5782: Let the Prophets Speak with Robin D. Bullock

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hallelujah welcome to our broadcast today this is miles kilby i want to welcome you all in and just as you come on the live broadcast today i want to tell you we're going to have a powerful time in the presence of god today go ahead and post in the comments where you're joining us from if it's from a different state different country different nation go ahead and let us know where you're joining us from we want to say hello to you good morning and god bless you and please if you would share this broadcast over facebook or you can share the youtube link as well but share this broadcast right now share it with some of your friends because there's a very strong spirit of revelation that's going to be released on this broadcast i believe it's going to change many people's lives and there's going to be a powerful impartation of the prophetic in your life today so wherever you're joining us from say hello tell us where you're joining from throughout the nation and throughout the world god bless you all we're gonna have a powerful time with prophet robin bullock today amen so uh robin really doesn't need an introduction i had a uh the privilege of meeting robin a couple of months ago we were ministering at a conference together and it was just a phenomenal time uh in the presence of god like i had never experienced before and so without any more uh introduction or anything i'm gonna go ahead and bring robin in and uh we're gonna just go for it today so prepare yourselves in the name of jesus i believe there's going to be healing released on this broadcast there'll be words of knowledge healing a prophetic flow really that i believe is new because we just entered into a new time in a new season so without any more uh introduction i want to bring robin on now prophet god bless you god bless you man man good to be with you today absolutely my pleasure what an honor uh to have you on with us today um rob and you and i uh were were blessed to be able to meet one another about three i think it was about almost three months ago two weeks has it has it been that long now it seems like the other day don't it it really does it seems like it was yesterday yeah and so um we were ministering at a conference in on the south side of atlanta together and it was a powerful powerful time it was and um actually i just want to share this because when robin and i first met we we'd never met before and um robin wasn't aware of an encounter that i had had prior to those meetings where the lord literally i had an encounter with the holy spirit and the lord burned my eyes and the lord spoke to me in that encounter he said son i'm imparting my vision to you the eyes of fire and and the very first thing that robin said to me when we met you said this you said you said i see god in your eyes yes and how about about fell out in the holy ghost when you said that but um man it was just so refreshing um to be around another true prophet of god and um man i was it was just an honor and so we had a great time in the presence of the lord in a great time of fellowship we did over those couple of days together and so robin um we have uh we've just crossed over on on god's calendar into a new year and um god is speaking like never before yes i really uh god so desires to speak to his people um i don't know about you but i i'm the downloads of revelation are coming yes at such an accelerated rate that's right it's uh blowing me away and really jesus said that in the last days if time wasn't accelerated that even the very elect would be deceived that's right so really there is an acceleration of time yes amen and so it's like we felt like we were together yesterday but it was two months ago that's right but um you know the time that we find ourselves in you know you have a program called the 11th hour yes and you know the lord spoke to me uh so some time ago and he said miles i want you to know that you're an 11th hour prophet and i said well i don't even know what that means yeah and and so just talk to me just for a moment because you're an 11th hour prophet too you're an 11th hour man uh and your program is called the 11th hour yes well you know that program started of course i i get up with god on my mind i go to bed with god on my mind i go all day long talking to him i if somebody was to ask me if they said do you pray have you do you pray 30 minutes at a time most of the time no no and i s but i would have to answer this i never go 30 minutes without praying i'm constantly talking to the lord constantly listening i want to hear everything and i and so actually my wife her name is robin also where robin d and robin are you know her name is robin also and so the lord spoke to her and said meet me in the temple at the 11th hour and so we came those years ago a couple years ago i guess now and we gathered here where i'm sitting now on this stage and we just started playing and listening to god listening to god to hear what he's saying in the 11th hour now an 11th hour prophet is actually this it's to bring is to bring out at least this is what we do it's to bring out in this 11th hour prophetic words from god things that god is saying so that people can make 11th hour decisions now to know what an 11th hour decision is i was up in the mountains one time and i i like to go to this place called biltmore i don't know if you've ever been there or not and and so it was where uh george vanderbilt built at 26 years old he built the largest residence in this in the whole united states and only three people lived there and so but he built this enormous thing he built churches built a town built all of this there and so i got to i was touring it one day and i went through his museum and i got to look him because he was alive during the titanic and i said i wonder if he was if he anything connected to the titanic obviously he wasn't on it and so i came across this letter in his museum and it was written to his wife and they said this woman wrote his wife her sister wrote and said i had a premonition is what she called it to not be on that ship they had booked passage on the titanic they said don't be on that ship and so this was her word she said in an 11th hour decision we decided not to book passage we canceled it and booked on another show so an 11th hour prophet is to bring out words at the last moment satan has planned things everything is set in motion maybe to happen but in an 11th hour prophetic word someone can make a decision like that to turn or do something according to whatever god is saying and change your whole to stay on your road of destiny and change the course of where where you might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time that's true for people countries it's true for ministries everyone has 11th hour decisions to make and so in order to to hear an 11th hour prophetic word you can't go in rehearsed you can't go in you can't just go in and say well it's going to be this this this and this today sometimes we'll walk on stage and i'll hit one chord on the guitar and say everybody just hang on we're just gonna do this or the lord will give me a riff before i get here in my thoughts i'll hum it in my phone walk up on the stage and just play it and the next thing you know we're moving in that and he'll say something and the devil never heard it coming he never even he don't know it and so that's an 11th hour prophetic ministry and that's what i'm called to do that's that's powerful yeah now remember this myles in an 11th hour prophetic ministry i've noticed this too now something i think the lord will want you to know is that things will happen to you called and suddenly it'll just be that quick it'll happen suddenly you'll be right there today and the next day you're walking where your head was the day before all at once you're in another place and god is will speak to somebody and say call miles do this have him do that and the next thing you know man you're walking where your head was because god has keeping you ahead of the king's chariot all the time that's so powerful you know there have been times robin that i have tried to rehearse something and literally the lord it's like he will not let me do that that's the truth and because um because of my uh just the relationship intimacy with the with the lord with the holy spirit yeah it's it's now words rhema words you know the the armor of god actually when it talks about the sword of the spirit being the word of god yes the word for for word used there is the word rhema that's right the sword of the spirit i tell people all the time i said you can't fight god with genealogy i mean you can't fight the devil with genealogy okay it has to be the now word of the lord now what god is saying right now yeah now see there's a couple things right here that people that follow the prophetic and anybody that watches you obviously does and here is the thing okay you said you can't fight with a genealogy unless that genealogy contains a rhema word right see because like just for instance it's like this see the prophetic is subject to this yes this is not subject to the prophetic everything is subject to this word that's right the word of god is not subject to anything see it's just like this if this is final authority now that's right let's just just take for instance you said the sword of the spirit how about this so we're talking about the the the shoes you know having your lawyers girl about with truth and and the shoes of peace and so on and so forth shield of faith and everything okay picture the body of christ as one man the whole body is one man see there's no such thing as a denomination people watching right now that you know they may go to denominational churches but denomination actually means division and what it's talking about here is this a denomination was actually formed more or less out of religion how it began was out of a rhema it began from a spoken word a prophetic utterance from god for in in for instance the catholic church uh we'll just start there we could start with the jewish church which is the first church okay the catholic church this but after it was scattered the catholic church got a revelation of something and a revelation is this oh look at that look at that look at that god spoke something to you well they have a revelation of the passion of the christ everything you know about the crucifixion came through the catholic church it didn't come through any other denomination they had a revelation of what he suffered and paid for on that cross so they had this revelation so the catholic church is not a denomination it's a revelation okay everything they added to it after that is religion they begin to try to preserve this and that so that it could be and men got hold of it not the people it's always leaders they get hold of it and they start corrupting something well there was a monk named martin luther who was doing penance and he could not stand the fact he knew something was missing but all he had was a revelation of the passion that's why he was doing penance punishing himself the next thing he heard the holy ghost whispered in his ear and said it's not by works the just will live by faith and he caught hold of that right and it was a revelation out of the catholic revelation that suddenly formed the lutherans and the lutherans started following the just to live by faith and then they added a bunch of stuff to it but then out of the lutherans came a couple boys named wesley who discovered this that it's it's sanctification and holiness so now it's the it's the passion uh the just to live by faith sanctification and holiness they called it methodism so after the methodist revelation they added a bunch of stuff to it and divided it from everything else but out of that came the pentecostals nine gifts of the spirit power of god so now that's a revelation and then came along the word of faith brother hagin brother copeland put it in your heart say it out of your mouth put it in your heart speak it out of your mouth and the rhema word and suddenly now you have the word of faith and then the prophets come on the scene now when the prophets come on the scene watch this imagine every revelation being a different piece of armor that the whole body put on so they started with the passion went to the just to live by faith sanctification holiness power gifts word of faith prophetic now we're suited up but the the last two pieces of the armor is the only ones mentioned in two parts it's called the sword of the spirit the word of faith and the prophetic coming together in the end wow and it's and it takes those two hands together to pick up the sword and be able to fight with it and if you'll notice right now the when all of this started coming apart then you see brother copeland who is a prophet he's the prophet of the nation of this nation and you saw him suddenly he has a whole network where he brings prophets on and the word of faith and the prophetic came together on the victory network and started broadcasting to the world and so we're suited up with all the revelations from denominations and now we've got hold of the sword of the spirit and now it's the first time in history we've actually as a body been ready to fight and ready to stand now as far as the genealogies go it was it was i think the holy spirit the reason you brought that out because you can't fight with just the genealogy unless there's a rhema inside it right for instance you have the genealogy of adam in genesis 5. you have adam begot seth seth we got enos enos begot uh uh keianan keanu begot mahalolil and it goes all the way down to noah if you take those names and define them in hebrew it actually says this for man will come a substituted mortal enos the great god will come down out of heaven teaching and his death will bring the despairing rest that's the meaning of the genealogy and that's one main reason it's listed there all scripture is given by inspiration yes it's prophetically breathed so even in the genealogy it told the gospel of the great god taking flesh and dying and bringing us rest wow and that's the gospel that was preached to abraham in the old testament that's the gospel they knew and when god told abraham he said he said through you i'll bless all the nations he's talking about that message that's in the genealogies and abraham knew that they knew that and so that's how this is what this is talking about that was their whole gospel in the old testament and they all knew it so you can fight when you know that right but just mechanically you could never fight with it it takes a rhema to rip the spirit see that's the sword the word of god and the prophetic is the spirit and that's the only two hands that's big enough to hold that blade and fight with it that's powerful wow you know you're right because um the letter killeth but the spirit gives life gives life that's what paul said yeah but now you know something we could say this miles but the spirit without the letter is a flake yeah yeah it's a place that's right you know just because of what it is one day i was reading uh in the scripture about when when satan tempted jesus in the wilderness yeah and and and and satan quoted psalm 91 i believe it was verse that's right 11 or 12. and the lord spoke to me when i was reading that and he said he said the devil hates that yeah as he told me just like he said the devil hates that and i said why lord he said because he that's what he understands uh that's part of what he left is because this releases angelic protection my very protection over my wow wow that's awesome and he said um he said satan knows the power of this because he used to be a part of it that's part of what he used to do and the lord said to me he said um he said you see it's not just the words that are being spoken yeah but it's the spirit behind the words oh yeah that are being spoken see satan quoted the very word of god but the spirit behind those words he was he was dead spiritually yeah it was uh it there was a twisting yeah and see that that's how we we come up with like jehovah witnesses and mormons there's a twisting of the word he's a twisted serpent like like leviathan yeah and finds hungry people feeds them just enough truth in it just enough that something they know is right but then tells them it means something else entirely exactly this is the way that you know did you do you realize this miles i uh maybe you do but for your viewers that here is something if people want to know how to fight spiritually you have to have some knowledge to do it now do you know that in ephesians 3 10 it teaches us and declares to us that that satan and principalities powers and all of that only know what they know about the manifold wisdom of god by listening to the church preach they don't know anything that's the only way they learn it see when people get a revelation in other words if you're preaching and and i i've got my bible open and you're preaching and suddenly i go ah man look at that you said something that woke up something and see i'm born of the word when i'm born again so i'm teaching my soul what my spirit already knows and so when i get to reading it and you're preaching it and you bring out a rhema it's like god god got close enough to my face to breathe in my face and i said wow look at that look at that wow at that moment in time several things happened number one faith came to for that to come to pass in your life if you'll speak it if you'll speak it out right then faith came but now at the same time when you got that and you say it then satan heard it and so did all the principalities and powers and they assume you're going to go ahead and come up to that level now and so they are they are licensed at that point to fight you on that level now and if you don't walk on up on into that rhema that you got and you choose to stay back down here they're fighting you on a higher level and you can't defend yourself absolutely see see they learned it from hearing you preach wow so when you preached it they said oh yeah okay all right and so they start in on that wow see and so you have to walk up and live by the on the revelation level god gave you if you don't you're going to be attacked on that level anyway right see he cannot attack you on what you don't know that's right but the moment you release something and you know something now you are being fought on another level so if you're not going to live by that revelation you're in trouble because you have no defense does that make sense yeah absolutely yeah yeah so whenever you get a revelation you should consecrate to that you should say immediately i will live by that forever i will not go back on that i have learned this from the spirit of god and now this is where i'm going to go from now and you start fighting on that level and so if you know yeah yeah you know that's spiritual warfare yes sir and i believe you know the church is uh uh being retrained on how to war in the spirit yeah you know um the the the seeker sensitive church the lord told me that um there was a judgment on the seeker seeker-sensitive church in america and that it would not stand because they did not know how to war they didn't they they did not they don't there wasn't a love for the holy spirit right amen a love for the holy spirit well honoring the holy spirit yeah because you go into a church see what what men do is they men become arrogant men get they get real arrogant and and they begin to think that they control the movements of the holy ghost see in other words in a church a secret sensitive church or uh seeker friendly i call them you know that when you can't stand up and give a message in other tongues uh you can't one reason that scares a lot of churches is because the the leadership can't interpret it and so it bothers them and so but but if you can't get up and give a message in tongues or you can't stand up and give a prophetic word and you can't flow in the gifts of the spirit except on the small cell group tuesday nights or the small group cell group thursday nights but see here is the point just suppose the holy ghost don't want to move on the small cell group on tuesday just suppose he's not he's not wanting to do it on thursday he wants to do it on sunday morning in front of everybody so that everybody can see there is a god in heaven absolutely and so if you don't let him see the only reason those people came is to have an encounter with god that's right the lord drew them there now if you if you're going to be seeker sensitive well we don't want to offend anybody well now you just said the holy ghost will offend somebody now he's a he's an offense in your mind if you're going to do something like that and you're going to control the spirit of god let me tell you what that gets people now i you know and of course i i'm not i don't talk down about anybody but if i thought my cousin was the antichrist miles i'd tell you i just tell you straight out i say my i'm not sure but i think my cousin's the antichrist you know i mean i would i just tell you man and so but when when men raise up to the place that they'll take the ark of the covenant and put it in a cart and drive it where they want it to go in other words they put the ark oh they they gave it a new cart it was new but a cart is just made out of boards and big wheels that's all now think about what i just said boards and big wheels and they're controlling the movement of god they're driving him where they want him to go the lord don't like to be driven no and you can't take god and say you can only move on this day you can only move as i say you can move you've put him on an ark and he's being man-driven you understand well the the oxen will stumble after a while and when it does you know what happened when someone tried to steady it under their own power so you're in a dangerous position when you start controlling the holy ghost oral roberts said before he left this world he said the day is coming after i'm gone he said when people will not allow the holy ghost to move in their services and so sure enough we're here now in this time wow wow you know it's so it's a dangerous thing to do that it's a very dangerous thing yeah i've lost audio on you somehow i'm not sure can you hear me robin can you hear me now can you hear me robin but if you can still hear me yeah i can hear you yeah it's uh but but that's a dangerous position to put yourself in very dangerous so we we have to be we have to be very cautious not to put the spirit of god in a box because he'll get out yes sir he will get out brother can you hear my audio right now oh yeah can you hear my audio yeah i don't yeah i can't hear you if you can hear me okay give me one second just keep talking yeah i will okay so um anyway following along those lines you know you were talking about 57 82 is the new year well 57 82 is uh you were asking me earlier you know like where do i where do i think where we are and all i'm going to tell you something the lord spoke to me about it's out of judges chapter six it's when the angel came to gideon and he walked up to gideon and he said you mighty man of valor and when he spoke to him about that gideon's response was this he said oh my lord it it frightened the man when god told him what he was it frightened him when he heard what he really was see gideon was doing something miles that all the church ought to take note of he was he was threshing wheat in a wine press in other words he was doing the right thing in the wrong place you don't thresh wheat in a wine press and he was doing it out of fear you thresh wheat on a threshing floor not in a wine press so in other words the church has been doing the right thing for years in the wrong place they're threshing wheat in a wine press see wheat represents the church represents the people and the chaff is shaking off the wheat inside the sanctuary you're here listening to teaching the word of god separates the wheat from the chaff you don't thresh it in a wine press a wine press is for stomping grapes in gideon's time when the angel surprised him and came up where he was doing the right thing in the wrong place and the angel said hey you mighty man of valor he said oh my lord it scared him he didn't know what to do about that he didn't even know where to go with that so he said if god is with us he said how come all these miracles that moses did is not happening where is these miracles of moses where is this and the lord said you go in this your strength so god had to interrupt what gideon was doing to tell him who he was wow see the church has been doing the right thing in the wrong place and god had to interrupt us at some point and tell us hey do you know who you are when david went out to fight goliath david went out to kill goliath he didn't go out to fight him he told the king i'll fight him but he said i'll kill him i'll get i'll bring him down when he was telling his brothers and all the soldiers they scolded him for it and david said is there not a cause in other words david would have said this something like this i heard the other day he said do you even know why you're here do you know why you're here and so the lord just is to waking the church up telling it do you know why you're here do you know who you are you're threshing wheat in a wine press you're stomping on the wheat you're stomping on the very on the very congregation of the armies of god so do you know who you are and it scared the church it scared the church you bring people into seeker-sensitive churches seeker-friendly churches that's threshing wheat in a wine press they don't even know who they are anymore they have no clue so that when the coronavirus came the church was in no shape to do battle with that no we had to be locked behind doors yeah because we had become slaves as a whole so they locked us behind doors and the church didn't even resist they didn't even put up a fight because it was in no shape to fight well you'll find out later what a wine press is made for in the battle of gideon ephraim came in and joined the battle and they started pursuing two princes two principalities one was named oreb and one was named zeb and when they started pursuing them they they killed oreb on the rock of oreb but they killed zeb that principality in the wine press of zeb the wine press is for stomping enemies the threshing floor is for cleaning up the wheat and so for too long we've been doing the right thing in the wrong place and so now the the lord raised up an army when gideon quit doing that suddenly god had an army and he sounded a trumpet and he brought in 30 thousand 32 just think about that now he comes in with 30 000 and the lord says tell whoever's afraid to go home because if you don't they'll all thresh wheat in a wine press we can't use them they're full of pride and they'll just say we did it that's the arrogance of men we didn't so he said tell whoever's fearful to go home well they all admitted i'm afraid i'm afraid they said i'm afraid you tell me miles have you ever seen the lock in your life of born-again believers who call themselves warriors who stand and preach and talk about how afraid they are they talk about weakness they talk about having to to have counsel all the time to handle grief and they share it back and forth and they do this and they do that they're afraid they're afraid because they've been stomped in a wine press for too long and so he said whoever's afraid go home 22 000 left him on the spot and then he turned around and he said this he said that's not enough he said there's still too much pride in the camp there's too much arrogance going on he said they'll say they did it by their own might they'll get you killed he said whoever sticks their face in the water and drinks like like that and whoever picks it up with their hand and drinks said keep those that put it in their hand send the others home and 700 stuck their face in the water and had to leave there were two separations two separations we've already seen the 22 000 leave in the prophetic now we're right in the middle of the second division the 9 700 are leaving and that's what you see happening right now and the only people that were left at the end of the day was they had three things they had a trumpet a torch and a pitcher and the remnant rose up with a pitcher a torch and a trumpet a pitcher a fire and a trumpet and when it comes down to it the last ones that will be standing is those that believe in the fire and believe in the trump wow did you hear what i said and believe in the fire and believe in the trump now we get into a a prophet a prophecy in political realms the pitcher had to be broken there had to be an uncovering and when the uncovering happened the fire was raised and the trump was on the scene so there's coming a great uncovering this year and it's going to be broke after the 97 has left 9 700 is left the remnant will emerge and that's what's happening right now those who believe in the holy ghost and the values and the polit and the political would be those who sound a trump and believe in the fire and they're waiting for the uncovering and when god says break the picture the fire and the trump will be seen and we will have the greatest revival you've ever seen ever wow come on i don't know man you know i'm i'm just talking because i have no audio on you so i'm just thinking let's see i don't know if i'm going you know how long i'm supposed to go i mean that's what's in my heart to tell you yes sir let me see if we can fix this the 9700 okay so that's one thing yeah okay can you hear me now robin no no okay we're gonna need to uh yeah get give us a second let me try something okay hallelujah well robin will be right back with us we're going to continue because i have some more i want to share uh that god is saying and then also i want robin uh to continue to share what the lord is showing him about this time and this season so stick with us we're going to get his audio worked out so that we can continue our conversation because there's much revelation that the lord wants to bring out and bless you with today hallelujah go ahead and do this if you would we're at about a halfway point in our broadcast share this with your um friends if you would share the broadcast we're probably going to go for another 20 30 minutes share it with your friends and let's continue robin can you hear me yes i can hallelujah yeah man well man that was powerful um what you were saying because um it's like um god is reducing the he's creating he's right he's forming a remnant or he's he's bringing forth a remnant uh that i believe you know one thing the lord spoke to me said myles i'm going to raise up a remnant that's going to heal the heart of this nation yeah and so robin i want to um ask you about a few things here um you know um i i had the lord gave me a powerful vision um this has been a few months back and what i saw in the vision uh i saw a red dragon come up out of china and begin to go westward toward the middle east yes and in this vid while i saw this the lord spoke to me and he said he said son china is the economic engine for the antichrist yes those were the words he said he said china is the economic engine for the antichrist spirits that are at work in the earth and so the purest form i believe in the earth of an antichrist spirit manifesting uh is the religion of islam and then also communism yes and uh then the lord spoke to me and he said from isaiah 60 he said this darkness and deep darkness you're seeing yeah he said it's the antichrist manifestations that are at work and he said with this virus what it's working to do is to darken the mind and the soul of people where their their minds are in complete darkness just complete darkness is overtaking them and so um many people don't understand i guess um the manifestation of uh the the manifestations of antichrist spirits in the earth yes what antichrist spirits like to do are infiltrate governments yes to exercise dominion that's right over the masses of people that's right and so in the midst of this the lord said you know arise shine you know the word shine in hebrew it could it literally means to be set on fire that's what it literally means to be set on fire with the glory of god and so the lord's he said we have this great glory that's manifesting in the earth that's right and and then we have the the this deep darkness anti-christ spirits that are overtaking the minds of people and so yeah comment on that a moment yeah i uh see i'm a warrior i i'm a that's what i do and uh i'm a warrior and one thing a prophet knows how to do is fight and so see people people tried to say this and i'm i'm about to throw a different perspective on something for people maybe they haven't thought about people try to say this well during the virus doing the lockdown everything there god is god is using this as a great awakening to the church and he's doing this and he's doing that to wake up the church well this is this is what i see god didn't use this to wake up the church what happened was is the devil caught the church asleep the church was sound asleep and he came in to smother it to death and the church woke up in the middle of dying and started fighting back to get this pillow off their face and that's what happened god never uses sickness disease or death to teach anything the scripture says the thief comes to steal kill and destroy god uses his word to correct you now i'll tell you this about the spirit of antichrist and it's something that you said that about a red dragon because the other day well i say the other day it wasn't too long ago the lord spoke to me in a prophetic word and i was given this word on the 11th hour and the lord said there's a sand dragon coming up in the talking about it being in the mid east a sand dragon and i just i thought about that i said it before i knew it i just heard it a sand dragon that's china in the mid east that's what it's talking about the sand dragon coming up in the mid east now as far as the antichrist spirit goes miles i'm going to throw this out there okay see there's always an impression in the earth before the event comes to the earth always it was set in precedent when god made the man he made his body first then the spirit of the man came to the body so the image of the man was in the earth before the man came the image of everything that's coming will show up in some form in the earth before the real event arrives so that the earth can see it coming that's a covenant god made with the creation so that you can see it coming your flesh can know how to react to what's coming there's always an impression of it now think about this just a minute you're talking about the spirit of antichrist that's the spirit of the anti-anointing it's anti-anointing whatever the anointing is the spirit of antichrist is opposite now think about this the first horseman of the apocalypse there's four horsemen that ride in revelation six and the first one is on a white horse so he's on a white horse and he has a crown on his head and a bow in his hand and it says with this white horse this crown and this bow he goes forth conquering and to conquer now i want the viewers to think of it like this he's on a white horse so it looks right it looks like it's right it's the righteous thing it's going to be the right thing to do but yet that word white doesn't just mean dazzling white it also means dead white and so here he comes on a white horse a dead white horse and so on that horse what's now it also means of a ripening grain in other words a harvest that's about to come up he said he comes on a dead white horse you ready wearing a corona on his head wow he's wearing a corona on his head and he's got a bow but the greek says that word bow is a poison dart so he comes in on a wide horse wearing a corona with a poison dart in his hand and with the corona and with the poison dart he goes out conquering and to conquer so anyone can can see this the spirit of that thing is already riding with a corona and a poison dart what does that say to you that's that jab that's the whole thing and he said with this virus this jab looking like it's right he's going to conquer and go conquering people and so we already see that starting to happen and it said following that will be when the masses and the people rise up and kill one another riots and he said after that there'll be famine shortages and after that it says a green horse comes the scripture says pale but that's the word for green that's islam it's talking about islam and now we see that islam is rising up in the mideast miles and and they're armed with the most sophisticated weapons now that's ever been known to man i mean we left thousands and thousands and thousands of guns there we left at least 90 black hawks 150 tanks superior tanks we left apache helicopters they said we're looking at things uh mind detectors we're looking night vision we're looking at they were given everything yeah this was payment right there was payment made and if you want to know who the payment was made to it was the sand dragon yes we paid them what you want to just almost guarantee you that one of those black hawks and apache helicopters and an abram tank ended up on chinese soil by the next day so that they could reverse engineer it and they got our targeting systems they got all the weaponry with that we possessed they know exactly how we do things now even the iron dome is based on that targeting system and china didn't have it but they have it now because that sand dragon there's something called the silk road that runs from from afghanistan into china they had a direct road into there and does it not strike anybody as strange that by the next day iran was sitting on the border of israel does that not strike anybody as funny and now those weapons are being brought up to them they're being brought up to them and they left stacks and stacks of cash in in afghanistan and the who ever heard of a government pulling out the military before they pulled the civilians out what kind of craziness is that we made payment to somebody somebody paid somebody absolutely they paid them and they gave them hostages they gave them people money cash weaponry everything and the lord told me in the prophetic word a sand dragon and i saw it raising its head up out of the sand coming up out of the sand it's the same dragon a different color right it's because of china and so that's where i believe we are that spirit is in the earth yes miles they're trying their best to push something into being before its time right it's not time yet for that but if satan can push it into being remember jesus said if you can make one jot or one tittle not come to pass that i've said you can beat me right he can push it into being before the time he wins yeah and so now everything is set up i think he's maybe trying to push the gog magog war into being before it's time right and so all of this is 38. yeah and it's all set up right now except the enemy never counts on one thing the anointing we will pray we will pray and we will pray and we'll stop it and we'll pray and something will turn he never counts on that see if you want to see the impression of something look at it you know my son's wife told me one day she said there's only one letter difference in mask and mark only one letter and so without the mask you can't buy or sell without the mark you can't buy or sell why would they be trying to pay you to take a vaccination miles why would they pay you for that if they were really concerned this um this vaccination from from what i'm from what i've heard and what i understand is that uh people are like ticking time bombs that somewhere down the line this thing that's what they're saying uh i was i was asked about that and um see this is an impression right of what's coming i want to tell you i want to tell you something anybody who will take the vaccination in order to protect their livelihood well they'll fire me if i don't take it if you would if you would make let them force you to take something in order not to lose your job they would surely take a mark not to lose their life right and so you're looking at what's coming yes and what i'm praying for is mercy for the people that took it because i think the first thing is designed to harm their body terribly and so i'm praying that the anointing will reverse the effects of that in their body and that they will learn a lesson don't never do this again that's right nobody should force you to do anything that's right you know robin a lot of what you're talking about is um god's prophetic timeline coming down and this is the problem in america is that you know people really don't understand history anymore they don't teach it in schools right what not but you know i remember in 2012 i woke up the morning after the election and barack obama had been re-elected yes and that morning the lord woke me up about five in the morning and all he said he said this he said i will be with you in babylon and that's all he said and then so we it was like we're on this prophetic timeline we've been exiled to babylon but then god raised us up osiris yes named donald j trump that's right that's exactly right and he brings forth osiris and cyrus in isaiah 45 he's anointed and he funds uh the rebuilding of the the wall of the city and the temple that's right and you know um yeah and so god uses cyrus to to to support and back god's people yes and essentially that that's donald j trump more than any other president in history supported the church and israel yes even moved the embassy they even minted a coin a temple coin i don't know if you've seen it i've got a couple where it's his face and cyrus's face side by side they even made them look just alike one with a beard one without a beard wow and and so it shows you prophetic timelines see satan has to fight on a prophetic timeline and he looks to steal a prophetic timeline i could tell you about one that's remarkable that the church never saw coming and it got us into that with barack obama i don't know if you know this or not but barack obama was prophetically removed from office he was removed from office in 2010 a lot of people don't know that but the a prophet removed him with his words in 2010 and i know obama listened to him because he quoted him obama quoted him and he well he when he removed him about seven months after that in 2010 he was speaking to a crowd of women and his presidential seal fell off the front of the podium he just bounced across the floor and he looked around at his podium and he said did i lose my uh and he just looked back at the crowd he said oh well you know who i am he lost his his position and after 2010 he couldn't do anything he just couldn't do anything he controlled all the the congress everything really but he couldn't get nothing done so he just started playing golf and turning gray he couldn't do anything right so he he became saul at that point king saul wow and so god was going to raise up a david after that which was trump and so now in trump's life remember when david came up then david's son absalom ran him out of jerusalem and he went into exile for a while well just think about what i'm saying just a minute then suddenly trump leaves after and he's in exile well to show you he's like david he has a he has a friend named stone that he released he has all these things are prophetic well then joe biden comes in a fraudulent president but obama says he's my third term so he becomes the second half of saul's kingdom right well after samuel told saul you're finished you're finished but he didn't leave the office he just lost the anointing to be king after that he lost his mind wow after obama left he became saul joe biden became the second half of saul's kingdom and lost his mind just exactly like king saul and so but there was a time when saul finally left that david came back david came into the office came into the kingdom so we're on a timeline right now barack obama would have never been president had satan not stole a timeline i could tell you the timeline that the moment he stole it satan has to seize a timeline in order to get in ahead of the light and it was the only time we have record that he got ahead of the light that's why christians had their head in a bag it seemed like when obama was president for eight years and we were just screaming and nobody could hear us because it wasn't supposed to happen for 28 years later and satan got 28 years from the body of christ when he elected barack obama wow oh yeah i wish we had time to talk about that that is amazing how that happened you know real warfare i want to um share a script first samuel chapter 10 really quickly and uh something i believe the lord showed me about uh joe biden and the democrat party uh out of first samuel 10. all right and um this is when uh saul um samuel told saul that he was going to encounter the prophets yeah actually i want to come back to um first samuel chapter 9 for a moment and i want to i want to look at this here um it says that saul was deeply troubled his father had sent him out if you look in chapter 9 uh verse 1 it says now there was a man of benjamin whose name was kish the son of abiola the son of zeror the son of the korath it goes on it says the son of the son of a benjamite a mighty man of value he had a son whose name was saul a choice and handsome man and there was not a more handsome person than he among the sons of israel from his shoulders and up he was taller than any of the people but look at this in verse 3 it says now the donkeys of kish saul's father were lost so kiss shed to his son saul now take with you one of the servants and arise and go search for the donkeys he passed through the hill country of ephraim and passed through the land of shalesha but they did not find them then they passed through the land of shalem but they were not there then he passed through the land of the benjamites but they did not find them and so robin saul his father had lost his donkeys yeah and what the lord spoke to me if you continue reading this you'll find out saul really became concerned and consumed with where the donkeys were right and that's where a lot of people are right now they're really concerned about where the donkeys are at what the lord told me spoke to me about this about the donkey parties that they're lost yeah but you know the only person who knew where the donkeys were was samuel was the prophet the prophet was the only one right man that's good where the donkeys were that's awesome man and the lord said he said um joe biden is going to lose the his influence with the donkey party that's right he's completely lost them but the lord said this just as they have been found the lord has found them out see it came through the prophet absolutely that's right that the lord found these donkeys and you know i want to just tell people that so many people are just completely disturbed in the body of christ with what the democratic party is doing because what they are they are in agreement with the anti-christ spirit is what they're in agreement with yes that's right and um but god has found them out yes and joe biden is going to completely lose all influence with with his own party yeah see he has to because remember during the debates he said he said um i am the democrat party he said that he said i am the democrat party well now look how he acts look what he does look at everything they portrayed him to be and so he is the democrat party so now that tells you what's going on with the democrat party completely so they will have to remove him if not he is he is the democrat party that's where everybody will perceive them but it's just like you said and i saw it as you were talking the the prophets were the ones who knew where they were the whole time and right now people are trying you know they tried to to sign petitions to get us to get profits to be quiet to not say anything to only prophesy according to a man's guideline well hell can freeze over before i would do that i mean i just won't do that and uh and if it froze over i i wouldn't do it i can't i won't apologize for what god told me and i want to apologize for what he says i don't have a right to do such a thing but here's what happens we knew where they were the whole time right all the prophets knew and now he said i am the democrat party so they can't have him as a representation and so this whole thing is about to upend itself in verse 20 what samuel said uh when he met samuel here says then in verse 18 then saul approached samuel in the gate and said please tell me where the seer's house is samuel answered saul and said i am the seer go up before me to the high place okay for you shall eat with me today and in the morning i will let you go and will tell you all that is on your mind as for your donkeys which were lost see saul was completely lost yeah yeah that's right and so were his donkeys all of his were lost he didn't even know what a prophet was when he met him no he didn't even recognize a prophet when he met one he didn't he did not recognize uh the prophet was right there with him and he had absolutely no clue uh but listen what samuel says he says uh he said i will tell you all that is on your mind yes and in verse 20 he says as for your donkeys which were lost yes three days ago three days ago do not set your mind on them do not set your mind on them for they have been found and for whom is all that is desirable in israel is it not for you and for all your father's household and then saul continues but um the lord said he said they the donkey the donkeys they they're lost but they have been found out by the lord that's right now robin before we came on the lord really impressed one scripture on my heart very strongly before we came on and it was from hosea chapter 12 verse 13 and it says this but by but by a prophet the lord brought israel from egypt that's right and by a prophet he was kept that's right that's exactly right that's that's the office of a prophet brother the office of a prophet brings deliverance and preservation yes that's part of the office of a prophet i thought of that before we ever came on the air when you and i were just talking doing the test thing and the office of a prophet where prophets stand is to lead people into deliverance and to keep a nation yes so so see i really believe i don't know if i'm getting off subject from what you were saying but that's an awesome revelation myles that is prophetic insight to scripture i hope everybody listened to what you just said about all of that yes sir and so so this this thing a prophet's ministry a prophet's office see the church didn't know a prophet's office because they voted prophets out of it a long time ago as a majority you can't prophesy you can't speak in tongues you can't do these things in our office of a prophet my god man and an apostle they don't even exist that's what happened in church so when the enemy did this and rose up there was no one to deliver and no one to preserve and then and then all at once the prophets come on the scene they were we were always here miles you know that but they wasn't spotlighted until this king went rogue and when god's covenant nation was threatened suddenly the prophets came on the scene and pointed their bony finger right at that king and said thus saith the lord and so people say you shouldn't be so political well they should have told elijah that they should have told elisha that they should have told moses that moses dealt with the whole and that's who that scripture is referring to is moses they should have to moses dealt with pharaoh in the whole nation a government of egypt so here we are but i'm going to tell you why i believe it is it's because the glory of god is right here on the edge of rushing into the world coming into this nation coming through this nation to the entire globe i believe the glory i mean the tangible glory i believe the glory of god which is resurrection power is about to come through this earth and satan knows that it's tied to the preservation of the only last free nation in the world he knows its tithes yes he does and the prophets had to come on the scene robin let me say this um in hebrew well if you translat if you transliterate the name or the words united states of america into hebrew what it means is land of covenant that's literally what it means wow i didn't know that covenant i didn't know if you knew that or not no i didn't know that but if you literally i'll never forget that you the united states of america if you translate that into hebrew it literally means the land of covenant and i've all that's what i've always said is that this was a covenant made see there's only two nations in the world created like like this israel was made created because god loved israel we were created in the u.s because we love god right and it's the only two nations created in the love of god like that that's right and so that's why we can't be separated exactly and so so we stand on the brink of god fulfilling the i'll tell you this and i know we have to close here but i want to say this when the when the declaration of independence was written and it says in it our declaration says we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men were created equal endowed by uh with certain unalienable rights endowed by the creator and so forth and among these life liberty and the pursuit of happiness do you realize that when god said when when those men pinned that it was in the middle of a world of slavery it was in the middle of a world of slavery in other words they knew they couldn't obliterate slavery at that second so they said where in other words we're you think those men didn't know what they were riding miles they knew what they were writing and so these men had had like up to 20 years equivalent to a 20-year education each one of them yes yes they absolutely were brilliant and they knew when they wrote this down what they were saying was is this we are fed up with slavery we've had enough of slavery treating men like cattle doing this and having tyrants in the world we hold these truths to be self-evident and they brought god in on it and they said that all men all of them all colors it made no difference they knew what they were saying they were saying when we get through with this today we have declared a nation that is vowed to do one thing take god into the world and obliterate slavery and tyranny so every time our flag is unfurled it lets tyranny slavery know we are coming and we are coming in the name of our god to set you free and so that's and god made a covenant with that god's all in that he jumped in on that and you know what he said all right i'll honor this covenant and you and me together are going to take tyranny out of this planet we're going to declare war on slavery and so from that point on slavery was doomed it was destined to go away and so it was we're the land of covenant we are also and that's what you see happening now they're trying to put us in slavery you must take this jab you must wear a mask you must do this you must do that and if you don't do that you can't buy you can't sell that's slavery right this is the miles you're here i'm here these other prophets are here because of something we've never been so close to losing at all as right now and when god had to pull his profits out into the spotlight you know we were close to losing it and so god pulled his prophets into the spotlight and he told me something and i said this on flashpoint they were talking to me about it and the lord gave me a prophetic word this is the staff i care you've seen it and the lord said you see that face he said that's one of the faces that go around my throne 24 hours a day he said i have this nation in my face constantly he said i'm not about to let it go down and the lord told me this you were talking about an antichrist spirit he said i raised up america to be the resistance to the antichrist yes he said they are the resistance to it so this is one of the faces in revelation and ezekiel or zechariah that goes around his throne constantly this is one of them right here yes and it just happens to be the face of the nation so prophets rise up the glory is at stake remember he told moses as i live my glory will fill this earth the glory is at stake this is why we have to speak yes hallelujah absolutely you know robin that's really powerful and uh these are things that people need to understand um to have a right perspective yes and an understanding of uh the sons of israel understood the times they understood and they knew what israel should do and that's not what they would do but what they should do what they should do that's right yes what they should do and um you know when when the pilgrims first landed in this nation yeah the mayflower compact yes was a covenant that they rode out that's right that's right and that's what it was it was a covenant between them and god and why they came here was for freedom of worship for this to be a christian nation yes many people don't know that uh christopher columbus was a very a very devout and strong man of god yes literally his name uh means light bearer yeah he was a jewish man yeah and he um he kept a journal matter of fact you can look this up he kept a journal that literally he wrote out his uh his dialogue between him and the lord yeah and and very uh strong man of conviction yes with god and um but robin we're in such a critical hour and moment and just like you said man you said it right there the the prophets are here for so long the church was a a five-cylinder car running off three cylinders that's exactly right man evangelist pastor and teacher that's right and but now you have prophets and apostles yes and what people have to understand is apostles and prophets are breakthrough ministries yes that's right in the church their breakthrough ministries and foundational ministries yes and jesus christ being the chief cornerstone of his church and god is no respecter of people that's right he's no respecter of people but robin um you know the altars of baal and jezebel are being destroyed even in this very moment in this time the altars of baal and jezebel and every pastor and leader and political leader um that that that have been eating from jezebel's table god is dealing with them he's dealing with them right now he's dealing with those those pastors that that are preaching a a government-approved gospel yeah the other day that they had up on their side the church did uh just imploring people to get this vaccine and just a righteous indignation and compassion all at the same time rose up in me yes because god's house is a healing station god's house is a healing station god's house is a hospital for the sick to be completely healed and delivered and set free that's right you know not not a place to to uh to push anti-christ and to take people's temperature at the door before you let them in a church no now how pleased do you think god is with that could you imagine jesus telling peter take their temperature before i lay hands on them no you need to take their two man that's a leper you need to put a sheet between me and him put some something up so that i don't have to actually touch him with my hand you can't that's ridiculous to your thinking it's ridiculous but that's what that is right you know you were talking about prophets of baal at the altars of baal see god defeated every false god in egypt he defeated every one of them but there was one more god that they worshiped that he hadn't encountered and he it was the one god wanted to drag out onto the battlefield it was the one he was after the whole time the other gods those low-level devils in egypt was they just went down like that when god said there's one who has a high place and i want him i want him to come out on the battlefield so the children of israel went down to pahaharath then they camped they first camped at sukhoth then they went down to pay a higher turn and went up to etham come back and sta and camped at between the tower of migdal and so they're sitting right there looking across the red sea get this at a place called baal zephon baal zephon it was a high place across the red sea where the temple of baal was sitting and baal zephon that's where they offered children on the altars of baal god was calling him out that's the one he wanted that's the one he wanted out on the battlefield that was always the one from the fall of adam that's the one that he did battle with so he gets to the red sea which we are at that time he gets to the red sea and he says this and baal zephon means god of the north the north wind but god called the caused an east wind to blow that night not a north wind right so he was doing battle with baal and when get this miles it says that he came from timon and came across the red sea in other words he was over there in the land of midian coming across the red sea to meet moses and he went right by us up baal zephon he did battle with baal and he split the sea that's why pharaoh went in the sea he thought it parted for him not for moses so that's why he followed him in after him but he thought baal parted it but it was an east wind that blew not a north wind wow belle's and so he called bail out on the battlefield bail my brother how do you know when baal's involved baal is the religion of government so how do you know when it's there how do you know when when governments formed its own religion when child sacrifice is the biggest thing in it when child sacrifice starts you know baal is present and so the first day of the fraudulent president joe biden the first day he was there the first thing he signed he killed 345 000 unborn children in one year every year over 345 000 are slaughtered on the altars of baal and planned parenthood every year already almost pushing upwards of mid 20 million children pushing 30 million have died this year worldwide in abortion meals the the altar of baal now god is calling baal out on the scene this morning another prophet called me and told me he said didn't you say something about mexico i said yeah i think i did he said yesterday or this morning they signed decriminalizing abortion and the moment they signed it that day a 7.0 earthquake hit mexico god is doing battle with baal yes he's doing battle with him absolutely so abortion is the blight and that's what's going down miles that's what's about to fall that's right you know uh in texas they just uh signed a heartbeat law yes and within seven weeks six weeks and so the devil is just raging over this all the satanists have come out and and it's a showdown robin it's a showdown brother it's a showdown between the prophets and the prophets of baal yes it's a showdown and um and so um we are directly confronting the and robin for so long the church has been silent on the issue of abortion yeah and and we we um we need bold leaders brother that is the issue that is the issue yes child sacrifice is the issue that is people say well that's not the only issue it's enough isn't it that's the main one everything else will take care of itself if you get rid of that one right well it's a showdown with dale that abortion is uh directly tied to racism directly to racism planned parenthood was started to eliminate the black race exactly that's why it started that was their own admission right and so uh the this satan and satanism what their highest sacrifice that is required is human sacrifice yes the sacrifice of children that's right and this connects to the spirit of jezebel what people don't understand all of these connect yes because the spirit of jezebel see jezebel was a her father was a king and a priest that's right now that's right and jezebel was a princess yes of bale and what many people don't realize is that she was raised in the temple of baal yes around sexual promiscuity that's right around uh it was normal for her to see children sacrificed that's right from an early age she was immersed in child sacrifice exactly killing the killing and offering of innocent blood children's blood on bale's altar that's exactly right that's all she knew that's all she knew and i'm going to tell you something bro that's why elijah had a showdown with who the prophets of baal yes it was all a showdown with them and it's it's come to a showdown now when we were in nashville tennessee at kent christmas thing uh on freedom and we walked out on the stage the lord told me he said today is the showdown the prophets were sitting on a stools all around and there was a showdown with baal that day and so we're part of this whole elijah moment that's about to take place now when it happens it'll happen fast fire will fall fast that's revival and it will obliterate this thing and so here we are and child sacrifice is the issue that's the whole issue and don't forget that nobody needs to forget that uh why would satanist miles just i know you know this this is rhetorical to you but why would satanists come out against texas heartbeat bill why right well when hillary clinton was debating donald trump in desperation go back and watch it in desperation she turned around and looked at the audience this was her words you cannot elect him you cannot elect this man he will stop roe v wade wow that was her whole argument on fox news one time they asked they said why is it the democrats are so bent on abortion and their own the person he was asking did this nobody can figure why it's the number one issue with them right they're prophets of baal that's right it's all baal worship why when they were when they were confirming judge cavanaugh putting him through that circus they put him through did they bring the arch of baal out into the park across the street from where the hearing was going on and they centered it on the door of the building he was in they were calling for the spirits of baal to do battle and they were afraid he would overturn roe v wade wow yeah it's what the battle has been about and uh you know one-fourth of the black race has been exterminated due to abortion oh are we are we prepared to see that happen no i'm not right i'm not as a prophet of god i'm not prepared to see uh the black race wiped out right i'm not having that that's what our flag was that's why it was all invented all men are created equal and by the same creator given the same rights everything i'm not i don't i'm not as a prophet going to stand and see any race wiped out without speaking right are you absolutely no no i'm not i'm not no that that's a that is righteous indignation yes absolutely absolutely praise god robin scared of the black race brother that's right he's scared out of his mind of them he's scared of what they carry uh absolutely you know herschel walker is running for uh sinning in georgia right now if i was in georgia i'd elect him he is a god appearing man amen he's a god-fearing man and uh he's a righteous man hallelujah you know before when herschel walker was about to go to college you know he really wanted to go into the marine corps and when he was coming down to the decision on what he was going to do whether he was going to go to college and play football or go in the marine corps he flipped a coin and it it it landed that he would go to college but he really wanted to join the marine corps but uh the you know he's a righteous man and uh and you know uh raphael warnock is a uh is a priest of baal he's a prophet of baal that's the the the man who run for ran for senate in georgia that is a pastor yeah and he's a democrat you know but uh abortion yeah uh do this pray for us right now if you would to close this and and if you feel led to prophesy or release anything man go for it please okay okay you know uh yes let's just pray father i thank you lord i thank you so much for this time lord god i thank you for opening airwaves that we can speak words of life into now lord god right now and this is what's in my heart right now i call and stretch out prophetic hands stretching on a generation like elijah did that young boy like elisha did that young man raising another generation stretching ourselves as prophets on this generation this young generation and i call for the prophetic mantles in the black communities to wake up inside the young ones wake up inside them and i call you prophets on the scene come up on the scene speaking with the fire of the holy ghost i call you forth in this whole nation for you are a formidable foe against baal so i call for the prophets in the black communities to come forth i call for them to come forth i call for those to rise up on the scene in the name of jesus you have been called so come forward now i call for those the prophets are stretching themselves out all over this generation in every place in every part of the world i call for the prophets to arise come forth and begin to prophesy on the soil that you stand on call for the fire to fall call for it to fall in the name of jesus for your voice is needed now says the lord and your voice is needed like never before i have arranged this broadcast to call you into the kingdom and call you into my service for now says the lord look for your encounter for i am going to bring you before your mount carmel i'm going to call you up to be a preservation to the people in a deliverance to those around you says the lord so this is that time and this is that hour come forward says the king come forth says the lord for you have been born for such a time as this hallelujah hallelujah wow hallelujah to the lamb of god you know while you were praying and prophesying i just saw a uh a gavel fall in the spirit and um hallelujah i saw a gavel fall hallelujah and the lord says there's many who are in the valley of decision right now there are many that are unsure of what they are to do yeah well the lord says i'm rendering verdicts and judgments throughout the land against the wicked yes you know when you see the wicked sprout up like grass the lord says watch because very soon they'll be cut down and cut off yes but i the lord says he's rendering the verdicts now the the the judgments the righteous judgments of the lord are being released throughout the land right now hallelujah the righteous judgments are being released through my prophets hallelujah for the lord says it's the word of my prophet that shall come forth and execute judgment and righteousness says the and we'll confront the prophets of baal and jezebel who eats from her table yes the lord says enough isn't now yes hallelujah this demonic nonsense in mockery hallelujah i shall release a word that completely throws them into confusion into derision and the lord says i'm arising even now and my enemies are beginning to scatter because my prophets are coming forth hallelujah with words of might and words of power hallelujah that shall release righteous judgments in the earth hallelujah and righteous the lord says a plum line even says the lord a plum line of my of my word and of my spirit yes is being released yes and the lord says it's because my prophets are now on the scene my prophets are here they're they're they're arising hallelujah they're they're here and they're now hallelujah speaking my word in season hallelujah like like apples in settings of gold yes they're speaking the right words at the right time because now they understand hallelujah the time that we are in yes and the lord says understand this is a time now yes that judgment shall come upon the house of the wicked yes but the lord says also i'm bringing a bringing a realignment of my house and there there there shall be my people that are in alignment with me shall raise shall shall shall rise up with great power and authority my words shall be on their lips on their mouth amen and they shall subdue the enemies of baal hallelujah you know i see i see miles a stirring in the hispanic community i saw a stirring happening inside that community that the lord is raising up generals out of the hispanic community now they're starting to come forth and they're going to come forth and they're going to occupy high seats and political offices you're going to see it start to happen because god is going to light a fire within that community that their voices will be heard and they'll sound louder and wax greater and greater i saw this stirring start within that community it's begun it's beginning now and i think it's happening yes and it's happening there in georgia and things are going to change my friend because when you hear the voices of these people speak they're going to not be ignored any longer no more will they be ignored hallelujah because he's going to raise up strong family values and start putting it back into the communities now hallelujah hallelujah yeah wow amen you know i've told people for years that revival was going to spring forth through the hispanic community in america yes and i believe that yeah i saw it stirring now and the lord is going to visit what people call minorities and what he's going to do is he has great wealth gifts there gifts of the spirit gifts and calls of god he's going to start bringing them up and give because you know why it's because it's the time of joseph's coat wow it's the time of joseph's coat it's because he wore a coat of many colors it's the time of joseph's coat and the chief is placing the coat on everyone this is his time we all have a place in the coat wow come on because yeah it's because joseph had to have the coat and you notice it was the coat that was used to deceive it was the coke that the wicked ones used to deceive his father with it's always about that coke get rid of that coat but you'll not be able to get rid of the coat says the lord for that coat that coat actually revealed to jacob that his son was really still living because jacob knew the difference if an animal had a torn the coat he knew he was alive he knew he was there hallelujah and it was because of that coat they were reunited and the one who wore the coat ruled the world wow hallelujah come on hallelujah and i felt that really strong hallelujah that was a word from the lord my brother wow praise god yeah just for absolutely that uh those watching right now just receive that right yeah hallelujah and uh respond to the word of the lord yes and uh wow robin uh man i know you and i could go on all day i don't know if people would would sit all day with us but like i told you son this past sunday i was at a hispanic church yeah oh wow there you go we we we went for six hours we went from 10 in the morning until four in the afternoon hallelujah and it was just a uh an overflow of the glory of god and um man god just did he did so much but he's raising up a people yeah yeah you know he's raising people and uh the time of joseph's coat we don't need to forget that no no we do not there there's much more to say about that there is more to say man dig into it brother you'll you'll get inside that and then you can you can sharpen this iron with it again we'll just put this iron or sharpen iron absolutely wow well robin thank you so much uh man what an honor uh man i just uh what a powerful time and um man just thank you wow thank you for having me brother i appreciate you so much um and we do we honor you and uh i just want to encourage everyone that's on this broadcast um you know i sow into robin's ministry as you're led by the holy spirit as you're led by the holy spirit by the lord so into robin and his ministry and what he's doing and his wife and and the ministry that they're doing is good ground it's it's really good soil to sow into consider going on his website looking up his ministry and sowing into him even now even today so so an offering into his ministry and bless just to be a blessing amen and and and to say thank you hallelujah well brother thank you so much uh man i want to uh i want to look forward to doing this again with you and uh so much was released and spoken and uh i'm believing well brother what you said about uh samuel and the donkeys and all of that man that is that's heavy stuff that's deep stuff i'm gonna look into that too yes sir yeah that's awesome man that's awesome brother awesome speaks some things to you yeah and uh already has absolutely well you all i just want to just declare a blessing over each one uh father right now in the name of jesus i just declare blessing and favor over each one watching this broadcast and right now i say the lord bless you the lord keep you the lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift the light of his countenance upon you yes or give you his cologne its completeness his wholeness be upon you and upon your household hallelujah and upon your generations and the generations to come yes we declare the blessing of the lord over your life his favor the year of the lord's favor is upon your life now hallelujah in the name of jesus we declare these things the name of yeshua yes lord in the name of jesus hallelujah god bless you all we've really enjoyed this time we'll talk to you again soon all right my brother god bless amen bless you robin shalom
Channel: Myles Kilby
Views: 41,296
Rating: 4.9553647 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 31sec (6451 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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