50 Valorant Tactics And Strategies!

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welcome to another video and today I'm going to show you 50 fan tactics some people might think right now what 50 tactics are there even 50 tactics in game yes my friends they might not all be that good but most of these tactics are very usable and I hope that after this video you can apply some of these in game now sit back relax and enjoy the video first tactic the default play maybe one of the most boring tactics but on the attacker side every player holds an angle hopes that the enemy pushes into the Crosshair wait till a teammate gets a pick and after that make a new game plan a more fun tactic is the Wombo Combo with this tactic you combine two very good abilities like a sage slow and a brimstone ultimate use them on a spot where you think the enemies might be and the enemy will have no counterplay to it the or play with this play you try to take as many orbs on the map this play is especially good if you want to get a bit more value out of Eco rounds or if you see that your ultimate is almost ready and you want to use it in the same round like I did over here Here We Go ZO zoom zoom kills here we go boys next one the anti flesh there are some common spots in and F where players like to flesh and Peak often these are long hallways like be main on bind with the anti flesh you're going to counter that flesh player you need two people let one guy push up a little and the other one stays behind if the enemy is fleshing he will Dodge that flesh and then get the enemy before your teammate is killed aunti ATI flesh next one a fake push with this tactic you take the spike and around three agents to one side and let two players go to the other side those two players make a lot of sound on B for example and when the enemies are rotating then the rest pushes on a something that looks a lot like the fake aside tactic is the decoy tactic with this one you go with your team to one side but before you push you use some abilities to the other side for example if you want to push a on Ascent use a sofa arrow and some asra stars on B the goal of this tactic hopefully one of the enemies will rotate and then you get the side for free this is something that happened in this round over here sofa used this arrow on B we hear that the enemies ran away J running away and that's how we entered the side easy peasy that's so far he worked in this round the red Camp I don't think I need to explain this one just play as a sneaky R and sometimes you get a sneaky kill nice then we have the Pokemon or pocket Sage tactic with this tactic you play Sage you pick out a good teammate off on the Dual list and then you got to follow the Dual list everywhere like a Pokémon if he gets hit you heal him if he dies you place your wall and use your ultimate there's even a gravity of this tactic very cool plant for money you probably have your teammate heard saying that this one is for when you're probably going to lose that round because it's a one versus four or something so the only thing you can do is try to plant the spike and get those extra credits for your teammates one thing you got to remember is that it's also possible to plant for money after the round is over if you kill the last guy you have about three seconds to plant the spike for an extra bonus money another tactic that you can use when you are almost certain that you're going to lose the round is to save this means that you're not going to pick any fights but you're going to hide somewhere on the map hope that the timer runs out before the enemies can find you and then keep the gun you have in the next round this one is often used with operators now look at this clip what B right using Crouch to duck under bullets it's the good tactic I'm I'm not sure but it worked for neon now let's talk about the Remake tactics sometimes you look at the scoreboard and you see that one enemy did not connect the first round goes on you get four enemies and you see The Last Enemy standing in spawn with the Remake tactic you purposely Don't Kill The Last Enemy and hope he reconnects before the second round starts why do you want to do this well if this player reconnects before the second round starts you basically got one free round win because it was a five versus four and because of this round your economy is better and you just have more chance to win the game next one die on purpose what die on purpose how is that a valer tactic well my friends there are two reasons why it might be useful to do this on purpose the first one is on the defender side if the enemies have planted the spike and you stay alive you only get 1,000 credits this is way less credits than if you die so if you only have a shorty for example it's better to just walk into the spike range the second reason is a bit more situational but if you got a lot of money and you want to get an ultimate point it's sometimes worth it to go for an aggressive Peak even though you're very low HP and then either get a kill and get that point or die and get that point a thing to keep in mind in this situation though is to only Peak after the round is over and if you know for sure that the enemy is on a bu round next round or you'll just give them a free gun and that's no bueno next tactic ninja diffuse I think most of us know this tactic by now when there are multiple enemies alive try to stick to diffuse anyway and hope you diffuse before the enemies get to you one enemy remaining there's no way that I oh oh my God easy peasy watermelon next up on the list we have the lurk player this is when your team pushes one side but one player goes on a big side quest and tries to get sneaky kills somewhere else on the map a tip before that lurker your ears and timing is everything something that's very similar to a lur player but still is kind of different is the flanker usually this player pushes with their team to a side and after they got the site then that player goes on a solo mission in hope to get behind the enemies before they diffuse the spike and then get them en nice flanking is also a tactic that a lot of Defender players will do if the enemies are pushing be on Split For example instead of letting everyone retake from over here sometimes one or two players will flank around and go through b main another strategy related to flanking is the flank SL lurk catcher this is when someone of your team delays the rotates to catch the flanker or the lurker usually this will either be CER killed your your chamber because with their abilities they can get info about the enemy lurker I hope this crazy interception tactic doesn't hurt your brain luckily the next tactic is a bit simpler Rush be no stop I think we all know this tactic by now if your teammate says this you're going to Rush B and you don't stop if Rush B no stop exists is rash a no stop a thing or Rashi no stop a thing no my friends it's always B if you got a rush you rush to the bide now let's talk about swing of each other I think this is one of the most effective fun tactics out there with this one you play with your teammate and as soon as one of the players sees an enemy the other one's going to Peak from a different angle and you basically always get a kill he's here that's it abstract nice swing nice swing about swings the next tactic is the crazy swing tactic this is more sort of a troll tactic I guess but for some players it really works I'm talking about the miss the CP swing the moonwalk swing the gritty swing shout out to zipi for creating a lot of these plays and you also have crazy peaks with other agents like the finger Peak with jet fun tactics to troll the enemies and while we're talking about content creator tactics I'll give you three short ones we have the high Sage walls made Popular by content creators like grim and flow ascending it we have the satel jumps shout out to gray FPS and flight sneak AC the dog place yes and the Jet super boost shout out to How To Noodle so nothing let's move on to the next tactic and that's the ability spam tactic this is when you and a few teammates decide to use your abilities as soon as the barriers are going down this is often done at choke points where enemies like to push immediately like over here on Lotus one enemy another fun tactic that some teams are using is Knife Only mids this usually occurs when one team is very far behind people don't want to play the game anymore so they decide to have some fun and knife mid also never pull out your gun in those fights or you'll be very disrespectful next one is very common the split push this is when you push a side with your teammates a few players go through Main and a few players go through short or mid like in this example in Breeze here you see three people going through Main and through two middle now let's talk about something I call the prepared push the idea of this type of push is that you prepare something before the game starts in the C game for example with five of your teammates and then when you're in game use all the ability combinations that you prepared this is something that a lot of professional teams do or five Stacks in Premiere just take a look at this next clip I showed it before but all the abilities are working so clean in harmony oh this is so clean nice up I'm pushing I'm pushing let good and just like that we got the side easy peasy Eco rounds I think we all know this tactic an Eco round is when you and your team decide to buy lightly or in some situations don't buy anything at all so you save money for the the next round another tactic around the economy is the force buy this is when you and your team don't have enough money to buy fully you know all the abilities with a good gun and good armor but you decide to buy anyway this tactic is often done when you lose the first round on the attacker side but you got the plant so you just have enough money to buy some guns Fool by I really don't have to explain this one next one taking control this strategy you use on the defender side and it's when a player decides to push up a little bit to take control over a deep space of the map for example over here on Ascent a lot of people would stay on site and defend like this but in this round I decided to take control over a main and defend the side from [Music] aain one enemy another Defender side strategy is to stack a side on the defender side you usually want to spread out the players over the map but with stacking you go with four or even five players to one side of the map set up a lot of crossfires and hope the enemies are just walking right into your trap crap tactic this tactic is not very useful but it's a tactic that a lot of Strat roulette players will do it goes like this when the round starts you got to press Crouch and you're never going to stop crouching in the whole round a more useful play is the Ping and shoot I think most of us have already done it because it's one of the best tactics in the game but in the post plant if the enemies are diffusing the spike simply ping the spike and shoot through a wall or smoke nice yes something that looks a lot like the Ping and shoot but it's a bit different it's the classical wall bang or spray through smoke with this tactic you have to keep one thing in mind if you're not sure if an enem is behind the smoke you should tap fire where you think the head will be this way if you connect the shield it will be a head shot target H but on the other hand if you know for sure that an enemy is behind the smoke because he's also shooting through it for example then you should spray roughly where you think he is and hope multiple bullets connect and one more wall bang tactic it's the info and shoot this is when you first get info with an ability a sofa R and dart or a cipher trip wire and then shoot through a wall or smoke oh it worked distraction play this tactic comes from Counter Strike because in Counter Strike you have flashes in F you don't really have the classical flashes but still some people like to do the distraction play and that's before you're going to Peak you got to throw down your pistol people might think it's a flesh or they stress or something and then you Peak behind it one way smokes I don't need to explain this one but use the smoke so you only see the feet of the enemy and the enemies won't be able to see you the bug abuser tactic this is the only tactic of this list that I highly would not recommend doing but I mean it's a tactic but it's when you use buck in the game the reason why I don't recommend to use these is because it's not allowed by the game rules and you get banned so don't do it the next play is called the push and hold it's when you play together with your teammate usually on the defender side your teammate pushes up a little and goes for an aggressive angle and you hold another angle from where your teammate can get killed for example here on Breeze your teammate can push up to hold elbow and you hold the window run and Gun hold your W button and don't stop this trick works best with an SMG like a spectre run a gun you mean run a gun you mean the shotgun only tactic this is when players decide to play only with shotgun sounds like a troll tactic right well this one could actually be pretty valuable a lot of big YouTubers made it all the way to Immortal with this tactic some even only with the shorty and on the bright sides you always have enough money to drop guns to your teammates the rotate play this one doesn't need much explanation with this play you push one side maybe use some abilities over there and then rotate to the other side [ __ ] [ __ ] play time this is something you probably heard your teammates saying a lot and that's when you're in the post plant on the attacker side usually in a 1 V one or 1 V2 and all you got to do is play time delay the peak as long as possible so if you die in the end hopefully the enemies don't have any time to diffuse the spike caterpillar tactic this is one of the more fun tactics if you play a smoker and you want to enter a s side play a lot of smokes back to back so it looks a bit like a caterpillar then enter the side and easy peasy plan for you teleport tricky all the OG fans know this strategy by now throw something through the teleporter the door will open and easy peasy kills teleport tricky play for lineups with this tactic in the post plant you're going to find the safe spot wait till you hear the enemies diffusing the spike do a lineup and hope to get a kill while they are diffusing one enemy remaining and then we have the off angle SL strange angles try to get the enemy from spots where they don't expect you like over here see this head shot wa you made it all the way to the end of the video congrats my friend if you all the way got to this point and this video got you some value consider subscribing on the channel we're trying to get more than little love and with your help we might be able to do it thank you for watching and bye-bye
Channel: MrLowlander
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Keywords: valorant tactics, valorant strategies, valorant, valorant tricks, valorant tips and tricks, valorant tips, valorant tips sent by you, valorant tricks sent by you, valorant tips all maps, valorant tips all agents, valorant trick, valorant new tricks, valorant new tips and tricks, valorant new tips, new tricks valorant, valorant new map tricks, mrlowlander, tips and tricks valorant, beginner tips valorant, valorant beginner tips, valorant beginner tricks, advanced valorant tips
Id: NOuw97ijKBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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