50 Weirdest Laws In The USA

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hello and welcome back to some more summer reacts it is myself big joshua we got jj we got bez and we got your boy vic uh america is a weird place you know like very weird place um so say reacting to the 50 weirdest laws in the usa apparently one from every single state all right let's have it let's see how weird america really is it is tapped [Laughter] just out 30 of our audience like that look you're not tabbed but your country the country is extremely touched all right run it dj spin that [ __ ] oh sorry you're on balance no no i was juggling why were you juggling don't worry anyway hey my name is luke hi luke alright i come from pennsylvania in the united states and we have some pretty weird laws here and i got curious about what other strange laws there are okay so we made a list of the 50 weirdest laws state by state here we go in alabama it's illegal to wear a fake mustache and church that makes people laugh in alaska well you can't wake up the sausage bear to take a photo in arizona it's illegal to let a donkey sleep in a bathtub i don't know how you got a donkey in a bathtub in the first place but to each his own in arkansas you can't honk your car horn near a sandwich shop after 9 pm frog dies during a frog jumping contest it is illegal to eat them in colorado you are not allowed to keep a couch on your porch in connecticut a pickle cannot legally be called a pickle unless it bounces oh my god it's illegal to sell dog hair in florida if you tie an elephant to a parking meter you have to pay the same parking meter dues that you would with a car in georgia you can't keep an ice cream so they're getting elephants in america and you park him you gotta pay fees bro sidemen video we broke 50 law the 50 weirdest laws in the 50s in america yeah in america that's a good shout you know it would take a long time to film it yeah it's too long just for it to get 10 or 10. can you break the american laws but in the uk why don't we just break uk laws yeah true yeah i don't know so like i don't know like murder the ones that holding a salmon suspiciously and stuff yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah is it a second channel video i think probably yeah yeah yeah stealing stealing murder wait what did you said murder fam wait what what dj in hawaii he says press play let's play bro jj i'm confused bro i heard stealing a murder bro those would be his two for the video we'll do the other so who you murdering for some more seidman video you're talking too much [Laughter] in hawaii it is illegal to stick a coin in your ear oh wow in idaho it is illegal to give someone a box of chocolates weighing more than 50 pounds in illinois it's illegal to fall asleep in a cheese shop without an indiana it's illegal to catch a fish with your bare hands or a firearm it's not catching it's killing it you're waiting that's a with a firearm you're killing it it's dead is he dead do you think he's dead yes you've killed it with a why would anyone shoot a fish i've seen it happen before you know like actual you know proper proper proper like out in the sea fishing um yeah yeah you tap it with a glock to get it before it comes in a boat i've seen that happen before oh man without a glock these laws had to be broken for like they have happened in the first place to then made a law right some of them might like i understand my own maybe the couch on the porch like yeah maybe someone like i said that that's not it's an eyesore or something yeah something like that but yeah some of these in iowa it is illegal for one-armed piano players to charge money for their performances that's just kicking someone while they're down man they already have one arm let's give them a little bit more money you'd think in kansas there's a poorly phrased law that states if two trains meet on the same track neither shall proceed until the other has passed what is that rocket league one philosophical in kentucky it is illegal to sell dyed baby chicks unless you sell them in groups of six well in louisiana it's illegal to send a pizza to someone else's house without their knowledge in maine you can't keep up christmas decorations after january this is hilarious i love this you just have police come in knocking on people's doors being like excuse me january 15th we're gonna have to we're gonna have to take you in you're being too festive new us okay number 20. in maryland though outdated it is still technically illegal to wear sleeveless shirts in public oh in massachusetts you can't own an explosive golf ball that is the most american thing i've ever seen oh my god in michigan women are not technically allowed to cut their own hair without their husband's permission what minnesota contest where the point is to catch a greased or oiled pig yeah i got that i got that in mississippi it's illegal to disrupt the church service parishioners are allowed may be encouraged to perform a citizen's arrest that's fine actually citizens arresting someone is is my dream that's my american dream in missouri it's illegal to drive with an uncaged bear you know what fat in montana putting an animal on railroad tracks with the intent of harming the train or the tracks is punishable by a fifty thousand dollar fine or five years in prison but not the animal but not the animal now okay great okay in nebraska it's illegal for people with stds to get married [Laughter] in nevada it's unlawful to drive a camel down a highway drive it in new hampshire you can't collect or carry away seaweed at night in new jersey it's illegal for men to knit during the fishing season wow in new mexico the state ordered over 400 words removed from romeo and juliet for being a little bit too unsavory in new york it is illegal to take any pictures with big cats again it's not the worst law in north carolina it is illegal to use elephants to plow cotton fields oh by black people [Laughter] foxy [Music] in north dakota it is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on in ohio you can't get a fish drunk i've seen that one before yeah [Laughter] can they even get drunk do they have to swim in alcohol to get drunk because it like goes through yeah i think it will it would do something to him yeah like just die maybe yeah [ __ ] a fish it's like burn off just swimming in a podcast there's a fish in it [ __ ] it i think you want to try it no no i should be stuck advocate trying this all hold the phone put me back in my office [Laughter] yo is that is that a random girl in the background he is actually yeah there is he's alexis here we go why is she in the office right here no no watching officers are affected by ethanol they get drunk however immersing them in alcohol will kill them and not very quickly or painlessly either the study was done in order to develop a model for alcohol effects in students for medicine it did cause suffering and effort thought carefully about it and found that the harm was outweighed by the potential good don't go dousing your fish with psychoactive chemicals through amusement there we go fair all right understand but they can get drunk and they do swim faster wait what the nyu polytechnic school of engineering did so by letting them swim in a solution of ethanol the solution ranging alcohol concentrations from zero to one percent some of the fish got stronger solutions than others also a fish marinated in the sauce for five minutes researchers dropped it into fresh water with the school of sober fish and monitored their response to their boozed up body the results showed that what i'm doing the weekend in shoreditch marinating in the source that's it i'm discriminating in the sauce bro [Laughter] fish fish much like humans have a slight buzz they throw their inhibitions out of the window they swim faster and show little fear or hesitation and when they're around their peers they go even faster and surprisingly the sober fish increase their speed to keep up jesus it's just like humans fish that that fish is showed signs of leadership its assertive movement steered the direction of the entire group when the intoxicated fish turned so did the others researchers think this may be because they were influenced by the fish's alcohol-induced boldness which they may have interpreted as a sign of leadership that's plants you know this is outrageous we are not far from fish yeah it's not food in oklahoma you can't make glue out of dead skunks it's illegal to go hunting in a cemetery what wait okay but jj why'd you say jj why did you say oh it's not fair man let me hunt anywhere in pennsylvania it's illegal to catch a fish with your mouth in rhode island it's illegal to race horses on the highway but if you do it's only a twenty dollar oh that's why i fit so i'm not saying do it but in south carolina a man over 16 can't seduce a woman by lying and saying he'll marry her woman can't do it to men though in south dakota casinos are not allowed to have signs that say casino what do they say um cash place cash please play [ __ ] we might win money here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get money games here gamble yeah gamble gamble please gamble camping number one gamble place in dakota in tennessee you can't share your netflix password good luck enforcing that one wait wait wait wait wait wait you can't share your netflix fast netflix how'd they gonna [ __ ] how are they gonna solve any of these laws texas it's unlawful to sell a human eye bad days in utah it's illegal to ride a bike without at least one hand on the handlebars in vermont women need permission from their husbands to wear fake teeth virginia having sex outside of marriage is still illegal should you be the person to confirm the existence of the species is it illegal to harass or kill bigfoot or sasquatch washington state wow don't harass sasquatch in west virginia it's illegal to whistle underwater what how can you do that wisconsin butter substitutes can't be served at a restaurant unless people specifically ask for it last but not least we have number 50 wyoming where it is illegal to take a picture of a rabbit from january to april oh my god how does that come in right as we were saying at the start of the video unfortunately america's dabs a human has made that up like yeah so you can't take a picture of a rabbit from january to april about a permit oh yeah unfortunately not you've got you're getting banged up i'm like you gotta pick rabbit and you can't take photos of it bro [Music]
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,106,618
Rating: 4.9746203 out of 5
Id: m-TbH4KKiD4
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Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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