Miniature Jet Fighter Flies 500KM/H

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[Music] all right look at this guys so what's up it's super cup blondie here in dubai i have something super super cool for this video this right here is a scale replica of a fighter jet look at this oh man this is exactly how this fighter jet looks in real life it's just a one to four scale replica so every single little detail is exactly how it would be on the actual plane and we can move all of these parts as well can't we this is mansoor he's the owner of this plane look at this and then this as well pilot's ready okay come on over mansour come over so these guys are part of a club here in dubai called sky hub uh rc mansour owns this one ahmed owns that one and what is this spider jet in real life where is it from it's a russian russia this is a suji theory because it has a canard this is what we call cannot okay and the other it's a 27 the only different i don't have these in that ah okay yes but you do have missiles what we're gonna do is we're going to race so we're gonna take off down this airstrip and see who wins okay what do you reckon who's gonna win the winner they take you check the plane rather than take the car oh the stakes are high okay for one yeah yeah okay two for one fine something like this uh goes for how much how much money did you pay a hundred thousand hundred thousand dollars so about thirty thousand dollars and something like this can travel up to five hundred kilometers an hour it can fly that fast but can it beat the mclaren on the ground let's see some of these planes can actually fire the rockets where we're not able to do that today but i'll tell you something guys these are like flying bombs what's happened is they've got the jet fuel here has real jet fuel and the turbines are right here so close to the fuel oh we can open that up that's cool there we go look so how far back does the fuel come guys how close is it oh it's this close oh five centimeters so this thing could literally like if if you crash it oh yeah it'll explode this gets about 700 degrees celsius so you can imagine 700 degrees right next to jet fuel all right let's do this [Music] [Music] it's so loud this is insane i'm racing like link's way to jet planes right now all right let's turn my entrance mine's not as loud as this all right active all right it's in sport are we ready i put my wing off [Music] oh so wow how was that hey oh man that did something crazy wow that was awesome that was epic and the two of you flying off together as well that was so cool wow that was a good experience that was so cool wow that's what we do on the supercar vlogging channel make sure you subscribe i've got it on our zone show you all of the other coolest planes here let's go all right we're here with mateo and duncan duncan is actually a world champion and matteo is a pilot in real life for you know a massive flight away there you go [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so wow that is insane like what's called a suicide spin the propellers guys you can have a bit more fun with them they're like aerobatic planes wow here we go [Music] [Music] wow what are we dealing with this is obviously a helicopter i can see that much yeah what's special about it so this helicopter is not something that's like you cannot fly inside like with the maneuver i'm doing like it goes really fast you know all the directions so i can make it like inverted the same way that i make it fly normally oh okay cool are you going to start easy okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] what i can't [Music] what he oh the taco wow the ways like we fly as slow to the ground as possible and sometimes you touch it yeah but it's only the blades that got ruined right yeah the blade is broken the tail blade is broken so it's like a 200 scratch that can be repaired in like 30 minutes okay you need to pay for it i gotta show you guys this one this is a exact replica of the helicopter at skydive dubai so the owner of this uh miniature helicopter actually took 1200 photos of the original full scale helicopter and then made this one so this is accurate down to every single little detail even this opens so the little slider here all these little details you know this is exactly the same so you open this and you see here the turbine and then the fuel is housed under here in this section and then you can open this little door here as well which is cool and then you want to see the pilot open this door and there he is looking a little bit stunned you're right no hello bye so close that off and this one this one took about six months to build the owner built it in germany and then flew it over here in one piece and it cost about 13 000 euros unbelievable that is a massive thank you to everyone involved for coming out today and making this video so amazing i love you guys thank you so much especially to all of the pilots here today you guys rob and a special thank you to ludo he arranged everything here today so you can go and check him out here that's his handle go give him some love all right guys we're out
Channel: Supercar Blondie
Views: 6,009,959
Rating: 4.8827758 out of 5
Keywords: rc jet, remote control jets, rc planes, plane vs car, mclaren vs fighter jet
Id: ET_hFOSg3Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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