50+ Perfectly Pet-Safe Houseplants

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you know what a super sad is that the only way I'll get my dogs in one space together is having treats I just want to come to this video because this video is about pet friendly plants right plants we can have in our home and not worry about our dogs messing with them or our cats messing with them actually I what I did was I took some information off the ASPCA website like they have a cat column and a dog column like what's safe for dogs and what's safe for cats and I combined the two to give you a complete list of what is safe for cats and dogs so it's a lot easier it's an extensive list I have most of the plants I don't have some of the plants so the plants that I don't have I will just show you images of if I can find some and so I'm just gonna get started chubs come here is that chubby hold on the first plant we're going to talk about is the gerbera daisy they're so pretty but they need a lot of light and water so if you have pets and you want to flowering indoor plant and you don't have a light you might want to pass that one up but it is still really pretty African violet is a great pet friendly plant as well they're super pretty they are some of the easiest indoor flowering plants that you can have they do require bright to medium light medium to bright light you understand and they don't like their foliage to get wet so if you water them use a watering can like inside under the foliage but they're great plants as well some peleas are really good pet friendly plants and I don't know if I have those types those varieties but I will list them here right next to me right here so you can see them and if I can find images I'll put them there not you're on your own to find those images we also have the staghorn fern which is great because generally the cats and dogs can't reach them because they're usually mounted up on the wall so but just in case you're wondering pet friendly there are some other ferns too and if I forgot anything please put them in the comments okay I appreciate that because I forget a lot hypo s T's is what is like a polka dot plant I think no I'm not a big fan because I can't keep them alive but they're pretty they're pink and they're white and I think there's purple they're super pretty but kind of hard to keep alive for me anyway pet friendly not a problem if you have pets I'm gonna say pet friendly a lot in this video I'm gonna stop saying it actually I'm gonna come up with a different term can't stop saying pet friendly let's talk about poms different types of palms right because they're great plants they do need a lot of light and they do need a lot of water and they are like giant cat toys but they're still pretty and yes they're safe for you guys and your pets there's the bamboo pom which is so Hardy it doesn't need a lot of light but it's a really hearty pom the Christmas palm which he's a ton of light and they get huge and they're kind of like temporary but if you have a giant space they're perfect for a giant space parlor poms which usually are much smaller and they're pet friendly they're great baby you decent amount of light all these palms need a decent amount of light except for the candy a pom can handle lower light and they're much more expensive but they're also good to have in your house if you have pets Majesty poms as well they're a little more difficult they're much more readily available but they're kind of short-lived so keep the water keep the soil watered keep it in a bright location and watch for spider mites and plan on having them for about two or three years they don't last that long unless you're like a super green thumb person I can't make my last in more than two years I'm totally admitting that ponytail pom is not a pom really but it's pet friendly and they're so cute and they do so well so yeah that's another one oh that's kind of the pom family again if I left something out please leave it in the comments but that's what I know oh yeah there's more there's like there's four pages of pet friendly plants here we go okay banana is the Moussa family friendly and I love them and they need a lot of light just just warning you this is so grape Ivy's beautiful tempting for cats but they are pet friendly as well so the the grape ivy and then there's the Rex begonia vine that is another gorgeous vine as well so bromeliads again you can have those I forgot to say Boston ferns Boston ferns back with the fern group sorry Boston fern because you're a good one you're a good staple fern Burroughs tale non-toxic but super tempting for cats because I just want to knock all those little tails off just keep it away from your cats Callay Thea Lanza folia is also a pet friendly plant there's a California pitcher plant I don't have a picture of but that is also considered to be pet friendly plectranthus Australis the Swedish ivy shwedish a fee that is also another great plant to add to your collection echeverria's and all the cute little purple succulents you see those are good and also who are Thea's they are also in the category of non-toxic pet friendly plants with cast iron plans to ask the district pet friendly they can handle it they can handle a little bit of chewing on the foliage spider plants spider plants pet friendly and very tempting very very tempting for your kitty cat allergy yeah like the Christmas cactus pet friendly club mosses the silicon Ella's and now it's a harsh sounding name pet friendly there are some pepperoni is like the obtuse if olya and the cap errata that are pet friendly there's probably some other ones oh yo the pro strata that's pretty that is pet friendly as well list it's a big list it's a big in the lace flower vine pet friendly and I'm struggling with mine a little bit I haven't really figured out where it loves to be but it can love to be in your pet home fatsia japonica is a great one it's beautiful like a spider web one is beautiful so you can think about including that as well if you want to add some trailing plants to this list you can add the Hoya cordosa the compacta and all the other varieties of the car Knossos they're great lipstick plant those cute little flowers as red flowers that look like little miniature sample lipsticks you can have those two with Optima they look like little rear-ends or or like horses teeth yeah you can have those prayer plants Marant a-- add it to the list well I just did didn't I ridiculous feh Tonia's yeah you can have them too if you dare if you can keep them alive if you can you're better in to a gardener than I am because I just can't babies tears again if you keep them alive you can keep them away from your cats yeah you can have them you absolutely can have them they are so hard you have to water them all of the time it's it's annoying mother ferns I love mother ferns and I'm actually I've been eyeing one at this nursery so I think I'm gonna go get it after this video beautiful totally pet friendly and I think a must-have for those taller bigger ferns right they're really super super gorgeous guy Nora the purple passion plant I think it's called they're pretty they're purple and their pet friendly Polonia Tokra I don't know the common name for it but pet friendly this is probably gonna be the most annoying video in the entire world I forgot to mention that Hoya public hallux and carryi their pet friendly as well crypt anthis by vadas weird plant totally bizarre but totally safe proceed at your own risk the prickly pears yes I love those I see them there in some of them are indigenous here and when I come across them I'm just wow you're cool man you're like you're like a cactus growing in the Northeast that is pretty cool I'm such a dork I'm such a plant dork venus flytraps are also pet friendly and I don't have one but I'll show you a picture cuz I'm sure you know what they look like but I'll just here there there's a picture Venus flytrap sometimes you know you just think everybody's gonna get along cats and the dogs are gonna get along they're gonna stay away from your plants stay off the couch but it doesn't happen they just walk into whatever they want to walk into and they kind of sniff what they want to sniff and they tear up it what they want to tear out so in order to tell you to have like a peace of mind I think this list will help you out in your decision-making for what kind of plants you should bring into your house but please refer to the ASPCA website I will link it in the description below and just make sure that those plants will work in your pet zone in your house in your apartment in your dorm room wherever you might have a pet just do some research before you bring a plant in there that's all I'm saying it just takes about ten minutes and you will have peace of mind stop okay before my dog start going crazy barking too late too late they're doing it I wanted to say thank you before it wanted to say thanks I really wanted to thank you guys for joining along give me two minutes give me one minute thank you have a great weekend I hope this list was effective and informative for you and again thank you really thank you for subscribing everybody who has done that I can't believe it that I don't even want to look at the numbers because it makes me like I don't know I I'm just thankful so thankful for you guys watching these videos and supporting this kind of whatever I'm doing I don't even know but thanks have a great weekend I'm gonna go spank my dogs no I'm not Colet them out [Music]
Views: 97,816
Rating: 4.9756155 out of 5
Keywords: pet freindly plants, pet friendly indoor plants, pet friendly houseplants, pet safe plants, pet safe indoor plants, non toxic plants for pets, non toxic plants for cats, non toxic plants for dogs, non toxic indoor plants, indoor plants, houseplants, best indoor plants for pets, best indoor plants
Id: zsQcvdCONRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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