The Fastest Shotgun in the World

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Smoothian421 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

New way to cheat when firing a shotgun: it was the wad

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/AdBudget5468 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2022 🗫︎ replies

That tactical altoids holder tho

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/veiledspy 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2022 🗫︎ replies

“This is where my wad goes”

A zone all day

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Descarte_fart 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2022 🗫︎ replies
fast to lengthen lengthen what a student path of Perpetual torment in his ravenous hatred he found nobody boiled blood he scoured the umbrella planes seeking Vengeance against the dark Lords who had rocked him and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him the Doom Slayer foreign [Music] [Music] thank you today we'll be talking about the smallest the average the fastest shotgun currently made on the market the Gen 12 it is a 12 gauge semi-automatic weapon needs from a fox magazine we're gonna be talking about it we're going to be showing it and we're going to be showing it compared to some of the best shotguns out there on the market today on Grantham the the average the average size shotgun some would say oversized pretty big actually yeah very big depends on Whose hands is holding it that's a good question yeah true race but before we start we of course have to thank the biggest sponsor of the channel the biggest sponsor of the channel is who Charlie the snoring desert the Sonoran Desert Institute big thank you to them three this candle we can't thank them enough if you're looking to get your start in Gunsmithing they are the people to go to we love them thank you to the Sonoran Desert Institute and of course what else could we not forget Charlie primary arms primary arms awesome Optics you know what and they are there at a great price thank you so much to primary arms they absolutely Rock and of course I have to give a big thank you to Norm ammunition ladies and gentlemen am I often forgotten but most certainly not by me the talking about the Gen 12 today I think it's going to make the most sense for us to directly compare it to a lot of the very popular military shotguns out there so we have a couple different shotguns here we have a Mossberg 590 A1 we have the very venerable Benelli M4 and we're going to be comparing the speed of two rounds and then a Reload off of these different shotguns now Charlie you're gonna [Music] so Charlie's shotgun shell fingers is going to be running the 590 A1 he'll be firing two rounds then I'll be reloading Charlie has no dexterity he's seeing a doctor for it so we'll see how that goes I'll be running the Benelli M4 and then the Gen 12 and we'll be comparing them directly in a couple of different drills after that so talks cheap ammunition is what Charlie ammunition is provided by Norma so we're going to be running Charlie through the 590 A1 he's gonna be firing two rounds we will reload one he's gonna reload one and then uh we're gonna see the speed uh he's gonna be using we're gonna be using a shot timer and that was the speed is Charlie do you understand the course of fire yeah left Target yeah left Target right there there we are okay shooter are you ready user stand by oh he's on all day you know close enough let's go check it out close I got it in the a Zone I actually fired four shots yeah that's it so we have a slug with the wad behind it hence we have the uh the second hole right there so two shots it was supposed to be three but close enough for government work all right we got the Benelli M4 we firing two this one empty yeah two I'm firing two then I'll do a Reload that's a nice shotgun that's probably adjusted just to you huh it is okay shooter ready yep standby five two five about four five three uh oh fumbly a little fumbly all a Zone Eat Your Heart Out Lucas botkin yeah lick my buttkin all right we got the Gen 12 here which is magazine fed we got two rounds in here we got pocket reload which is the uh the best reloading foreign take that Benelli now obviously a magazine fed reload is going to be way easier than the tube fed reloads that we typically see on these more traditional shotguns so that's going to be fairly obvious there so that's one thing that's really nice about the Gen 12 is it is a MAG fed but beyond that unlike the Sega is the mag fed that works all the Russian guys are going to be very angry at me right now but it hurts because it's true so what we're going to be doing right now is we're going to be doing a recoil test we're going to be running these different shotguns and seeing how The Recoil feels between all of them all right prequel test we have full power slugs we'll start with the 590 A1 which is a pump action shotgun foreign nice and uh stiff don't say it all right nice and stiff don't sit all right we got the vanillium 4 right here go ahead and try that guy out the Nelly M4 is a semi-automatic compared to the pump action so it should absorb a lot of The Recoil that we were feeling in the 590 A1 yeah it took a lot of that recoil feels pretty good Benelli M4 is pretty legendary as far as being a very controllable combat shotgun next up we have the Gen 12. got a suppressor on this guy so we have rounds not a shot it's way softer than the Benelli M4 okay next up we're going to be running the build drill which is six rounds on target for about the seven yard line and we're looking for all a Zone which everything is a Zone everything if you hit him we're gonna be firing full power slugs yep give the shot after you're uh you're up next on this yeah I gotta [ __ ] crush it all right should you ready yep stand by of a one six three one six all hits nice not bad let's go check it out that's not bad Mike do you think you can beat that oh for sure you think he beat Charlie [Music] um can I be Charlie I have one way to explain why the answer is yes don't you [ __ ] do it I know it takes his power away okay he'll no longer be funny maybe he'll be slow all right what's this little line no it's got one okay you're ready and bye oh one out one four nine what does one out count for it's your penalty second one second what do you want point two five we're at not raising interest rates no no no no no no that was my wad well my watch usually goes that was all in that was all in my wad was a c zone so it is a one four nine it's a one four nine you're up well I think Charlie what Charlie would have done uh is he probably would have shot off the target [ __ ] that other guy just so that he could say oh every single round went went through the same hole you notice how much buildup and pre-excuses there are when it comes to Mike and Micah all right no cheating standby [Music] yeah no kid what do you talk what are you talking about you're high as [ __ ] [Music] one five two so I won anyway no you didn't you had a second permit it was a wad get in the comments was Micah's legit was it a wad was it an errant shot it's gonna come down to a vote uh loser gets fired I don't care next up is Mozambique argue about that one in the comments it's gonna be two to the chest one to the head and uh we'll see who wins yeah well go oh [ __ ] shoot all right shooter ready aiming at the feet of the target everybody see that yeah uh if you guys feel like rewinding you'll notice this is much lower than his previous low ready should you ready yeah standby [Music] oh low on the head box we're counting that no okay that rectangle is BS go ahead no no no no every other time I've been to this range if you don't hit it in there since we're gonna start a war uh that doesn't that doesn't count that's out bold words from somebody who lost the drill shooter are you ready yep stand by he's not even aiming at the feet look at that oh look at his loaded oh already caught him yeah cotton wait four times the argument shoot already I wonder what I'm okay let's do it standby that's pretty good that's pretty good that was one one four what was my time oh she's hot you're a little bit closer than we were standing on that side okay I'll back up I'll back up all right aim it at the feet okay I just want to double check I'm a doctor you get a second opinion all right shooter ready yep stand by ah safety they didn't go [ __ ] that kid standby [Music] so I guess the safest place to be is the a-zone box of the head yeah um but I just want to get this I just want to get that 120. yeah but I hit a better spot in the head uh do you do we want to pan to mine so if if I do this that's uh you're dropping this shot's more lethal uh that's a brain shot that's like you could survive if you plug it went through the middle of your face the whole face is gone that good skin look at that look how many Russians are out there with just stupid Spectrum heads and it just skims right off all right one per Target and uh we'll see who wins this one yeah [Music] all right see you ready yeah stand by as a one two six that's really good those are all A's Grantham good good good [Music] yeah I thought that was a wad that was the slug yeah no no look there's uh there's light on there you need to go back to the Sonoran Desert Institute dude I would because they're a great sponsor of the channel snoring desert Institute shooter do you understand the course of fire oh yeah baby stand by [Music] one three two one two six one I guess he's mad at me all right shooter ready [Music] yes yes [Music] line break that counts they were all hits they were all hits uh oh no that's a wad it's obviously a y one five four this one will come down to a vote who do you think won get in the comment section and uh comment it comes down to style it comes down to what you can shoot and Charlie can shoot guns but not cameras and guns uh but I can shoot guns while wearing a lab coat thank you desert snoring Institute in what 90 degree Heat next one we'll be shooting the ballistic dummy lab next up we'll be testing the ballistic capability of the Gen 12 so we have a buckshot and we have this bull why is it so small I don't know I never finished growing there are actually a lot of people out there that can only move from here up all right we have Federal flight control Buckshot pretty powerful and uh go ahead and we'll run it and see what happens to Guess that uh 10 rounds of Buckshot would do that yeah thank goodness uh the government's encouraging us to get a shotgun I mean look at things you know it is not often that I'm actually excited about a weapon but the Gen 12 is a weapon that I've always been very excited about because I think compared to a lot of firearms that we're seeing right now it is actually doing something interesting and Innovative especially in the shotgun world now to be clear these new gen 12s are actually different from the previous gen 12s that I've used so with these newer ones you actually have separation of the muzzle device off the barrel so it is a short recoil operated weapon so the barrel is actually moving independent of the muzzle device itself now to explain this a little bit more we do have Cody with Genesis arms so we're going to go ahead and welcome him on Cody come on in are we clapping yeah why are you guys hold on that's all some would say too big [Laughter] you know we usually never let uh people who like are in the company talk because it's usually pretty [ __ ] when they say anything try not to disappoint you want to explain a little bit about how this mechanism works so if you're familiar with the Gen 12 like Mike said here it is a short recoil operated system so the barrel reciprocates there's no gas piston or direct impingement system that's going to cycle the bulk carrier so the barrel is going to move rearward that creates the initial inertia for the cycle of operation and then you're going to have the semi-auto function of the shotgun with the magazine fed this is primarily based around breaching correct that's one of the reasons that you did that yeah so we had a request to build a breaching shotgun and the request was how small and how short can you make it so we built the sbm line which is the suppressor breacher model so it gives you the fixed muzzle device allows you to have a suppressor fixed and not require a booster and it gives you the ability to have contact with either a door jamb or other objects and maintain the semi-auto nature of the firearm that is pretty sick you know from going from there a lot of people are going to be familiar looking at the lower receiver here so they are just DPMS 308 pattern lower receivers correct there's they're interchangeable if I'm not mistaken correct correct if there was a 308 standard then our upper could go on every 308 out there the idea behind the Gen 12 was to create a upper receiver and a proper Terry magazine so we could basically retrofit all 308s out there with a 12 gauge upper receiver and then the buffers because obviously there are a lot of different types of shotgun ammos out there from your shitty Walmart ammo to the full power buck and slugs that we were running today so you can tune that with the buffer if I'm not mistaken yep we uh we try to fine tune it so you can shoot low brass 1200 feet per second out of the out of the box when you get it but it's just a standard 308 carbine buffer spring that you can get from a multitude of different manufacturers awesome man well I appreciate you explaining some of that get out of here that way we're not influenced by you guys why are you trying to touch Cody he actually he was trying to do it before the cameras came on I was just trying to do it back full disclosure we do know the guys at uh Genesis arms we've worked with them before on the previous review so there's of course that there but as is usual um we're not afraid to pull any punches for this review we did split the ammunition as far as damage can use full power buck and slugs are hard to come by so we're gonna of course pay them back so the ammunition will be covered by us when it comes to that and then these Firearms do belong to them and not us so that is our full disclosure there but as always we're going to be completely brutal as we always are getting into it there is one problem that you really do run into on the Gen 12 and that is that with the 12 gauge recoil um although these do have M lock slots on them uh I would not recommend using the M lock for lights or anything like that we've had quite a few M locks that's either rip or fail so if you're going to run this at the light I highly recommend you use the Picatinny mount that's going to be your best bet when it turns to longevity on this particular weapon the best part about the Gen 12 definitely comes into the action because like we talked about and as we showed the Gen 12 is a very low recoiling weapon especially when you consider the size if we were to compare this to like the breaching shotgun that we have from Remington like the MCS this is on order of a magnitude I would say two to three times less recoil than that weapon so when we talk about a breaching weapon and uh The Recoil that you're getting off it this is much more manageable so I have a lot of good things to say about this not just in terms of it as a shotgun but in terms of it as a breaching weapon and obviously we do have a full 10 round magazine on this guy but there are also for breaching the shorter magazines whether it be five rounds or less that way they don't get in the way quite as much and obviously if you were you know just wanted to go crazy I'm sure they're going to be making larger Macs in this in the very near future now we've fired a lot of shotguns on Grantham here um and when you talk about capacity on a magazine it is always a problem because either you're managing your tube and you're just constantly reloading and you're emptying that thing and it's just a ass pain to try to get those shells back in there magazine fed shotguns are awesome but most the time they don't work so having a magazine fed shotgun that is actually working is a big deal because sega's kind of so so I understand there's guys out there with so he goes out run great and that's awesome but these out of the box are just running extremely well the ease with which you can swap magazines to get the gun up and running again whether it be changing your ammunition type from slugs to Buck it's a very simple thing to do and not to mention that low recoil it is just phenomenal and the best part about it in my mind is going to be the Fire Control System and that is that you really don't have to learn it so on this system it is simply an AR-15 Fire Control so what's great about that is your Manual of arms when it comes to this weapon is very familiar there's just a few things that are going to be different but you have your safe to fire the trigger is going to be the same obviously the triggers have to have full power Springs to work on these particular weapons and the only thing that's really different is you know obviously if you want to cycle or anything like that it's going to be a side charger to shut out rounds or to clear malfunctions or anything like that yeah I think it's uh it's really great that they there's a reliable shotgun slash magazine on the market and I would imagine that's a big deal for breeders or you you Mill guys the only military experience I have is when I'm trying to get a discount at the hair cutting place but one of my favorite Parts about this particular weapon is going to be the stock you have this really really generous recoil pad at the back so combine that with the really light recoil the weapon it just makes for an extremely controllable extremely compact package and I really love the direction it's going what's really interesting to me is that these really short barrels due to the short recoil action the short barrels actually recoil less due to the moving mass now that being said there are longer barrels depending what you need to do whether you're trying to shoot down drones or what have you so really this will fill a lot of different roles and you know kind of coming down to it I really want to say something terrible because I want to be spicy but there's nothing really spicy to be said other than the hemlock you're going to break your light so put the light in the Picatinny and you're going to be great and this is a incredible weapon Now is it going to be worth it to you uh yeah I think it'd be worth it to me especially if I don't know like a discount or somebody it'd be definitely be worth it so guys I think it's completely worth it um I think it is a natural progression of shotgun technology if you get out to a range and try them out I think you're gonna love it so if you really wanted a fast compact magazine-fed shotgun this is it right here guys go check it out big thank you to the Genesis arms guys for bringing this out and the Gen 12 but like we always talk about Charlie exactly as cool as this gun is if you don't have the training it's not going to matter so get out there get the training guys thank you so much for watching get that training from bear Solutions Haley strategic where else can they get training onward research when the time comes very very soon guys definitely keep an eye on that ladies and gentlemen thank you so much we got nothing else for you we're done final that advice Micah what is the dad advisor today dad advice for today is uh Micah's dad I don't know if you guys know yeah yeah and when you leave your house um a pet peeve of mine is uh seeing people in pajamas at the store I could be wrong for that but just look good unacceptable you'll feel better about yourself and if you're single you'll get girls question I've woken up next to you in pajamas a bunch one other thing guys don't forget about what Micah uh patreon check it all out patreon the sticker of Charlie in that lab coat it's the there it's there it's there go check out the patreon answering questions Mike is posting great photos and then of course onward research all of our great products go check them out ladies and gentlemen thank you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 2,807,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fastest shotgun, shotgun, 12 ga, fast shotgun, speed shooting, fostech origin 12, origin 12, 12 gauge, gen 12, genesis arms, genesis arms 12, fastest shotgun modern warfare, most powerful shotgun, tactical shotgun, shotgun speed loading, best shotgun, combat shotgun, jerry miculek speed shooting, best tactical shotgun, most powerful shotgun in the world
Id: L2DMQ85zKMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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