(1815) What a Difference a Kitemark Makes!

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[Music] well this is another treasure that came in a box from water too recently and this really is kind of a treasure it it is a yale and we see the kite mark and we've never really talked about that assurance of quality stamp that they put on locks that have a little bit better design some of the design features that jump out about this one you can see we have obviously two halves this is the half that's designed to face outside and you can tell because we have this cut right here and that's called an anti-snap cut so when you install this if it happens to be sticking out a little bit someone put some pliers or one of those snapping tools onto it and they try to snap it instead of breaking here it's designed to break right along that cut it's held together by just a little bit of metal right there so it'll snap it may or may not come out but regardless they won't have access to the actuator so it deprives them of that nice design feature the other thing is this one has a hardened spine now this black part here some kind of some kind of steel hardened steel that goes through the base of both halves of the lock again designed to make this the actual strong point of this lock so you're not going to be snapping it there either the other thing that makes me think it's quality is because that anti-snap thing doesn't look like a permanent installation i think we can take these two pins out or those two pins out and then we'll be able to slide the two halves apart without cutting it like i usually do it's also designed for re-pinning we can kind of tell that because it has a circlip on here it's not a permanent krypton it this is actually designed to be removed re-keyed and then reassembled so hopefully our life if i can get it picked we'll make it a little easier to get this thing gutted and take a look at the inside of it anyway let me clamp it up i am going to try to use this from 3d lock picking i think we can slide that on there so designed to go on there well maybe not oh all right whatever i will figure out a way to clamp this up may have to old school let's see if we can get the outside part picked because many times these are keyed with security pins whereas the inside may or may not be all right let's go old school it works it works that holds it um wide open keyway this is not the typical yale keyway with the curl tip so i can probably use one one of these guys this is my sp 14 my next to thickest one and that seems to be okay my thickest one obviously i jump on him is two millimeters it's a pry bar so i know for sure that he would not fit all right as i said wide open keyway plenty of room in there no paracentricity it's not a pair of central keyway so i can get pretty deep hook in there and i've chosen this guy at least to start with this is the deepest hook i own a multi-pick pn04 and if i had a deeper hook i would use them because there's really plenty of room there all right let's try it um i do feel six pins which is what we would expect by the way i don't think i showed you the key what do you think of that awesome bidding on this guy we got some super low cuts near the entrance and got that high stuff hiding behind them so really if you want to pick your own bidding this would be an excellent choice and i think it is probably a new lock it works beautifully all right wow let's try to pick it so let's go clockwise and all the way in i'm going to play heavy tension and i'm not going to try to pick the first time through i'm trying to find binders and i want to keep releasing my tension until i only get one binder so now i got three let's try it again i got two one all right so right there what about that so let me recock it reapply that tension and go back to the first binder which was pin six i got a little click i'll take it now hopefully we find another binder there we go pin three nice i'll take it there's like pin two if i get on him here oh no now he's springy so i'm not gonna mess with him i'm getting some tiny feedback off of four there so let's go back to four there i just barely touched him when i lightened up on the tension and i got a nice sharp click i think we are dealing with some serrateds in this guy that is pin i can't tell if that's counter rotation or if i'm on the warding there let's keep looking before we make a jump oh that was pin three pin two is the one giving me counter rotation so i'm to lighten up on my tension nice click pin two again counter rotation a little micro click that time i'll take it okay now i've got a definite fault set i saw that one that was pin three i think we're definitely dealing with some serrateds here pin one got a little click i will take it let's keep looking going back to one counter rotation again i got a little click out of him i'm gonna keep moving looking for another binder just like picking an american padlock just give it one click and then keep moving if you don't find anything else pin three and if you don't find another binder go back to that one that was one click on pin three oh there's counter rotation on four where are you that was three again that was four this is like six is all the way back down he's the only binder i'm getting very slight counter rotation pin two counter rotation very slight come on that was three again gosh what a difference a kite mark makes that was pin two but definitely went fault set that time pin one again there we go thank goodness six minutes that's crazy for a six pin lock that's a minute per pin geez no not bad again that comes down to quality guys um i am sure we're gonna find some weirdness inside of here um i am i'm not seeking fame and fortune here so i'm not i'm gonna take this off camera i'm gonna try to find out how to punch out at least one probably both of those pins i'll be doing on this side and then maybe we can slide this thing apart i'm going to do it without destroying the log it's a quality lock why destroy it so let's see what we got and i'll be right back [Music] all right start to slide apart here i'm hoping for the best all right so we got that over there now let's pop this clip off and get on with this make sure it's not some weirdness come on there we go all right we are well on our way now get all that stuff out of there oh i need all that stuff to put it back together and then we need the key which is located right here rotate that dude 90 degrees we need a follower and we need a shim to keep from going down into that little groove right there let me just shove him in as far as i can get him that ought to be good now follow her all right pins are going to be right up top right where we want them let's hope for the best here okay there's all six of them no idea we'll we'll figure it out a minute um yeah look at all of the anti-drill pins in this guy where'd that probe go um we have an anti-drill pin on either side of the stack a third one right dead center and then we have two alongside back here so even if they were to snap this off and then go in and try to drill again would not have worked what a difference a kite mark makes all right let's see if we can dump this without all those little carbide inserts falling out let me turn this around get that out of the way move that out of there and see what we got here serrated serrated serrated serrated serrated and oh there's a standard one okay nothing weird here no undercuts or anything yet all right let's hold that guy out i want to know what that was where did he go could that have gone nah it doesn't make any sense why would they put this on the bottom like that that's where he was he was on the bottom he fit right in the bottom of that keyway somehow and that little hole lines up with that last pin i have never seen anything like that before probably to keep the key centered who knows all right let's take a look upstairs tweezers let's get that shim out of there first bill now let's take a look upstairs serrated man nice that's one of those asses there's another one on the standard i say that with disgust in my voice another standard ah what are you guys doing in here number six another one and yet another one oops where do you go i'm not going to bother to pull the pins or the springs out of here no point in that i can see them all lined up so it's completely stock springs so here's what we're looking at we're looking at all serrated key pins every single one except for number six and actually number six i'll pick him up in a minute he looks a little bit weird and then we have these two guys and the rest of those are all standard so let's take a look at the key pin number six because it looks like the top of him has a little so the diameter of the pin is reduced and then it gets wide there at the top so that would make that little pin kind of flop around i would think i don't believe that would act as a serrated pin but he definitely kept falling down on us maybe that's why he's cut that way anyway guys there you go the yale kite marked from uh from water 2 in the uk um yeah what a cool look i believe it is a ktm but if you guys know anything about it put it down there in the comments appreciate your time guys stay safe stay legal [Music] you
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 57,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: A35iVttIKck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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