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what's up everybody how are you doing today my name is kef and today we're gonna play group by 22 round number one we've got a full book [Music] we've got ticket zero zero zero serial number one two four four one one three and then we've got ticket zero two nine at the end so 30 tickets got a lot of tickets to play and we've got lolo here watching over us watching over this group enjoy the splitting of the 30 tickets let's go [Music] are you guys ready for this let's get this show on the road all right ticket zero zero zero using my lucky silver equal coin this is legit one ounce fine silver a little bit about this ticket real quick it's the 2021 ticket it's 20 5 million top prize got four bonus spots here you need 20 21 symbol to win and then down here you've got your winning numbers you have your numbers and over here if you find a 10x 20x or 50x symbol you automatically multiply and win that corresponding price and also there's a win symbol if you get that win civil you win all 25 prizes odds of winning any prize is 1 and 3.00 cash prize 1 and 4.29 all right let's go how is everyone doing how's your week going how is everything going the new year is coming hopefully i finished this video this should be out on the 31st happy new year hopefully everyone celebrates safely health is most important wealth is good but health is more important than wealth always so take care of yourselves make sure you stay healthy let's go ahead and speed through this and the last one here we go is gonna be a 12 unfortunately no win on the first ticket that's okay let's see what we got in the next one let's go all right ticket zero zero one let's go ahead and speed through this [Music] okay no win here next ticket all right ticket zero zero two the thing about this ticket is the shiny part is the part where you scratch so it gets everywhere i literally have sparkles all over my desk right now i try to brush it off after i play but still gets everywhere all right let's go ahead and uh simple hunt this if you're new to the channel welcome symbol hunting is uh when i scratch our numbers first and we look for symbols if we find symbol that means we won if we don't we could still win but it's just a way to look for symbols first because it doesn't matter if you have winning numbers because if you get a symbol you win anyway but of course you can still win afterward and if you whether you win or lose you still want to scratch the winning numbers you know in case you want to try this while a lot of single digit numbers there still got to scratch your numbers because you can still match numbers even if you get a symbol unless it's a win all then it doesn't matter because then you win all of it anyway all right i'm not seeing any symbols yet we're looking for 10x 20x50x or a win all symbol okay it doesn't mean we lost let's take a look see if we can match up a winner here i believe this is what the third ticket it's gonna happen all right let's see if we can find one there we go six there we go third ticket we've got our first win of the group by number 22. hold on is there another six nah okay 25. if i miss anything as always let me know in the comment section down below i will have a question of the video for you guys and i'm also gonna do some fun things throughout the video where you can win a free spot in the next group buy because we are doing the 50k oh we got another one we got number seven here okay we got two wins that's gonna be more than a ticket at least unless they give us two ten dollar bills then that's not great but we'll see no 34. okay we got two here six and seven let's go okay we got 25 this could be a 50 to start it off nice we got a 50 win we'll take it all right we're now only down 10 we've only played three tickets all right let's keep going 50 wins pretty good to start i like it let's keep the momentum going all right ticket zero zero three let's go [Music] okay no win next ticket ticket zero zero four [Music] [Music] okay no win i'm not seeing a win all right next one ticket zero zero five come on where's our winner at make sure to like and comment and don't forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button to subscribe to the channel it's free to do you just need to have a youtube account that's all and if you want to join as a member you can join too thank you very much if you do decide to join thank you to our the last member who has joined skyler thank you very much for your support tier three support thank you thank you all right let's see if we can get a win here come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay still no wins interesting maybe i missed something very possible okay next one's going to be a win it's got to be ticket zero zero six let's find that winner [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay all right come on game okay this has happened to us before it's possible this game is just that way where there's four to five in a row losses and then they give you like three in a row wins we've seen it before it's possible maybe that's what's happening here all right let's move on next ticket ticket zero zero seven my lucky number what is your lucky number what's your guys lucky number maybe i asked this before but we always have different people watching these videos let me know in the comment section let's see if we can find a win here i believe okay wow still no wind well that's five in a row three in a row win incoming that'll be crazy okay let's let's find out okay ticket zero zero eight i know it doesn't look good but these books have minimum wins in them so we're not hitting winners early on we're going to hit them later on or they'll just give us some something bigger i haven't played this ticket enough to find to know so we're going to find out together this would be interesting if this is a winner and the next two are also winners this would be the second time i'm playing this or a third time maybe and uh five in a row lost followed by a three in a win let's see if we can find a winner here this uh yeah all right let's find out let's go ahead and uh speed through this thing okay there it is there it is uh now i wanna see the next two tickets that's where things might get interesting okay hold on we're not done yet though oh we got another one okay interesting maybe they'll plop down a hundred right here that would actually follow the same pattern as the last time i played it so uh i'm very curious right now what's gonna happen what we're gonna see here okay so we got those two all right 50 50. well we got 45 and we got four fifty dollars here fifty dollars there okay nope it's going to be 20 and 10 okay 30 all right we got more let's find out let's see what happens on the next few tickets let's go okay ticket zero zero nine will we see two in a row my guess is yes two in a row two in a row or we're going to see several every other wins all right let's see let's find out maybe a multiplier here i'm filling a multiplier i should have symbol hunted that's okay let's speed through until we find that winner [Music] [Music] okay no win here all right let's keep going all right ticket zero one zero we are now a third of the way through hasn't been great yet but that means it's coming that means the greatness is coming which uh you know maybe i prefer that way have all the losses come out in the beginning and then just hammer us with all the winners at the end i am fine with that maybe they're prepping us for jackpot i don't know has anyone hit a jackpot i know we have some people some of our cap empire fam they've hit jackpots i've seen a million dollar winner i've seen several 40 50 000 winners if anyone else has hit something big before how did that ticket usually pop up did you play multiple and then it popped up in the middle of the maybe you played a book and it popped out or you bought like five tickets and you got four losses and hit a win or did you hit a bunch of winners you know with the jackpot [Music] it would just be interesting to see like maybe what does california lottery or you know other lotteries do they just give you winners a bunch of winners and then they throw in the jackpot too that would be pretty crazy but i don't know we haven't seen one yet on the cap empire but uh you know what it's it's gonna happen eventually we haven't hit it yet but it's a matter of time we're playing group buys after group buys and one of these groups is gonna hit it and uh it's gonna be absolutely life-changing it's gonna happen on the channel it's gonna happen in one of my videos i know it all right nothing there next ticket right ticket zero one one if anyone's interested in a group buy we have group by 23. it's a the big 30 dollar ticket brand new one if you're interested in that one join up you can email me at kef empire join up join up join up let's fill it and let's get it started let's find some winners here come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay no win all right they're coming all the winners are coming at the end then tickets are one two let's keep it going okay no symbols we can still get a winner here and there it is first one first number four matched it up let's go let's go all right anything else no 24 22 i saw 22. there it is 22 there's two are there multiple numbers 14 no 14. no 29 41 no 41. okay we got two matches here two matches so far 19 no 19. all right and the last one we've got 28 that is a negatory all right 22 and four let's go okay five five five eh okay okay there's 25 all right you know what we'll take anything ticket is a ticket but this is better than a ticket because it's uh 25 versus 20. all right let's keep this going more wins coming i know it all right ticket zero one three we're about to get flooded with winners it's coming i know it california lottery they called me they're like hey okay we're sending them over we're sending you the winners here they come [Music] all right next one take it zero one four we're gonna go out with the bang this is exactly like 20 20 right 20 20 started it was a mess and it wasn't very good and then slowly you know things start getting a little bit better a little bit a little better a little better here and there and then you got december it's getting better kind of well maybe not everywhere but you know i feel like you know this channel has been doing well we're almost at 50k subs and uh we got you know big things planned for the channel i'm excited thank you guys so much i want to say thank you guys you know for following you know subscribing watching joining as a member all that liking these videos i appreciate you guys seriously you know i i took a fairly long break and uh and there it is there's a winner there's a winner here we go and uh came back and i'm glad to see a bunch of familiar faces a lot of you guys coming back and uh watching again so i appreciate you guys coming back to watch thank you guys you know for sticking with me here yeah we're gonna do big things on the channel besides hit that jackpot winner one day it's gonna be big things and i'm gonna bring you guys up with me because uh this is this is all thanks to you guys my life is thanks to you guys thanks to you watching right now it's thanks to you thank you guys very much seriously thank you thank you thank you and let's see if we can pick up this winning pace here okay i don't see anything else we got the 12. start off with the 5 million yeah that'd be nice no it's a ticket all right you know what ticket we'll take it all right let's keep this going come on more wins let's go all right take a zero one five we are now at the second half of the book this is where everything starts to get better just like 2020 20. kind of all right winners are coming let's go bonus 2021 don't fail us like 2020 did i know you're gonna be better i know the world wants to be better let's find us a 5 million jackpot right now right now [Music] okay not in this ticket i'm at the next ticket find it on the next ticket all right let's go all right ticket zero one six this is a winner then uh yeah every other ticket it's coming there should be a hundred dollar winner coming i think every book has a 100 winner right at least one it's either got a 100 winner or it's got uh something bigger but i think it's there is like a minimum in these in these tickets yeah i am uh in the process of writing a not a guide but i guess you could call it a book yeah it's a book in the process of writing writing a book with all the stuff i learned over the years playing the lottery and tracking everything personally i love math and uh i've been tracking all of my scratchers data so you know i have this nice beautiful spreadsheet with a lot of data on it and i would like to share that with everybody you know it's nothing nothing like crazy or is it well there it is seven there's a jackpot and it will help you minimize your losses absolutely all right we got it seven my lucky number my personal lucky number is it gonna be it is this going to be the jackpot we've been waiting for if jackpot starts with the t maybe it's backwards maybe it's top catch top catch is that right top catch top catch no it's it's a ticket all right take it i'll take it let's keep this going come on let's go ticket zero one seven there's definitely a smart way to play scratchers that's for sure all right next ticket all right ticket zero one eight let's go we have wins coming i know we have wins coming we know you know we have wins coming they're gonna need to drop a 200 winner at the end to make up for everything all right nothing yet interesting i probably missed something i'm pretty sure by now all right we're still going we got more tickets let's go all right ticket zero one nine if this doesn't go well we'll probably play some more of it if you see a bad run you probably you shouldn't just quit and decide that ticket is no good [Music] oh there's a win we got five heck yeah we got it oh that looks like a that's a big one down there we don't have it though oh we got another one here okay huh okay all right getting some information interesting all right five and two let's go 25 okay there's a 50 all right all right no what what what 40 okay it's a 40. i i i didn't expect that all right we'll take a 40. yes we will at this point we'll take anything let's go next ticket we got more tickets we still have 10 more tickets can you guys believe that let's go 10 tickets let's go all right tickets 0-2-0 let's go we're gonna do some speed runs [Music] okay no winner there let's go next one all right zero two one all right game just give me something interesting just give me a give me a multiplier you know or some 2021 wins i'll take any of those or a win all at this point i just want to see something cool all right let's go symbol hunting [Music] everyone watching this right now you're watching this in the future i want you to wish the win all symbol to happen in this video all right i want you to concentrate and wish it hit that thumbs up button and it make it happen we got a winner we definitely got a winner there's two ones there maybe there were other ones i don't know unless they misprinted has anyone seen something like a misprint wait oh we got more numbers whoa whoa whoa whoa this wait they have to be winners right let's just assume they're winners and just do this okay i'm gonna mark them was the other one 39 this is basically uh a symbol hunting win all right this could be a good one this could be a juicy one a very juicy one two did we get two no and a 44. okay we got wins for sure watch they don't give us the one and the 39 that would be i've never seen that happen but has that happened to anybody is that possible i don't think so right does anyone know is it possible to get multiple of one number and it not be a winning number um i don't think so all right let's see what else we have well let's see what we have so far we don't have 39-1 oh 12 okay all right we got to win at least this is a win for sure i'm this is gonna be the 100 win oh wait there's another 12. okay all right all right they're not trolling us the lottery's not trolling us we got we got wins for sure let's go this could be the one you've been waiting for there's 39 and the last one is going to be 14 do we have it no we don't have 41. uh 14. okay hold on 39 12. one two three four five six wait what six all right what is it fifty dollars oh it's five it's a five okay you know what we'll take 30 bucks it's it's still something it's still bringing us closer to that uh that break-even point we're still far but we still have a chance we have many tickets there we go beautiful i'll take a six number win let's see what else we got all right ticket zero two two guys i called it we've been winning every other ticket except one time where it was two losses between wins but besides that one time we have won every other ticket [Music] 50k giveaway coming soon guys let's get to 50 000 subscribers help me get there be one of the 50k one of the original 50 000 subscribers we got another winner here there we go two wins in a row i know you want to be one of the 50k one day we're gonna have like 10 million subs 10 million okay 10 million this is me december 2020 i'm saying it we're gonna get 10 million subs one day and you're gonna be like i was one of the first 50 000 people one of the first 50k of kept empire and you will be able to say that you will go to a job interview and you will say i was one of the first 50k subs of kept empire and they will be like you are hired immediately okay no not really i don't think that'll actually happen but maybe you know who knows right imagine right being one of the first subscribers up here right and maybe even first one of the first members right i have like i have six members now six members we just launched it recently thank you guys very much the six of you i appreciate you guys so much be one of the first i know you want to all right support me and i'll support you back all right let's see what we got here it's a top catch there we go maybe that needs to be an emoji it's a top catch top catch i'll take it all right let's go next one let's keep going that's two in a row i like it okay ticket zero two three i'm gonna predict the wins in the rest of this book i will predict it should i predict that now i will predict it now we will get another 125 dollars in wins we'll do it 125 125 or 25 i prefer the 125 but yeah 25 is possible we could get more we could just hit a jackpot all right let's speed through this i don't think i've speed run in a while let's go okay next ticket ticket zero two four go zip through this hopefully we'll pick up at least two wins if we can pick up two wins then it will be at least 125. [Music] okay nothing there we're counting down all right ticket zero two five we have five tickets left uh-oh [Music] we gotta win we gotta win okay i almost wanna look at it right now but i'm not going to i'm gonna hold off because anything can happen we got two okay i i feel good about this one i feel good i feel oh we got three okay i feel uh okay hold on hold on i'm gonna guess it we're gonna get two more wins for a total of five wins i think we're gonna get a five winner here i mean it could be it could be three it's it's possible but i think it's gonna be a five i think they're gonna give us five yeah there's another one don't you dare do it don't this is one of those cases where i don't want more just leave me with what i have now oh no uh oh uh oh danger danger danger wait saved no there it is oh no oh no gabe oh no oh okay i'm gonna leave this on the side and uh i'll tell you guys why at the end there's a very good reason for it we're gonna put this to the side and we're gonna play the other four tickets we got four tickets all right let's hold up on this one okay this is zero two six we just put a hold on zero two five there's a good reason for it now i'm hoping that there is a winner here somewhere in one of these other ones that's all i'm gonna say i'm hoping there's another winner that's it oh man oh my my stomach is starting to hurt i don't know why maybe that's why that's why we haven't been really uh doing super well i don't know but anyway i can't wait to play the 30 group that's the 30 ticket that's gonna be a huge book huge group it's a 900 book 900 and uh we're doing 30 spots total 30 each to make the 900. if you want to join in on that email me at kef empire possibly we have spots left uh possibly i will say possibly because they've been filling up pretty quickly but just uh just email me yeah email me okay it's not there all right we got three more let's go okay zero two seven three tickets left and then we have the winner let's see what we got let's see if we can pick up a winner here boom boom boom okay nothing here two more two more okay last ticket let's go come on 2021 save us this is the last one last ticket 0-2-9 we're going to simple hunt this yes we are we're going to do it backwards i'm going to give you guys question of the day question is oh yeah the question question is if you were stuck on a deserted island what is the one item you would bring that's the question of the day if you could bring one item with you or have one item on a deserted island what would it be and why you don't even have to say why just what would it be here we go this is what it comes down to the intensity and i will explain exactly why it's so intense at the end but i won't spoil it last number oh my god last number and we still have the other ticket with the win so you know we'll end with a win but i'll explain what what has been so intense 17 do we have it no we don't have 17. all right let's jump into the winner let's see what we got let's see what we're dealing with okay this is the winner i already know you guys ready last ticket let's go there it is there it is okay all right so here's what was going on we had 235 dollars in wins 235. this book the minimum you can win is 260 which is why i was hoping there was another winner unfortunately we didn't see it so this is the end put us at 260. i mean you know most of the time that is probably what you're gonna get either 260 or 360. but you know what with 260 that's still 13 tickets you don't need that many tickets you can uh hit some big winners and eventually we're gonna find it i hope you guys enjoyed the video i'll see you guys in the next one don't forget to subscribe don't forget to like this video if you'd like to support me you can join as a member of the caf empire thank you guys i'll see you guys tomorrow on the next video [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Keph Empire
Views: 548,396
Rating: 4.6795177 out of 5
Keywords: 2021 scratchers, 2021 scratch tickets, 2021 scratches, 2021 scratch cards, 2021 scratchies, 2021 $20 scratcher, 2021 california lottery scratcher, 2021 calottery, book of 2021 scratchers, roll of 2021 scratchers, $20 california lottery scratchers, $20 scratchers, $5 million jackpot, 2021 scratcher win, winning 2021 scratcher
Id: TqpiXFwyXmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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