15 Non-Toxic Pet-Safe Houseplants

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hi guys Nick here and YouTube user its Adam asked me if I have any videos about pet safe plants and I do not and that's a fantastic idea so it's exactly what we're gonna talk about today a lot of house plants out there are labeled as toxic to pets but there are a number of houseplants that are non toxic to pets so we're gonna go ahead and discuss 15 different species but there's also a few variants so there's around 20 plants in total today in my description you can also find a link to the ASPCA website where they have a compiled list of all the plants listed by their toxicity our first pet safe plant that is non toxic to cats and dogs so we're going to talk about is probably the most popular which is the pilot peperomia Dee's this is also called the friendship plant the UFO plant the Chinese pancake plant I think it's got a lot of names Chinese money plant I don't know I'm making em names at this point there's a lot of names as the point I'm trying to make this plant is super adorable for its little circular succulent green leaves I just absolutely love that and it's pretty easy to find nowadays and sometimes can be a little bit more expensive I would recommend not spending more than twenty dollars on this plant if you can if you absolutely need it and you find it and it's a little bit more than that just get it if you want to plants get it but it's such a cool plant it's a little bit difficult to grow for me I think it really likes a very bright indirect light but sometimes direct sunlight can be too much and then it doesn't get enough light the leaves just kind of crinkle and curl up it's not the cutest thing but if you get this guy in a good west-facing window or easiest in window it seems to do best our second pets a plant and I should mention you can find a whole list in the description because I know I kind of sound like I'm speaking gibberish sometimes I talked about plan names but this is a Pylea glocca so it's related to the Pylea peperomia DS which is pretty awesome and this is gonna be a thing you're seeing on this list so plants in the same genus there's different species plans you probably know that there's different genus or genera of plants and these are typically the same toxicity level not always but typically it's the same toxicity level so or similar at least so these two are in the same genus therefore they are both pet safe which is quite wonderful so Pylea glocca it's a beautiful plant it's got these little silvery leaves that run along little crimson stems I think it's absolute stunning actually do sell these on my Etsy shop if you're interested link in my description probably up here as well but anyway easy plan it likes a lot of bright indirectly as well if he gets too much directly it will burn the tips of the leaves will get a little bit Brown but other than that it stays very bright and silvery and since the leaves are small what's easy to grow because some as plans with larger leaves if they're not in the best conditions the leaves can not a lot smaller but these leaves are already small to begin with so this plant is pretty easygoing for me as you can see this plants on a hanging basket which is a wonderful alternative if you do have pets that are a little interested in your plants you can just hang it up and it's out of the way you don't need to worry about it but this plant does trail and it does trail quickly so as it does reach down far enough your cats might be able to chew on it so just keep that in mind our number three pet safe plant today is the pony tail pom you might be thinking to yourself these leaves do not look cat friendly you're probably right but is the plant cat friendly yes yes it is that being said you might want to keep this plant out of reach of cats if you don't want it chewing on it because it does look like a kind of plant that cats will - down to the nub but if they do chew on it it's not a big deal so that's the best kind of plant to have on top of all that this is a very easy plant to grow and you give a highlight and water just about once a month and it's gonna do very well these thick trunks this is actually a succulent so this thick trunk actually stores a lot of water so it doesn't need a lot of water so you order it pretty sparingly especially in the winter time number four is the asparagus sitations plant or also known as the asparagus fern not the easiest plant as you can tell ferns are not my forte this isn't a real furnace and asparagus plant but it looks like a fern and it behaves like a fern so we're gonna treat it like a fern while this house plant is non toxic to pets it is not the easiest house plant it's a little finicky requires a lot of humidity and a lot of indirect sunlight to grow correctly I would keep it in the bathroom that's where I keep mine if you don't have a humidifier but other than that just make sure it's getting good light or else it might yellow and die back a little bit you can see a little new frond coming in right here so that's good the plant is showing me that it's happy hour number five non toxic plant to your pets is the Murata specifically the moranto Lupin Errol this is also called a prayer plant and you'll see a bunch of different kinds of these but this is my favorite one the green one this is the most low-maintenance I find the red veined one a little bit difficult to grow still grows with the leaves just don't come in as big and beautiful and it doesn't grow nearly as fast as the green version green versions an excellent one is usually pretty inexpensive and it grows very well when I got this plant around Christmas time I had five leaves on it and I can't even count how many leaves it has on it now probably like twenty but a really wonderful plant and really easy plant the only thing specific about these plants that I recommend using distilled water instead of rainwater if you use I mean start instead of tap water if you use tap water over time you will see that it gets light brown edges just on the tips and then also you can tell that the plant isn't getting enough humidity if it starts to brown on the size of the leaves and kind of like die and I don't have a good example I'm sorry but really awesome plant and also it has another variety I mean as I mentioned there's a bunch of varieties but another variety that I really recommend is the variegated kind this is just a green one with some white variegation on it more so a yellow really easy plan again recommend distilled water and keep these in humid environments I keep this one in the bathroom but I do keep this one in just in the living room here and it does completely fine so human beings not as important on this plants as it is with some other prayer plants our number six pet safe house plant today is this Joe man theis tanguay Neum this one is a trio star variety and I absolutely love this one with a little white streaks that it gets versus the pink on the back it's absolutely stunning but this time luckily has been more common I've been finding these days if you can find a plant in Philadelphia you can find it anywhere I think so yeah I definitely recommend this one it's a little bit difficult to grow but here's the thing so any of these Marant I see a family plant so that's Murr on toes strim Anthes what we talking about more later which I do not these and Callay Thea's I find it pretty common that when I bring it into my home it might completely start to die back don't get alarmed if it starts to die back it's very common that these plants die back to the soil they have very tuberous root system so these tubers will shoot off new plants and these new plants are very tolerant of their new environment that they're living in so this is an example of one I had two plants in here completely died back to the soil and now months later it's putting off to new plants so you know sometimes it does take a little bit of time but if you want to have plants these beautiful sometimes you really got to make the sacrifice these are more plants that do prefer to still water over tap water as they will get the brown tips and it would low humidity they will start to brown on the outsides of the leaves another variety of Strome Anthes sanguine iya that I have a little bit less common is this stream anthe sanguine eeeh magic star so this one gets a little white splotches rather than streaks more so and then it still the beautiful pink shade on the back and these plants since they're in the Marion Tacey a family similar to the moranto at the art prayer plants they ride their leaves rise and fall throughout the day so it's around like 10:00 a.m. right now when I'm filming this so you can see these leaves are very laughs but as the day moves on they will come up straight up and just fold up straight up beautiful plant I do really recommend these plants these are one of my favorites so sticking with the Marion TCA family for right now or the prayer plant family number seven is the Tanakh the Burleigh mark CI this is also called a fishbone prayer plant as you can see with the fishbone pattern on the leaves I absolutely love this plant this is another one that if I had to pick like a top five plants this would be on the list for sure absolutely stunning and the best part about this plant is not only the striking foliage on top but the beautiful purple foliage on the back so I think this is quite wonderful I love plants that have dual tones the leaves it's just absolutely stunning my cat is beginning to play with her toys in the background but this is a pet safe plant video so I guess it's only necessary there she goes okay so since this is a prayer plant it does prefer as I mentioned before the distilled water over tap water or it will get some brown tips as you can see right here from my neglect and these all do also do prefer high humidity so I like to keep my prayer plants in the room with a humidifier if that's not possible I just keep it in the room of the shower and as I mentioned some of my moranto as I just keep right out here in the living room so it's not the biggest deal it's just like to put a little extra care in the plants are a little bit more beautiful number eight is still in the Marin TCA family or the prayer plant family and this one is that Cola Thea this one specifically is kallithea maca Jana one of my favorite clay Thea that is absolutely stunning super super shiny leaves as you can see from the sunlight shining off of it and reflecting and in the backs beautiful purple shade for the most part absolutely stunning but I just love this because the top of the leaves look at this pattern to me this reminds me of a combination of a clay Thea Lance of folia and a clay Theo Renata that makes any sense and then I just love how it looks completely different on the back completely different plant honestly look at that I know it sound like a broken record but since this is a prayer plant it does prefer the stilled water over tap water and this does prefer to be in a higher humidity environment so I do keep it next to a humidifier and I keep in the bathroom if I don't have a human humidifier handy Callay Thea are known to survive in lower light conditions if you go to low light you're gonna have some problems no plants like low low light but what I like to do is keep mine probably about like 6 feet back from a window specifically windows that provide good light like I east south or west leasing window if it was in a North facing window I probably recommend putting it like inside the windowsill for it to go correctly but these ones although it's called a low light plant they do really need some light to make sure that they are getting the beautiful foliage patterns on the leaves as well as the purple developing on the back I did an unboxing of this one right here a few weeks ago from NFC tropicals and I'll include the link right up here if you're interested but otherwise we'll move on to the next plant I still have a few more cool a theist discusses they are my favorite genus of house plans and they're very beautiful and they're pet safe so number nine is Khalifa or befo liam this is probably the most popular clay Thea out there although I think it looks a lot different compared to the other clay Thea's but it's very popular on Instagram right now it's got these big all mine aren't that big but these supposed to be big round green leaves with these beautiful silver strikings on it and then the backs are just plain green unlike other clay Thea but this one a little bit challenging as you can see I've got some new growth coming in but this one if you cannot tell from the tips it's not the easiest clay Pia to take care of I don't know some clay Thea more challenging than others this one's proven to be challenging but it's also proven to grow for me so I have to include it on my list but yeah I would just be totally remiss if I didn't include this plant it's just one of my favorites I don't know why pretty plain looking but I just absolutely loved the subtleties that these round leaves have with the silver strikings it's just so beautiful to me the last koliseo we'll be discussing in the last Marin tasty a family member is this collegia Freddy this is the first clay Thea I ever got and I absolutely love it it's still just the same size as I got it before it's gotten a little bit bigger but for the most part it hasn't died back which is the most important thing for me when it's a clay Thea similar to the clay Thea or befo Leah this one does not have any colors on the back it's just green but I just absolutely love these striking patterns on the leaves reminds me kind of of the Tanami Burley mark sky but it's a little bit different a little bit more subtle I tend to keep this one in dappled sunlight so a few feet back from a bright window just because this one is Green on the back I kind of get the impression that it needs a little bit more light than the Khalifa's that have like the purples and the Reds on the back this is just my own theory it could be total totally wrong but I like to stick by that and it seems to be growing well so far so beautiful beautiful plant I recommend every kind of clay Thea there is so beautiful any Miranda any Tanabe any stream anthe they might not live for you but they're gonna look beautiful while you have them and their pet saves so that's that's what this video is all about so number 10 is Kalia Freddie are number 11 pet safe house plant today is for kids there's a bunch of different kinds of orchids this one's a standard Phalaenopsis I have one right here that was flowering all the flowers are just starting to die as you can see but they normally do have flowers on them but they do die back and they flower in the winter time or you can just buy them you know produc producer the flowers on it but typically if you buy it and then the flowers die back the flowers are gonna come back at winter time I am by no means an orchid expert like quite frankly I know like nothing about them other than the fact that they bloom in winter if it's a Phalaenopsis orchid but I've heard Christopher sach from the sill he's like an orchid expert and one of his favorite genus of plants it's not his favorite genus of plants so he always says to treat your orchids like a succulent so let it dry out in between waterings and give it a really bright light but thank you vit a good soaking when you do water it so that's kind of the role if I my standby like I said I'm no orchid expert but that's my tip to you from him this is another kind of orchid I think this one's called an orchid oncidium and you can tell I'm not an orchid expert I have no idea this is like in good condition or bad condition it does have a bunch of new plants going in so I like to think it's in good condition but who knows it hasn't flowered for me since I took it from the bar I used to work out like a year and a half ago so still alive it looks like it would cost a lot of money from the way it looks so I like to hang on to it pretend to them treating it really really well but other than that I do just let it dry out and I give it really good water and every few weeks when it does dry out and I like to keep it in a west-facing window to ensure that it gets a really good amount of sunlight number 11 is gonna be our first peperomia this one is peperomia putti Oleta or peperomia tetra gonna I see it this one is commonly called a stilt peperomia or a parallel pepperoni as you can see from the the parallel pattern in the leaves hello muffin can you see my little muffin oh she's blending in to the TV stand you can barely see her anyway this is a really really awesome peperomia this is probably my favorite peperomia for the time being I absolutely love the way it grows it's starting to get really long if you can't tell I'm starting to kind of get a little wobbly but I just absolutely love the pattern I keep this one in a south-facing window I keep a lot of my peperomia in south-facing windows they are light lovers and if you do not give your pepperoni as enough light they will tell you because the leaves will come in tiny tiny tiny and they will not be nearly as succulent so if your pepperoni is are putting off small leaves get into higher light the genus peperomia is absolutely rich in species I can't even tell you how many there are there has to be at least hundreds if not thousands but this one just stands out to me and this one's pretty common here in Philadelphia I do tend to treat my pepperoni as similar to succulents as well but what I like to do is wait two little leaves start to get like a tiny tiny bit flimsy right now it's fine but when they start to feel not succulent than newest leaves and they start to get slightly flimsy that's when I tend to water my plants that's sort of when I tend to water like all of my plants but it's specifically helpful with the ones like Pylea pepperoni IDs or peperomia that just have a little bit more succulents to the leaves and but aren't true succulents number 12 was another peperomia actually the rest of this list is pepero Mia's but this one is peperomia versa felty I also called a dwarf watermelon peperomia it looks very very similar to the classic watermelon peperomia but obviously it's a little bit more teardrop shaped than the round watermelon shaped leaves if you will similar to peperomia tetra gonna I do let this one dry out and start to get slightly flimsy with these leaves before I water it and I do like to keep this one in very very high light so I tend to keep this one on that south-facing window I think the best things about peperomia is besides the fact that they're pet safe is that they all look so different and as there is so many different species it's quite awesome to have a kind of a genus of plants that just look completely different across the board so on that topic of all peperomia is looking different or most peperomia is looking different number 14 is peperomia kappa rata there are a bunch of different peperomia catarata so i have a few to show you this term right here is peperomia kappa rata burgundy as you can see the leaves are almost black they reflect a little too much light but in person they honestly do look like purple black it's actually quite an interesting very beautiful but the very slight tinge of green as the old once again I do like to rely on the feel of the leaves to tell when I water my peperomia it just seems to be the way across the board easiest way to water my pepper rumia's and not overwater them because it can be quite easy to overwater your pepper rumia's but i do like to keep this one this one the pick a pirata I do keep pulled back a little bit further from windows I keep my one on the coffee table actually back there in front of the TV so it is about five feet back from a west-facing window but it does have some self facing light coming in from this window right in front of me as well another variety of peperomia cap errata that's quite similar to the burgundy is the emerald ripple one it's the same exact one but it's just green click in this light they almost look exactly the same but really awesome plant systems are quite common peperomia is - you could even find these at a big-box store another variety of peperomia cap rada that looks quite different from the burgundy unlike the emerald ripple is the peperomia cap rata Rosso so this one is one of my favourite pepperoni as I think it's absolutely stunning and it grows very very well it actually looks more like the peperomia version of lti2 me this one is flowering quite a lot you can see these little wrapped alike inflorescences are actually the flowers that it gets very cool plant I really love this one this one is also gaining popularity - I feel like I don't really see this one at big-box stores I see this one I like you know like specialty plant stores quite often but this one is very awesome I do not recommend skipping out on this one if you see it it is such an awesome plant and last but not least our number 15 pet save plant is none other than peperomia hope this is a peperomia I probably don't wait for the leaves to feel flimsy before I wire them just because they are so succulent I don't want it to you know dry out that badly although you probably could wait but you can even see right here I had a few leaves pop off the plant like last year and I just kind of stuck them in the soil as you can see and some of them are starting to grow a little baby plan so that's so exciting I didn't document the process I literally just the leaf popped off I put it in the soil and I waited and it started growing plants as you can see right here so that's really exciting so eventually I'll have a bunch of these little plants from all the leaves that popped off in the past anyway thanks so much for joining me on this little journey talking about fifteen more like 20 but 15 different house plant options if you do have pets and are kind of nervous about having plants around your pets it is very doable it's nothing that you should be worrying about so I'm here to help you out and take that little weight off your shoulders show you that it's very possible to have pets and houseplants living in harmony do you guys have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below I'd be happy to answer them and definitely refer to the ASPCA list I will be providing if you have any questions about any other plants whether or not they are toxic or a non-toxic thanks so much for watching I hope you guys have a wonderful day and be sure to check out my Instagram at Philly foliage and my Etsy shop and the link in the description bye
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 92,393
Rating: 4.9509139 out of 5
Keywords: houseplants, pet safe, non toxic, non toxic plants, pet safe houseplants, houseplant tour, top 15 houseplants, 15 houseplants, 15 plants, top 5, top 10, top 15, top 20, top houseplants, pet-safe, non-toxic, non-toxic houseplants, plants, plant tour, houseplant unboxing, calathea, maranta, stromanthe, ctenanthe, peperomia, pilea, pilea peperomioides, nick pileggi, garden tips, indoor garden, cat safe plants, dog safe plants, aspca approved plants, safe houseplants
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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