Valorant Tips And Tricks Sent By You - Part 58

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welcome to another episode of the fellow Run tips and tricks sent by you series a series where I show fellow Run tips and tricks that you guys sent to me it's been a while since I've said that intro I actually went on a small vacation to London last week so my upload schedule is still a bit messed up but I'm back my friends and I'm going to show you a lot of new unique fellan tips and tricks one of these tricks even got abused in a pro match it's going to be an insane episode so sit back relax and enjoy the video let's start with talking about the outlaw there's a mechanic that I personally never knew about so maybe some other people also don't know about this mechanic but when you Scope it Outlaw and shoot it looks like your gun goes up a little bit so your next shot wouldn't be on the same spot but this my friends is actually very wrong when you shoot with the outlaw and you don't move your scope the bullets will always hit on exactly the same spot of course outside the practice range you can only shoot two bullets but just remember that you can spam those two bullets and maybe you can get some nice wman kills pulling out your now let me show you a cool jet trick the OG fent players might remember the time when jet had two updrafts you could jump on boxes like this one and then do another updraft to kill the enemies at waterfall but sadly those days are over now we need to find other creative ways to get a little bit higher and luckily over here on Lotus you can use the Dune what you have to do is stand on top of the sand pile jump at the highest point and then Dash forward when you do this correctly you will get onto the box and now you can just press X use your updraft and kill the enemies in waterfall two things you have to keep in mind when using this trick first of all you need to have control over sight otherwise people from there might kill you and the second thing is that you need to practice this in a custom game the jump is harder than you think but once you get it it's easy peasy for you let's move on the biggest counter for an operator player must be the iso Shield it's so annoying when you shoot with the op on an ISO and the shield just fully tanks the shot and you know what's even more annoying when the enemy ISO UL you while he has a shield active and you got an operator did this ever happen to you no worries there's a sneaky tactic that you can use so you get the advantage back again and can win those One V ones step one if you get ultied by ISO you have a split second to spot if his shield is ready or not when you see that the shield is ready you should go for the quick peek with your secondary before the barriers are going down try to destroy that Shield then go back behind the barrier draw your operator again and then shoot him like that K is showing you how it's done one enemy see a pretty good trick here's another example now look at this clip to oh sneaky little rat is the good trick maybe in the Eco round I wouldn't recommend to do this in a real round but if you don't fool by and you use your gun I think a sneaky red spot like this one could be very effective let's move on in last episode I showed a cipher trick where that if you tried to place your trap on a high spot over here on a scent you wouldn't be able to place it unless you teleport first and then Crouch this is a very strange mechanic and it's still in the game but something that I forgot to mention in that video is that you can use the stck basically anywhere on the map over here on Lotus for example here on aite it's a pretty insane trick but it might be buck so careful when using this one and about bugs and glitches did you ever hear about this clove glitch with clove if you activate your C ability at exactly the same moment as you take fall damage you actually get overhealed to more than 150 HP in this case the total is 235 HP I think this Buck will get fixed soon though but it's cool to know this next trick I'm not sure if it's bug abuse because it actually got used in a professional match but here's how it goes on b side on sunet first Sage should Place her wall on top of these boxes and after that the teammate Omen can teleport on this wall and when he does that he get a lot of fish in on middle like I said it really looks like bug abuse and I think it will get fixed in the future but it's an insane trick this tactic also got used by RPX against DH a few weeks ago and this is how it looked like Ang the same War being played now should be aware of this cleared off this angle just yet still wants to play up top still wants to combine it all with the aggression to buy through the back of the sight I know pretty overpowered toito please fix now let me give you a tip for when you see the enemy using a breach ultimate it sounds so simple and it is simple but often the simple tricks are the most effective if you see an enemy breach using his ultimate and you play Omen try to teleport away before the ultimate hits you this way when you get stunned you at least get to a different spot and after that you can pick up the kill easy peasy like carrot g off your feet no way you did that no way now a quick and easy Sage pey you can do at the start of the round very simple on Ice books jump on these boxes and when the batteries are going down walk forward use your wall and an easy early Peak you might catch the enemies of guard let's move on and talk about the deadlock barrier as probably most of us know the Yodo Gate Crash also known as his teleport is not able to go through a deadlock barrier it will get stuck behind the wall however here's the thing when an enemy deadlock places the barrier down there's almost always a small little Gap at the edge of the barrier so when you play yodu and you see one of those gaps use it to place your gate crash there anyway and since we're talking about the deadlock barrier this Raina mechanic never gets old okay okay let's do one more dead look mechanic we don't talk enough about this agent on this channel but did you know that you can use the deadlock barrier to boost yourself on top of boxes it's like the same idea as the ker sentry gun jump while casting the barrier underneath you and you can get a little higher than normal is this a useful mechanic I don't really think so this ability is way better to just block off the enemies but I think it's a cool mechanic so that's why I wanted to include this in this video okay my friends jokes on you one more dead look barrier trick this one is a bit more useful do you see this iron part of the wall over when playing deadlock try to throw your barrier on the left side of this wall now what you can do is Crouch behind the wall and as you see you have a small little angle where you can shoot the enemies from from the enemies perspective of course they see your barrier but there's not a high chance that they will be able to see your head that's how you can get some sneaky kills over here this trick even works better if you have an operator and while we're over here at Breeze look at this clip weent to dust well played x-ray Fisher jump for fishing and then wall back this trick is even possible with the vendor so good luck my friend now it's time to take a break from the tricks and go to the trick shots I always love this part of the video some people have such lucky shots like this one H back up or this one people have moments in game where you think like what the heck happened over here one enemy [Music] remain and did you ever see a cipher 360 180 with a cam and after that 180 with a gun disy has back to the tricks you see the scam over here on ice box did you know that you can throw your fper Q ability on this camera when you do this and you stand on this plant pot over here you create a little one way when the enemies are pushing they won't be able to see your legs at first and this gives you a little time to kill them before they see you okay this next trick might sound a bit strange but sometimes when you hear the enemy Race using your ultimate it might be too late to run away in that case when you run away the only thing she's got to do is shoot on you and then you will die so instead of running away you could also decide to run towards the enemy Race by doing this there's a chance she will hit herself and that's how King Carro won this game over here last player standing before we go to the next trick if you like this video feel free to subscribe because we're trying to reach more subs than little love and with your help we might be able to do it now let's talk about one of my favorite valerant YouTubers Grim I think most of us know Grim by now right he's a sage man that likes to do graci walls and I think that his next player blue star probably gets a lot of inspiration from this guy why you might ask well my friends blue star sended in more than five Grim balls and some of these walls are insane so look at them and learn from them the first one is over here on B some could be second one on bside B then we have this one in hookah apparently this glitch on Ascent still works who's next J was and did you know that you can spot Market if you use your Sage over here on b side I knew you could look to the defender spawn but Market is a new one for me also blue star I love the effort you're this video's battle pass winner congratulations and this my friends this is the end of the video shout out to everyone who submitted the trick I hope you learned something today and I see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: MrLowlander
Views: 104,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant tricks, valorant tips and tricks, valorant tips, valorant tips sent by you, valorant tricks sent by you, valorant tips all maps, valorant tips all agents, valorant trick, valorant new tricks, valorant new tips and tricks, valorant new tips, new tricks valorant, valorant new map tricks, mrlowlander, tips and tricks valorant, beginner tips valorant, valorant beginner tips, valorant beginner tricks, advanced valorant tips, tricks valorant, valorant tricks 2023
Id: HusG_nzVkxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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