Top 8 CRAZIEST Competitions in the World!

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welcome ladies and gentlemen to simon reacts today myself harry and vic are looking at the top eight weirdest competitions from around the world if the mu off ain't in here i'm disappointed that's gotta be one of them a timeless classic i reckon i reckon prediction the cheese rolling one you know when they chase a cheese down the hill it's quite well known though i feel like they're gonna go for rogue shells but i could be wrong that's okay since the dawn of man we have had the urge to compete and to this day we love to watch people compete against each other whether it's the olympics the world cup or the super bowl however our competitive nature runs deeper than just the biggest sports on the biggest stages tough mudder i'm doing that soon i hope the weather's nice and many competitions exist that can only be described as completely bizarre oh wait is that that cheese i saw some cheese i saw some cheese i'd look like some cheese there today we're showing you eight of the craziest competitions in the world would you describe yourself as competitive did you used to cry when you lost at wee bowling when you were a kid no i feel attacked what a game you know i more sidemen wii sports oh that would be you know what that would actually be a very funny watch as well i'd love to we sports resort as well you know i reckon i'd i'd have ksi in the boxing you know i reckon i'd have him if he doesn't win that's embarrassing i bet we actually do that i'd have so much fun with that all right i'll set out let's start at number eight with one of the most bizarre contests in this entire list the worm grunt contest worm grunting is the technique of luring worms to the surface of the earth by vibrating them out of the ground do you yell at the floor in the worm grunting competition in wilston united kingdom each participant is given their own nine square meter field in a large meadow why are they casually just playing fergie and they have to bring as many worms as possible up to the surface of the earth this is not glamorous everyone uses their own technique here some hop in place right she's dancing on the worms others play musical instruments and bang a shovel on the ground to create vibrations last year the winners made it to first place with only 11 worms but the record for the most worms to reach the surface in 30 minutes without digging is over 500. jesus in half an hour right yeah that's good that's impressive what's up how many how many worms a minute's that big do the math please um it's like it's wow it's too early in the morning for this 19 or 18 in it or something 500 worms in 30 minutes yeah now it's like why why is this shouldn't this should not be difficult at all this is so embarrassing oh let's move on let's see yes like 16. it's like 16. it's like 16 in a bit okay okay at number seven we've got the extreme ironing world cup is exactly what it sounds like it's competitive ironing like ironing clothes but it's extreme right so the ironing is not done in the laundry room participants have to iron in some very unusual places at the extreme ironing world championship there are different categories in which the ironers compete for example in the rocky style category ironing is to be done on a mountain or on a rock you can either iron on the top of the mountain or you can even set up your ironing board on a wall in the category forest style the contestants iron on branches and tree tops but how do you win just by ironing in the mudders place water style they iron both on the surface of the water and underwater no no this does not this is not allowed that doesn't work the newest category of the competition is air style where participants board small planes with motorized parachutes or the combination of base jumping and ironing oh you may be wondering who would want to take part in such a competition maybe overly aggressive moms with nothing to lose i think people are just really bored man anything to feel alive how do you get into this it's productive i guess people love it look at the crowds bro they're going mad for it let's move on to number six in a competition that brings the pain the death diving world championship when jumping off the diving board one normally avoids the dreaded belly back or butt flop but in oslo norway there is a competition dedicated to these very fine art forms it's not about agility it's not about grace oh oh yeah that caught me off guard and it's not about limiting your splash or any kind of technique it is all about the clap of the stomach on the water this is what zach and jay did mm-hmm yeah but see see the way they land they don't actually hurt themselves because they're like you put your arms down don't you yeah yeah but if you [ __ ] it up at all i mean it still looks bad yeah yeah i wouldn't do it the pros however utilize a very specific trick they fall belly down but just before they hit the surface they put their arms together and form a kind of ball to diffuse the impact even so you're still slapping number five we've got a competition that's a bit of a head scratcher to be honest i don't know what's going on here every year people from all over the world gather at coppers hill and gloucesterster united kingdom wow that's how it should be pronounced to be honest everyone gets a four kilogram slice of the very popular cheese throw it down the hill then they all throw themselves down the hill after the cheese it can get pretty wild the goal is to be the first to reach the bottom of the very steep hill the fact that people do this full pace is mad yeah whoever manages to do this gets to keep the cheese all i'm saying is that this cheese must be unreal people are throwing themselves off a cliff for this grassy dirty cheese let's stay in england for number four okay we got more i feel like all of them have been england pretty much in marchwood one of the wildest eating contests in the world takes place every year a nettle eating contest oh each participant gets a big bundle of nettle bushes and then they have to eat as many leaves as possible to drink the participants get a glass of beer which helps to get rid of the foul taste that the leaves produce metal leaves are said to taste like spinach right let's just take a look at this scene how bored did english people get right up here look at this look at what we're looking at this is what is no but there is an obvious problem in that the nettle leaves are poisonous so why are you doing it boys why they've been known to cause swelling the lips as well as black tongues when consumed raw so the participants utilize some strategy here they fold the leaves before they put them in their mouths so the prickly hairs on the surface do not come into contact with their tongues hey tgf if you want a video yeah do that this is just another example of english people acting up i don't know why they're being like this they also have a shin kicking contest then involves weird faces and hoops and a pudding throwing contest but it's british pudding so it's more like a like a thick dough dish someone go find english people a hobby or something hey just go to yorkshire pudding look at that crowd but we struggle to get that crowd for simon charity man number two we're heading to mother russia oh this is going to be good in krasnoyarsk siberia the so-called slap contest takes place every year two men face each other and slap each other in the face as hard as they can the first man to fall over or voluntarily leave the podium loses some athletes such as the siberian vasily komatsuki have seen their opponents go down after one slap if you look at the muscle definition and the arms of some of these dudes it becomes very clear that anyone who decides to do this why is he up against him he's in the wrong weight division but that guy's staring into the distance oh my god i'm finished youtuber logan paul recently expressed interest in the competition but when he saw his competitor he explained that he no longer wanted to compete because he was afraid of serious injuries he said was that fake well when logan you know i think it looked legit yeah because the way he felt like unless he's a really really incredible actor i think he was crying they're real tears afterwards as well only men are allowed to take part in the competition but recently there's also been a backpipe contest for women women slapping each other glorious who invented that one you want to see the rest of this clip no this isn't me i'm calling the horny police the aim is to make the opponent fall over or take at least one step forward compared to the men's competition however women's competition is relatively harmless so far there have been no knocked out opponents no major injuries and most of the participants just bust out a sly little grin upon being spanked publicly i mean i'd watch it for research purposes no pleasure last but not least number one the wife carrying competition this one's pretty much self-explanatory the goal is to carry your own wife as far as possible participating men take their wives on their backs upside down must have been some fools here and some big drops on the way to the finish line there are various obstacles like ponds mud puddles and wooden planks you know what's sad is if the sidemen are 40 and still going this is the main channel video some women have turned the tables and carried their men oh yeah the first prize is your spouse's weight and beer so that's gonna do it for our video on the eight weirdest competitions that humanity has to offer which one of these competitions would you enter uh the women's spanking one [Music]
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,333,326
Rating: 4.9815855 out of 5
Id: dJNr6uZnk9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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