmed and finally the feature which really sets this lock apart is the fact that it takes a full sized key in a full sized key and knob cylinder and that's why this lock is a little bit larger to accommodate that larger key and knob cylinder that's actually a very rare feature in these round body padlocks I can only think of a couple of them offhand the lock would model 301 pack lock has their model 900 kick I'm sure there's others I can't think of them offhand but what we have in this one is a standard Schlage key and knob cylinder so despite the fact that the cylinder that comes in this lock is not terribly impressive as far as pick resistance goes we have a lot of options for improving the lock of course we can swap in some security pins which would help this an awful lot or we could go with something high-security like this Schlage Primus key and knob cylinder which would drop right in or maybe a multi lock you can really get almost any kind of core you want in this leg format key and knob cylinder and asset win a buy lock you name it you can probably find it so here's what we're gonna do today we're gonna see what it takes to pick this guy open then we'll take it apart see what's inside I'll put it together with a couple of security pins and finally we'll see how it picks after we improve it so let's get started it's a lot to do we have a slag C key way and I normally deal with them by using a 50,000th pry bar in the top of the key way and a standard hook in 25 thousandths one is loose so is two three is binding got a click there click out of four nothing on five back to the beginning little click on one click on to nothing on three nothing on four five is binding and we got it open okay I did not feel any security pins I'm assuming they're all standard but let's take it apart and make sure that's the case to get this apart we have a Phillips screw right down the shackle hole okay we've got the cylinder out and as you can see a standard Schlage format key and knob cylinder nothing unusual about it getting these apart tends to be a bit of a pain you have to push down on this detent while unscrewing the back cap okay that one was pretty painless okay now we just need a key and a follower and we should be able to get this apart okay we can see this is a 6-pin cylinder but only five of the chambers are populated that's always a disappointment to see all standard key pins and I am expecting the same for our driver pins standard in one same in two three four and five okay let's put it back together I'm going to replace four of the five standard pins here with spools so let's put a spool in the back in slot five and I'll put a standard pin in slot for a spool in three a spool in two and a spool in slot one now the reason I left a standard pin in slot four is to aid in inserting and withdrawing the key if you have all spools in there there'll be a tendency for the core to move just a little bit and your key can be hard to pull out the reason I put it in slot four in particular is that is a really low cut so there's really no opportunity for a spool to come into play so it will be wasted in that cylinder it's a good place to put that spool okay let's get these key pins back in the core and before I put this back together let's just insert the key and make sure we didn't get any of them out of order and you can see all of those key pins line up with the outside of the cylinder so it looks like we did that correctly okay now let's get the back cap back on here hmm you know for all I'm worth I can never remember which way to go in let me see if looking in the back helps okay I think it goes like that hopefully I didn't mess that up so now I have to push that detent down while tightening this cap on the lock okay let's make sure that works before I put it back in the lock no problems there okay there's a small travel limiter inside of there that seems to have gotten out of place and try to put that back in correctly and you know what I think I did put this this driver in wrong hopefully I'll be able to fix it just by pushing that detent all the way down you know I'm gonna have to loosen this up just a bit yeah there we go okay I think that should go together correctly now just wiggle it a bit there we go okay now that we confirm the lock does work I can drop this screw back in and tighten it back on okay okay let's see what it takes to pick this guy open now that we've improved it one's loose so is too little click out of three four is binding nothing on five pulling back I just hit I think to again ones binding tightly okay we pushed him and got a nice fall set nothing else out of one nothing on two three four okay counter rotation on five got him set but we lost our false set okay click out of one nothing on two three four or five back to the beginning one two three there we go three gotta click there click out of four nothing on one I think I might over set something and I think it was number two I released a little bit of tension and we are back to where we should be counter rotation on one nothing on to nothing on three four okay little counter rotation on five got him set back to the beginning counter rotation on one and we got it open okay so a lot more of a challenge now that we have some spools in there that cylinder actually had some pretty good tolerances to it so once we got some spools in there we played a little bit of ping pong dropping one spool why while we set another that always makes for a very challenging pick so that's one option you can use for improving this KS 72 or as I mentioned you could just drop a whole new cylinder in there so that's all I have for you today on this kryptonite model KS 72 round body padlock if you do have any questions or comments about it please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 58,794
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Id: tLZTkqE1yGw
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Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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