50 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

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2 hours?, good waffle in the background while I go to sleep.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tiny_Pay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I actually fell asleep while watching this video; I think it must have been the guy's hypnotic voice !

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DenyseDierks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
for the last few decades humans have had a major interest in space exploration and research to this day we are sending satellites out into the vastness of space and every year we discover new planets stars galaxies and mysteries that makes us question what's really out there of course attempting to understand a brave new frontier comes with a variety of strange mysterious circumstances that researchers are still trying to better understand going back in 1984 cosmonauts aboard the Soviet space station so you seven experienced something they couldn't explain the crew described the experience is starting off of a blinding light they looked out the portholes to try and get a better understanding of what was going on being in space this was running to them as they had no idea what it could have been shortly after this they said the space station was surrounded by seven giant angels further saying that each of these beams was as big as a 747 the cosmonaut said the beam stayed outside for around 10 minutes before vanishing as you can imagine they tried to discuss the possibilities for what they encountered however none of them could come to a logical answer they decided that their minds were playing tricks on them however this argument has his flaws as it would be very unlikely all the cosmonauts Minds would be playing tricks on them at the same time and not only this but that they would all see the same hallucination regardless the event was soon put to the back their minds the cosmonauts were then joined by three more people and once again the station was surrounded by glowing lines this massive angelic beans had returned to the space station and all of the cosmonauts onboard witnessed the entertains the story didn't get much coverage in the Soviet government won't impress by their story and told them not to tell anyone about what they had seen to this day the experience was blamed on a gas leak which caused them Auto hallucinate again though what people argue about is whether every cosmonauts would have hallucinate it the same thing interestingly since 1995 the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory has been capturing large anomalies flying our Sun when looking at the images they do appear to be angelic in appearance some of made the connection with the two events and have suggested these are what the cosmonauts were seeing NASA however of confidence said - these photos and mini image processing errors one of the first things that comes to mind when we talk about Jupiter is his giant red staunton Jupiter's red storm has been swirling around for hundreds of years and as of right now we do not know the source of his distinctive red collar over the years scientists have carried out experiments in order to produce the same color the researchers found out the possible temperature and radiation might be playing very important roles in changing the color of transparent materials found in the clouds interestingly NASA scientists have come forward and said that Jupiter's Great Red Spot might not be around for much longer research has shown us that is shrinking it could possibly fade away within your lifetime NASA sent the Juno probe to Jupiter in 2017 and it was able to photograph an amazing detail the Great Red Spot and these have been some of the closest images we've ever gotten of the giant planet hands and scientists were amazed by the detail in the images however another recent discovery from Jupiter has scientists dominant NASA have confidence that they've noticed a giant hole in the clouds of Jupiter forming and as of right now they have no way of explaining it they said it's almost as if the abyss has appeared out of nowhere once again thanks to the Juno probe researchers were able to see this strange formation NASA scientists said the following about the discovery this strange anomaly seems to be sitting at the middle of a vortex and we think is quite deep what's that black spot on Jupiter no one is sure these are recent images as they've been sent back from Juno on its recent past body this was when Juno was around 16,000 kilometres or nine thousand nine hundred miles of Jupiter's clouds as of right now researchers are trying to figure out what the anomaly is it seems like every year we discover something unexplained out in the vastness of space it's no surprise that scientists aren't able to answer all of these questions with space being so massive is anyone's guess as to what could be out there another mystery this still unanswered is known as the space rural back in 2009 top researchers at the Gurdas Space Flight Center sent a device up into space fire a job balloon known as arcade arcade was an acronym that stood for absolute radiometer for cosmology astrophysics and diffuse emissions while in space scientists were surprised that instead of picking up weak signals the ark a device captured data the scientists have described as a space roll large amounts of radio waves were picked up on and they turned out to be radio waves six times the normal amount expected to be heard they also originated from that of a Gallup C 2.5 million light-years away II so my question to you guys is what do you make of this anomaly on Jupiter let me know your thoughts in the comments our oceans are the lifeblood of our planet but due to them being so vast there's still a lot we don't know about them the oceans and our blue marble cover more than seventy percent of the Earth's surface and there is still a lot more to be learned by scanning the ocean dams the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is an American scientific agency and over the years they have made some incredible discoveries recently they've announced that at least 280 dolphins have washed up across the US since February rather worryingly this as that trip will the rates the normal and sadly around 90 percent of them have passed away on top of this scientists are not sure why this is happening however they have said it could be down to oil spills that have happened in the past for example one of these was the 2010 BP oil spill the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said it's affected mammals health along with other marine regions some of these effects include problems with lungs blood anomalies in general poor conditions researchers have said that because of this spill is led to the largest dolphin dolphin record one of the researchers said the following we do know some of the health conditions are improving there's some have been slow to improvement reproduction in the heaviest old errors continues to be below normal it's not only dolphins that are passing away in large numbers recently it was announced the small turtles that were swimming in Cape Cod Bay during the harsh weather suddenly froze it was reported that over 80 frozen sea turtles were brought into the Massachusetts Wildlife Sanctuary and it's been reported they didn't survive there's been a total of 173 Turtles that passed Hawaii but the number of turtles that are in bad health was higher a total of 227 near furs and turtles were brought to the sanctuary but out of this only 54 the turtles survived during the past winter more than 400 Turtles washed up the wildlife sanctuary said the following about the incident we are at while over 400 Colston Turtles for the year and the vast majority of them froze solid one of the reasons is because the water around Cape Cod fell to 19 degrees Fahrenheit this isn't the first time this has happened in 2010 it was reported that Turtles stayed away from the area due to being so cold however as the waters are warming up the turtles are expanding their ranges but due to the quick swings and temperatures the water changes drastically as of right now the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is working to help rescue these animals our world is filled with many mysteries and most of these have been tough to explain however something that throws out more mysteries is the observable universe although it does appear that the majority of these questions will be focused on the fabric of our universe nothing seems to be more mysterious and unexplained than the very nature of dark matter many have asked what is it and quite frankly we have no idea not a single person has a single idea what it is but is being theorized that a mix up over 80% of the mass of the universe and can't for some reason be directly observed by any means available though it can't be observed by understanding the movement of stars it was made obvious to researchers that there was a large amount of mass not accounted for this mass would need to make up roughly 80% Eva was able to hold the elements of the universe together which is how scientists became aware of dark matter and its implications relative to the very nature of our universe understanding what it is why can't be detected in all of its strange properties could be the key to understanding big questions about the nature of our universe and existence in general a recent theory about the origin and properties of dark matter has been performed and it involves a mysterious particle researchers have said that the key to dark matter could be in the form of a particle and that this mysterious particle is somehow entering our universe some of the world's best minds have suggested that dark matter could be explained by observing the dark photon particle these mysterious particles have been compared to a normal photon however these ones are linked to dark electromagnetism physicist Ron Terence said the following we still don't know what dark matter is the primary candidate for a long time was the weakly interacting massive particles but it looks like this almost completely rolled out this is a new type of dark matter but it comes of a new way to look for it as well one of the issues that the world scientists and researchers are facing is that our current technology can't detect it however this new theory is being presented in accept here by some physicists the primary evidence for dark matter is that many galaxies would break apart instead of rotating this isn't the only mystery out there in the universe but researchers say that when we do understand what dark matter is it could be the key to understanding the universe Oshin mysteries interest many of us this is perhaps due to the fact that our oceans are so vast we've only mapped out a small percentage of the underwater wetland and it's thought we know more about the moon than we do our oceans probably one of the most unbelievable occurrences of the modern era it's that of disappearing Islands interestingly many of these islands can be found in old madam's what's confusing however is when we tried to find them today they're nowhere to be seen though most of these causes are unexplainable it's important to be aware of such a phenomenon to better understand what could possibly be the cause for a future discovery made popular by the BBC's world service documentary Mexico's missing island the major Island is a phantom islands though according to maps as recent as the middle of the nineteenth century should currently be lying off the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula however a survey done in 1997 was unable to locate the island and seemingly found they had vanished from existence researchers would later be the ones to find definitive proof of the existence of the island the disappearance of these documents however then started theorists to start doubting what happened it's now thought the Central Intelligence Agency had something to do with the vanishing of the island his thought that a plot by the United States Secret Intelligence Agency was put into place and they had actually destroyed the island out of existence it does seem however that the island did once exist at some point in the past so what do you guys make of it let me know in the comments what you think happened to the island another island that mysteriously disappeared is that of the Emerald in December of 1812 mmm Rhode Island was first sighted with a British ship named emerald hence why the island had received its name from due to a lack of consistent reports or of other accounts of the island ever existing in the first place it was believed the Emerald Island was nothing more than an enormous claim from the captain of the Emerald it's thought they may have done this in a plot to become famous this would later be proven not to be the case as the exact coordinates provided by William Elliot's would show a rise in the ocean floor suggesting the existence of an island peak Andrew Darden was removed from the charters amounts this was after an eighteen forty US expedition failed to find anything resembling an island and further trips didn't turn up any island there seems to be an unreasonable amount of disappearances that occur in national parks from around the world and almost disproportionate amounts given any other errors is compared to regarding visiting populations of any heartland of course skeptics may argue that it makes sense for there to be so many disappearances given the fact that national parks are massive and to the untrained individual could potentially be a death sentence if they happen to get lost however this does not appear to be the case many people walk into a national park and are never seen or heard from again this strangeness is compounded when regarding information surrounding the missing hikers and campaigners there are many experienced hikers and campers who disappear completely some such hikers even laying up plans of travel backup phones in case of emergency telling family members and friends where their trail will be covering and so on but when research parties got to find them not a single clue has been left behind and it's a mystery as to what happened to them between Las Vegas Reno and Fresno there lies an area that's become known as the Nevada triangle the most famous triangle is the Bermuda Triangle but this location has had its fair share of strange happenings scientists have said that around 2000 planes have gone missing in the area they've also been many people with ever gone missing some people who've been in this region have come forward with bizarre encounters one person said that while in the area they were approached by an elderly man the woman was asking for directions and the man was telling her where to go at first everything seemed fine but when she turned around to thank the man he was nowhere to be seen the individual insist that Tuesday she has no idea where the man went then there's the reports of mysterious lights in the sky he for many years now people close to the area have reported mysterious objects in the sky these unidentified objects usually range in size from 20 to 65 feet and give off by Collins the strangest thing about these tales is how they suddenly vanish without a trace one person even reported that one of the objects appeared to follow her even after she got in a car the object stayed in the sky above her after this encounter she said she went on to have nightmares for the next few weeks whatever is going on in this era seems to be affecting quite a few people as of right now most of these encounters remain a mystery for the last 30 years people have been encountering black-eyed children these entities are said to have a dark presence and whenever someone encounters them they feel fear those who have seen them say they give off a dark energy and that it left them feeling scared most of the people who've seen them want answers but unfortunately are left with more questions than answers the witnesses often feel the children was somehow supernatural and could even read their minds over the years many people have come forward with their encounters and this seems to be a recurring theme these black-eyed children usually prey on people when they're alone and one of their main goals is to try and gain access to the person's home it's not known what happens if they did gain access to your home but some of compliers they usually say things that they need to contact someone further saying can they come inside and use the phone most people would probably say yes if they saw a young person in need but it's the nature in which they say end most of the witnesses say that something doesn't feel right and that the energy around these people feel dark not only this but the facts they have jet black ice doesn't help the situation one woman come forward of her encounter she said the following my parents went on holiday when r16 left me to look after the house and parents I live in a lovely Road but it's out in the middle of nowhere we have lived out in the country for years and never encountered anything strange however on this particular nights that all changed it was around 9 p.m. and I heard a knock on the door we have a detached house but we're friends with many of the neighbors so I thought it could have been one of them however when I opened the door I was greeted by two young children automatically I felt something was off as it was dark outside and I'd never seen his children before before I could get a word in one of them asked for a drink of water this threw me off and I replied with no but then said is there anything else I can help you with they were wearing hoodies and poured the hoods from their heads and this is when I saw their eyes I'll never forget it they were completely burned I quickly shut the door and locked ins I ran to my room and called my mom explaining what happened for the next week I got one more visit from these children however I didn't answer her I couldn't understand where they'd come from and what they wanted I would never have let them inside my house by wonder what would happened if I'd end to this day I still wonder what their true intentions were so my question to you guys is have you ever encountered these black-eyed children if not do you think they're real or just folklore let me know your thoughts in the comments some of the most unexplored places on the planet are mountains this is due to the overgrown wildlife impossible to pass terrain and the overwhelming obstacles they hold the untersberg mountains can be found between Germany and Salzburg however this region also goes by another name the untersberg portals this place is said to be the home of many mysterious entity ins strange beasts have been encountered here and it's even thought that a lost civilization may call this place home many who have ventured close to the mountains have said they feel a dark presence the supernatural presence here is common and even non-believers have had encounters they struggle to explain one strange story involves that of a dwarf like creature these creatures are said to befriend people on the mountain they look similar to humans and chart ski to follow them back to where they live however it becomes apparent that these creatures do not have good intentions they lead you away from past and try to get you into tough situations it's thought they're similar to the Duende this is a fairy or goblin like mythical creature from Latin America and Filipino folklore in Hispanic folklore of Mexico in the American Southwest these are similar to Nome like creatures who live inside the walls of homes people who have also ventured to the mountain are set to never return again which is one of the reasons it gets the name untersberg portals hikers have reportedly lost many hours while walking here and when they try to remember what happened they can't in some cases people said they somehow traveled many miles away within a span of just a few minutes on top of this there have been many UFO reports in the area some have even speculated this area is some type of wormhole theorists claim the reason people lose track of time is because they've been abducted small up shaped UFOs have been seen here and some hikers have even said the bright lights have followed them one person described a bright purple orb that flew towards her face it kept doing this until she left the area another entity that's commonly seen here is the black shadow figures these black masses is said to have the shape of a human that moved like a liquid they are able to appear out of nowhere and are thought to be paranormal nature as of today this region is one of the most strangest places in the planet the higher brushy forest has been a hotbed of mysterious reports from the locals living in Transylvania the legends of the area go back to Tom's from its original finding including claims of vampire entities roaming through streams further investigations from nearby residents have also located a large circular clearing at the center of a forest and what strange is that it seems to not be visible from above this clearing is reported as being a portal into another dimension and that those who enter it may never return after doing so tourists often report sudden feelings of intense anxieties and nausea as they begin approaching towards the center of the forest they also seems to be a record number of panic attacks reported in the region as well over the years many people have come forward of stories that involve the paranormal one person said that they experienced well they caught a black mass in the forest further saying that it reminded them of a shadow and when they looked at it they it felt as if all their energy had been drained from them others have said that while walking through the forest they have seen glowing orbs of light and that they seemed to be controlled as they can be seen bouncing through the drains these objects measure between 30 centimeters and 2 meters and Zions make no noise in a most commonly seen a night is unknown what they are but locals are aware of them and have been seeing them for the last few decades there are also reports of overbearing paranoia as more and more tourists visit this location in all interestingly enough some tourists have made a strange connection between the nature of the forests and numerous different extraterrestrial encounters in the past apparently there seems to be a connection between the sudden feelings of paranoia and anxiety in the forest and that of sudden encounters with extraterrestrials many often report that when an alien ship is nearby whether they are aware of it or not they will suddenly feel a terrible anxiety and panic come over them similar to that experienced in the forest of HO Bashi this has led some theorists to believe that perhaps the area is inhabited or visited by that of extraterrestrial beings regardless of this belief scientists are still unable to explain the constant feelings of dread and anxiety experienced by those who visit the forest and believe it to potentially be a strange in unique case of mass hysteria caused by the reactions of others that built up in large rooms over the years historians had been able to uncover many mysteries from the past however there are many cities hiding underwater buried under the sand and forgotten in jungles there are even civilizations who mysteriously disappeared and no one ever heard from them again these saw civilizations are one of the biggest mysteries of our past and it's hard to believe that such a big amount of people can disappear so quickly many people believe these were only migrations due to extreme weather changes but there are theories claiming an entirely different story line deep in the Taklamakan desert on the southern rim of the town basin you can find the archaeological site known is near the region of near is often known as the Pompeii of the east no one knows what happened to the residents of near and why they abandoned their city in panic the residents of the ancient city disappeared leaving their dogs food clothes and basically everything behind they fled for their lives from something unknown to us a British archeologist rediscovered the ancient city of near back in 1901 the city comes from the facts there lies near a younger and smaller city by the same name this city lies near the Nia River the ancient city is believed to extend 25 kilometers of 50 miles north south thanks to the available historical tax the ancient ruins line a geographical era that was once the ancient kingdom of John G the artifacts found at the ruins of ancient Nia suggests the city was a prominent stopping-off point of Silk Road the ancient city had only 480 households 3360 individuals and around 500 soldiers at the time knowing that near Lai's directly and the southern route of the Silk Road it's hard to deduce whether all the goods actually passed through near her there were no other major cities in the region so there is a possibility Nia was a provider of the basic needs required by many travelers many researchers believed there was a key stopping off point along Silk Road the remnants on after the area also bear witness to the city's importance of one of the cultural crossroads there are images of flying dragons in many shames the Buddhist paintings and many other artifacts that were retrieved from grave sites are near sadly we have no idea what happened to the residence of Nia and why they decided to abandon their cities to never return many people tried to come up with an idea but there are no results and no proof and researchers think the mystery may never be solved it's not every day that we hear about mass disappearance is over the years however some of these have been documented each mass disappearance brings a lot of mystery tragedy and curiosity there are many civilizations villages and people who've been missing for a long time some have been missing for centuries and we still have no information to understand how it all happened migration and sacrifice are often one of the reasons people disappear but some of these cultures have disappeared without leaving a single trace behind no one knows whether their lives were taken away or whether they were just left on their own there are many theories connecting all of this to the paranormal but there is no proof to back this arm some of these civilizations were knowledgeable with some even possessing great knowledge and skill as one of the most famous instance in North American history the mysterious village of Anjou Queen has much speculation over the years the lake is located along the chasm River in Canada this area is known for legends of militias wood spirits and even be such as the Wendigo one of the most thought-provoking tales is also the one surrounding the disappearance of the villagers who once lived on the coast of Anjou Cooney's Wharton's it was November 1930 and a Canadian fur trapper Joe LaBelle was looking for a place to warm up and stay the night he decided to visit an Inuit village located on the rocky shores of the lake anjikuni he visited this era before and according to his story the area was bustling with tents huts and friendly locals after arriving in the village he realized it was pretty empty there were no people or dogs barking as usual there was not a single Sun of life in the village it's extremely difficult to imagine what made all of these people leave the safety of their homes food tours and dogs there were no signs of any struggle and no indications of any violence in the area many researchers over the years have tried to find logical explanations about this event if the last of the Inuits of the anjikuni were really taken away by force there would be some indication left behind these were approximately 30 men children and women they lived their lives working playing and enjoying what they had around them their disappearance has brought up many fairies but even today we have no explanation for this event the mystery still lives on and over the years many different theories have been put forward to trying to explain their disappearance the Thunderbird is a creature that has been witnessed by humans for hundreds of years although it's tough to give an accurate description most of the witnesses described a large bird that's often seen flying over hand these sightings and births were given the name Thunderbirds as they seem to share a lot of characteristics and mostly to be their size to that of the ancient Native American traditions and mythologies surrounding a large flying creature referred to you as the Thunderbird this is left many people wondering however if this creature is a modern-day sighting of a pterosaur additionally the Thunderbird is described as being the size of a man when standing upright for a wingspan of over 16 feet in length this is left mini cryptozoologist working around the clock tick how clays possible flight patterns and capability of sustained flight givenness eyes is due to this that cryptozoologists say the Thunderbird originally was referred to by Native American traditions because the creature would follow the upwind Ross crated during a large thunderstorm to sustain their weight size a movement very similar to the way modern-day eagles were out at the side of mountain currents to gain height with little required to work on their parts a normal-sized bird will be torn up to unsustainable heights during a thunderstorm and might find themselves in unstable flak positions causing them to be thrown to and fro however a bird the size of a Thunderbird will be able to stabilize their flying due to their weight and size even when affected by such force in one place where this giant creature has been seen as the area of Bridgewater triangle this place encompasses roughly 200 square miles and the majority of southeastern Massachusetts located in the United States here native tribes have whispered about the legend of the Thunderbird and how they think it could be an undiscovered species of bird another place where this mysterious cryptid has been witnessed is above skinwalker ranch this is a place that's become known for paranormal entities of which include poltergeist dog men and Thunderbirds one of the witnesses said the following about their encounter while driving close to skinwalker ranch we saw a massive shadow in front of our car we pulled over and looked into the sky and saw what appeared to be a giant bird me and my friend guessed this wingspan was at least 15 feet we've never seen anything like this before and to this day we have no way of explaining it one of the most incredible advancements that the early ancient Egyptian civilization made during the height of its frame was that of the advanced forms of early mathematics this would eventually take the rest of the world thousands of years to later we discover and practically used for their own developments within architecture and problem-solving though many historians and Egyptologists originally believed that the ancient Egyptian civilization only had a basic system of linear mathematics this theory proved to be completely untrue it appears the not Oni with a mathematical developments far more superior than previously understood but that work to undercover more of their discoveries is still going on as it appears their mathematics might be more advanced than our own understanding today the ancient civilization of Egypt has always been shrouded in mystery it's well known all across the world the pyramids are one of the most mysterious buildings ever discovered even today researchers and Egyptologists struggled to come up with an answer as to explain the cause of its creation and the purpose the structure happened this mystery has seemingly only become more complex as more discovery surrounding the structure have been made every year some more baffling than the last definitely one of the most puzzling mysteries and the planet is the Great Pyramid of Giza they have been classified as one of the seven wonders of the world and the sheer size precision and manpower required to build such a colossal structure is nearly impossible even in the modern era as new discoveries and 3d mapping of the pyramids continued even more mysterious nature's of the structures were found archaeologist and Egyptologist found high trace amounts of chemical compounds thought the shafts of the pyramids these are thought to have the ability to generate a massive amount of hydrogen by utilizing commonly found base chemicals in the region many of us have heard about the great mysteries of Egypt but one that many aren't aware of is the missing capstone of the Great Pyramid some may not know you but for many years the Great Pyramid has been missing several meters from the top researchers and Egyptologists have put forth a theory that pyramid originally had a smaller pyramid this is known as a pyramid Ian the pyramidion is the uppermost part or capstone of an Egyptian pyramid so the first question that many people ask is what happened to hint this could come down to Imhotep sapiens Imhotep was still around when Kofu started to pound his pyramid some theories have been put forward the Imhotep actually told the King to hide the tip inside the pyramid going back over 100 years the incredible black granite pyrrha medium was found in the sound this has made researchers think the tip of the Great Pyramid is still out there somewhere the Great Pyramid is also known for its mysterious tunnels and it's been suspected they could be hidden in one of these since the dawn of humanity we've been at a constant rate of breakthroughs and discoveries every year it seems that scientists and researchers discover new and exciting breakthroughs these discoveries usually make the news and this one is no different a Russian scientist known as dr. Anatoly has injected himself with bacteria now although this has been done before was different about this case is that the bacteria in question is 3.5 million years old not only is that mad or incredible depending on your view but his even said this is the elusive key to eternal life the bacteria was discovered in the Siberian permafrost and after performing the tests he said that it made him feel stronger and healthier what's interesting is that these tests have also been undertaken on animals and have shown that cells increased in physical activity in a fortified immune system the Russian media have said that since during the test the scientist hasn't become ill in over two years the bacteria has been called bacillus F and some researchers had performed the idea that this bacteria could be the key in helping humans to live longer after this was discovered the scientists were excited to test it Outland however some were surprised that one of the scientists put himself forward however not long after having the bacteria's body he reported that he fell crimeans he claims the following a strong and healthy body there's resisting time better than it did before what's interesting about this bacteria is where it was found sabirah is known to be one of the harshest places on the planet and the scientists said that due to global warming across Siberia the permafrost had started to melt in the bacteria then starts to make its way into the natural environment getting into the water supply of local populations after observing the local yako people he picked up on the fact that many of them lived long lives he then suspected they'd been ingesting this bacteria for a while however some people said it was lucky this bacteria didn't harm anyone the problem with bacteria being frozen for millions of years is that if it was harmful we'd have no way of fighting it for all we know there could be bacteria frozen out there that could wipe out much of the population more worryingly the World Health Organization has said that it would take around 12 months to create an effective vaccine so what do you guys make of it and do you think we should be testing these newly discovered bacteria let me know your thoughts in the comments dr. Stephen Hawking had one of the greatest minds on this planet before his passing the great theoretical physicist wrote about his fears of greenhouse gases and the effects they going to have on our planet over the years he made thought-provoking arguments about the probability of events that could spell disaster for the whole of humanity by his calculations dr. Stephen Hawking stated it would only take as little as 100 years before humans would be unable to inhabit our planets earth any further the cause for such calculations he regarded were due to several factors that most people never took into consideration considering the fact that as temperatures have risen this has caused the water vapors from the oceans to form which in turn creates the additional greenhouse effects it's impossible to stop the effects of climate change regardless of how many emissions are cut and less every single mission is reduced by 100 percent and a technology capable of causing an artificial cooling is created giving these factors alone one would not be surprised in the slightest by dr. Stephen Hawking's predictions but his doomsday fortune does not stop there not only does he cite global warming as an issue but he also believed an argue do we have reason to fear our advancements as well it's always worrying when great minds come out with these predictions however it does seem like the scientific community is doing their bit about all this the scientific community has come forward and said they think it's a good idea to spray chemicals into the sky to stop global warming as you can imagine this didn't go down well this proposal is based on a new published scientific research and it suggests we need to start spraying chemicals into the stratosphere this error so injection is said to be able to reduce the global warming rate by as much as 50 percent the way they will do this is by spraying high amounts of sulfate particles into the lower stratosphere this will start us around 12 miles and the technology according to the scientists currently doesn't exist to get the chemicals up there but they say the technology is well within human capabilities it's been said the researchers have settled upon an aircraft based delivery system the scientists at the following unlike the one prior comprehensive study on this topic we conclude that no existing aircraft design even with extensive modifications can fulfill this mission however we also conclude that developing a new purpose-built high-altitude tanker would never be difficult nor expensive some of confidence said this mission could have effects on our weather and this could lead to bigger unintended changes going back a few years ago the Tom's of India announced they discovered something interesting inside a cave dr. Baggett said that he and his team found something that resembled an alien and suggested the cave painting could be over 10,000 years old he went on to say that he would like NASA's in the indian space research organizations opinion on the discovery some theorists have suggested that going back thousands of years advanced ancient civilizations flourished and not only this but they also left behind evidence for example some points the ancient stone figure found in a number of ancient Mayan ruins down in Guatemala these feature an almost perfect recreation of a modern-day astronaut carved in stone this stone figure has been at the center of many ancient civilization domains and some claim that the gods were depicted in such a way due to the fact there were merely advanced creatures visiting from faraway planets the paintings can be found in a cave close to Central India what's interesting is that when first viewing the paintings there are many they show humans and animals however it also stunned the researchers because it show kangaroo some giraffes not native to India and fish like regions however it was this painting that stood out to the team dr. Baggett said the following about the discovery the findings suggest that humans in pre-start times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers in a few pictures they are shown wearing spacesuits it's not the first time we have found cave paintings I there is never until now of such detail flying saucers equipment spacesuits depictions of abduction as some of the images that can be found in this region again some suggest this shows evidence of beings visiting this planet in the past the others are not so sure with some saying that's all it shows is tall looking beings some skeptics have put forward the idea that these such as bad drawings and that we're looking too deep into them some theory suggests that another location that could prove ancient civilizations existed is the Nazca lines these stretch for over 50 miles and have astounded archaeologists for many years found in this regions are animals along with geometric shapes incredibly some of these carvings measure over 600 feet across what's interesting is that they can only be viewed from above these were created during atonement flight was not even possible so what do you guys make of these cave paintings in India let me know your thoughts in the comments in many stories and legends from around the world there are talks of drive men that once walked our planet in fact evidence of larger and more powerful humanoids are said to litter our crotch corn evolutionary history as well as many ancient historical records the detail events of great accuracy and often regarded as non fictitious works that also make references to giants and their incredible nations over the years some people have come forward and said that some of our most famous landmarks could have been built by larger humanoids it's important to note though that scientists have said they've never found any indications that Jon humanoids exist these ideas are purely speculation there is a place found in Russia that shrouded in mystery this is due to the fact that giant rock formations had been found here and locals have been saying for years that they were placed here by giants they say that thousands of years ago they lived in ancient civilization in the area that were made up of large humanoids they had lived here for years and used to build giant structures from the land around them the formations can be found in Siberia and they are made up of large boulders that believe to weigh in the region of 1000 to 4000 tons each these mega lifts are over 120 feet high some have compared these stones to other formations that can be found around the ground another one of these goes by the name of the fortifications of messini this discoveries continue to baffle engineers and architects to this day the technique of masonry uses actually referred to as cyclopean masonry it's claimed that each massive block was supposedly placed by hand by the Cyclops giants that inhabited the region it was believed that the walls were created 3500 years ago during the Late Bronze Age period which seems baffling given the fact that the walls were completely without delay or technological limitation going back to the russian mega lives researchers have said they're still confusing on how these structures came to be it's been suggested that the smooth surfaces and accra angles on such huge boulders indicate the use of massive tools with some researchers saying that to achieve the same shape of rocks you would need modern-day machinery however some of hip-pocket listen have said that other joint structures were built by humans in the past with some saying the Great Pyramids of Giza were created using manpower and suggests it's most likely the same thing that happened here the Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest most powerful particle accelerator if first started up in the 10th of September 2008 and remains the latest addition to CERN's accelerator complex the Large Hadron Collider consists of a 27 kilometer ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way CERN the European physics Research Center recently upgraded the Large Hadron Collider the upgrade comes six years after the cloud and managed to provide scientists of answers to her riddle when it confirmed the Higgs boson exists scientists claimed the upgrade would have been boosting luminosity of protein smashing experiments at the Large Hadron Collider this is located 17 miles underneath the board of Switzerland and France it should help to boost the amount of particle collision tenfold which would then give a much clearer picture of the subatomic world scientists working the CERN nuclear physics laboratory have recently been investigating a new particle this strange particle came into existence during experiments at a Large Hadron Collider and is said there has twice the mass of a carbon atom the scientists were initially excited with this discovery they then came the questions since the discovery scientists have been trying to figure our theories of reality that do include the particle there top scientists then gathered together to discuss the new particle and how it was spotted however this isn't a quick task whenever there is new findings like this it can take every year to confirm what it is although this news is exciting we will have to wait for further updates however one independent studies already confirmed possible evidence regarding the new particle what has scientists confuses that they are struggling to come up with models that include this particle this doesn't mean their work is wrong or that the particle doesn't exist it just means more research needs to be done as mentioned recently the Large Hadron Collider had not died this lasted a decade long and had a budget of 953 million dollars with scientists using the money to help the Carters send out more data every year in regards to particle collisions the focus of the upgrade to the Large Hadron colliders and the beams of protons smashing together which in turn boost the luminosity this means more collisions along with a bigger chance of scientists being able to find something unusual the director general of CERN said the following this will allow us to address new questions the outstanding questions in fundamental physics with more opportunity to find answers for me personally solving the mystery of the dark matter of the universe would be something great of course it would be fantastic to reduce the Dark Matter particle in the collision of the Large Hadron Collider beams in 1973 a computer program was developed to MIT to model global sustainability however it ended up doing something that surprised many he predicted that by 2040 everything living on earth would come to an end over the years there have been many people that have made claims about our world ending but this computer could be on to something after all the data for suppose extinction hasn't come yet according to the computer this world ending prediction was made by computing in world one what world one showed us was that global expansion will cause our demise and this will happen by 2040 warranty that's just over 20 years away and if correct will happen during many of our lifetimes the program reported the following at around 2020 the condition of the planet becomes highly critical if we do nothing about it the quality of life goes down to zero population becomes so serious it will start to affect people which in turn will cause the population to diminish lower than it was in 1900 at this stage around 2040 to 2050 civilized life as we know on the planet will cease to exist although whirring there is a way we can counter his claims but even some scientists have said if we don't change our ways our demise could come a reality another person who allegedly sworn to the future was Bubba Vanga her from a young age of anger lost her sight however that didn't stop her and she became well known in her local village she was taken to a school for the blind she spent three years then she got taught to read clean cook and even play the piano unlike Nostradamus she never wrote any books herself she must he spoke to people and gave them white wines she been visited by thousands of celebrities from all over the world presidents business leaders politicians writers philosophers and even scientists many people worldwide believed she possessed paranormal abilities there are also various 22nd century predictions made by baba Vanga some of them speak of humans turning into cyborgs live robots animals becoming half humans and new religions signals from space and even an artificial Sun that uses nuclear energy interestingly she also said that by the year 20 97 humans find a way to stop and even reverse the aging process what makes Babel Vanga stand out is that many of our predictions did come true this led many to believe that she was the real deal to those who study the figures of history of whom have worked RC to help shape our world then you will know there is no man out there who fits the description better than the inventor Nikola Tesla essentially forming the basis of the modern world Nikola Tesla single-handedly helped us plunge into the new millennium and it appears that history is almost completely forgotten about him responsible for more than 300 patents with some still being discovered even to this day in old offers ins recently a new interviews just resurfaced it reveals new information about Tesla himself and how he almost achieved a new state of enlightenment in a never seen before interview this interview that recently leaders left many people confused while others are still trying to decode many of Tesla's theories to this day many of his theories remain unsolved and even the great minds of today are still trying to figure them out incredibly during this interview Tesla claims that his condition his body in such a way that he was able to reach enlightenment he states that he was able to fully attune his body so that he could wake up and sleep at any time he wishes this is just one of the ways he alters his body to suit his needs and to achieve what he did Tesla is a true believer that everything is made out of matter it all begins and ends with matter and sound will never disappear once is created he firmly believes in laws of creation and applied them to all of his theories Tesla said the following during the interview I wanted to illuminate the whole earth there is enough electricity to become a second Sun light would appear around the equator as a ring around Saturn mankind is not ready for the great in good in Colorado Springs I said the f by electricity also we can water the other engines such as positive mental energy they are in the music of great composers or in the verses of great poets in the Earth's interior there's energy of joy peace and love their expressions are a flower that grows from the earth the food we get out of her and everything in a mixed man's homeland I've spent years looking for the way this energy could influence people the beauty in the scent of roses can be used as a medicine and the sun's rays as a food life has an infinite number of forms and the duty of scientists is to find them in every form of matter three things are essential in this all that I do is search for them I know I will not find them but I will not give up on them so watch all guys opinions on Nikola Tesla let me know your thoughts in the comments and thoughts Cruz one of those places that shrouded in mystery recently researchers announced that giant iceberg had broke free from the Larsen sea ice shelf it's been estimated the iceberg had a volume of water twice that of Lake Erie and it covered over 2,300 square miles scientists have said that this ice sheet has exposed a large stretch of ocean and this ocean wouldn't have seen the sunlight for over 120,000 years researchers from the British Antarctic Survey were excited by this news and wanted to visit the region as soon as possible one of the researchers said the following we have a unique opportunity to study how marine life responds to dramatic environmental changes it's exciting to think what we might find using a range of different techniques a multidisciplinary approach by an international team will examine the marine ecosystem spanning the water column from the surface of the ocean all the way to the seabed in the sediment what some people pointed out is the fact that Balaji ice may find new species of marine animals if they're found under this ice sheet could help us to understand how these creatures adapted to harsh conditions however soon after putting plans into place the researchers were met with some bad news they encountered thick ice and it slowed down the process of being able to run experiments this year however another team of researchers are planning to do the same journey the team is from Germany and they got there a few days ago they will stay there for around nine weeks and carry out various tests however luck with the previous team their success will depend on weather conditions it was announced a few days ago the team encountered a large amount of sea ice the ship's captain then decided it would be best to scrap the mission however this team did have a back-up plan instead of going to the original route they went further north conditions were not as harsh and they were able to carry out a few experiments they were able to use video cameras and special equipment to capture tiny marine creatures the study is still going on but it's been said they've already discovered new species our oceans are so vast it's been estimated we've only explored around 5% and scientists have said that we have so much more to learn every year around 1900 marine species new to science are added to the register however 241,000 marine creatures have already been described so it's anyone's guess as to what could be lurking in the dense the baltic sea normally made headlines around the world when it's first discovered the anomaly is said to be 60 meters in diameter and can be found on the sea floor of the northern Baltic Sea it was discovered by Peter Limburg Denis osburgh in a Swedish Ocean eggs diving team the discovery was made in June 2011 and this was while they were searching for an old ship ranked according to Ocean hangs the formation has an appearance of rough granite and his three to four meters thick and approximately 60 metres in diameter the anomaly is also sitting on an eight to nine meter tall pillar like Vita and can be found at a depth of 85 to 90 meters going back a few weeks ago the team returned to this island and while here they dropped down a remotely operated vehicle however when it reached a few meters above the anomaly the team said the compass went bizarre what's interesting is the first time they went to be normally something similar happened Peter Lim Bob said the following about the event it was very difficult to understand when the remotely operated vehicle was because of the terrible visibility and because of the compass that went bizarre and the compass was living its own life and the tether was snagged all the time as mentioned during one of their previous expeditions it was reported the divers exploring the anomaly said their equipment stopped working as they approached end professional diver Stefan Hagen boom had this to say anything electric out there and the satellite phone as well stopped working when we was above the object when we got away around 200 meters it turned on again and when we got back over the object hidden wag the ocean next team reported on their second expedition they found something that looked like a staircase and a round black hole that went directly into the structure a few months back the team gave out more information about what they witnessed while near the object they said the structure has 90-degree angles and that it's unlike anything they've seen before something else that confused them is there's a large circular opening on the object this doesn't look like something appears in nature and it seems to be out of planes they said that further study is needed but they even if they did get close to again they're unsure as to whether they will be able to come to a conclusion the next thing that stumped them was the stones found on top of the object itself the darvis said they found what appeared to be a circular like formation if thing that stood out is that it didn't look like a belong there one of the divers who went in for a closer look couldn't understand why they were in that formation the team acknowledges the object could be a natural formation such as a meteorite that penetrated the ice during the Ice Age or an underwater volcano but they have their doubts and think this could be something entirely different on the 19th of October 2017 astronomers first noticed an object traveling through our solar system the object in question had come from another solar system it became known as a murmur and had many people asking questions it could be seen travelling around the Sun and then shooting away again however after this it was not to return astronomers were able to record they turn the object for a short period of time it was in our solar system of over a century the reason amaura mower wasn't spotted until 2017 it's because it wasn't close enough to reflect enough light for astronomers to pick it up even when it did get close it was moving very fast and meant astronomers had very little time to observe it ins once the strange object flew around the Sun it was going further away meaning it was getting fainter and fainter the astronomers very last observations from Hubble were on the 2nd of January 2018 on the 3rd of May it was then seen outside of Jupiter's orbit according to some a murmur is expected to reach the kepler belt around 2024 since first being seen by astronomers is caused much speculation about what the object actually is they're currently studying all the data and they've come to a conclusion about the interstellar object the first theory that was put forward was that it was an asteroid the scientists led to the size of the object which was around 2600 feet to 800 meters long and around 260 feet or 80 meters wide how are they in June it was reported astronomer stated this object was not moving as it should they picked up on the faster a murmur showed a really strong non gravitational acceleration this tells the researchers this motion indicated that gravity was not the only thing dictating his path ultimately it would be very difficult to find out more about her murmur as it's no longer in the solar system many people have put forth their theories one of which is that this object is extraterrestrial in nature however recently research carried out by math unit of the University of Maryland Department of astronomy suggests that a murmur isn't fast naturally going on to say the following we have never seen anything like and more and more in our solar system it's really still a mystery but our preference is to stick with analogs we know unless or until we find something unique the alien spacecraft hypothesis is a fun idea but our analysis suggests there's a whole new host of natural phenomena that could explain it the object is red in color and this is similar to smaller objects that can be found around our solar system however strana misstated the objects was not moving as assured they paid up from the fact that a murmur showed a really strong non gravitational acceleration as of right now a murmur remains a mystery whether you believe in the paranormal not there's been some strange photographs taken over the ins what can be frustrating for some people though is when they encounter something they can't explain what can be frustrating for some people though is when they encounter something they can't explain and are unable to get solid proof of end he can lead them to questioning what actually happened and can turn into a frustrating situation it's been speculated by paranormal researchers that babies in young infants are much closer to the non-physical energy than adults this spiritual connection of source enables them to be open to vibrations around them as babies grow researchers say they lose this close connection and it almost becomes dormant some believe that before Burford baby spirit exists in an in-between realm between the mother's womb in the spirit world this is allegedly why so many young adults claim to cPanel entities in their younger years while being young is said the veil between their world and the earth route is still very thin which allows them to see things adults can't this isn't out there theory and of course not everyone believes in it paranormal experts however have said there are some common signs that indicate your baby is since perience or sensing spirits around them babies frequently stare a particular place of a room baby is laughing or smiling at something you cannot see baby is completely mesmerized by something they see even if you're doing your best job to get their attention and baby have they laughs and cries when they're alone in their car over the years some parents have managed to capture some strange things and their baby cams a common thing for parents to hear is mysterious forces they don't recognize coming over the speaker one parent said the falling about what she experienced after putting my son to bed our decided to go to sleep myself he went to see finance allowed me to relax after around 1:30 a.m. though I was alerted to a strange voice over the baby monitor it was a low man's voice saying I'm here after hearing the voice for the first time I wanted to make sure I wasn't imagining it after hearing it four more times I jumped out of bed and ran into my son's room his eyes were wide open and he was pointing in the corner of the room I asked him if he was okay and if he had seen anything and he just replied with the tall man in the corner was trying to get me all windows were locked and nobody was in the house except ours he now sleeps in my room found in Queensland Australia a little more than 25 kilometres from cook town there is a mountainous earned itself a name due to his peculiar nature and mysterious winds reporters the mountain is known as the Black Mountain and not only is it famous for strange and unexplained disappearances but it also appears to be at the center of strange unidentified creatures roaming the mountain alongside shadowy figures many locals have often reported seeing the ghost of a medicine man standing on the many different boulders that litter the mountainside as if his spirit plays a hand in the strange occurrences alongside this reports have been made the farmers and ranchers travelling through the area alongside their herds of cattle have completely vanished with the herdsmen and the entire herds of animals never to be seen or heard from again commonly has been noted by pilots the instruments of the aircraft will begin to act strangely and their compasses will no longer point in the direction required to give a proper bearing when flying over the location the locals have often told stories of travelers of whom were hiking the location and which ripple for workers they would feel as if hands would come from the ground and tried to pour them underneath stories regarding the mountainous seemingly unending and when asking any number of locals stories will be told from many different perspectives and witness accounts that seem to be impossible to understand some of claim the mountain is completely abandoned by wildlife and that animals will attempt to flee the area if they find themselves nay offers have claimed the mountain as living caves that will swallow up and digest anyone who enters over the years people have told their stories when getting closer to the mountain there is the story of an alleged skinwalker that resides close by skinwalkers have been described by many people but with encounters that usually follows a theme they are said to be most commonly seen in their human form this way they can lure in other humans some tribes don't know to talk about them as they're said to bring bad luck it said if you venture too close you'll be chased away by this beast some of described as being a 7-foot man with long skinny arms others have reported seeing black masses close to the mountain others have reported seeing black masses close to the mountain but when these apparitions are approached they simply vanish whatever you believe there's no denying the mountain is shrouded in mystery the wolf planet Ceres is the largest asteroid in the solar system this giant body has been called an asteroid for many years Ceres is so much bigger and so different from other rocky objects this scientist classified as a dwarf planets in 2006 the named series comes from the Roman goddess of corn and harvest it can be found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter scientists think Ceres may have an ocean and possibly an atmosphere the recent arrival of a probe has unlocked some of the dwarf planets sequence recently nASA has released some high-resolution images that give a close-up look at the mysterious bright spots and Ceres the images come courtesy of the NASA Dawn spacecraft which could be found at the lowest orbit of the planet the incredible photographs revealed the salt deposits which is located in the akhter crater of Ceres the Dawn spacecraft captured their photographs on the 22nd of June 2018 dullness a space probe that was launched by NASA in September of 2007 its mission is to study two of the three known proto planets of the asteroid belt Vesta and Ceres the Dawn spacecraft was able to send back high-resolution photographs showing the rugged surface the scientists were untreated for the bright spots in the Aqua so crater the spots can clearly be seen in the high-resolution photos this is due to the fact they stand out against her was essentially a dark backdrop they are something the public along with scientists were amazed ever since dawn first discovered them in 2015 on the sick for June 2018 the spacecraft was at its lowest orbit and since then has managed to send back many photographs it's thought we have over a thousand photographs of series one thing that's baffled scientist is how series evolved over time and how it managed to remain geologically active even though the planet is relatively small in comparison to other planets NASA said the latest images to come from Ceres have a resolution that's less than five meters per pixel the framing camera lead investigator dr. Andreas that the following the data exceeds all our expectations the orbits of Ceres is 22 miles from the surface with NASA capturing the carbonate deposits on the southwest part the salt deposits gave a huge clue about the current activity while the data and images will help scientists to find answers to how they got there the results of the high-resolution images have been better than hopeful as they will show the rich details of the planets offering scientists along with others a glimpse of the beauty of Ceres the low orbits meant that many more details could be seen on the planet heads including the bright spots Ceres may look dry and grainy but it probably held a liquid ocean in its past a question that many of us have asked is why we here is perhaps one question that will never have an answer for it's unknown why we're here but one thing that is known is that the human body is incredible - leading scientists have confidence said the human brain is a biological computer and the consciousness of a human being is a program that runs by the brains computer it's believed that within the human brain there resides around 86 billion brain cells the soul is something that's made many people put four different theories another recent studies shown researchers that electrodes can record the brains electrical activity this newly developed graphene-based implant can record electrical activity in the brain at extremely low frequencies it's able to map brain activity in different regions and this will allow us to understand what it looks like when everything is working incredibly this new technology doesn't interfere with normal brain function it's allowed us to see crucial information about different events for example epileptic seizures and strokes this is a massive jump Ford in regards to understanding how our brain functions it's still early days but it's thought this new technology will get used a lot in the future over the years there has always been debate about the soul of a human and where for naught it goes on after life there are those who believe your soul is what's keeping you alive while others suggest the soul is nothing however recently researchers think they found a new true for by the soul they've put forward the theory that the soul doesn't die it goes back into the universe doctors Joe Hameroff who's a physicist and Sir Roger Penrose a mathematical physicist at the Oxford University have been working on the quantum theory of consciousness both of them suggests the soul of a person is in the microtubules of the brain cells a theory states that human being so is contained within the cells of the brain and structures that are inside them it sounds confusing but the doctors think the human brain is just a biological computer and the consciousness we experience is run by the computer inside the brain this means it will continue to exist after the human has gone both often suggests that what humans think of consciousness is the result of the effects of quantum gravity they're situated in the microtubules consciousness is perhaps the biggest mystery after all no one knows what happens when you pass away but many do believe that consciousness goes back into the universe the universe created you and when it's your turn you go back into the universe recently a ferry ride in Japan was cut short as the boat hit something large the boat was near shadow island when it encountered a large creature the Japan Coast Guard has said it's investigating what happened it's been reported that 80 people were injured and 13 of those abstains serious injuries the Coast Guard released the statement at around 12:15 p.m. the ferry collided with an unidentified marine animal once we inspected the boat we discovered there was a 15 centimeter crack found at the stern this is where the boat collided with the animal the most likely answer is that the book hits a whale or another Lodge the creature however the animal is still unknown and nothing has turned up the vessel was able to finish its journey in around his destination around an hour after the incident many people were shaken up as they didn't know what was happening one of the passengers told reporters how they heard the sound of the collision they were injured because they were thrown forward when they collided with igreja people are now wanting answers for the boat collided with and are also wondering if the creature is okay this encounters reminded many of the mysterious organism 46b Russian scientists were in Antartica and they've been left baffled when they came across a creature they can explain the creature is said to be extremely hostile due to the fact it paralyzes its prey the scientists said the creature is similar to a big octopus in house 14 arms they eventually was able to restrain it but Russian officials then seized the creature although these claims are incredible there's little evidence to back the martin some who suggested that what the team encountered was some kind of large squid the giant squid can reach a mass of signs researchers believe is able to get up to 30 meters of 43 feet long with the femurs being a little shorter however some believe there is monster squid lucky in the dams some of confidence said they've encountered squid over 50 feet and this is why we have folklore stories about them there's even one story of a giant squid measuring 53 meters long this was spotted off the Maldives during World War two the man who encountered this beast was named JD Starkey however we will go into more detail about this encounter in another video over the years many people reported seeing mysterious lights in Marfa Texas for this reason the lights have been caught the Martha Lyons what's different about these lights though is the fact they've been seen for many generations early settlers were described seeing bright objects that pulsated and when they tried to approach them they simply vanished the lights appear almost nights lien can be seen at a distance from highway 91 recent theory that's been put forward is that these lights are actually car headlights and what people are seeing is the reflections they're most commonly observed close to route 67 on Mitchell flat east of Marfa Texas but the thing is there's nothing around this location it's mostly shrubs and desert and as mentioned these lights had been seen for hundreds of years so that rules out the idea of it being cars some have suggested the lights could be a form of UFO over the years quick moving orbs have been linked to UFO skinwalker ranch is one property where these orbs have been seen the family living here started noticing glowing blue balls moving around their property the boss gave off a crackling sound seemed intelligent he controlled and could either hover or move unbelievably fast one evening the family watched as a bluebird approached one of their horses the light hovered within a foot of the horses face which spooked it immediately from a distance of ten feet they shined a flashlight in the blue glow when it retreated they then approached one of the family members as if inspecting them they described it as a glass ball about the size of a baseball which appeared to contain two blue fluids which intermingled with each other some have suggested the Marfa lights a ball lightning ball lightning is the strange occurrence of when the conditions appear to be just right and the static discharge of an or thunderstorm crates worth his to be a floating ball of pure lightning and energy not only do this strange unexplained instances of ball lightning create an unexplained perfect spherical shape but they also appear to move erratically through the sky and have often been mistaken as alien encounters interestingly enough scientists are no closer to understanding what causes ball iting and believe the circumstances surrounding the appearance might be completely unexplainable this has given the numerous amount of variables surrounding their creation additional information covered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration also show that these groupings of board lightning appear to create strange instances of pure radiation such as that of gamma and cosmic radiation we've managed to accomplish a lot in a relatively short amount of time we've already sent humans to live in space into the moon we've developed massive and very sophisticated telescopes and have sent robotics to Martin's many organizations have decided to take you a step further the European Space Agency in NASA had been working very hard to find out if we're completely alone today we have a big number of projects that are made to scan the Stars for signs of intelligent life despite our efforts we have yet to make contact however this is mainly due to the fact the universe's massive the number of known star systems and planets keeps on expanding scientists have many theories about why we haven't found any intelligent extraterrestrial life or why they haven't found ours since we haven't make contact yet one of the theory suggests there must be something stopping life from communicating with other alien species the Baro we speak of is also known as the great filter great filters described as an event or a force to stop certain civilizations from getting close to interstellar communication or travel recently there's been talk about exoplanet Bernards star B this is the closest one to earth and it's thought it could hold life scientists from the University of Pennsylvania said the following geothermal heating could support life zones under a surface akin to subsurface lakes found in Antarctica we note the surface temperature on Jupiter's icy moon Europa is similar to burl star B but because of tidal heating Europa probably has liquid oceans under it's icy surface the most significant aspect of the discovery of star B is the two near star systems to the Sun are known to host planets as mentioned Europa is attracting a lot more scientific attention than for good reason he rotates the smallness after for Jupiter's large satellites but it seems it might be the most important one to looking at Europa it might be a possible host of new unknown life as the brightest moon in our solar system Europa is actually entirely covered with ice the surface of Europa is pretty strange it looks like broken glass and has no craters at all according to the researchers by studying Europe is density is pretty obvious there has a lot of eyes which means there's a lot of liquid to certain models of Europa show them might be oceans as deep as 50 kilometres under the five kilometre crust of ice as many of you know organic carbon is the key building block of life along with water oxygen and nitrogen rich atmosphere these are key elements that have to be present for life to grow and thrive recently scientific studies have shown that could be several spots our solar system that could hold life they still thought that Europa is the most likely researchers and scientists believe Europa's water is in contact with the moon's coal this means that it could be possible for chemical reactions to happen some are theorized that if we broke through the ice and into the ocean it could be teeming with life Europa is a geologically active world and we know this because nasa's hubble telescope has taken photographs it's not a matter of whether life is out there it's more a question of where we ever make contact in the Milky Way galaxy alone there's over 100 billion planets in fact researchers have come forward and said that that number is on the lower end of the spectrum they believe there could be more than ten trillion planets in our galaxy in the observable universe there's estimated to contain 200 billion or two trillion galaxies this gives you an idea to how fast the universe is it's very likely there's over a septillion planets in the observable universe so what do you guys think bearing in mind how many planets there are out there do you think it's likely that other forms of life exist let me know your thoughts in the comments aside from being one of the largest of the known carnivorous dinosaurs train asaurus rex is the dinosaur that has received the most media exposure the trial source Rex had the strongest bite of any land animal even harder than we previously thought when computer simulations were used to simulate the T Rex's bind the results were quite surprising the results were a maximum bite force of almost 13,000 pounds about the equivalents of an adult's T Rex's bodyweight chomping down on its prey this means that trials roars Rex has done a total of the hardest biting terrestrial animal ever known this figure was two to three times greater than previous estimates six to seven times greater than the bite force they calculated for the dinosaur Allosaurus and around three and a half times greater than the hottest bite measured by an Australian saltwater crocodile this giant predator lived during the Cretaceous period from 83 million to 66 million years ago the trial asaurus rex was one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs that ever lived it measured up to 43 feet long and weighed as much as seven tons one thing that t-rex is known for is his small arms paleontologists studying them have said that due to their size they wouldn't have been very useful it's thought the arms were small in regards to the rest of the body because they simply weren't needed the bite of this predator was so powerful they didn't need any extra help even though they were small we still believe their arms were quite muscular and were able to benchpress around 400 pounds each the king of the dinosaurs needed thick neck muscles to hold up his large skull and power is forceful bind the anatomy of the trail asaurus rex was mostly muscle and this meant I was able to become top of the food chain during his time txt for not that sharp when compared to other practices this is because instead of gripping prey their teeth would have been used to simply crush his prey one way to tell a t-rex tooth from another theropod is by looking at the thickness they have adi profile in this would have been for withstanding all the pressure the sculpt is on them we know that over the past 20 years scientists have proved that some species of dinosaurs had feathers but what many of questioned is what Tyrannosaurus Rex and we have discovered the relatives of trainer soros did have feathers these were small ancestors of the t-rex and would have roamed around during the early cretaceous period fossils of these relatives have shown state1 feathers these are fine feathers as opposed to full feathers seen in modern-day bands it's thought that tryna swash rex did not have feathers but rather was covered with small protruding feather like spines on the skull one thing scientists have discovered is that T Rex did leave behind scaly skin impressions more research is happening as of right now to try and come to a conclusive answer another mystery was that dietra Norrish rex always have its teeth outside of his mouth or did it have limbs this may sound like a stupid question bits a valid one in most artistic drawings we see the predator has his teeth out the current evidence suggests that if the dinosaur did not have a beak then it would have had some kind of soft tissue covering the teeth and abstract from the 2016 s annual meeting of the Society of vertebrate paleontology said the following the evidence from the study of fossil teeth enamel suggests the teeth were covered one of the first people to bring the sub was paleontologist Robert reeds he suggests that theropods teeth were not visible all the time he states the teeth would have been hidden and covered by scaly limbs it seems funny trying to imagine this because we're so used to seeing them with their teeth ounds but these recent findings do point to them being hidden for many years now the scientific community have tried to determine the age of the planet by dating the rocks in the Earth's crust and rocks from the moon scientists and researchers have been able to come up with an estimate rocks that return from the moon had been dated to be 4.5 billion years old these rocks support the idea the earth and the rest of the solar system formed around 4.5 billion years ago our planet has no shortage of minerals and recently an Israeli mining company made an interesting discovery while doing work they came across a mineral that's never been discovered before this mysterious rock was discovered in the northern mountains of Israel while working close to Mount Carmel as you can imagine this new discovery has caused heated debate and excitement for geologists it's well-known the International mineralogical association approves new minerals every year in fact is believed that over 90 new substances are added to the list every year however is where this mineral comes from that's causing the debates yes believe this substance was once part of an extraterrestrial object that doesn't mean alien per se but for example it could have come from outer space the new mineral has many similarities to a mineral this first discovered on a meteorite that fell to earth in February of 1969 no mineral like this has ever been found to naturally occur on earth until now this new substance has been called Carmel designs it was named after the location of where was found the site of the discovery was found imbedded in cracks of sapphire which is the second hardest mineral to occur naturally on earth after diamonds this new mineral closely resembles sapphire and ruby and comes in a variety of different colors some of which include orange brown black blue and green after scientists had completed some tests on the new mineral they discovered it's a lot rarer and harder than diamonds this in turn makes it much more sought-after and more expensive to the formation was similar to that of diamonds too the region is known for volcanic activity dating back to the Cretaceous period and is home to at least 14 volcanic vents that created the geological conditions needed over long periods of time scientists have said this mineral would have been formed around 80 miles below the surface of the earth researchers are still studying the mineral to try and find out more about it it's been suggested this site could be the only place where it's found meaning it would be one of the rarest minerals on the planet there is a theory that the Great Pyramid of Giza once had a giant swivel door the entrance it's thought to have weighed around 18 to 22 tons and could easily be pushed open from the inside on the outside is very hard to find because it fit perfectly the swivel door was discovered when the Great Pyramid was first being explored you could open the door from the inside with very little force and this came down to how perfectly balanced there was we are talking about an estimated 20 tons being madhavi's by a single hand it remains a mystery how the Egyptians were able to cut and place these doors of such precision most of us are aware of the theories surrounding the pyramids but one theory that has recently been gaining traction is that the ancient Egyptians were more advanced than first thoughts instead of them being a race that didn't have much they were actually the opposite theory suggests the ancient Egyptians were more advanced than we are today and that the reason they vanished was because of a natural disaster this theory hasn't gone down wealth professionals but theorists think there could be some credibility to it for example in 2015 a thermal scan of the pyramids revealed the Great Pyramid has three areas along the bottom that generates some sort of heat this is cool speculation as to why this air of the pyramid does days some have suggested there are small passageways beneath these heat points which could lead to hidden chambers others believe the heat is being generated by leftover ancient technology that has long been forgotten the argument that people make is that for a structure that was built thousands of years ago is sure does baffle modern humans according to early descriptions by an ancient historian the original door of the Great Pyramid was hinged at the top and swung out as mentioned this door would have been so well balanced they could have easily been open from the inside however once the door was shut it would be impossible to open from the outside this along the actual structure itself has caused many questions to be asked each block the colossal structure weighs around 2.5 metric tons with over 2.3 million blocks making up the entirety of the structure not only did this require 315 blocks to be moved into place every day for the next 20 years but the mortar used is of unknown origin it's been analyzed in its chemical composition is nitin but it can't be reproduced in Central Texas there's a lake known as Lake Buchanan this Lake is one of the largest lakes that can be found in Central Texas this Lake is popular of the locals and it's common to see fishermen campers and swimmers however what some may not be aware of is the lakes mysterious past underneath this lake is what some people refer to as a ghost town residents moved to this area in the 1880s in the hopes of starting a new life however not long after being here electricity became very popular and the town needed a source of hydroelectric power and water officials decided it would be best to build a lake in this became Buchanan this decision however didn't go down well for locals as they had to sell their homes in Reno Kane's as the locals were preparing for the dam it was made clear that the community had to do things they didn't sign up for like working longer hours relocating the graves of more than 300 people and moving house furniture the officials told the residents they didn't need to rush because it would take between two and eight years to fill up a lake this wasn't the case however as heavy rainfall caused the lake to fill up within a matter of months after this the town was completely submerged most people forgot about this until drought hit the error in 2009 the lake lost around 25 feet of water and revealed the ghost town for everybody to see as you can imagine people wanted to see it for themselves and they attracted thousands of visitors so that's the story of the mysterious town of Texas over the years many mysterious stories have come out of Texas perhaps one of the most spine-chilling is that of the alleged black-eyed children one person said the following about their encounter I live in Austin Texas and something really strange is happening I was out shopping at my local store it was late at night and I noticed these two kids standing outside the shop I was worried and decided to walk past them to see if an adult was with them however that's when I noticed something odd as they look towards me both the boys had jet black Ines is threw me off no continue shopping then went home I taught my wife about what happened and she suggested the boys were pranking me I tried to reassure myself there was most likely an explanation for this I even thought at one point I imagined it exactly a week later seven minutes past 11:00 at night I could see two shadows outside my house the road I live on is very quiet and I know many of the neighbors the two people were standing outside were kittens however when I looked through my window I recognized them from the shop I quickly alerted my wife and told her those were the children I saw she said there was probably a coincidence and the kids lived on the street however from the next few months the children stayed outside my house and looked in the thing that made me feel uneasy was their jet-black eyes these kids have even knocked on my door on a few occasions I've never answered it and don't plan to I don't know what to do it's fair to say that when it comes to things outside of our planet humans don't really know that Marge scientists have recently come forward and said that our universe may be nothing more than a silver lining sitting within the edge of a bubble and that bubbles constantly expanding into a higher dimension scientists have stated that the human brain cannot truly understand the full scale of the universe and perhaps never will the universe extends are the tens of billions of light years many people come wrap their head around this understanding the structure of the Milky Way is norming challenging the solar system sits in the outer edges of a disk of material and no one can see across the dense center to the other side the Milky Way does not see still this constantly rotating the solar system is always moving through space meaning the Sun and the solar system travel with them the solar system travels as an average speed of five hundred and fifteen thousand miles an hour even at this incredible speed this solar system would take around 230 million years to travel all the way around the Milky Way bear in mind this is how long will it take to travel just one galaxies in the observable universe there's estimated to contain 200 billion to two trillion galaxies this gives you an idea to how monumentally vast the universe is once tossing revelation made by quantum physicist as converted even the most optimistic individuals is the concept of the motive s theory when pondering the mathematical implications and probability of a universe forming as well as other theories in regard to dimensional mathematics physicists began posting a thought experiment forward why did I universe form with these specific rules with these specific numbers and laws of mathematics scientists believe the odds of this occurring a so astronomical and that is far more probable that every variation of every possible universe exists to allow such occurrences what's even more interesting is that researchers believe they have evidence of the multiverse theory occurring in the natural world this is given the complete determination of quantum mechanics and its property such as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and the formation of virtual particles this could very well mean that every possible variation of every universe and every decision ever made could more than exist and could potentially one day be explored philosophically this idea could lead to new outlooks the main lead people to discuss the meaningful implications of decisions it seems though that were no closer to understanding our universe hessdalen is a small village that can be found in Norway at the beginning of the 1980s many people came thought about seeing mysterious lines the local residents can explain where they were coming from it wasn't just one or two lights being witnessed Eva it's been reported that over 200 lights was seen within a week people started to want answers for what was being seen and project hessdalen was established in the summer of 1983 investigations were carried out between January the 21st and February the 26th 1984 incredibly sixty lights were seen journeys investigations but one of the issues was that no one had any idea where they was coming from since the 1980s the lights have become less frequent instead of there being 50 to 60 reports a wink there's now around 15 to 25 reports a year one eyewitness who lives in the area said the following about the lights I've lived in this Aaron have seen the lights now for more than ten years and to this day I still have no idea what they are at first I thought they could have been some natural phenomenon but they don't look like anything I've seen before some of them move really quickly and others just seem to sit in the sky the most common colors I've seen a purple and orange and on some occasions I've watched these lights for over 20 minutes it's not just me there's seen them Eva most of my family have seen there more than once although it doesn't happen all the time when the lights do appear they seem to stay around for a while recently these lights were reported close to hessdalen the eyewitness said the following I was driving close to a valley when I saw pulsating lines they flicked on and off for around 30 seconds to a minute each time they stayed in the sky for 15 minutes what this person saw matches many other reports of the hessdalen lines other people Forrester reported these lights ripping down the valley before suddenly fading away another common color that's seen as blue these blue pulsating lights have also reportedly made people feel relaxed and calm however skeptics have come forward and said that these lights are being caused by the weather they point to ball lightning for a possible cause of these lines but due to how many times they're witnessed this explanation is unlikely this mysterious gridlock structure has been spotted off the coast of Cyprus I've recently been sent a few emails in regard to this and when first looking in the structure it does look strange not much information is known about it but a few people that have seen it have voiced their opinions one person said it could be some type of station situated in the ocean what most people can agree on though is that it does look artificial in nature one person commented that it reminded them of a similar looking object we have featured this objects in a previous video and is simply known as the grid anomaly back in 2011 an interesting post was made by user that noticed strange and unusual ocean floor grid patterns that seem to be artificial in nature this grid appeared to span 60 miles in width and 65 miles in length and had numerous different right angles all across its formation the post then goes on for several more paragraphs talking about how the carvings or throughout the area appears to be artificially grated with what is described as being similar to that of paved streets walkways and a number of smaller squares or throughout the region what strange is that they all seem to have 90-degree angles and look like modern-day property lawns at first many rejected the discovery and believe the entire finding was nothing more than conflicting Tory Maps compiled together by satellite data however the information surrounding the height and depth of the terrain was not that of overlapping satellite information additionally in the comments following the threatened many others began pointing out similar discoveries of these strange grid like patterns found in many different parts of the ocean and have said it could be something historical to this day they still appears to be no explanation on the matter over the years there have been hundreds of predictions made and some of these have come true many different people from across the world make predictions about the future of mankind in an attempt at better understand and combat changing industries personal obstacles and events that may spell out doom for the rest of us these predictions could come from self-proclaimed psychics emerging technologies and artificial intelligence investors looking to predict future decisions and impacts on the economy or government research to provide intelligence relative to policy impacts and decision making one individual that did make some interesting predictions was professor Stephen Hawking unfortunately on March the 14th 2018 professor Stephen Hawking passed away dr. Hawking fought in ten the cosmos bravely for 76 years and taught us all something important about what it truly means to celebrate about being human in the later years of his life he per for the ideas of exploration quite possibly one of the most for provoking arguments made by dr. Stephen Hawking was his claims made about the possibility of events that could spell disaster for the whole of humanity by his calculations regarding the overall probability of the earth facing an event at such a large enough scale to cause human extinction dr. Stephen Hawking stated they would only take as little as 100 years before humans would be unable to inhabit our planet Earth the cause for such calculations he regarded were due to several factors that most people never even took into consideration not only is climate change and global warming an important issue that should be addressed but by his calculations there is no possible way to overcome the issues regardless of any form of technological advancement dr. Stephen Hawking must know to be referred to us as planetary colonizers and makes the overall suggestion that not only will F be our home but many other celestial bodies in the solar system may find himself colonized as well the last Theory this Stephen Hawking was working on before he passed always been revealed porking was working on a theory that the universe may actually be a hologram many theoretical physicists believe that for a fraction of a second following the Big Bang the universe expanded before settling into his present stains this is referred to as the inflation theory however this theorist lost traction over the years and instead many now look to the multiverse theory the multiverse theory is a hypothetical space or Ram consisting of a number of universes of which our own universe is only one he never opened his arms to the multiverse Theory what Hawking suggested was that is more likely the universe could be a hologram there are many people out there that believe our ancestors were much more advanced than we think some say this is backed up by modern discoveries that proved they had a good understanding of engineering forever saying the perhaps advanced civilizations flourished in the past and were far more abundant and capable within that of the current modern age originally seen as nothing more than a ridiculous theory the idea of an advanced prehistoric age has come to the forefront in archeological discoveries what some people often struggle to understand however is what could have been the particular cause for these advanced civilizations and why it is today these ancient technologies had been lost to us with that being said however every so often some of these designs come to the surveyance and most of the time they leave us with more questions than answers one of these discoveries happened in 1961 in Romania an engineer discovered a strange-looking manuscript he started looking through it and discovered that it details something he didn't expect he noticed that in the manuscript it detailed some incredible concepts about rocketry at a time when these concepts did not exist the person who designed these went by the name of Conrad has and he lived between 1509 and 1570 sayings it's incredible that someone during this time was even able to come up with these ideas researchers have said that he was the first person to put into writing the concepts of multi staging further saying that his concepts were put to their tests and they did in fact while incredibly his work doesn't stop there he went on to design in detail spacecrafts Delta fins bell nozzles and even liquid fuel the Sibiu manuscript consists of around 450 pages of which include the incredible designs of a three-stage rocket what's incredible is how someone born during this time was able to come up with these sort of ideas researchers have come forward and said there could be many manuscripts out there in the world that we do not know of each one hiding secrets about our past one thing that we do know is that this manuscript is real and it goes into detail about rockets in liquid fuel it was officially published in the 16th century however some have even said it was written using text going back even further than lands it's these types of discoveries that make people save it going back humans were a lot more advanced than we thought so what you guys make of is and how was someone able to design Rockets this far back in the past let me know your thoughts in the comments oftentimes in countries that have a beautiful countryside are an incredibly scenic in historically important era of wildlife efforts will be made by the government to preserve this beautiful slice of major this is in the hopes of allowing the public at large to enjoy Sun aging Beauty for centuries to come they do this by establishing federally protected locations that prevent further developments of any kind that could damage the protected era known as a national park or a wildlife preserve unfortunately these unbelievably perfect natural sceneries also seem to hold a dark secret this seems to be a large amount of mystery surrounding national parks and almost disproportionate amount given any areas compared to regarding visiting populations of any kind one of these comes from the Santa Fe National Forest going back officials come forward about the appearance of mysterious wood structures what strange is that's not only are they tall but they seem to appear overnight most of them are between 6 and 20 feet in height and after taking something down officials said they were built using over 1,000 pieces of wood one spokesperson said the wood structures are appearing at an alarming range and their frequency have increased over time the structures had Park officials and even police officers baffled to how they were being crated one of these concerns was that these structures posed a huge fire hazard this is because they've been compared to structures that resemble those they used to build wood fires in the forest however these ones are much taller the worry wasn't so much that whoever was building them was going to create a fire but the Vandals may see them and want to set them on fire if they were to be lit on fire the authorities said it would be extremely hard to get them under control at this moment in time Park officials have no idea who is building the lodge wood structures and they can't figure out a motive behind the construction of them some have suggested it's just the work of a bore teenager however to build them at the rates they're being built you would need an extremely large group of people this now been enough for the Forest Service that a known court building these wood structures will be fined $5,000 the structures are being built on federal land and they're treating it as trespassing the forest officials have said that now becoming more common than ever over the years there have been a few stories that have caught the public's attention this is mainly because of what these officers have said they've encountered going back in 2009 an unnamed off-duty police sergeant was driving along a road near Silbury Hill Silbury Hill is located in Wiltshire in England incredibly the officer said he could see will appear to be three large beings dressed in what's clothing after getting closer to the beans the sergeant could see they're inspecting something on the ground this turned out to be a crop circle without appeared here several days earlier the officer was able to get a good look at the beings saying there were two meters in height and had blonde hair what was odd is that when approaching them the officer could hear a low static sound this threw him off as surely after this the field began to echo with this noise after trying to get closer to the beans they soon notice him and turned around he said that he ran onto the field as fast as he turned as you can imagine an experience like this played on his mind so he decided to contact paranormal investigators to see if they could explain what he witnessed it was then said this site was a hot spot for unidentified flying objects and these crafts could have been connected to the beings he witnessed not long after this he decided to contact the Wiltshire police station however they came full and said they had no comment on the sighting stating that it was a personal matter because the sergeant was off duty at the time of the incident the paranormal experts said they believed what he saw what's interesting about this is the connection some of me to Stonehenge Silbury Hill is only around 20 miles from Stonehenge and as many are aware some of the paranormal community believe the ancient structure was built upon advanced civilization Stonehenge has proven to be quite a mystery to anyone who attempts to try and understand its construction and techniques behind it not only are the large blocks used whoo massive that even modern means of construction would fail regards to establishing the Stonehenge but the source of the blocks appears to have been carved from hundreds of miles away.he which lead many researchers to question the ability of transporting such large stones to the area to add to the bizarre strangeness of the formation of Stonehenge it's been discovered the structure appears to be built of incredible precision in his placement and carve creation up to this point though we don't have any solid proof this event happened lieutenant colonel Percy Forsett is a well-known explorer of South America during his travels however he encounters some mysterious things along the way although some are brushed aside these stories others of question that would someone who had this much experience lie about what they saw one of his most famous encounters was that of the Mary coxy it's been reported in the past and believed by many there exists a strange undiscovered tribe known as the Mary coxy they allegedly lived deep within the dense jungles of the Amazon rainforest the Mary coxy are unlike any other and that many reports claimed them not to be entirely human back in 1914 Percy Fawcett claimed to have come across a strange tribe they're extremely hairy lived in villages constructed from primitive materials in the jungle and used bows and arrows to help them hunt and fight back invaders of all kinds they were described as being similar to reports of Sasquatch people only speaking and communicating with each other in primitive grants and residing north east of a while and tribe known as the max abou given the fact that many of the uncontacted tribes in the region appear to have origins tens of thousands of years in the past many claim that perhaps he's Mary coxy are part of the living tribes of Neanderthals in the modern day II others believe they could be a hidden village of Sasquatch people moving whenever they're discovered to denser more undiscovered regions in the world another creature Percy encountered was that of an enormous name he said the following about the event we were drifting easily along a slow currents when under the Bertha boats there appeared to be a triangular head it was a giant anaconda I sprang for my rifle was a creature began to make his way up the bank my guys were scared for their life by managed to persuade them to turn towards the shore these giant creatures announced hip boats and everyone was right this was going to be our feint we stepped ashore and approached the reptile of caution it was out of action but shivers ran up and down the body like puffs of wind on a mountain as far as it was possible to measure a length of 45 feet lay out of the water and 17 in it making a total length of 62 feet his body was not thick for such a colossal length no more than 12 inches in diameter but it had probably been long without food I tried to take a piece of the skin but the creature attacked Percy managed to escape from reported the encounter locals then came forward and backed up his claim saying that other Lodge snakes had been encountered in the area scientists have said we currently know more about what's going on on the surface of the Moon than what's happening within our very own oceans these underwater worlds are mostly unexplored and many of them are hiding mysteries that are waiting to be discovered over the years there's been talk of Jhansi creatures that could be living in the dens one of these has become known as the USS teensy monster this large ship was named after Tony Steen no one knows where the event took place but is said it happens somewhere in deep water the crew noticed that suddenly the ship started to experience technical problems it eventually led to the failure of a sonar when the ship arrived home it was dry dock and immediately examined it was said that whatever caused the damage was very big perhaps even an unknown John squid species the creature had managed to damage the rubber coating of the sonar diamond Engineers later discovered that over ten percent of the surface coating was damaged and most of those cuts were very similar to those found on the suction cups of squids however the engineers said this wasn't a normal-sized creature saying the costs were much larger than any known squids machines this is fueled speculations that the creature in question was over a hundred feet in length the claw marks were much larger than any reported at the time the creature may have been up to a hundred and fifty feet in length although this sounds impossible we've discovered giant squid that were over 40 feet in length and some think that larger specimens could be lurking in the dams although this encounter sounds unbelievable there have been past encounters that sound eerily similar to this one one of these comes in the form of another giant squid sighting though it was rumored to exist for many years the elusive giant squid has been an incredible find of the scientific community going back in 2006 this species was first recorded after a research team used a large research vessel and rested it off the coast of Japan there they used a large veins and suspended the bait from the bottom of the ship to keep it dangling in the area to catch the large creature the experiment was a success has a large 24 first squid came close to the bait who was captured on footage however as mentioned much larger specimens had been discovered over the years and some say it's only a matter of time before a larger squid is discovered so what do you guys think attach the USS steamboat going back in 1970 the first Old Spaghetti Factory opened in gas town it was known to the locals as a great place to eat and for its atmosphere however over time people noticed that strange things would happen inside the restaurant people would see flickering shadows and hear strange noises his belief eye researchers the four ghosts occupy the restaurant the most famous of these entities is said to be that of a tram conductor over the years many people have encountered his barians further saying that it's like he doesn't want to leave this area the common place to encounter him is the old trolley car that spots inside the restaurant the trolley number was 53 and going back it belonged to the British Columbia electric rail company's fleet of electric trams the trolley car was placed inside the building in 1969 and has been debated if he was attached to the car with some suggesting that something traumatic happened in the past and that's why he hasn't been able to move on although this sounds far-fetched there are others as say paranormal entities can attach themselves to objects for example what with the dolls caused much speculation over the years Robert the doll appears to be a childlike dole discern by German factory back in the early 1900's he can be found on display at the East Martello Museum to this day according to those that verified the history of Robert the doll the doll was once owned by the eccentric author and painter Robert Eugene Otto after the author passed away the dog was discovered by a woman who bought the house shortly after her and so also came into possession of the doll she then reported that doll was capable of moving on his own creating and moving around smaller voodoo dolls as well as being completely aware of everything that went on around him when the dough exchange only is being constantly left behind when the house of salt more and more began to report strange behavior from the doll such as that of changing facial expressions the ability to move making giggling sounds and leading to traumatic events such as that of car accidents broken bones job loss divorces and a variety of other misfortunes as the doll was viewed as a cursed talisman going back to the Old Spaghetti Factory the next ghost is known as a young spirit and again people can count to this entity and Sadie tries to scare the public one woman said she encountered this spirit in the bathroom further saying that all she could hear was a creepy laughter coming from one of the storms over the past two years there's been quite a bit of activity going on at the Yellowstone National Park and every time this happens news headlines make their rounds this is because the National Park is sitting on top of a massive supervolcano over the years describe the attention of not only scientists but the public this is because if it did erupted it would have a massive effect on the planet and the system is still considered active and contains a reservoir of magma big enough to fill the Grand Canyon several times over recently it's been announced by scientists that animals living in Yellowstone have been migrating away they've noticed that thousands of Yellowstone elk have left for higher ground although they do this every year scientists of now said it's changing because of environmental anomalies researchers at the University of California Berkeley said the following these animals are migrating in the tens of thousands and are moving out of Yellowstone we think this comes down to climate change in the area feather saying it's in the future of climate change we should expect the timing of these mass movements to be altered which will affect the other wildlife and people who depend on them including predators scavengers and hunters across the ecosystem this has made some people worries as thought animals can't detect things before humans one way they're able to do this is by feeding the Earth's vibrations some researchers suggest they can even pick up on electrical changes in the air or gas released from the earth and this is Wife an earthquake is about to happen some animals will try and find shelter as mentioned this supervolcano has been shown scientists they're still active scientists warned that last year two of the three warning signs that was going to be an eruption was paid up on these warning signs includes says macaque tivity increasing and an increase of gas outlet at the surface not only this but researchers working the park have said that new erupting vents and surface fractures have started opening they've even had to close a boardwalk and the popular upper basin however an eruption has not happened here in over 630,000 years but researchers have said that an eruption could happen soon the human brain and dreams have long been a mystery why do we dream and what do they mean over the years we've made a massive progress in science but one area that still raises many questions is how the brain sees our dreams scientists only know that we dream and that our brain translates them into moving pigeons different researchers and scientists have interpreted dream states differently with some arguing the function of dreaming was to allow the brain to express certain desires while others suggest dreams are a natural expression of our imagination psychologists believe that dreams can be littered with symbols meanings and attempts being made by your subconscious to help you or something in your waking life probably seen as one of the most common dreams to have is that of not being able to run many people will detail a dream in which the dream was trying to attempt to run Eva from something or to something but felt as if it was impossible to move similar to that of trying to run through thick's errand they gain no distance no matter how hard they try to run if you're experiencing this dream repeatedly this could very well be a sign that you're having issues with self-image and self-esteem the inability to run in a dream is usually manifested when the dreamer feels as if they're not capable in their waking life or suffer from serious issues regarding self-esteem and a lack of self-respect this means that their problems in your life might be overwhelming you should never second-guess yourself or believe that you can't make it through an obstacle in your life believing in yourself can make a world of difference between tackling issues head-on and handling any obstacle that life tries to throw at you another dream that many reported is that of being changed one of the most common dreams hand they can take on the form of many different symbols but shares a common theme is that of finding yourself being chased by another object entity or person if you're fun you're having repetitive dreams involving this theme then it could very well mean that you're avoiding an issue in your life that requires confrontation dreaming about being chased we usually mean the dreamer feels as if they are avoiding an issue or a person in their life to help better understand what this issue might be it's usually advised to try and identify who or what the chaser is if the chaser is a person in your life then your subconscious might be trying to tell you to confront them or talk to them about an issue if the chaser is instead an object or some manifestation then this could be a symbol of a larger issue in your life that needs to be addressed regardless of the chaser the chase stream requires a media action from the dreamer in the hopes of restoring positive mental health Antarctica's become best known for being one of the least explored places on the planet it's known for its harsh climates in beautiful wildlife over the years though there have been some mysterious discoveries on the continent going back a few years ago scientists reported that massive objects that could change our understanding of history is hidden beneath the Arctic ice these claims of course theorists to speculate about what could be lying under the eyes and as you can imagine all kinds of theories have been put forward this mysterious anomaly is believed to be underneath an era called whips land the air is over 150 miles across and has a minimum depth of around 2,500 feet interestingly researchers have suggested it could be the remains of a giant asteroid and if this is the case it would have been more than twice the size of the asteroid that struck Mexico 66 million years ago this was the asteroid that was believed to cause the extinction of the dinosaurs this could help to answer one of the planet's most mysterious events during the Permian Triassic a massive extinction event happened it caused over 96% of the earth sea creatures and over 70% of the vertebrate organisms living on land to perish this giant rock could have been behind the event this mysterious anomaly was first brought to the attention of researchers in 2006 this was when NASA's satellites picked up on gravitational changes over the years there have been some interesting theories before wind one of these is that advanced civilizations once built giant pyramid like structures in Antarctica these structures can be found all over the world from Egypt to Mexico but it's now thought they originated in Antarctica Google Earth images of Antarctica have been shown as proof that these structures do exist theorists point to these photographs as proof of advanced civilizations the snow pyramids as they've been caught have sparked the interest of many people and it's even been suggested that advanced humans lived here millions of years ago three pyramids have been found with two of them ten miles inland and the third near the coastline they have four sites which has led to comparisons to the Egyptian pyramids of giza incredibly those scientists have suggested that humans could have once lived in the frozen area as it may have once been a lot warmer perhaps even up to 20 degrees it's now known that millions of years ago Antarctica would have been covered in lush rainforests scientists however have come forward and said that these pyramids are fact mountains and is because of weathering they got these shames over the years NASA have made some incredible discoveries but recently they've come forward and said that they found a planet that could potentially host human life this planet is known as GJ 3 5 7 D and NASA have said it's around 31 light years away from our solar system it orbits in the Goldilocks zone of the GJ 3 5 7 system where scientists have speculated that water could falton the reason it gets the name of a super earth is because it's around six times the size of our planet lissa Kota who's an astronomy professor said the following about the plantains it's a distance from the star that's not too hot and not too gold the planets was not expected to be there so it was like a freebie because it was discovered in the follow-up I was on vacation at the time and I was completely surprised although this is an incredible discovery the planet is too far away what has told researchers though is there could be other earth-like planets out there in the vastness of space as the human race develops is technological prowess we have to look to the horizon to see whether or not this technology is helping us move to the next big thing with the advent of new robotics and research into artificial intelligence it appears to be a race against time before we find our invention slowly smothering us under the weight and responsibilities of progress in order to combat these changes many scientists and researchers have said that we need to look to the Stars another planet that researchers have found interesting is that of Kepler 20f although the planets known as Kepler 20f is more than 929 light-years away from the earth meaning that it would take more than 900 years traveling at the speed of light before humanity could even reach the planet is still an ideal location for the establishment of future colonies and holds more similarities to earth and venus itself in fact the planet kepler 20f is much cooler than Venus being more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit cooler at its maximum temperature when the planet was first discovered back in 2011 it was noticed as being a rocky planet with the same mass radius in gravity as planet Earth but also supporting a rich atmosphere believed to be containing vast amounts of water vapour unfortunately this water vapour caused a runaway greenhouse effect this sees the planet as an overall temperature too hot to support life however with a few modifications to the environment it could very well be a much better twin the Venus without requiring the extensive needs a terraforming as on our neighbouring ends skinwalker ranch is a property that is located near Utah are over the years this property is attracted those who are interested in the paranormal all the property is around 500 acres in size everything from ghosts to UFOs and even aliens themselves have been witnessed but one of the most commonly seen entities are the skinwalkers for those of you who don't know what a skinwalker is it's believed to be a person with a supernatural ability to turn into any creature he or she desires skinwalkers are usually very hairy in their human form and often wear animal perils some tribes describe them as the perfect version of the animal in question the skin may just be a mask and people who encounter them to scrub them is looking strange since skinwalkers are shunned and despised numerous attempts have been made a home one however they're not usually successful some say skinwalkers can have the power to read human thoughts they also possess the ability to make any human or animal noises they choose this is regardless of their current form a skinwalker may use the voice of a relative with a craven infant to lure victims after the safety of their homes some people take these creatures very seriously for it's believed the spirits of these creatures can and will haunt you one person allegedly witnessed a skinwalker while driving close to the ranch they said the following about their encounter I was driving close to the Raj of my girlfriend back in the 1980s I've always been an open-minded person and during my life I've witnessed some things I couldn't explain one of my first trips to the ranch I would see something that would stay with me forever her I was with my girlfriend and we thought it'd be a good idea to visit near the ranch the drive was always nice and there was never that many people around we enjoyed driving it nice than most because it would mean you'd encounter less people one of the most memorable things was the night sky he it would always look so incredible on this particular occasion we were sky watching but noticed something odd at first I thought it was a planet or a star Petite kept getting bigger this object would pulsate and then triple in size he kept repeating this for around 15 minutes the objects then came within a few hundred meters of ours we was able to get a good look at it and it was unlike any object I'd seen before my girlfriend was worried and tried to get me back into the car however I was fascinated with the object and felt an almost calm feeling while watching it if I had to guess I would say is around 12 feet and a meter and it was covered in a glowing watch you every so often it would pulsating them rise around 50 feet in the air after several minutes the objects then began to move away from us after getting around 500 feet away from us it dissipated the car ride home involved me my girlfriend talking about the object we got into a deep conversation about what the object could have beaten although I enjoy the counter my girlfriend didn't and she tried to get away from it as soon as she could after talking with her a few days later I managed to persuade her to go on the same trip again however this time we encountered something entirely different on this occasion we was only a few hundred meters from our last location this time though we experienced something that would frighten us to this day we saw appear to be a very large man if had to guess I would say he was easily over six feet tall and very well-built he was easily over 200 pounds as this figure approached us we began to get worried at this point it was gone 10 p.m. and there was known around a lot the doors as this figure started to get close as he did we can believe what we were seeing the humanoid appear to have a helmet on his head it stared through the window nor we could see was our reflection on its helmet this was enough for us to leave after this experience we kept having nightmares about this person since this encounter we've never been back mr. humanoids have also been witness on the ranch these human-like creatures have believed to be between six and seven feet tall and have a dark presence some have suggested they're similar to the men in black Hank was odd those the facts that these entities seem to appear out of nowhere the people who have lived or visited the ranch have encountered these mysterious creatures it's believed they're able to read minds and even communicate through forms numerous people have come forward and said that while being near the ranch they've seen strange people one person said they encountered a strange man when there was half a mile from the ranch they stopped asking for directions but he didn't answer he just stared at them until they drove off enough a person had a similar encounter a man approached them as there was parked up close to the ranch he stood in front of their car and started to make strange noises the people described it as a clicking noise they found this person strange so decided to move on these stories will follow a similar theme whoever these humanoids are they don't seem to like people being near the ranj and almost always tried to get them to move since the 1950s skinwalker ranch has been a hotbed of UFO activity it's one of the most common things that are witnessed here however before it became known as the skinwalker ranch it was simply known as a ranch and it was where the Shemin family lived in the 1990s the schurmans tried to reach out to newspapers and other media outlets to share their experience of the bizarre things they'd witnessed on the ranch these tales included the Mystery's furnishing of cows and crop circle like patterns in the pasture and soil along with countless UFO sightings according to legend a werewolf sighting or sue took place in the skinwalker ranch this is where a farmer claims he saw the wolf attacking a Garth the farmer shot of the wolf without any response the farmer shot again this time the wolf let the calf Koba stood upright to have no signs of distress after a third shot the wolf trotted away casually still on hummed when the multiple Birla s while living on the ranch one firm experience multiple cattle disappearances hearing voices calling from nowhere objects moving by themselves and seeing strange person of animals in the property some people have even witnessed Thunderbirds on the ranch the Thunderbird is a crypto zoological creature associated with large bird like animals these creatures have blue to be huge in size many people of the years have claimed to have witnessed them and say their giant size is unlike anything they've seen before teri showing said the following while staying here we would see these hundred first circular openings appear in the air it was like four orange colored doorways that was spiral opened looking through a high-powered scope the schurmans watched a smaller cross would emerge from the hovering portals they would then flower on the property in them re-enter the doorways the Shermans described this stealthy of smaller craft as being 60 by 40 feet the smaller craft looked like they were flying inverted they also appear to emit sparks of light which hit the ground another eerie phenomena soon began to play the schurmans the family started noticing glowing blue balls are on the property the balls gave off a crackling sound seemed intelligently controlled and could Eva Havel move unbelievably fast one evening the showman watched as a bluebird approached one of their horses the light offered within a foot of the horses face which booted immediately from a distance of 10 feet they shot a flashlight in the blue globe and it retreated then approached areas if inspecting him terry described it as a glass pour by the size of a baseball which appear to contain two blue fluids which intermingled with each other other people have come full and said they've seen strange objects in the sky another witness at the society one day me my friend decided to visit the ranch we'd heard the stories and wanted to see the place for ourselves after driving here a number of times we finally encountered something we couldn't explain all across the land that covers the run to a shining port of light I would say there was around two feet in diameter the objects were orange in yellow in color and seemed to defy the laws of physics they would fly into each other and then create a larger version of themselves or some would multiply them fly off these objects were created by nature Eva they appeared to be under intelligent control they would make sharp turns and even fly close to the ground another thing we picked up on is how they didn't make any noise they were completely silent and if it wasn't for the lights you wouldn't even know they was there we observe this incredible event for around half an hour before their snow started to vanish we went back several times after this but didn't see anything this was the only song we witnessed something that we couldn't explain after this we told many of our friends and family but much then didn't believe us this is one glad I had my friend there with me is the only person who can back up what I witnessed there are so many strange things that been witnessed on this ranch so I'm interested in your guy's theories what do you think is going on at skinwalker ranch let me know your thoughts in the comments every single year scientists have been finding existence of long thought to be extinct species some of these include marine animals that roam in the oceans back during the time of the dinosaurs for example one of these is known as the coelacanth this creature was swimming around in our oceans hundreds of millions of years ago and scientists said they became extinct around 80 million years ago but in 1938 her living coelacanth was discovered in the Indian Ocean near the southern east coast of Africa incredibly these creatures have been able to find a way to live for millions of years with this much evidence gathered by the scientific community it's no surprise then it appears there are large tales involving the existence of real-life encounters with dinosaurs even in the modern day [Music] early explorers would tell stories of running into giant creatures and describing animals that match that of long stink dinosaurs however science has told us that dinosaurs have been extinct for years so this begs the question what are people saying most of these stories comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and many could displace Earth's real-life Jurassic Park one creature is said to live in these regions is that to the melon tu caja those who've seen it describe it as looking similar to triceratons these ancient dinosaurs have been discovered by paleontologists over the years and have allowed us to get a good idea of what they would have looked like it was often referred to as the elephant Keller and when shown photographs the local charge of the Congo said it was very similar to the triceratons the creature is also reported as being described in the same likeness as that of an African bush elephant it stands roughly ten feet tall and weighs six tons the beastie storm of a large and heavy tail brownish to gray in color with the bodies similar to that of a rhino including a large horn at the front of his mount what's interesting is that alleged fossils of this creature exists which some say is evidence of the creature once living on our planet int with others saying it could be a distant ancestral cousin of the Rhino or a possible descendant of the triceratons gathering evidence of this creature has been tough the tribe native to the Congo region that reported the creature claimed to have purposely sought them out further saying they wanted to eradicate them from the area due to their growing veins his aggression and history of attacks the last reported sighting of the creature was seen in Kenya they many experts believe that if the creature did at one time exist that it's long been extinct for a few thousand years this is given the lack of fossil record however the Tri report that the last creature to be taking down was back during the 1930s if claims about a manner recovered to home from the body of the creature and holds it in his private collection this man however has not come forward of the horn due to fears will be taken away from him further information about the creature has not been released and the only credible information to be found is that of evidence and what gathered by dr. Roy P McCall who describes the creature in his 1987 publication of his book a living dinosaur with that being said locals are still talking about the creature until this day's stories are still coming out of this region the America is said to be a hostile creature and has allegedly been witnessed harming the local wildlife the locals of the Congo have given this creature the nickname of the elephant Kelleher is said to be very ferocious and will take on anything that gets in his way he it's been observed taking down the larger creatures that live in the Congo and what's interesting is that tribes has said you can't find any large animal where this creature limbs they say this is because they don't want to go near the Ameland huger because if they do they will get taken down on the spot as mentioned the Ameland - case claimed to be around the size of an African bush elephant brownish to grey in color with a heavy tail early reports gave detailed accounts of the creature using his tail to take down his prey he humans would also have to keep their distance as the creature has great eye signs and can see prey coming from a long way off those who've seen the creature described as having a bulky body and stumpy legs the color of the creature varies depending on who you talk to the most say it's grainy interestingly the Ameland hookah spends the majority of its time underwater tribes have fit going into the water in case they encounter this creature it doesn't like to be disturbed and when you get close to it you can hear a low vocalization from drawings and depictions by the locals the melon suka seems to resemble a type of dinosaur although some are suggested is a descendant of the Triceratops others have suggested is an aquatic rhinoceros cryptozoologists have said it's one of the most interesting crypt is out there mainly because it's been witnessed by so many people over the last ten years there have been some eyewitness testimonies about this creature how true they are is another question explorers have seen the creature have said it looks like a rhino but of a much larger horn and a darker colored body they say this more hostile than a typical Rhino and it doesn't like it when you venture too close they are said to come out for only a few hours of the day and depending on who talk to summer suggested is actually a herbivore feasting on the dense plants that scatter the Congo one person who attended an expedition said the following I've always been fascinated about the creatures of the Congo it's one of the most interesting places in the planets and holds a vast array of creatures I have seen many incredible animals here over the years but on this occasion I was looking for something a bit different I've read and heard stories that unexplored parts of the Congo could be home to a prehistoric creature although I'm a man of science stories like this do interest me and I'd like to think there are still drying creatures out there we came across an elephant and our guides pointed this out to us I thought they were pointing to this and saying that this was the Ameland Tuukka but interestingly they were telling us something else this male elephant had scratching on the side of his body if I'd to guess I would say the scratches were around a few feet in heightened the guide said that these marks were made by the Ameland to girl this creature is said to actively hunt elephants and some have allegedly been successful after asking the guard if they'd ever witnessed this happening they replied yes adult elephants can weigh between two and six tonnes so for a creature to be able to stay down one of these it has to be large and strong the guys told us that these creatures are rare and seeing them doesn't happen very often but one thing they did say is that you do occasionally hear them they describe their vocalizations as low saying that you know when you hear them because they vibrate the ground they said if you ever hear this sound you should run the trip had more stories than encounters but I felt that throughout this whole experience everyone was very genuine they talked about this creature as if it was a normal animal no one students make up things and everyone's stories also matched up I believe this creature could be a misidentified animal but there is a small part of me that thinks there is actually something big lurking out there in the 1930s a researcher who's in the Congo at a time approached a local tribe after talking to them for a while he asked them about the horned creature interestingly after describing the creature they had said they'd eaten one they said they used their Spears to take down the animal they described it as an aquatic creature which possessed a large horn after asking the tribe if they kept the horn they replied now another story comes from someone who managed to speak with the local people of the region they said the following a bother encounter I went on an expedition many years back in the Congo and it was one of the best things I've ever done while here I had stories of a large creature and I thought this scientist may have discovered a new animal in the Congo however I quickly learned this creature was something the locals took very seriously they told me about the animal that attacks elephants and they said they are fearsome predators some told me stories about how they encountered this creature deep in the Congo they said they appeared out of nowhere and charged them they said it had a very robust body and for its size is extremely quiet they told me they don't go to these parts anymore because it's risky while Altima is Perdition we saw many different types of animal species but what are most interested in was the animal the local spoke on they spoke about the creature in such detail that had built up a picture in my hand however when I asked them to take me to it they were very hesitant they told me the trip can be made to this day I still wonder about what could be living deep in the Congo although we taught from a young age that dinosaurs went extinct it seems to be a large number of reports of darkness or like regions this doesn't mean they're real when it could be a matter of people miss identifying modern-day creatures but as some of pointed out it would be strange for local tribes to misidentify the local wildlife interestingly it's not just the Amell and Tucker that's been sighted here there's a reason that congo is called the real-life drazi park this comes down to the fact that many prehistoric looking creatures have been encountered here over the years one of these goes by the name of the kongamato it's set to look like a modern-day version of the pterosaur these creatures have been sighted or throughout Africa the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Papua New Guinea reports of his mysterious pterosaur like creatures have left many believing with overwhelming certainty the possibility of the creatures existence and the fact they managed to survive into the modern day he the name kongamato actually roughly translates to the breaker of bones as many natives have claimed to have been attacked by these flying creatures when they ventured too close to nearby rivers these creatures are said to live near deeper waters and prey on fish some claims range from its wingspan being four feet to a hundred feet wide and natives have described creature to be a perfect description of that of a pterosaur of ancient times this is despite the locals lacking the education of dinosaurs of flying reptiles and their appearance although many of the sightings of these creatures are limited to the Congo there are several reported cases that stretch as far as Papua New Guinea in all across Africa additionally when European travelers were visiting these regions in the hope of colonization or trained they wrote extensively about encountering whink regions of which often attached their crew and carried away anyone who'd have ventured away from the group given the wide expanse of the jungles of the Congo being widely unexplored as well as housing a large number of different bird species as well as larger flying species it could very well be the case that the kongamato is a direct descendant of a surviving species of pterosaur and could have survived in the rich fertile areas of the congo a man who visited the Amazon in the 1970s encounters something similar he said the following while exploring the depths of the Amazon mean a few locals came across a giant bird-like animal his body was around four feet long and having a wingspan of over 20 feend his wings reminded me of a band we even saw the veins in his wings after encountering the creature a flew off immediately after this experience we didn't see it for the rest of the day the locals said that these creatures have been witnessed by some of the local people before they called them a name that I couldn't remember the only way I can describe it is that it looks like a cross between a bird and a Barnes I'm not trying to convince anyone it's just something I experienced years ago until this day have no idea of what it was you going back to the Ameland to curl locus of the Congo have reported the hippos have declined dramatically in the area and they say this is because of the presence of the Ameland hookah so the big question is what are people actually seeing the idea of there being living dinosaurs around the world would excite many of us but the facts point to this creature being something else for this creature to exist there has to be a stable population of wise it would not survive this would mean there would have to be way more than one or two and if this was the case they would be seen a lot more however believe is in this creature point the fact that we're still discovering new animals every year the Congo is a remote place and if there's going to be a dinosaur hiding somewhere in the world it would be here believers also say that the creatures now gone extinct and if people were to dig around in the Congo they would find their fossils for hundreds of years stories have come from people allegedly witnessing giant spiders dinosaurs and other junk regions some people have put forth the theory that this animal is actually a misidentified Rhino who one of the reasons they say this is because of the horn and due to the fact that creature closely resembles a rhino sometimes has been witnessed underwater and this can be deceiving as things can take on a different look underwater as of right now the creature remains a mystery to this day explorers visiting the region are still told stories about the Ameland huka with the locals very much believing that what they're seeing is some type of unidentified creature as many pointed out there until solid evidence is discovered about the creature many people are going to dismiss the encounters even scientists themselves have come forward and said that every year they identify around 15,000 new species forever saying that around 86% of existing species on earth have yet to be discovered or identified so there are still undiscovered creatures out there waiting to be discovered so my question to you guys is what you make of these stories and do you think there is any truth behind them let me know your thoughts in the comments thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos [Music]
Channel: Unexplained Mysteries
Views: 3,305,494
Rating: 4.4804206 out of 5
Keywords: 50, mysteries, that, cannot, be, explained, compilation, mysterious events, mysterious events in history, mysterious events 2019, mysterious events documentary, mysterious events unsolved, archaeological discoveries, archaeological discoveries 2019, archaeological discoveries documentary, archaeology, archaeology discovery, archaeology discoveries, archaeology discoveries 2019, recent discoveries, discoveries 2019, 2019 discoveries, incredible discoveries, science discoveries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 31sec (9391 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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