50 Genius HOME HACKS That’ll Blow Your Mind! (Some Sent by You)

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on today's episode we are doing 50 unbelievable home hacks that i hope will change your life for the better and to keep things exciting i am peppering in several that were submitted by you because you guys are so brilliant and i got some good ones from you let's get into the first one which was submitted by jackie alemia and hopefully i'm pronouncing that right and her home hack is in relation to a stinky vacuum after you use it for a while sometimes it gets that kind of funky smell as you're using it and she suggests using an essential oil or vanilla to make things smell a little bit better so i decided to give this a try the idea is is that you sprinkle a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil or some vanilla onto your air filter if you have a bagless system or if you have a bagged vacuum you just sprinkle it right onto the paper of the bag and then you vacuum as normal and i have to tell you as you vacuum it does really help it really sends that yummy smell into the air and makes it much more pleasant so thank you jackie for that awesome home hack i loved it [Music] our next hack was submitted by pink ninja it's one that i've been kind of doing for a while in a different way now what this relates to is after you vacuum for a while if you have long hair like girl hair or other things like if you're crafting and they're strings after a while you get kind of gunked up roller on the bottom and that makes your vacuum not function as well so what she recommends is using a seam ripper like for sewing to just rip that right off rather than having to disassemble the whole thing which can be kind of a pain you just leave it on and take a seam ripper and rip it down what i've been doing for years and years is doing a similar idea but just taking some small scissors clip clip clip clip then just peeling off that nasty hair and throwing it in the trash it's not a very glamorous job but it really does help your vacuum to function a lot better so that is a really good tip thank you for sending that in pink ninja now speaking of not glamorous jobs our next hack deals with getting urine out of the mattress i know but you're gonna thank me for it trust me [Music] okay so here is the mattress cleaning hack that will blow your mind change your life and save you a ton of money it's awesome so what we're gonna do is we are going to take eight ounces of hydrogen peroxide and then we're gonna put a couple of drops of dish soap now you can use whatever kind of dish soap you want but i'm going to be using this palm olive pure and clear lavender and eucalyptus because i figure it doesn't have any dye in it and the lavender and eucalyptus will be really soothing since it's a mattress it will be really relaxing and leave a really nice scent in our mattress but use whatever dish soap you have on hand this is not sponsored by them i just thought it would work out really well for this you're going to put that in a spray bottle if you don't have a spray bottle go ahead and mix it up in a bowl and just very carefully pour it on but i think a spray bottle will work a little bit better to kind of evenly distribute it once you have the hydrogen peroxide and dish soap solution sprayed onto your urine stain really well then you're going to take some baking soda and kind of sprinkle that over the saturated spot and i forgot to mention this if it's a fresh pea stain try to soak as much of the pea out with the towel and then just wash the towel if it's a dried pea stain like mine because you didn't know it happened when it did then you just start with this hack then once you've got the baking soda sprinkled on you're gonna want to wear rubber gloves that are super inexpensive you can even find them at the dollar tree then we're going to take our rubber glove covered hands and we are going to kind of work in that baking soda into the mattress and then we're going to let it sit and fully dry you can put a fan on it if you want to help kind of speed it up you can have the ceiling fan just trying to get it dried out as quickly as possible you don't really want any kind of mattress to be soaking in any kind of water for a long period of time you want it to dry out as quickly as possible on this so that's what we're going to do once it's fully dry we are going to take a vacuum i'm just going to be using the attachment on my dyson and kind of vacuuming it up with that get it off as good as possible this will get your mattress brand spanking new if it doesn't do it the first time then you can kind of repeat the process until the stain is out it works like a charm it will leave it smelling good the baking soda absorbs all of the odors and all of that it kind of soaks up all of the yuckiness and your mattress will be like new again now that our mattress is clean and looking good again we're going to try to prevent this in the future and we are going to take a mattress cover if you can get one of these they are just awesome these are waterproof hypo allergenic we're kind of switching to these because we've got a lot of dust allergies in our family so we are kind of putting these on all of our mattresses anymore i'm going to put a link for this in the description box below not sponsored i just have been really liking these mattress covers and then if you have a little accident in the future then you just throw this in the wash and it turns out great [Music] i did a dining room makeover if you haven't seen that episode i'll link it below but i had a water ring a couple of them actually on my dining room table it actually been sitting for a while i wasn't quite sure what to do with it i'm like oh do i have to refinish it again i don't really want to do that and you know if you have like a factory finish can you get it looking just as good well this next hack is for you we are going to get a water ring out of your wood furniture and it's easier than you might think now all you're going to do is get a hair dryer and i've heard of a lot of people using an iron before i can't attest to that because i didn't try that one but what you can do is get a regular hair dryer and even though it looks like it's been sitting it looks like it's dry most likely there is still water trapped in your wood and we are going to get it out so all you do is take the hair dryer and you kind of work it in a circular motion drying it you might need to take a break because you don't want to warp the wood or warp the finish let it cool down and then keep repeating this process i was able to totally remove my water rings out of my dining table by simply just blowing a hot blow dryer onto the water ring in little cycles until it was completely removed even though it looked dry and had been sitting there for a while it got rid of it and i was totally mind blown so i hope that that helps you too [Music] for our next hack i brought you into our bathroom that we renovated i haven't seen that episode it's a great one i'll link it in the description box below but in this renovation i put in a black faucet and drain set it's beautiful i love it but after about nine months with hard water we are getting some staining and it doesn't look as good and so for my next hack i'm going to show you how to get hard water stains off of your faucet this can work for your darker colored ones like black or bronze but will also work on any colored faucet that you have and what we're going to use is just some distilled vinegar and we are going to first take a q-tip and dip it into our vinegar and do a test spot on the back where you can't really see it just to make sure on our darker colored faucet that it won't cause any weird discoloration or staining and we're gonna let that cotton swab sit on the back for about five minutes then we're gonna check it and then once we found that it is color safe what we are going to do is pour a little bit of this distilled vinegar right into the sink with the sink closed and then we are going to saturate some paper towels and just get them really really soaking and then put them anywhere that you have hard water staining in my case it's just on this kind of waterfall spout and then we're going to let it sit from 15 to 30 minutes after 15 minutes check on it see how it's going and then if you need it you can use like an extra toothbrush that you've got laying around to kind of scrub or any loosen any of those hard water deposits with the vinegar but the idea is the vinegar sitting does all the work for you and then once it's done you're going to want to make sure you remove all of that vinegar with some water and just make sure that it's all cleaned off and dried and then you have a beautifully clean brand new looking faucet once again and you let the vinegar do all the work you just there's just a little bit of down time but have a brand new faucet such a cool hack isn't it what do you think for my next hack i'm going to tell you how to get your curling carpet to lay flat this can be from a brand new carpet that you purchased and it's kind of curling from on the roll i just got a brand new rug and so that was the case for me but we're also going to prevent it from curling it back over time if that is happening to you we're going to solve that right now so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to take a steamer if you have one of these if you don't then you can take a couple of ice cubes and lay it on there and melt this really does work really well with a steamer it's a good investment to have around for your curtains and all that anyways so we're going to steam out the curls then we're going to prevent it from happening again what you're going to want to get is some double-sided carpet tape you're going to put this on your rug pad if you have one which i highly recommend using a rug pad it helps wear and tear on your carpet helps it be softer and you're going to put it underneath the rug pad and you just kind of just peel it off and tear it off it's pretty easy to use and then we're going to do that again with the top layer and so just every all of the corners you can go around all of the corners or any place that it could kind of catch on and that will help prevent it from curling up again and keep your rug nice and flat i've been using this on my rug in my living room for months and months now it's working out really really great so if you have a little problem area that's close to a door this is a good little trick for you have you ever accidentally knocked over a candle and you like see it happening and it's like it's in slow motion and you're like [Music] and the wax gets in the carpet and you're like crap my carpet is ruined especially if it's colored or whatnot i'm going to demonstrate what you do to get this out and have your carpet looking brand new saving you thousands of dollars even if the wax is cooled and it's been sitting there for a while this should work for you okay so i probably should have used a colored candle wax but you can definitely fill it on here and you'll definitely see it as we kind of work our way through it all you're going to need to do is get some brown packing paper you can get this really inexpensive at the hardware store so get some of this paper lay it down so everything is kind of in this general area and all you do is you take your hot iron on dry setting no steam but really hot and you just keep sliding this and picking up do you see that it's like getting all of the wax out and if we need to readjust here we can so i'm not using my good iron for this just because i use this for like crafting projects and you can see that it's really taking out all of the wax you can see that it's not doing anything to the carpet here and just keep on going and keep on going until no more wax is pulling up and it will work it will get all of the wax out you just have to keep kind of working at it and there you go you have saved yourself thousands of dollars from having to re-carpet something so if you've got a spot on your carpet that's covered in wax that's how you fix it [Music] on the topic of candles if you want to extend the life of your candle this next hack came from mrs alma trumbull i don't know if she's from the south but isn't that a very southern sounding sweet name and she is very sweet she comments all the time and her hack is taking all of your wax squares or your candles and throwing them in the freezer for about an hour prior to you using it she shared that this helps the wax to melt a little bit slower and therefore last a little bit longer and it really does work so that's a fun little trick to help them not melt so fast and help save you a little bit of money but still get the yummy fragrance out of the candle and hope you stretch a dollar so thank you mrs alma trumbull for that great hack well i hope you're enjoying this episode so far if you're finding value in this i would love it if you hit the subscribe button and stuck around for a while also if you've got a really helpful home or life hack for me let me know in the comment section below i'd love to learn it next up i'm going to share with you how to get paint out of your clothes maybe you started painting a craft project and you thought you would be really clean or maybe you started painting a wall or whatever you thought you know i'm okay i'm not gonna drip on myself and oops you bump into a wet wall you've got paint on your nice clothes what do you do lucky for me i have a whole bunch of painting clothes and i'm just gonna kind of demonstrate what you do on one of these areas because it's actually kind of easier than you might think so we're going to be using rubbing alcohol and normally i would say just go ahead and test for color fastness but since these are pretty much going to be ruined if i don't do something about it we're going to just go for it and so i'm going to just start by kind of lifting up some of the paint with my fingernail kind of flicking some of that off got some of it off there and then we're going to just take a q-tip since it's not a very big spot and we might break out a rag here in a second and kind of just work in some rubbing alcohol and you can see it's already starting to take it off so i think i'm just going to go for it on this and we're going to just use an old rag and some rubbing alcohol and look how good this is working and you can hear dolly in the background so don't mind her she sees something outside but we just take the rubbing alcohol and as you can see it totally has removed the paint if you've got a tough spot you can break out a toothbrush in my case that took it right out we're gonna run it through the wash and it will be good as new this hack does work and with a little elbow grease and some rubbing alcohol you can get paint out of your clothes [Music] i have been seeing all over social media the pink stuff have you heard of the pink stuff oh my word i am about to blow your mind using this pink stuff and i haven't even tapped into the potential of this this is not sponsored this is just simply an amazing product and it's going to save you thousands of dollars so i will make sure i link this below we're going to use this on is to clean your cooktop stove if you've got a glass cooktop you know that you get those kind of dirty marks that are a little hard to get out i have used magic erasers on it before with moderate success i mean it does work a little bit but this stuff is amazing it does feel like it's a little bit abrasive but i'm telling you it works fantastic on a glass cooktop and it won't scratch it now you will notice some kind of cloudy areas on my cooktop that was from prior to me even owning the home it was a vacation rental before so i have a feeling that somebody used like some ajax or something on the cooktop so that is just kind of a stain but any of those other like burnt on spots you can use this pink stuff to get out you just simply just work it on and scrub it out for your cooktop i would just use like a regular washcloth to kind of help work it in and wash it off and it actually leaves it kind of nice and shiny and so it's a fantastic product it will make getting off all of those dark spots on your cooktop easy i know that we just got through the holidays and so you might have some of those and this will work great some of you might have seen this hack before but cleaning blinds is not the easiest but all you have to do is take some kitchen tongs wrap them with some microfiber cloths using some rubber bands to kind of hold them into place on in a couple strategic spots and you can sandwich them on either side get the dust off and clean them nice and clean if you've got a little bit of stubborn areas you can kind of lightly dampen that towel to help get that off easy peasy i'm hoping that will help some of you out that maybe hadn't seen that hack before i had a daughter who was very artistic and very mischievous and she was constantly making her artwork everywhere and one of those things is crayon on the wall now i actually have not had that for a while so i actually had to go in and color on my wall that was a little painful i was a little nervous you can get a real authentic one at the dollar tree one for a dollar oh wait they're a dollar 25 now still a good deal but they also have like a generic brand that i use all the time i think there's like six or something in the box for that you can take these magic erasers and just magic erase them off your wall it can kind of dull the finish so make sure you go back over it with some soapy water or a cleaner to kind of get the residue of the magic eraser off because it kind of does tend to leave a little bit of a residue when you use them so just keep that in mind you don't have to repaint them saving you time saving you money it's just a fact of life raising kids or having kids around it's gonna happen you just hope that it's not permanent marker i've been there before not fun [Music] okay so those were some fun hacks that i hope were extremely helpful to you my next viewer submitted home hack is from layla burton and she suggested spraying furniture polish or like a pledge type item onto your shower doors to help repel water but she also says that it helps it clean up easier on your next cleaning so that's what i set out to do and i all you do is spray it right on the glass on the inside and then wipe it down with a soft cloth and let it sit and i do have to say that it does so far so good and it is repelling the water so thank you so much for submitting that and i hope that helps some of you so previously we saw how to get wax out of carpet it works really good hopefully that helps some of you but our next viewer submitted home hack was sent to me by janelle canellas and she says using shaving cream to get stains out of the carpet is really effective so i accidentally got some printer ink on my carpet unintentionally some leaked out of my printer that's a whole nother story but i decided to give this a whirl but before you do any of these carpet ones i'd always spot test just to make sure that it's not going to discolor your carpet find it like an inconspicuous spot to test it out first before going full bore you want to use regular shaving cream not the gel kind the kind that gets all nice and foamy the inexpensive stuff and you're gonna just put that down on the carpet let it sit for about 30 minutes and then you're gonna take a clean cloth and blot it out let it fully dry and then vacuum up and it's good to go now i know that there are a ton of hacks that involve shaving cream so if you have a good shaving cream hack let me know in the comment section and maybe it will appear on a future episode and coming up in just a second there's another carpet cleaning hack and so you'll have a lot of options to try out all you're going to need for this hack is some toilet bowl cleaner this is the one that i'm going to be using all you're going to do is squeeze it over the grout line [Music] let it sit for like 10 seconds it doesn't make much and then just take a some kind of brush you could take a toothbrush or like some kind of scrubby brush scrub it [Music] and then wipe it away probably a good mop down would be in order after you've done this you are going to be totally blown away at the results of this i can't even believe how well it works this is all you need it will get your grout looking brand spanking new and it will save you a ton of money and effort and i hope that you enjoy this hack [Music] when i made over this living room we purchased a sectional that was used in like new condition it was a designer sectional originally retailed for around thirty five hundred dollars and we got it for nine hundred dollars so it was such a good deal but now after using it for nine months we are getting a few areas that are starting to get some peeling and some balls and it kind of makes this otherwise fantastic sectional look a little bit worn and tired i'm going to show you how easy it is to solve fabric peeling issues and make your sofa and sectional look brand new this is a very inexpensive device you can get it for about 12 it's like basically a razor for your sofa you just turn it on and then you shape off all of the little peeling spots it will get your piece of upholstery back to looking brand new [Music] look at that it's brand spanking new [Music] for my next hack i'm going to tell you how to repair a big hole in your wall what do you do if you have a massive hole and nothing behind it this happened to me recently and here's what you need to know the first thing you're going to want to do is make sure that the outside of that is kind of square then you're going to get yourself a piece of lumber any kind of piece of wood that will fit behind it because you need something to attach it to that's going to make it kind of nice and sturdy so the first thing you're going to do is slide the piece of lumber through this bigger hole and then you're going to take some drywall screws and screw it into either side of the hole now this could be up and down it could be right to left this is just going to give it a little bit more staying power if you will once you get that fish through the hole and screwed on then you can take another piece of drywall that's the same thickness of it as your original drywall and you are going to cut it to the dimensions of your hole and make sure it's fairly snug then once you've got it in there you're going to put another screw into the piece of wood and that will just make that hole much stronger then if you can find a patch that has the mesh that fits right over the top of that i would just go ahead and use that so now that we've got some sort of patch or mesh tape over the edges of your repair you're going to take some joint compound and really fill it in and try to make it nice and even and then you're gonna let that fully dry then you're gonna go back in and sand it down to smooth now if you have like an orange peel texture you're going to want to kind of even out that texture now they do make these spray cans where you can just spray on a little orange peel texture just make sure you lay something down underneath to catch any over spray and then you're going to let that fully dry then after that it's as simple as just painting over it and you would never know that there was a giant hole in the wall i've had to repair them from toilet paper holders to towel bars you will know how to fix it make it look like nothing ever happened [Music] so for my next hack this has been something that i have been preaching and preaching for years on this channel but been practicing myself for probably a decade it's such a great technique to prevent paint bleeding i have a tutorial on here and i'll link it below on how to make perfect stripes if you're striping any project there is a trick to it and it's as simple as painting an underneath color once that's dry you tape off what you're going to tape off and then you paint the original color over the tape line and let that dry and then you put your new color and the reason this works is because when it bleeds it will bleed the original color so this works on striping your walls this works on getting any kind of paint line that you want to be super crisp and clean it also works really great if you have a vinyl stencil now what do you do if it's like a stained surface underneath what i would recommend is you could either use a polyurethane or what i've been using is mod podge layer when it bleeds bleeds clear and do whatever sheen that's underneath it it will create a barrier once it's dry so it will help to prevent bleeding this is a hack that i have used for at least a decade maybe more and i'm always preaching on my channel i hope that it's helpful to you [Music] [Applause] this next hack is for all you moms dads grandmas and grandpas aunts whatever if you're around kids there is a chance that you are going to need this hack and that is how to get permanent marker out of a carpet i have actually had this happen with my oldest daughter and she was very artistic and took her art out on my walls and my carpet now back then i did not have this wonderful hack and so i hope this helps you i got a piece of carpet to just kind of demonstrate this for you and it will blow your mind how easy it is this is a little nod to my big fat greek wedding because you're gonna clean it with some windex i know it sounds crazy but you spray it on there really good the sooner the better obviously you don't want it set in too long you are going to take some a white paper towel and just keep working on it until it is fully removed [Music] like i said i wish i had this back when i had my very mischievous little molly just a fyi if you get it on tile or linoleum rubbing alcohol will also hopefully get it out of that while we're on the topic of sharpies they're not always bad they're bad on your floors bad on your carpets but they can also be really handy so my next hack is just a little designer hack sometimes you get like a frame or a piece of furniture and it has a little nick in it and it kind of exposes some raw wood now as long as it's black or kind of like a darker wood you can get away with using a sharpie even like some lighter woods you can just use a different color sharpie and use this little hack on it as well if you have a neck just take your sharpie kind of fill it in and then kind of overlap it a little bit and have a paper towel handy and you can kind of just rub around the edges to kind of buff it out a little bit and you will never know that there was a nick that's just a really quick easy hack that works i've used this on my cabinets i've used this on furniture i've used it on picture frames it is a very well known designer hack so i hope that it helps you [Music] now most of us own an iron or a curling iron or something that has a cord that you're not quite sure what to do with you use a rubber band to hold it in place sometimes you just kind of wrap it around and it gets all twisted well my next hack i have been using for many many years and it is so simple and all you need is an empty toilet paper holder i use these all the time to hold up those loose cords now if this is not very aesthetic for you which i totally get just zizz it up a little bit with some contact paper you could also cover it with fabric or whatnot so it's not so unattractive and all you do is fold up the cord slide this on and hold it in place amazing and it was super cheap super easy and i hope that little hack helps you [Music] i don't know about you but it seems like lately i have been having to stitch on a whole bunch of buttons on shirts it doesn't seem like they are sewing those buttons on very good anymore so for this next hack it's super easy it's just meant to help prevent you from doing extra sewing that you don't have time for so all we're gonna do is take the shirt with the buttons on it and then we're gonna just take clear nail polish and do a little dab on each button let it dry and that is almost acting a little bit like another product that i like to use which is fray check but it's super cheap super easy and hopefully it will help prevent any unnecessary sewing [Music] so for my next hack i dedicated pretty much an entire video to this one but i'm going to try to condense it down for you if you want more detail on it i will link the episode in the description box below what it is is sometimes you have your cabinets looking really tired really dingy and you're almost like man these are looking so bad i think i'm gonna have to paint or refinish them or something well don't do this hack first what your cabinets really need probably is a very good scrub down and who has time or the arm power to scrub down an entire kitchen cabinet especially when you don't have to so in this episode i found the most awesome tool and cleaning system you spray on some cleaner and then you attach this brush to your drill and it does all the scrubbing for you and it doesn't scratch up your cabinets it's really amazing [Music] so you just spray spray spray squeeze the drill [Music] go up and down clean it really good and then wipe it down with a nice microfiber cloth once you've done this you can go over the top of it using a nice cabinet cream gives it a nice shine and a new protective finish and that is the cliff notes version on how to do it but you really have the ability to transform your kitchen make the cabinets look brand new and all you need was a simple attachment that you attach to your drill and it does all the heavy lifting for you how awesome is that i hope that tip helps you [Music] do you have a dark room that's desperately in need of some additional lighting in this living room that i'm sitting in right now when we made it over it was pretty dark and not very bright at all so when i added the cabinets behind me i took advantage of the fact that i was covering up this wall but i didn't want to pay an electrician to come wire new electrical lighting for me i came up with a more cost effective way now hang with me i know not everybody's going to install like cabinets that you can hide this from but this hack will work in so many different ways so what i ended up doing is i bumped out my wall the width of a 2x3 stud and created a little hollow opening behind my cabinets and then i covered it up with shiplap and all of that [Music] then i drilled a hole as if i was going to hardwire a light in there but i didn't i had these light fixtures where i just dropped the cord down the hollow wall and i plugged them into some special plugs and these special plugs come with a little remote like this and it also has a magnet that you can magnet it onto the wall but you can turn it on and off by using this and it's as if i hard wired lights how awesome is that if you ever have the opportunity maybe you're hanging some bead board or ship lap maybe you just bump out your wall and it gives you the opportunity to have additional lighting and having these two lights really brightened up this space before was really dark and dank and now is so much brighter [Music] so in my last set of hacks there was one where we cleaned the grout with toilet bowl cleaner and while it does work really really well i got a lot of comments from this saying you know that's so toxic that's so toxic i probably should have worn gloves i'll just copy out that if you do that one wear gloves um you're going to want to mop it up really good afterwards as well so this next viewer submitted one came from several of you guys and that was to use a bissell steam cleaner to clean your grout it has a little scrubby tip that you can even get to put on it it usually comes with it and you use steam to clean your grout and i have to say it also works extremely well you do need to get a bissell steam cleaner but it worked really really well as well and then you don't have to hire a professional to come do it which is super super expensive and so there's another option for you that's a little bit more environmentally friendly i would recommend even after you do that going back over with i use a steam mop and and re-mopping it and anytime you clean your grout it's also a good time to reseal your grout you might want to keep that in mind when you are doing it thank you to all of you who gave me that idea so there's a couple of options for you as far as getting that dirty dark grout looking bright and fresh and and all good again our next viewer submitted home hack came from marty hailey i hope i'm pronouncing all the names correctly this one i'd actually seen before but i hadn't given it a chance and i did try it out and it works so good and the idea is is to keep your strawberries fresh longer just take them out of the original container wash them really good and then put them inside a glass jar and then make sure it's air tight with a lid on it and it will make your strawberries last longer because there's nothing more frustrating than how fast sometimes they go bad it's so frustrating to have these beautiful strawberries and feel like you have to need to plow through them and this hack will hopefully give you a little extended life on your strawberries our next home hack is a diy fabric refresher but stick with me a little bit longer after this set of hacks i have another alternative submitted by you what you're going to need is some fabric softener in your favorite scent this is my favorite scent right here it smells so good and you are going to need a water bottle and we're gonna create our own fabric refresher that has like wrinkle releasing properties as well it's gonna be custom to the scent that you like and it's gonna be a lot less than you could find in the store i absolutely love this hack i'm just going to tell you right up front what she recommended was doing a 50 50 ratio i was a little nervous about that so i ended up doing 60 water and 40 softener and it worked out amazing maybe i'll work up to that 50 50. i don't know so i put some water in a water bottle already and then i added the fabric softener to that now i couldn't find my funnel so here's like another little hack for you a little bonus hack i just created a funnel using some tinfoil i just kind of rolled it in a cone and shoved it down into the bottle to pour in our fabric softener solution and then i put on the lid and kind of shook it up to get it all mixed in and then she said to spray your bed sheets with the solution as you make your bed it gets all the wrinkles out but on top of it it makes your bed sheets smell so amazing and it will kind of get you in between washes and i i loved it also i used it on my debate cover to get like out of the wrinkles and i used it on my pillows and i have to tell you it was amazing it smells so good and if you do this day after day it's just going to smell good now i know i'm going to get some comments from people out there that's going to say fabric softeners are full of toxins well there's a lot of ones that are natural just pick out your fabric softener of choice it doesn't have to be the same as mine so you can pick out like an all-natural one that you love and just do the same technique and it will make your bedroom smell amazing i wish there was scratch and sniff tv that's something that i always wish because i wish you could smell my bedroom right now it smells so good sleeping in it at night using this solution it has been wonderful you might be worried about the dampness but if you do this in the morning by the time you go to bed it will be perfect and then you'll have a wonderful fresh out of the dryer feel in between washes my favorite night of the week is the night i actually do wash and have brand new clean sheets on but this is a good substitute in the in between [Music] before i started out this hack it's a good just a good little reminder to just clean out your garbage can occasionally i mean it doesn't have to be all the time so the hack was that she likes to put a couple of essential oils on a cotton pad and put that underneath her garbage bag well i decided to shake it up just a little bit tweak it just a little bit and take a couple sheets of paper towel and sprinkle on some essential oil now you could also use some mint scent or vanilla whatever you have on hand so if you don't have essential oil but you have like some almond extract or vanilla extract or something like that in your cabinet i think if you sprinkle down a little bit of that that could work as well and then you just put it in the bottom of your garbage can and what i was thinking with the paper towel is like if there's any gross juices or anything that it can kind of collect some of that as well so that was her idea i love it it i really did notice that it did freshen up my can and keep that smelling good she also had kind of like a part two to that one and she said if you can't do that and i kind of did it in addition to sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of your garbage bag and that will kind of help soak in some of those odors and keep your trash smelling good just because i'm limited on space my trash can sits out in my kitchen so anything i can do to make that smell a little bit better is awesome so i love these hacks [Music] my next hack is an alternative to using windex say you've run out you're in a pinch or you just don't like the smell of windex i'm not a fan i know there are some people who love the smell of windex i'm not one of those people so i always use a mint glass cleaner to clean my glass in a pinch you can use aerosol room refresher now i will cutty out this with i did try like glade that made my glass cloudy that wasn't a winner but a couple of other ones that i did try as long as it's in the aerosol can did work to clean my class so if you're out and you've got people coming over and you need to clean your windows or your mirrors or whatever you can use an aerosol room refresher as an alternative and it really did work [Music] now that we've got our mirrors looking all nice and all sparkly clean with our alternative glass cleaner wouldn't it be nice if there's a way to keep it from fogging over like after a hot steamy shower or like a water repellent on it and there is a hack and it's our next one we are going to put car wax on our mirror and i actually just picked this up at the dollar 25 tree as we call it in my house the dollar tree and it was just a dollar 25 this armor all spray wax i probably used too much of it but i just sprayed it all over the mirror and then i took my favorite microfiber cloths and they come from the dollar 25 tree as well and i just use that to really buff that into the mirror you just keep wiping and wiping and then you fold it over again and wipe and wipe some more and and you keep doing that until it buffs out now don't give up in the middle of the process you're going to be like this is making it worse but if you keep bopping you're going to get it in there and it's gonna be super sparkly as clean as it was to begin with for some reason i felt like it sparkled even more and so this will help prevent your mirrors and windows from fogging over if you take a hot steamy shower if you like get some water on it it will bead off a little bit easier so that's just a fun little hack and i hope it helps you [Music] i have boys they like to take home lunch sometimes to school and it always makes me a little hesitant now because they forget about stuff in their little warm thermoses and then it molds over and it is just wretched and stinky well i had these two thermoses that i thought were ruined for months i just couldn't part with them because those thermoses are kind of expensive they're like 10 to 15 dollars a piece and they're really handy to have around and i was just like there's got to be a solution out there to get rid of those smelly nasty smells i mean i had washed it a ton like i had tried everything i could think of washed it many times but that stink just gets in there for whatever reason i have a solution for you so i found that if you take about they say a half a cup of baking soda i used a third of a cup just because my thermoses were not like super big and so i thought that would be plenty and then you pour in piping hot water now i kind of made a mess with this i forgot to take the lid off didn't pour like it just kind of made a water mess but that's okay the general idea got done and you just pour it in and it starts fizzing the baking soda starts fizzing fizzing fizzing and then you put the lid on and let that hot water baking soda sit overnight and when it's cooled you take it off dump it out wash it up again nice and clean and i cannot believe it after months and months of fighting the stench i couldn't even put food in it just to clarify i never sent any food in these nasty thermoses just because i was like worried about it like infiltrating their food but it worked it totally worked it got the stench out it smells good again just like brand new i can once again start using it for some warm lunches with my boys to their school and so i hope that helps some of you because it really helped me [Music] i am really short i don't know if you knew that about me but i am five foot two there is not much that i can reach so when it comes to dusting i needed a good solution and i found one that was really easy and i could use things that i already had on hand so i took my broom which is looking a little shabby even though it's kind of a newer room i yeah i might need a different one this one was a top seller on amazon but i'm not impressed but having said that i took my broom and i took that favorite microfiber cloth that i get at dollar 25 tree and i wrapped it around the broom and then i took a like a stretchy elastic band and kind of cinched that around the bottom of the broom and created a perfect solution for dusting those high areas getting any cobwebs out of the corner dusting kind of along the top of shelves maybe on the top of a tall bed just it really really worked and the soft microfiber is not going to scratch anything and it really did pick up the dust and dirt so if you're a little shorty like me or if you have really tall ceilings maybe this is a good little hack for you [Music] do you hate holding a nail and trying to hammer it because maybe you don't have a steady hand or maybe it's just slippery i don't know i think we've all smashed our thumb with a hammer before i know i have a lot so this next hack is kind of fun because you can use a little hair comb an inexpensive one to kind of hold it for you hold it in place and then you hammer it in and it keeps your thumbs right away from getting smashed and it worked out pretty good so that was kind of a fun little hack but now that we've got that nail in what if you need to remove it so you could just use the comb again to remove it to kind of act as a barrier but now you have a nail hole which brings me to my next hack if you don't have any like joint compound or putty on hand is there something else you could use there is and it is just plain toothpaste white toothpaste works the best fill the nail hole a lot of times if it's small enough and you've got a lighter color wall and a white toothpaste you might not even need to paint over it but if you do you can just do a little tiny touch-up and cover up that nail hole and all you needed was a little toothpaste something you probably have in your bathroom right now super easy smells kind of minty too so you can't go wrong [Music] [Applause] now this next hack i think would work really good if you like to camp and you're out and about but you you might find yourself a need to use it even in your home and that is what if you don't have a scrubby brush maybe yours is toast and you tossed it and you haven't gotten to the store yet but you need to scrub something that is kind of crusted on and gross what do you use this is kind of fun so you take a piece of aluminum foil and you kind of crumple it into a ball and you can just use that as a scrubby brush it works awesome i was thinking this would be really good in summer if you like to camp and you're out camping maybe you need to clean out your dutch oven using a crumpled up piece of tin foil will be your best friend so we'll help you at home help you out but i think it's a pretty cool trick [Music] so i have a silverware drawer and the silverware tub likes to slide around in the drawer and it always kind of slides to the back and then i have to pull it forward and it seems like such a small thing but it's really starting to get on my nerves and so what we did for this hack is just push pushed all the way back where it was already going to be anyways and then we measured how much pool noodle we need and then we cut off a section of pool noodle that matches that distance and then we pulled it back forward shoved the pool and noodle in the back and voila super easy thing but no more silverware tray gone like wild it's all fixed but i know some of you are gonna be like why does she have so many forks and spoons and knives we purchased a vacation rental and it was meant to sleep a lot of people so there was a lot of silverware we just inherited it but it is a lot so just a little side note [Applause] [Music] next up we have another viewer submitted home hack and i love this because i feel like we're like a bunch of sisters sharing our good advice home hacks that are helpful to each other so please give me all of your good home hacks i love it i feel like we're communicating and really sharing good advice that's helpful to everybody so thank you for this so the next one came from amy j and a whole bunch of you honestly this is just the one that i happen to grab but a lot of you submitted this idea that in lieu of doing my fabric softener bedding um spray which by the way i really do love i love the way it smells more non-toxic or chemical-free version is to take a little bottle of water and sprinkle in eight to ten drops of your favorite essential oil and use that instead so it kind of does the same thing of helping to release wrinkles and also provide a wonderful and refreshing scent there are so many different combinations of essential oils that you can do and so you could really get creative with that just as a caveat because i know that there are people who have the pets you want to make sure that the essential oil that you are using is pet friendly if you have pets and there's different ones that are safe for cats and different ones that are safe for dogs and then there's a whole lot of nono ones so do your homework on that to check with your vet and make sure that the oils that you are using are safe for your little fur friend in my case i ended up using bergamot i really like that it's kind of a fresh citrusy scent that's not really citrus and is on the safe list for our little fur baby so that was a good one thank you for sending that in [Music] i got a suggestion from kelly hawk that that was spurred by the one where i held the the nail with a comb to hammer it in and this one actually honestly i kind of like this one it makes a little bit more sense but instead of doing that or if your nail is too big for a comb that you can use a clothes pin to kind of pinch and hold that nail and hit it into the wall or into the wood or whatever you're doing rather than you know that's just to protect your fingers from getting smashed and all of that so there you go there's another alternative to the comb one is just using a clothespin i know in a recent ikea hack episode they have a really cool tool that helps you get the nail in and it's kind of a similar concept but i know a lot of people might have close pins handy and so there you go and i hope that helps you so our next set of hacks are all about making your house smell so good and there's some good ones so here we go with our next set of hacks so this is supposedly the william sonoma simmer recipe that they have in their store i haven't been in for a while but i remember it smelling really good so we're gonna do this and we are gonna just take a pot and you're gonna want to put in one cut up lemon and then we're gonna take a couple of sprigs of rosemary we don't want to go crazy with the rosemary and then some cinnamon sticks then we're going to do a teaspoon of vanilla and finally three cups of water [Music] now i don't know if this smells exactly like william sonoma but whatever it is it smells magnificent it's amazing [Music] i cannot wait for you to try this simmering potpourri because my house smells flippin amazing right now and i cannot wait for your house to smell that way too [Music] dryer sheets she told me that she would take dryer sheets of her favorite scent and put them inside the pillowcase now they're nice and soft so you don't really notice them so it really makes your bedding and that all that smells super good i like this one the lavender and vanilla bean because it really is relaxing especially at night and so i will stick those in my pillows make them smell so good so even when it's getting close to laundry day you will have a fresh and yummy smelling pillow and that will help you sleep better so you're welcome [Music] they do sell these air fresheners that you can attach to your filter but they're kind of expensive and they're very limited on scent so if you like basically have like the option of vanilla or like cinnamon and those are good but sometimes the vanilla ones are a little bit funny smelling and i thought and i tested this out that we could do something similar with inexpensive air filters for your car you can go get these you recognize them i actually really like the yankee ones but i couldn't find them for this episode but we're gonna take a couple of these and kind of tuck them on the outskirts of your air filter now this is a really good opportunity to change out your air filter which you should do regularly at least every two to three months and so it's time for me to get a new air filter so we're going to change that out tuck in you know depending on how strong you want it to be two or three of these not in the center kind of on the outskirts and you want to make sure it's on the outside of the air filter not the inside because the last thing you want to have happen is for this to get like sucked up into your hvac to be like lost in your vents somewhere and that should last you a little bit longer than the essential oils i hope you enjoy that hug so my next hack for you is an easy one it really works good and your belly will thank you we're gonna bake something that smells amazing so you've seen me bake bread do cupcakes and also cookies on this channel even pie or two here or there this time i wanted to shake things up and do some candied walnuts because i wanted to tell you about my good friend clayton handy's handy farms they're organic red walnuts they're amazing he's not sponsoring me i just wanted to help him out in his new adventure and they're really good i'll put his information as well as the recipe that we're about to make in the description box below so if you want to check out his amazing organic red walnuts and how to make it it's all going to be there okay so the first thing you're going to want to do is we are going to line a baking sheet with a silicone mat or you can also use some wax paper or parchment paper or something to that effect and get that ready to go before we start the next thing we're going to do is turn on our stove to medium heat and get that warming up then we are going to take our red walnuts and how beautiful are these seriously i've never seen anything like that it's definitely something i'm going to want to eat i think it would be really pretty valentine's coming up and at christmas time so really fun and then what we're going to do is we're going to just pour four cups of these walnuts into our pan and we are going to let those warm up and toast for two to three minutes while that's toasting we're gonna get one half cup of local honey or any honey but they say it's extremely healthy to use local honey for you especially if you have allergies which we do in our household this has been roasting for about two to three minutes on medium and then what it says to do is add your honey which we used every last drop of our honey and kind of get that all over and stir that in and then it says to do a half a teaspoon of cinnamon i'm gonna be honest with you i really love cinnamon so i'm going to use as much as i want so just keep that in mind and i'm going to sprinkle that on i'm going to be just as generous as i want to be and then we are just going to toast this for about five minutes and make sure everything is stirred in and evenly coated oh and it already is smelling so amazing in my house oh my goodness have you ever like been in the mall and you smell those cinnamon toasted like nuts yeah that's what our house is smelling like right now and look how pretty they are okay so these are almost done so i recently started doing intermittent fasting and so i've been fasting for a little bit and these smell so good i might have to break my fast on these i don't know we're about done with these we're gonna pull them off and then we're gonna pour them onto our mat that we prepared before and then you're gonna let it cool for two hours and that's gonna be torture the next two hours smelling that amazing fragrance in our home so not only does our house smell absolutely amazing with this really pungent really nutty cinnamon honey smell but we get a healthy and yummy treat out of it afterwards so oh it's so beautiful [Music] okay so we're gonna do a little taste test it smells so good let's see how they taste super yummy so good check it out [Music] what i found out from the home improvement store and they've really improved this since i used it was using charcoal bags around your home can really suck bad odors out when i got it it was not in a cute little bag sewn with a little place to hang a hook it was like an ugly charcoal bag and this is different than the briquette charcoal that you would use to barbecue with so this is specifically designed to kind of suck odors out and you can just put these around your home you can put them in like your kids sports bags you can put it in the fridge you can put it in your car you can put it near your trash you can just put it anywhere that you need like that really wretched smell out of your house and a lot of it it will absorb moisture remove the odors it's awesome now you're like how long is that gonna last me so on this bag it says that as long as you put it out in full sunlight for two hours once a month that it will last you up to two years so that's a really good deal i wonder if they make some smaller ones to put in like my son's stinky shoes i don't know but i think it's something to look into [Music] so when it comes to deodorizing your home and making it smell simply amazing there's probably 101 maybe even a thousand and one uses for baking soda i had a great hack in my last home hack episode using baking soda for this one we are going to simply just combine some baking soda with your favorite essential oil you're going to really mix that in good just a few drops and then you're going to sprinkle this on your rugs and your carpets to get any of the odors now prior to saying this it's always good to regularly clean your carpet that's really what's going to make them feel nice and fresh but we can't clean our carpet all the time so in between those times then you're going to sprinkle down this solution onto your carpet let it sit 15 to 20 minutes and then go back in and vacuum it out now while you're doing that you may want to get your pet out of the way so they don't do anything they shouldn't do but this will help with pet odors dirt soil all of that and it will leave your space smelling really good [Music] so i've seen a lot of home hacks using these kind of fabric softener beads i love this scent there's a common theme you saw the dryer sheets in the same scent this one's really pretty really relaxing i really like this so one of the ones that i really like to do that is kind of subtle is you could put these beads in the bottom of a vase and then put like florals in it and you don't necessarily need to see them for example we could just pour some of them inside of this floral arrangement right here and you don't see them but you can sure smell them and it might smell so good that you might have people going is that actually a real arrangement and you can be like well yes it is i'm just kidding you can just sprinkle these around in your bathroom in little different arrangements where they're seen or unseen because you can mix some of these together they look really pretty you could put them in a jar take the lid off they smell amazing and then of course you use them in your laundry because they smell amazing so anyway pick out your favorite scent that works for you and run with it because they are awesome and they have a new line now that smells really good that are all white you know maybe purple doesn't fit in your decor but white could fit in a lot of decor so maybe check that one out now i'm gonna hit you with a really obvious one and that is just simply room sprays and candles the reason why i'm including this because i know it's kind of like more of an obvious one is because i kind of wanted to share with you some of my favorite scents now typically speaking i really love candles anything that smells like food is a win for me but right now i'm really loving this radiant sea salt candle i've burnt it a lot it smells amazing got it at home goods i'll see if i can find it online somewhere i don't know but it reminds me of a flight of passage at disney which is my favorite disney ride and the smell of it is like a really fresh sea salt it's like they've captured the ocean in a jar it's amazing maybe made it a little bit sweeter so that is the candle that i'm really digging right now anything that just reminds me of that magical experience at disney and then the room spray that i was totally surprised about is this meyer's clean day peony scent now i'm not usually like one for like a florally scent to spray in the air but there is something really amazing about this room spray i'd heard a little bit of buzz about it on social media and i'm like i have to try that out and i'm telling you it smells like a really high-end perfume or something it's relaxing and just really nice and smells really beautiful so i highly recommend this as a room spray i actually even spray on my linens sometimes and use it as a linen spray this is amazing super good i highly recommend it so those are my favorites right now and i hope you enjoy them too another way to make your home smell simply amazing is by the cleaning products that you decide to use now i really love this method glass cleaner i've used it for years it's peppermint based it smells so good and it works just as good as windex and smells about a million times better in my opinion so i also really love some of the fabuloso lines those are pretty inexpensive and you can pick a lot of those up at dollar tree and then another one that i really like is the orange energy scented pine salt smells good smells fresh smells clean and will leave you with a very yummy smelling house at the end of it so just look at your cleaners that you're using maybe instead of windex which i think doesn't smell good maybe you think it smells good but i think peppermint smells a whole lot better and maybe try that and see if that helps [Music] okay now if you want to get some of those bathroom odors out another easy fix for you is just sprinkling a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil like this one's grapefruit inside your teepee on the little cardboard area there and every time it rolls it will send a little whiff of some essential oil into the air and that will last as long as your roll of toilet paper does not awkward to talk about at all anyway so that's just a really quick and easy hack to make your bathroom smell a little bit better [Music] so our next viewer submitted home hack comes from patty fine i love this one because i've been using it for years sometimes you'll get a screw that has been stripped from like your drill it it's kind of lost its grip so backing it out might be a challenge so all you need to do in this case is get a rubber band that's kind of thick and you put that over the top and shove your drill into it and very slowly and carefully back out that screw it works almost always there's sometimes where it is little stuck but for most cases that rubber band trick will be very helpful and help you out in a pinch and the next one was submitted by sharon mcallister and this is one i have been doing for years and years and i can attest it really really does work and you may have heard of this one but if you haven't then you definitely want to know it so it is using a wood spoon to prevent water from boiling over so say you're boiling some pasta or potatoes or whatever and you don't want it to boil over but you want to keep the heat up all you need to do is take a wood spoon and set it over the pot i swear it works and even if you want to keep the lid on if you put the wood spoon underneath the lid even if it leaves a little crack there it will prevent boil over it really does work i've been using it for years and it is awesome so that's just kind of a fun helpful hack and i hope it helps you well i hope you enjoyed all of these home hacks if you have a good one for me let me know in the comment section below and if you enjoyed this episode here's another one that i think you'll like as well and if you haven't done so already consider hitting that subscribe button right here it's super easy to do and i would love it if you joined the diy niner family and to all of my diy niners i just want to remind you once again that you are more powerful than you know we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Designed to the Nines
Views: 1,489,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: designed to the nines, design to the nines, natalee callahan, lone fox, xo macenna, how to, diy, decor, diy decor, home decor, kristen mcgowan, do it on a dime, home hacks, life hacks, life hacks for home, diy hacks, tiktok hacks, diy hacks for home, diy home hacks, grout cleaning, lighting hacks, liz fenwick diy, 5 minute crafts, high end decor, cleaning hacks, hacks, life hack, cleaning tips, cleaning tiktok
Id: k17eYCX8RHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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