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this video is brought to you by brilliant this is a nitro engine it runs on an exotic fuel called nro methane that it's used in Drag Racing nro methane is actually less energetic than gasoline but it comes with its own oxygen which means you need less air to burn it which also means you can burn a lot of it that makes this little guy very powerful might not look like it but this is a 2.5 horsepower engine if two horsepower means nothing to you just know there was a French car sold up to the 1990s that was called croan 2 CV which basically means cro and 2 horsepower does that mean this little guy could power this car well maybe probably not because this car doesn't really have two regular horsepower it has two French horsepower which is equivalent to nine regular horsepower it's equivalent to a li is what it is with all that said I think moving a car with this little guy might be a tad ambitious yes it would probably move it but but it would be very very slow on the other hand most electrical bicycles run on 1.2 horsepower if I'm not mistaken and this little guy has double that so despite my intuition giving me red flags about what I'm about to say if I put this on a bicycle the bicycle should go fast there's only one real way of knowing for sure I have a nitro engine and I have a bicycle that my grandfather left me so the next step is just putting the engine on the bicycle actually the next step is making the engine run because despite all my talk I don't really know how this little guy operates I don't have an RC car my grandfather didn't left me that left it to my cousin Tom AO damn you tomato so I did some research and by research I mean I read the pamphlet that comes with the engine and apparently this is a two-stroke engine which means that instead of going suck squeeze bang blow it joins some of those steps together and in the end you only get two strokes it also means that for each four strokes you also get more bangs so you also get more power I think for starters I need to fill up the tank with Nitro fuel which apparently is only 15% Nitro methane the rest is methanol and oil more lies now I need to use this doohi key to turn on the glow plug and pull on the pull start I guess let's give it a [Music] go [Music] nope my arm just like my grandfather used to say when the left gets tired the right gets fired let's go getting tired easy that's a bit too much I think uh doing it by hand is just too tiring or maybe I'm just bad at it but I think I'm going to disassemble the pool to start and just start it with a drill yeah I'm lazy what are you expecting so there's an Nexis with what seems to be a ball bearing and a nut I can work with this okay round two now with a drill let's give it a go that was so much easier I should have started with this I mean I'm too out of shape to do it by hand anyway so I know the basics of the engine now I can make it start at least which is not bad but I still have a hard problem to solve you see the engine has 2.5 horsepower and a big part of that is because the engine can reach 30,000 rotations per minute which is a lot like if I appli that speed directly to the tire of the bicycle I would reach three times the speed of sound well that that's not really true because 30,000 RPM doesn't really mean much if the engine is not strong enough to move the bicycle and my post chisma body on top of it and in fact is not strong enough to move me I should probably lose weight the engine only has .9 Newton M of torque and as you can imagine by the decimal point it's not a lot what I need to do is gear down the engine because I'm trying to emulate an electrical bicycle and an electrical bicycle normally has about 50 Newton M of torque which is basically 50 times more than what I have now I need to gear down the engine 50 times in speed so I get 50 times more torque that's how mechanical Power works I think now if I use regular gears I will end up with a gear that is bigger than the tire of the bicycle and that is no bueno the gear that I have in mind is actually used to tune guitars it's the worm gear worm gears use a screw like Gear with a regular gear to create insanely High ratios uh as you can see I already 3D modeled one uh I'm going to 3D print it and give it a go to see if that helps with torque never done that before so it should be [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tell using a shoelace I attached a 2.5 kg weight to the worm wheel let's see if I can lift the weight using just the tip of my [Music] fingers yeah it's pretty easy to lift the 2.5 kg with a worm wheel um but yeah you have a balance so this gets stronger but also gets very very slow let's see if the engine can lift the 2.5 kg I mean the engine is going to go much [Music] faster full throtle idle full throttle idle [Music] [Applause] okie dokie okay so the setup is ready um as you can see for the pulley I'm using 3D printed pulley uh they are 3D printing in a special resin from formlabs called 10K rigid which is very strong so they shouldn't break uh I'm going to give it a go and see if the engine is able to lift the witch let's give it a go 3 two 1 [Music] my worm gear is producing a lot of torque maybe too much I think I exaggerated on the ratio 1 to 100 might be too much or maybe not enough I'm not sure I don't really know what ratio I should use maybe I should figure out the transmission on the bicycle tire first and then move on to the worm gear yeah that sounds like a good plan let's disassemble the tire going to be honest with you I haven't disassembled the bicycle in a long long time so I don't really know what I'm doing uh I'm going to do my best okay and now you should come off off no oh Z okay now I need to 3D model a bully to put here yeah let's the measurements ooh [Music] 33.1 you know there used to be a time not so long ago when chip 3D printers were not that great I would have to 3D print apart three times to get a fit was a nightmare but now it's just amazing I mean I 3D modeled the part I 3D printed and it's a fit it works the first time it's just amazing big props to my favorite 3D printers the pru K4 and the bamboo Labs X1 Carbon well that seems to be working now I need to put another pulley somewhere around here and to do that I'm going to need some support so maybe an MDF panel here another one here I do the entire setup here and then another belt maybe here where I'm going to put the engine yeah that sounds good but I do need to 3D model it [Music] first [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is a one-way ball bearing I'm putting it here so the bicycle can go faster than the engine without destroying it you see it can rotate in this direction but not in this direction GRE because my grandfather used to say you can never lubrification too much that's why he ended up with 11 [Music] kids Hello friendo as you probably noticed this worm wheel is much smaller than the other one very perceptive of you the reason for that is because I already put a pulley here and here which reduced the speed a little bit I don't really need 1 to 100 ratio so this one is 1 to 32 which is good enough I mean I can move the bicycle with my hand which is awesome yeah that's great now all I need to do is put the engine here and give it a go yeah we are in the final stretch Let's [Music] Go okie dokie the bicycle is ready so going to give it a go fingers crossed let's see [Applause] [Music] it's moving okay um but still uh rotating a free wheel might be easy let me try and actually move the bicycle [Music] [Laughter] yeah oh well it doesn't lack power does it [Music] [Applause] Jesus yeah yeah he's doing it he's doing [Music] it stop please stop this is so scary yeah I guess it's working so uh I'm a pro at destroying stuff that I 3D print in pla and even though that axis um and by axis I mean the screw in the worm wheel hasn't still been destroyed I don't think it's a great idea for me to test the final thing with pla so I think I'm going to over engineer this uh and go for something stronger solid lubricants is a category of materials that is solid and self lubricates I know of three of those graphite is the first one and is used in the tip of pencils because it's slippery Teflon is used in non-stick pans it doesn't stick because it's slippery and Brass which is Us in bushings it's kind of slippery um but it's also very tough and it looks like gold which is cool I'm thinking of using Teflon for the worm wheel and Brass for the bushing now you might be thinking if the pla worked why am I going the extra step just to make sure nothing breaks well to be honest I got a fourth axis on my CNC machine I just got it and I really want to test it yep I don't really have a better excuse as you can see I already put the parts on the bicycle the Teflon wheel and the brass screw all that is left to do now is make my grandfather proud let's go outside I'm going to go get my jacket okay we are here in the countryside of Portugal ready to test my Nitro bicycle will it perform I surely hope so so I put a lot of hours into [Music] this so this is very beautiful is the countryside of Portugal lot of grass um and a cobblestone uh road which was not a great idea I think I think I should try the bicycle in on asphalt yeah this is creating too much bumpiness if that's a word I'm going to go to try it on asphal now and see how it does it's not doing bad uh it's just that I think it can do better so asphal it is so we found some right there which is quite quite the achievement in this side of Portugal because it's mostly Cobblestone uh roads yeah going to give it a go I'm pretty sure I can do a better top speed than before let's [Music] [Music] go I was coming in too fast I almost lost control of the bicycle let me see the top speed ladies and gentlemen oh we have a new top speed nope it's still 28 I know I can do better than this because I'm not going Full Throttle I'm afraid that the engine is going to die on me well I think it's time to try it Full [Music] Throttle you can see a lot of taplock on here but that's fine and the gear is still intact the engine is not handling Full Throttle very well I think I need to do it more progressively okay let's [Music] [Applause] go anyway let me see new record and I don't think I can do better than this I'm going to be honest with you I was not expecting that bicycle to reach 30 km per hour this project was a lot of fun I think the big take away from this project is the fact that gears are very important for power output so the more you know about gears the best the project performs in the end to be honest my knowledge of Gears was a little bit Rusty so I took a course from brilliant to refresh my memory but even if you don't know anything about gears or other subjects like bullies math eat flow fluid flow and many others brillant is the best way to learn a new subject I think the best example of this is mathematics because brillant is just amazing at making Math More interactive and visual brillant helps you master big Concepts in as little as 15 minutes a day learn anywhere anytime on your phone tablet or even computer to try everything brilliant has to offer free for full 30 days visit brilliant.org inexa or or click the link in the description the first 200 of you will get 20% brilliant annual premium subscription by clicking the link in the description you not only getting smarter but also helping this Channel and to that I have to say I want to be a cowboy baby and remember tomatoes are disgusting see you
Channel: Integza
Views: 769,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EXkV3dr5o94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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