$5000 Electric JET ENGINE (Flying like Iron Man Update)

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It's here! The part we have dreamed about! Ian: It's been on order for three months And we finally have it These are definitely not the edible kind. Ian: Only one way to find out Come on My god, its huge! How heavy is it? I want to say 2.4 kilograms At least 5 pounds Follow us on Instagram! It's a rocket! Why You need something to do Alright, so if you guys are new to this series, we've been attempting to fly like Iron Man for ooh almost Two years now since 100,000 subscribers basically What happened was when our YouTube channel was very small we set a little goal that if we broke a hundred thousand subscribers We would start this ambitious project to try and fly like Iron Man! So for our hundred thousand subscriber milestone We actually said we would try and do a project to fly like Iron Man Now obviously that is a really really ambitious project and has taken us a long time Just to get where we are today and the big issue obviously is funding because Flying is difficult, but flying in a compact way is even more expensive. You can build a giant quadcopter They could lift a human for probably under $20,000 if you want to try and shrink that down to like a tiny jetpack The cost just skyrockets so what we're trying to do is slowly build up a system and get used to flying and we're basically going to start by building a Larger version of what we hope to shrink down in the future now in our earlier videos We use what we thought were some of the largest EDFs that you could actually purchase and these put out about eight kilograms of thrust Thanks to all of our sponsors We were able to buy what we now know is the largest EDF you can buy and that's the Schubeler 195 millimeter diameter EDF and this thing puts out 24 kilograms of thrust Now in order to actually test this and make sure it can put out 24 kilograms of thrust We've got this little thrust test jig that we built for our homemade EDF in an update a few videos ago So what we're gonna do is we're gonna mount this on here Hook up the new speed controller which you can see is absolutely massive compared to what we're using before and Then we'll be able to spin it up and see if it actually produces that 24 kilograms of thrust Goodbye washer it's by your sock Socks and sandals on video, that's that's a risky move. Let's see if it pays off So now we're gonna install a new speed controller just a little bit bigger not too much bigger What a crappy ziptie! And now for something completely different, On this episode make it real, I'm going to show you how to style your hair, just like Captain America Once your hair is nice and wet you're gonna need an industrial hair dryer And boom! You've got Captain America's hair! All right so before we decide to use this in our future design We need to test to make sure it's actually up to the manufacturers spec So as we've shown before we built a little thrust test jig with a little Arduino That's going to keep track of how much thrust this actually produces the other big thing we're testing here is my confidence level in being anywhere near this when it's running because That is the ultimate plan to strap these to my body somehow, so let's let's see how confident I feel. here we go All right so right now we have it set to a maximum of a 30 percent throttle. Let's see what that's like Not bad now let's go up to full throttle Somehow don't feel safe standing right next to it. I don't know if I feel safer like over here So my confidence level so far is not very high All right, so we've got the data on the Arduino from that test now It sounds really impressive, but let's let's throw some stuff into the wind stream and see what that looks like so Maybe not 100% Didn't blow that far yeah, the jet engine looked a bit cooler when we throwing balls in front of it All right now to visualize the flow of air that's actually going through the EDF right now we have a little surprise It's called a smoke grenade Got a bit dusty in there All right now we've tested the jet engine and the shoe blur well and our homemade EDF We can start deciding what we actually want to use for the project Now the most economical option would of course just be using giant props, but like we said earlier We don't really want to go down this road because we'll just end up with basically a giant quadcopter After giant props the next most economical option is the jet engine The jet engines produce about thirty four kilograms of thrust and cost roughly about three to four thousand dollars each They're not as precise as an EDF, which means we can't control them quite as easily making it a bit difficult for VTOL application That's not to say it's not possible, it's just the design we want to go with is going to be self stabilizing Now people have attached jet engines to themselves before and successfully hovered, but again. We want to build a platform That's intelligent and can Automatically make sure the pilot is upright. Which is why we really want to use EDFs but the problem is the EDFs are really really expensive the Schuebeler produces about twenty four kilograms of thrust But it costs nearly six thousand dollars after import tax customs And all those duties and whatnot but at that price point for those EDFs I mean we'd probably need about eight of them at Minimum to be able to have enough thrust weight to really be able to fly properly You're looking at forty eight thousand dollars Just there, which is crazy And it's gonna be quite a while before we could afford that many EDFs to actually build this prototype So to try and reduce that cost we did try designing our own EDF The problem was the amount of engineering time that would have to go into the design to make it work would actually end up costing Much much more than just buying them, so we're kind of back at square one And we're not really going to pursue designing our own EDF and that being said one of our subscribers is actually looking at designing their own 300 mil EDF He's actually 3d scanned and upscaled a blade design from an existing EDF Modified it in CAD 3d printed it and then coated in carbon fiber And as you see he actually sent us a sample of one of the blades he built That's pretty awesome So as you can see he sent us one of the original 3d printed samples But then what he did was he actually coated it in carbon fiber Now carbon fiber is actually one of the few things we can't do here at hack Smith industries yet but it's really awesome to see what is possible and it's definitely something we're gonna be looking into in the future as Something that we'd like to be able to do in a house anyways If you guys want to see a detailed video on how this was actually made go check out and subscribe to high voltage feathers on YouTube We've put a link in the description below, and there'll be a link at the end of this video And if he has success with this project Maybe we'll be able to use his design in a future iteration of our project but in the meantime Let's use AR technology to actually show you what our design might look like So this is our preliminary design that we drafted up in SolidWorks as you can see it uses four jet engines and four Schuebeler EDFs and will provide a considerable amount of thrust that would allow us to fly and It would be able to self stabilize there we go That's the approximate scale of the actual design as you can see it is pretty big But it is a lot smaller than a giant quadcopter now obviously there are even smaller platforms out there Notable one is the flyboard air which is really compact and works really well. The only issue is. That's a $250,000 product if we're able to build something like this the cost would actually be just under sixty thousand dollars Which is still a lot of money, but it's not a quarter-million. Well we hope you guys enjoyed that video I know it was a rather quick update, but we thought some update was better than no update because right now We're actually super busy with some other big projects in the shop and some new equipment Which we're gonna be announcing very soon you guys want a hint on seeing what that is check us out on social media and don't Forget to check out high voltage feathers on YouTube right there Plus we'll be testing this soon
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 6,334,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying like iron man, hacksmith, flying like iron man part 14, hacksmith flight project, hacksmith iron man, iron man, real life iron man, electric jet engine, EDF, iron man flight project update, thehacksmith, iron man flight project, marvel, jet engine vs face, jet engine vs face hacksmith, mini jet engine, electric jet engines, richard browning, richard browning iron man, richard browning ted, richard browning tested, human flight, human flight project, diy flight project
Id: icK056p58r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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