50 Facts You Didn't Know About The Matrix Trilogy

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you take the red pill you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes hey what's up everyone it's Ryan here from the Y and today we're going to be taking a look at the Matrix trilogy no matter how you break it down the films are revolutionary for the time if you think about it they were really the first ones to bring to life what everyone had always imagined Comics to look like with highly Advanced CGI and groundbreaking bold time effects not to mention the futuristic concepts of self-aware AI and the simulated reality in which the story takes place on that note let's get right into the video here's 50 facts you didn't know about the Matrix trilogy to understand the origin of the Matrix we have to go back to the wilkowski's first notable job lurking as a writer for Marvel Comics Ecto kid this deepened their love and respect for that art form and set in motion the idea that one day they make their own live-action comment after leaving and going into script writing the duo wrote assassins which ended up getting purchased by Warner Bros for 1 million but here's the important part the deal included two additional films bound and Matrix upon making their directorial debut inbound the wikowski's asked Warner Bros about directing the Matrix and they obliged yet we're still unsure of the pair's capability to handle a movie of that scope and scale knowing this the wikowskis eliminated all doubts in two major ways first they hire two comic book artists including one from their days back at Ecto kid to create a 600 page storyboard covering the entire film and secondly after things were moving along and Warner Bros again came around asking questions the team's sent over the first five minutes which finally turned Warner Bros into believers the opening scene in the movie hooks you almost instantly there is cops secret agents a Kung Fu hacker girl and for that day and age Innovative slow motion effects and while it only took a mere four days to shoot what you don't see are the six months of training that went into Carrie Anne Moss being able to pull off all her own stunts at the start of the film Neo is very much like us confused and just trying to figure out what the hell is going on which explains why 44 out of his first 80 lines are questions who's what the hell they want from me how do you know all this what's this happening to me [Music] it's no secret that the Matrix borrows heavily from Hong Kong action Cinema and martial arts choreographer Yuen Wu ping was a big part of bringing that to life known for his work alongside pretty much all the Chinese action stars of the 80s and 90s his approach consisted of developing each character's fighting style based on their different strengths for Neo it was diligence Morpheus is resilience Smith's precision and Trinity's feminine Grace I know Kung Fu the scene where neomish Trinity was filmed in a real BDSM club and all the extras were just patrons doing what they enjoy not a huge surprise as Lana was deep into that lifestyle and even ended up marrying a dominatrix who worked at one of the clubs she frequented sure I'll go the woman in the red dress only appears on screen for a few seconds yet makes quite an impression are you listening to me Neo call it a bit of foreshadowing but when Neo is arrested and dragged out of the office building every shot has a woman in red passing by in addition to doing their assigned jobs on set every cast and crew member was required to read similacra and simulation to understand the philosophy behind the movie for Keanu Reeves on top of reading Patria the wikowskis had him study out of control an evolutionary psychology before even opening the script and going back to Neo's introduction simulacra and simulation is the book he Heist things in when Neo enters the car switch refers to him as the following as the name suggests Copper Top is slang for Duracell batteries as they quite literally have copper colored tops and staying on the topic of names with suggestive meanings the wikowskis originally intended for switch to be trans the plan was to make them a woman in The Matrix and a man in the real world however because his sentiment back in 1999 Warner Bros vetoed the idea not like this when I think of the Matrix the first thing that comes to mind is the iconic digital rain it's mysterious cyberpunk and all-around fascinating to look at and the story behind its conception is not at all what you'd expect after the initial design wasn't to their liking the wikowskis hired Simon Whiteley to create something more in a Japanese Manga style Whiteley who had a Japanese wife went through some of her cookbooks looking for inspiration and one happened to catch his eye the recipes therein became the basis for the Matrix code so in a roundabout way all that cryptic nonsense is basically just sushi recipes throughout the movies were shown glimpses of the Matrix code hidden in the background of shots with one noteworthy example taking place in the scene with the rain dripping down the car windows Keanu Reeves isn't what you call a method actor though to make the Pod scene more believable he did shave his head and lose 15 pounds why am I sir you've never used them before color is one of the biggest symbols present throughout the entire Trilogy as you're probably aware every sequence inside this simulated reality was tinted green which can mean a couple different things the wikowski said it was inspired by the phosphorus green of Old Computers though it can also be symbolic of sickness and disease and finally Green in this context is representative of the Mind as that's where the simulation takes place moving to the real world a sort of cool blue symbolizes a very cold but honest reality and in this sense the color represents the physical body so we have blue as the body green is the mind all that's left to make things whole is of course the spirit represented by yellow looking at this from a religious point of view Spirit heaven and godliness are one in the same meaning that for all intents and purposes machine city is the city of God and the evidence backs this up the script describes the city as Celestial even spiritual and characterizes the machine that picks up Neo as a being that appears like an angel then you have the animatrix using religious terminology to describe his creation and they christened the nation zero one the central interface of the machines is called deus ex machina literally translating to God from the machine and think for a second about the concept of the spirit world by definition it exists in the same place as the real world although on a different plane exactly how it's shown in the Matrix last but not least you've got red not as fleshed out as the other colors yet it can definitely be seen as corruption or hell we see this play out with The Woman in Red Cipher him eating steak the red pods the maravingian and in the elevator the red button to descend to this club is even labeled hell during the sparring session between Neo and Morpheus the color of their hair and clothes resembles that of the yin and yang symbol you think that's air you're breathing now I'm sure if you went up to any actor nowadays and ask them would you have taken the part of Neo in The Matrix you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who'd say no but back in the late 90s the exact opposite was true Will Smith was the first person considered for Neo though he declined after not fully understanding the concept and went off to do wild wild west Brad Pitt was next up and after initially accepting backed out due to fatigue from seven years into bed Leonardo DiCaprio said no because he just finished Titanic and didn't want to embark on another big budget film right away Val Kilmer turned down both Neo and Morpheus at which point they said [ __ ] it Neo can be a woman let's get Sandra Bullock yet even that plan failed and lastly they dodged a bullet with this one Nicholas Cage also declined the role of Neo the film doesn't provide too many details about when and where the virtual reality is set in though it does give a couple hints looking at Neil's file we can see that he was born on March 11 1962 in capital city Fu based on the date stamp contained in the phone tracing program the first movie begins on February 19 1998 and ends on September 18 1999 meaning Neo is 36 years old and the original Matrix takes place over the course of 19 months and how's this for a coincidence Neo's passport expires on September 11 2001. what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak Ghost in the Shell was the single biggest influence on The Matrix producer Joel Silver recalled to after the wikowskis saw the film they came to him and said we want to do that for real they of course did just that and paid tribute to the anime in a number of sequences especially back in the 90s financing a movie like The Matrix was a super risky Endeavor the script was difficult to understand and the genre even harder to pin down so in order to go through the project the studio had to find a way to cut costs and in this regard the biggest Money Saver was to film the movie in Sydney after subsidies tax breaks and favorable loans among a whole slew of other deal incentives the cost of producing The Matrix fell from 100 million to a little over 60. inside the training program designed to replicate The Matrix you can spot the existence of many copies showcasing a bit of laziness on the part of mouse interestingly enough the doubles weren't added in post-production as all of them were in fact twins dressed in style to look exactly the same when Keanu Reeves first met with the wakowskis they had a couple of questions for him like would you be fine training in Hong Kong style martial arts and if so would you be good doing it strenuously for four to six months Keanu was like yeah that sounds okay the only problem was he never mentioned his laundry list to injuries which included a bulging and ruptured disc and spinal stenosis Reeves went on to get a level 2 fusion and a plate put in his neck without anybody knowing though as he was forced to wear a neck brace during training I assume he wasn't able to keep it a secret for long zooming in on the Nebuchadnezzar's nameplate it reads Mark 3 number 11 which doesn't mean anything till you go to the corresponding Bible verse Mark 3 11 and when the unclean spirits saw him they fell down before him and cried out you are the Son of God hallelujah you're my savior man so you're here to save the world his hesitancy over the wikowski's directing and to a larger degree the concept of the movie itself they included one stipulation that the plot includes some form of exposition so the audience isn't totally lost it's never been explicitly stated but it lines up that this brought about the whole construct scene so I guess for once the studio exerting creative control worked out for the better what is real how do you define real every single main actor got injured on set Carrie Anne Moss Twisted her ankle yet didn't tell anybody over fear of losing the role Lawrence Fishburn fractured his arm and Hugo weaving had a number of things go wrong including having to get a polyp surgically removed breaking his hip only a few days later and then slipping a disc in his neck during a wire stunt here's two more allusions to The Matrix code hidden within the film The soapy water is very resemblance of code being wiped away to reveal the illusion and morpheus's tie is an obvious reference the lobby shootout contains some of the best action in the entire Trilogy and nearly all of it was done with practical effects that includes the lobby itself the pillars getting blown up and even the fiery explosion and remember how just as the elevator door closes that slab perfectly falls off the pillar well that was totally unplanned yet a welcome surprise holy [ __ ] other than digital rain what's something else synonymous with the Matrix in my opinion it's Gotta Be the sunglasses you show anyone a pair of those and they'll immediately think Morpheus but if you're in the market for glasses exactly like the ones you see in the film you're [ __ ] out of luck because they were all custom made to Finnish character right before they go to see the Oracle Morpheus nods at a blind man and he's somehow nods back this makes me think he isn't just any old blind man but rather a lookout for the Oracle and Canon wise it makes sense as because it's been established the agents can see through the eyes if anyone connected to the Matrix the blind man is the perfect Incorruptible Sentry in many ways the Oracle is a reference to Michelangelo's dolphic symbol a prophet from ancient Greece who much like the Oracle And The Matrix inhaled fumes before making her prophecies what's really going to bake your noodle later on is which is still a broken it if I hadn't said anything easily the most memorable aspect that agent Smith would have to be his voice Mr Anderson to create such a distinct sounding voice weaving took inspiration from two major sources the first being 1950s news readers Like Walter Cronkite President Kennedy died at 1pm Central Standard Time and the second was none other than the wikowskis themselves that it sort of brings some of that quality to the action scenes as you can see we've had our eye on you for some time now Mr Anderson the daring helicopter rescue barely worked out for Neo and Trinity and the funny thing is the same can be said for the production of the sequence itself so I don't know who messed up with their research but when it came time to fly the chopper to get the shots they needed producers quickly realized that doing so was actually illegal luckily because the Matrix was such a big deal in Sydney's burgundy film production industry the government slightly altered some laws to allow for the helicopter to fly unperturbed in Sydney airspace Keanu Reeves is probably the nicest guy in Hollywood and his generosity to the people who worked on The Matrix is the stuff of Legends he gifted all 12 of the stuntmen on The Matrix Reloaded Harley-Davidson bites helped out struggling crew members and donated a large sum of money to the VFX and post-production crew members seeing as the characters switch was meant to be trans and the wikowski brothers are now the wikowski sisters it's not a huge shocker that the Matrix can be viewed as a trans allegory you've got the fact that Neo feels like he's living a lie that there's something wrong with the world you don't know what it is but it's there like a splinter in your mind takes a red pill to see the truth many believe the red pill is symbolic of Premarin or hormone therapy he then casts aside his dead name of Thomas Anderson and becomes Neo with agent Smith representing transphobia as he insists on calling him by his old name foreign this might be reaching a little but you can even say at the end of the first film the camera Zooms in and the last letters you see are Emina what if I told you that Morpheus never actually says what if I told you after reading this I was sort of taken aback like no I can even hear him saying it in my head I know it's real but no the meme was totally made up and it's simply just another Mandela effect my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is moving in a move though you don't see all too often Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions were filmed back to back from March of 2001 to August of 2002. this might have been a tad over eager on the wikowski's part but they originally planned to release the films only a week apart obviously for marketing purposes Warner Bros vetoed idea and instead released them with the six month Gap Jet Li is one of the most renowned martial arts stars of his generation and he nearly played Sarah in The Matrix the role was actually written specifically for him and he would have said yes had it not been for some [ __ ] Warner Bros put a clause in the contract allowing them to record and put all his moves into a digital library where they would forever own the rights he of course thought why would I give away the intellectual property to techniques I've been practicing my entire life so he was basically forced to say no for the freeway car chase GM donated over 300 cars for the sake of Art and some pretty sick product placement most if not all of them were destroyed on the two mile stretch of road built at the decommissioned Alameda Naval Base when the maravingjian curses in French he's basically just stringing together a bunch of swear words the Burly brawl is likely the most infamous fight sequence to come out of the Matrix but was it really worth all the time and money it took 27 days to film and to this day is one of the most expensive action scenes ever costing 40 million dollars think about it this way Warner Bros how to launch an entirely new company just for the scene don't get me wrong for 1999 it still holds up decently well but come on you spend 40 million dollars and these are the sound effects you end up with as I explained earlier The Matrix simulation has an overarching green tint but it wasn't just the work of color grading as they also put every piece of clothing through a green dye bath it's sort of hard to tell if you're not looking for it so let me show you what I'm talking about as agent Smith begins to differentiate himself from the other programs he's dressed in a pure black suit compared to the other agents who still have a Tanger green me so I wouldn't say the Matrix was an overly difficult movie to comprehend however when it came to the architect scene they were like okay here's everything you'd ever want to know but good luck deciphering what he's saying cause the guy's literally a program and speaks in code Helmut bakitas did an amazing job especially considering his unknown quality though Sean Connery was originally the person they had in mind but as he had a really difficult time understanding what the part was all about he declined your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of The Matrix Morpheus is a call back to the Greek god of the same name who is the god of Dreams for the final chapter of the Matrix trilogy Warner Bros employed a very unique release strategy they dubbed Zero Hour in other words Matrix Revolutions premiered the same exact time across the globe 6am in Los Angeles 9 A.M in New York 2 p.m in London 11 pm in Tokyo and so on and so forth and more than 50 additional countries worldwide at the mobile Avenue Station we're introduced to ramakondra and Kamala the two of them along with Neo represent the trinity in Hinduism ramakondra manager of recycling operations equates to Vishnu the preserver Kamala a software programmer is Brahma the Creator and Neo the one is Shiva the Destroyer mobile is also an anagram for limbo which is exactly what the station is a waiting room for Exile programs to be smuggled to and from machine City and the Matrix or Heaven and Earth I don't this place is nowhere it is between your world and our world as you should know by now the wikowskis put in a lot of references to the Bible another one coming in the form an agent Smith's license plate is-5416 corresponds Thai Zia 5416 which reads as follows behold I have created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work even though the Matrix was set in this world the artificial intelligence and virtual reality the wikowskis drew a lot of inspiration from nature in designing the machines first you've got the apus which were modeled after gorillas then there's the Sentinels looking very reminiscent of squids and finally machine city was made in the image of a coral reef because the Matrix was developed over a period of 5 years and 14 drafts many storylines got left out of the final version one of the bigger changes involved the ending sequence where after coming back to life instead of temporarily defeating Smith Neil gives him the finger and he responds with the no as the elevator door closes another revision unveiled that there were five other people considered to be the one all of whom died at the hands of Agents the architect does briefly mention this but it was really only in passing this is in the closing moments of the original film Neo calls the machines and basically declares war fast forward to the final battle and a touchdown at the same intersection in which Neo made that phone call as one would expect from Morpheus Lawrence Fishburn said he read the script and didn't get why everyone else thought it was confusing though in the same breath he said he had his doubts the movie would ever get made because it was so smart remember all I'm offering is the truth while the Matrix was certainly a Pioneer in Virtual cinematography a surprising number of sequences were still done with practical effects there's one shot in particular that's really hard to believe isn't done with CGI when the hundreds of agent Smith clones lined the streets to watch the final battle amazingly through the joint efforts of multiple departments photorealistic dummies and Extras with agent Smith masks were all created from molds taken of Hugo weaving and if you look close enough there were actually three types of masks grumpy happy and neutral in the last scene of the trilogy The Bench is inscribed with the following message in memory of Thomas Anderson the credits of the first two movies play songs by Rage Against the Machine for obvious reasons the third movie breaks the trend and doesn't play one of their songs because the fight is finally over real thank you all for watching I hope you enjoyed it and if you still want more videos about the Matrix I actually did one a while back delving a little bit deeper into the content with the all the theories and stuff like that so I should leave a link to it somewhere if I don't forget alright till next time have a great day everyone
Channel: The Why
Views: 54,131
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Id: vbNqvZjNKLk
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Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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