I Looked At 1000+ Tricks, Here's What I Found

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I've reviewed more than a th fellin tips and tricks and today we're going to search for the best one why today well my friends the video you're watching right now is the 50th episode of the fellin tips and tricks sent by you series it's insane my friends this series started three years ago and in those years you guys have literally sent it over thousands of tricks and today we're going to look for the best of the best this is what we're going to do in this video I'll go over every episode of the fell and tips and tricks by U series search for what's in my opinion the best trick of that video give it the rating and eventually we should find the best sck in the game also as a bonus because some of this videos are very old I will also showcase a glitch or a fature that isn't in the game anymore per video this episode is going to be epic my friends big thanks to everyone for the support over the past few years and now let's start the video let's start with the very first episode the best trick of this episode is this breach trick over here if you use your ultimate and jump you will boost yourself a little higher so you could jump on things like this trck over here it's a cool trick but not the best one so I give it a six out of 10 as for the glitch of this episode back in the day you could Dash against the the fence over here on Breeze and push yourself to the left wi jet episode two the best trick is this Omen trick on Ice boooks use your smoke in the air and while the smoke is coming down you teleport on top of tube a lot of people won't expect this and you can get some sneaky kills this is actually one of those tricks that I use myself a lot one enemy I give it 7.8 out of 10 as for the glitch on Bree you could place your Cipher cam underneath the trap door open it by shooting a dart and place your trip wire a bit higher if enemies walked through it they would bounce up and down and easy for you but luckily this got fixed best trick for the third episode place your Cipher trap over here and make your way to Bight wait till the enemies are walking through it and wall bang through this wall over here no count play for the enemies but uh 6.9 out of 10 nice the glitch is actually insane if you go to this corner with race you could use your boombot through the wall over here and back in the day the boombot will travel way longer so you will spot the whole middle next one on a sent a lot of kilder players will use their ultimate on this spot but did you know that you can actually shoot on this pipe over here and it destroys the ultimate a very solid trick 8.2 out of 10 as for the feature that ride game sadly removed back in the day you could actually type in colors if you use these color codes but I get why it's gone now it was too easy to throw people with this this trick must be the best trick of this episode because I still see people using it to this day on Haven you can plant a spike in this corner walk all the way to a short and wall bang through this wall one enemy there's like no counter playay to this so what I would say at 8.7 as for the glitch it was very easy to open the teleport doors with something like a yo steps let's move on a very good trick you can do with Viper is stand on these boxes then use your ultimate and because you're standing so high there's not a high chance that the enemies will spot you combine it with your mly an easy win for you one enemy remaining very sneaky this I give it an 8.3 and a feature that got removed if you use your star on top of the pyramid you could walk against it spam Crouch and look at that you're King Of The Hill in episode 7 I showed this trick if killjoy places her ultimate in this corner you could W bang through the Leever over here and surpris surprisingly 2 years later it still works 8.5 out of 10 as for the removed glitch if you use your race satel on top of the door over here the door would instantly break but not anymore part eight the trick for the people without any fear did you know that the side of a brimstone ultimate does less damage than the middle of the ultimate so what you could do in the post plant for example is walk into your ulti reposition yourself and the enemies might not expect it just like in this [Applause] clip 7.4 as for the glitch we got this monster osity honestly I'm happy that this isn't in the game anymore this next trick is extremely simple but so effective with breach use your After Shock and then flash inside of it because of the Aftershock animation the enemies might not see your flesh and easy peasy kills for you I give it a 7.7 now the glitch who remembers this one this was so popular back in the day I missed the how to Noodle Place Man episode 10 the coolest trick of this episode was this Sage one way if you place your wall over here you can nicely look at the orb and if you got an operator easy kills for you I also use this trick myself a lot oh but there are better tricks so 7.4 out of 10 as for the glitch here's another spot where you could go to as jet yeah jet was a very glitchy agent back in the day for the next trick you know this Hood over here a lot of people would use their Sage ball on This Hood so their teammates can jump on it and look all the way to short this is not the trick though a thing about this trick that not a lot of people knew is that you also could boost yourself on this spot you just got to stand on this thres over here jump and place your wall yeah my friends you finally can get those skills yourself and not giving them away to your teammates 88.2 as for the feature that got removed you sadly cannot use your Omen smokes in most of the walls anymore no said Omen no one ways for you in episode 12 I found a simple tricky if you're standing Al long on Haven and you don't see any enemies just try to wall bang above this box over there there's a high chance that you will hit the enemy standing in window you know I give it to 6.5 the glitch out of this episode was insane though back in the day if you use the fper ultimate and find the right spot at the sight of her ulti then the FK would disappear and suddenly you had fishing in her ultimate this was so broken man but it got fixed luckily let's move on if you see a sage ball and you go to the corner a teammate could actually boo you on top of the wall the good thing is this won't make any sound honestly because this trick is very sneaky peaky I think this is the first nine of this video come on as for the glitch with KJ if you throw your n Farm on this iron part over here you could actually wall bang through the big wall with any gun also a sneaky way to get kills but this got fixed the trick from episode 14 is also a very simple one what you got to do is use your fper ultimate on top of the platform on fracture and the thing is the enemies will only be able to get on the platform if they walk through the stairs but you have your potion of course and the enemies will be very low so it's almost impossible for them to get on top I give this one a solid seven last player standing they're dead one enemy remaining one versus five what the heck okay never mind I give this one an 8.2 now the removed feature with chamber you could place one side of your teleporter over here then walk towards B use the the teleporter place the other half of your teleporter in the teleporter and teleport to the teleporter I think you get what I mean but sadly they changed the ability of chamber the next trick is a very easy and nasty KO oneway it's also so simple just do a right click throw over here that's it and because it's so simple I give it the 7.7 as for the glitch there was a time when you could hide your traps inside the bind thingies over there yeah that was pretty annoying okay the next one is a funny one it's from abstract don't put your drinking glass too close to your PC yeah man we all had this honestly this tip is an 8.5 the removed feature is actually an interesting one as we all know on zip lines you're very inaccurate with the gun but did you know that back in the day if you use the pistol you actually wear pretty accurate so if you use the zipline it was better to use your pistol instead of your assault rifle wow but at this moment also your pistol is inaccurate so just use your rifle I guess episode 17 on Ice boook if you stand on rafter you have a very nasty head glitch spot and you can spot enemies taking the zip line but also enemies standing all the way on Belt this is a 7.2 and this glitch ooo this is insane if you place your Sage wall over here you could actually stand inside this pipe and then it doesn't matter what the enemy does you can't be flashed man oh man ferand was a glitchy game next one the higher you get the less chance that an enemy will expect you at a certain spot so in a sent if you use your Sage wall over there while a jet is standing on top of it for example you'll be able to get higher than Snoop do and the enemies will have to flick all the way up the problem though you don't have a way out so I would say as as for the glitch when neon just came out you were able to jump on these boxes on Haven with just your e ability the trick I chose from episode 19 isn't like the best one but it's very cool if you want to get sty points you could Dash underneath the door on Ascent while it's closing with neon pretty cool if you can pull it off so 6.2 Phoenix enemy remain now the glitch if you use your fper ultimate at the right spot on Breeze there would be a circle in the middle of your ulti like a air pocket it was very strange but it got fixed now cool jet mechanic did you know that if you jump first and then Dash forward you will Dash further with jets than if you don't jump first it's a small difference but every centimeter counts my friends 6.5 and the glitch is the same Viper glitch as a few episodes ago honestly this glitch was in the game for at least a few months now trick you can do with any smoker on any map it goes like this when the barriers are going down try to put down the smoke pretty deep then sneak walk like a red to the corner on the right or the left of your smoke and pray that the enemies won't check it it's a trick you really only can do like once again game but if you do it right easy peasy kills for you at 7.1 as for the glitch back in the day you could go to corns with Sage Place your wall in front of you jump it would break and you could surprise the enemies the problem though there was a change so this is now a very hard trick to pull off still possible but not as reliable for episode 22 we have another red trick this time with sage what you got to do is when the barriers are going down walk forward and place your wall behind you the wall is only there as decoy and you can get some nice kills it's it's a risky trick though so a [Music] 6.7 down one enemy as for the glitch if you use your Brimstone e too close to the wall then this might happen did you spit that here's a closeup very op now a simple trick again we probably all know this trick by now because every one of us at least died once because of this trick when the Yodo IL is about to disappear flesh on the ground and get the enemies dude a 7. for the removed feature on Breeze you used to be able to walk all the way through Hall and the cool thing you can do is place your Sage ball it looks like a good wall but to surprise the enemies you just open up the door and then walk through your own wall this is useless now though however you still can do this on the other side if you want to maybe it's effective and you get some kills next episode the cipher tricky I know that a lot of people out there are struggling with retaking a site on a sent but there's a tactic with Cipher you just got to throw your cage down over here activate it slowly jump down and retake from hell it's a nice tricky 7.2 now the glitch if you put down your Yodo clone over here then activate it it will go like um what the heck is this yoru are you okay my friend yeah this was a pretty funny and harmless glitch I'm sad that it got removed let's go to buy now if you jump on these boxes over here you can actually look over the trick towards heaven make sure to only use this trick if you know that the last guy is in heaven otherwise you might get killed from bathroom but it's a cool head glitch spot I give it a seven do we have FL set up as for the glitch back in the day you were able to Glide over your teammate and get on top of the pyramid with the neon Dash yep fand really used to be broken so have you ever seen an enemy Sage trying to block off the spike with her wall so it's harder for you to diffuse the spike if this ever happened to you a thing you can do is create a double wall so it's even harder for the enemies to get back to you a 7.2 this is how garly won a one versus four look at this in this one versus four by the time the enemy break the wall he already diffused the spike okay now this one who remembers this if you threw down the Fatal at exactly the right height the enemies would bounce up and down like Bunchie jumpers a very fun threat that you could use but it quickly got fixed the trick from episode 27 is very situational but very cool did you know that if your teammate KO is down you can actually bounce him towards you with a race Satchel it's extremely situational but pretty cool so I give it a 6.3 as for the glitch this wall didn't exist for a while a lot of abilities went through this wall like the race boombot and the race satel okay episode 28 is a complicated one but it's a cool mechanic that you just have to know your yodu gate crash doesn't go in a straight line if it touches a wall when it touches a wall it will slowly turn around you can see that in the clip in the background it slowly turns to the left in this case and with this mechanic you can make some amazing lineups like this one on Haven as you see if you use your gate crash like this it should l in hell but instead it goes all the way around and lands in cubby this is just one spot where this mechanic is useful you can use it on any map a very cool way to surprise the enemies what the hell I did it I did it I did it I did it I give it a solid 8.1 as for the removed feature it's it's very hard to create one ways with a sage ball if the Gap isn't that big like this gap on a send let's move on you know that on Breeze a lot of fper players would use their wall like this well here's a big counter the only thing you have to do is use your Sage ball over there and then you can look over the Viper wall 7.2 as for the removed feature when Pearl just came out it's red spot ledge was a bit higher so some agents could hide behind the ledge if they look down but luckily the ledge is lower now so you can't do this anymore believe me it was very annoying next episode again a trick on Pearl it was very simple but this wall always wall bang it I think every fent player at least made one wall bang kill over here but I will give it a 6.3 as for the glitch who remembers this one from episode 8 yes my friends it's back for episode 31 we don't really have a trick but more a mechanic not everybody knows this but the Raina ultimate does not detect the yoru Clone so use this mechanic 6.5 now the glitch back in the day if you use two double jumps with jet you could chill over here on satellite oh who remembers the time that jet got two double jumps insane and another mechanic in instead of a tip did you know that when you get fleshed by the Raina flesh she will be way easier to see cool mechanic but you can't do much with it so I would say a 5.7 also no glitch in this episode but a cool Ace look at this one enemy remain oh my God episode 33 if you throw a cage down on this wooden crate over there then you create a sort of one way towards the enemies the enemies can still kind of see you but it's very hard for them so you get a small advantage over the enemies 7.2 now the glitch on Ice boook if you did the cool fper line up with your wall there would be a little gap on this boook over here where you could see under a very nasty red spot and the craziest thing is that it actually got used in an official ferin tournament look at this that is that's disgusting on Pearl way stand close to these boxes you can fly very high with the sofa drone you can look to be long you can look to be side pretty nice drone I give it to seven honestly I think jet is the most glitchy agent in the game of all time again a jet glitch he was able to updraft on the fences and stand on it what the heck now I'm going to show you trick that's actually not very good but it's so unique so I want to show it in this video there was a time that some players would try to hide inside their own Yodo clone like this you kind of hide yourself and sometimes it worked out I can't give it higher than a 3.2 though the glitch is also for Yodo if you place down your yodu clone over here and activate it it would actually not move and stand just behind the boat and because it didn't move there was a higher chance that the enemies would think it's a real Yodo so it was very annoying WP W WP WP damage WP WP W no damage easy pey I give it a seven also no glitch in this episode but a cool knife kill episode 37 the moment when chamber got a rework with this new teleport you could teleport from bite on fracture all the way to the tunnels nice one to get away after you plant the spike 7.2 now the glitch if you place down your Cipher cam to the left of this door over here it would instantly break very broken with KO if you stand on the wooden crate aim at this corner and throw your flesh you create a one-way flesh for heaven I bet not a lot of people would expect that 6.9 now an insane chamber glitch if you place down your trip and someone walks through it of course it's gone for the round but there was a time that when it detected someone you had to Split Second to retract it and then you could use it again in the same round the best trick of episode 39 is a bit complicated but here's how it goes first you got to put in this crossy coat then in the post plant use your Brimstone ultimate on the spike and it doesn't matter where you are standing but if you look directly at your ultimate and let the sides of your Crosshair hit the sides of your ulti then your Moly will always land on the spike cool tricky 7.8 and again a jet glitch who remembers this one the how to Noodle boost my friends for episode 40 we got a Yodo tricky that zip TI uses a lot I think you know it by now you can't use your gate crash on high spots unless you use your clone first then you can put your gate crash on high spots it's a cool trick that you can also use inside your ultimate I give it the 7.4 now the glitch if you throw your fate e over here it will glitch through the ground a pretty cool one to spot the enemies standing in hell and get those wall bang kills episode 40 if you stand over here on Ascent of course the enemies will be able to see your head but here's the trick if you stand all the way at the back of the box Crouch and look down then the enemies won't be able to see you use this mechanic to hide for the enemies and then surprise them when a time is right I actually give this one an 8.2 I'm I'm got got it here now the glitch that luckily got removed if you place down your alarm B over here close down the door the door would break with only one shot it didn't matter what gun and it was very annoying for the enemies episode 42 when you use your updraft with jet you won't get very high so what a lot of people would do is jump first and then use their updraft but even then you won't get very high if you want to maximize your updraft you have to press jump and updraft at the same time this is not the trick though here it comes what you got to do is go to settings search for jump and then not only bind your space bar to jump but also your Cube by doing this you will always updraft higher than normal and because this trick is so simple and gives you a permanent boost I have to give this one a 9.2 as for the glitch with KJ if you stand against this wall you could place your ultimate underneath the floor not sure if it was useful or something but it's probably fixed by now next trick if you keep walking forward with Sky use your flesh and immediately activate it it will actually flesh behind you this is a nice trick for when you Peak something see five enemies running towards you so while you're trying to run away flesh behind behind cool tricky 7.4 now the glitch when you open the Lotus door you could place down the cipher cam inside the door this got fixed of course in the episode after that we found out that you could do exactly the same Sky trick only then with KO so again a 7.4 the glitch was actually in Team Deathmatch with Omen you could teleport on top of the roof pretty overpowered next episode if you plant a spike in the corner on Lotus it's not very smart to use your smoke over here because then you won't be able to see the spike but still a smoke over there could be a nice way to also block the enemies trying to push you well here's the solution my friends with Omen and instead of placing your smoke normally try to place your smoke half in the ground this way it blocks of enemies pushing but you still will be able to see the spike a very unique trick I have to give this one an 8.8 now the glitch if you place your boom right in the bind teleporter you would be able to open the door from the outside so basically an old glitch came back episode 46 you know that with race everybody does their double jumps like this nothing wrong with it but you get a lot of air time instead you could also do a 180 use your satel and boost yourself forward it's a hard mechanic to learn but if you do it right it could be very useful in game I give it an 8.1 yeah was bad looks now the glitch there was a time when you could surve on the deadlock barrier I'm kind of said they removed this I always L surfing in csgo this Sage trick is also pretty light you know that in the post plant everybody uses the wall like this to diffuse the spike well here's a thing you can do instead of placing the wall so that the enemy only has to destroy one wall segment place it like this so the enemy will have to destroy your whole wall before they see you this trick especially works good on spots like SE Haven because the enemies will have to walk very long before they get to you sneaky tricky 8.2 as for the glitch another Omen teleport that isn't supposed to happen episode 48 was kind of boring the best trick was this Viper wall and I give it a six and also no glitch but six knife kills I guess for episode 49 we got this crazy deadlock combo throw your e ability over there when the barriers are going down you might trap enemies and then use your ultimate I give it an 8.4 and the glitch if you say to your wingman that he has to plant a spike while jumping in a teleporter your wingman will also teleport and walk all the way around fun fact that the time of the recording of this video this glitch is still in the game My Friends you made it all the way to the 50th episode what the heck congratulations if you're still watching by now before I show what's the best trick in the game if you're still watching at this point and didn't subscribe feel free to subscribe it really helps the channel grow my friends and now the number one spot for the best trick in the game with the highest rating is this one with a 9 .2 the jet trick the only thing you have to do is bind your jump to your queue ability and you will have a permanent boost on your queue you will always jump higher like this mechanic is insane but my friends there's a bonus trick I didn't show it in this video but this this trick honestly this trick is the best trick in the game it's a 10 out of 10 and it's the teleporter rck my friends throw something through the teleporter on bind jump through it and you get an easy kill every time thank you so much for watching I hope you learn something and I see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: MrLowlander
Views: 134,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant tricks, valorant tips and tricks, valorant tips, valorant tips sent by you, valorant tricks sent by you, valorant tips all maps, valorant tips all agents, valorant trick, valorant new tricks, valorant new tips and tricks, valorant new tips, new tricks valorant, valorant new map tricks, mrlowlander, tips and tricks valorant, beginner tips valorant, valorant beginner tips, valorant beginner tricks, advanced valorant tips, tricks valorant, valorant tricks 2023
Id: f-lkY6yoIvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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