THE MATRIX Trilogy Recap

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welcome to my recap of the original matrix trilogy in this video i've tried to simplify and explain some of the more confusing aspects of these movies so if you want to skip ahead to some of those moments use the chapter markers in the description otherwise grab your red pill and enjoy the recap police officers corner a notorious hacker named trinity at a hotel in mega city with impossible speed and strength she takes them out and escapes a rest until men in suits and sunglasses arrive showing similar supernatural abilities she approaches a phone booth but one of the men drives a truck toward it she runs into the booth and grabs the phone disappearing just as the truck crashes into the booth thomas anderson a software engineer who moonlights as a computer hacker under the alias neo wakes at his desk he finds a message on his computer the matrix has you and follow the white rabbit at the door neo meets one of his customers who invites him for a night out although hesitant he decides to join them when he notices the tattoo of a white rabbit at the club trinity approaches neo brings her lips close to his ear and tells him she knows he has been looking for him but she reveals that what neo truly seeks is the answer to the question and neo knows the question what is the matrix she tells him the answer is out there and it will find him if he wants it to at work the next morning neos delivered a package and in it finds a cell phone it rings neo answers to hear the voice of the man he's been searching for morpheus morpheus warns they are coming for him and peaking from his cubicle neo sees three conspicuous men in suits and sunglasses morpheus instructs neo to run into an empty office where he is given a choice escape on the scaffold or face arrest neo climbs onto the building's ledge and nearly falls i can't do this he says and instead accepts arrest he is brought to an interrogation room and surrounded by the men in suits they offer to absolve him of his cyber crimes if he helps them capture the known terrorist morpheus neo gives them the finger and asks for his phone call what good is a phone call the man asks if you are unable to speak nia's mouth disappears as his lips fuse together the men throw him on the table and insert a spider-like machine into his belly button neo wakes in bed and figures it was all a dream then he receives another call from morpheus he tells neo to go to the adams street bridge if he'd like to meet there he's picked up by trinity and two others they extract the bug from his belly button which neo is shocked to learn is real with the tracking device removed they bring him to meet morpheus he tells neo why he's there it's because neo knows something is wrong with the world even if he can't say exactly what it is morpheus offers two pills take the blue pill and wake up in bed as if none of this happened or take the red pill to stay and learn the truth after which there will be no turning back neo takes the red pill morpheus brings him to a room where trinity and others work on some machinery connected to a chair as neo sits morphys explains that the pill was part of a trace program to pinpoint neo's location outside the matrix as the process begins reality seems to distort then neo wakes up naked in a mechanical pod of red fluid and looks around to see thousands of others just like it suddenly wires plugged into his body disconnect and the tub drains him down a tube until he splashes into a pool below and he is quickly picked up by a ship inside he sees morpheus and stays conscious just long enough to hear him say welcome to the real world later neo wakes in a bed dressed in ragged clothes he pulls a wire from his arm and finds a mechanical socket on the back of his neck morpheus greets him and begins to reveal the truth it is not 1999 as neo believes but closer to 2199 he asks neo to follow him this is my ship he says the nebuchadnezzar and he introduces the crew trinity apoc switch cipher mouse tank and dozer tank and dozer are brothers they have neo sit in a chair where a cord is plugged into the socket on the back of his neck he wakes inside a virtual world where morpheus greets him and explains that they are in a program where anything can be loaded he tells neo that the world he knows the reality neo has been living in is not real but is a computer simulation known as the matrix the real world is an apocalyptic desert and morpheus and neo suddenly find themselves in a digital rendition of it he tells neo the bits and pieces they know humanity created artificial intelligence which grew beyond their ability to control war broke out so humans scorched the sky to block the sun which powered the machines without solar energy machines found a new power source humans they created endless farms where humans are produced and used as batteries while their minds are held prisoner in the matrix neopanics not wanting to believe any of it they wake him in the real world and he continues to panic until he vomits and passes out later morpheus tells neo that when the matrix was first built there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted to remake the matrix as he saw fit it was he who freed the first of us morpheus says after he died the oracle prophesized his return and that his coming would hail the destruction of the matrix end the war bring freedom to our people he believes that neo is this man that neo is the one after some rest it is time for neo's training to begin he meets tank and notices the man has no mechanical plugs on him tank was born in the real world outside the matrix he tells neo about the last human city of zion located deep underground near earth's core where it's still warm then neo receives training as tank uploads knowledge of jiu jitsu into his mind along with kempo taekwondo and many other forms of combat after 10 hours of downloading skills morpheus pays neo a visit i know kung fu neo says show me morpheus replies they spar inside a virtual dojo but morpheus never loses the upper hand as he moves impossibly fast he explains that the rules like a body's physical limits or even gravity can be bent inside the matrix they continue and this time neo moves faster and finally hits morpheus so morpheus asks tank to load the jump program suddenly they find themselves on the roof of a skyscraper free your mind morpheus tells neo before leaping impossibly high from one building to another outside the simulation the crew watches nervously no one has ever made the first jump if neo does he may actually be the one neo leaps off the building and falls to the ground which warps and bends to prevent a lethal landing back in reality neo is surprised to find his mouth bleeding morpheus explains that your mind makes the experience real and confirms that death in the matrix means death and reality inside the program again morpheus demonstrates that no one plugged into the matrix can be trusted because at any time they can be taken over by an agent the men in suits and sunglasses agents are protectors of the matrix and anyone who has ever fought one has died sooner or later morpheus says they will have to face them and he believes nia will be the first to do so successfully although agents are impossibly fast and strong they are still subject to physical laws which as the one neo will soon be free of exiting the simulation they find their ship being chased by a sentinel a squid-like machine that destroys rogue humans they land quietly shut off the power and prepare an emp or an electromagnetic pulse they disable any electrical systems in the blast radius it's the only weapon we have against the machines trinity explains the sentinels pass by without incident and the emp is not used over a drink cipher laments to neo how he regrets not taking the blue pill and undercuts morpheus's promise that neo is the one a little piece of advice he says you see an agent you do what we do run inside the matrix cipher meets with an agent and finalizes their agreement the machines will wipe cipher's memory and put him back in the matrix as a wealthy successful man to live in blissful ignorance in return he will give them morpheus later nia was brought back inside the matrix to meet the oracle before seeing her he asks trinity what happened at her meeting with the oracle she starts to answer but hesitates and stops herself morpheus is more forthcoming telling neo that the oracle is the one who told them the prophecy of the one and she told morpheus that he would find the one he explains that she is a guide that helps you find the path in the waiting room neo sees children referred to as potentials they each show strange abilities including one who bends spoons with his mind he tells neo that the trick is to realize there is no spoon neo tries and is able to bend it as well he is brought in to see the oracle and finds a woman baking cookies she asks if neo thinks he is the one when he is uncertain she explains that if you are the one you know it then she has a closer look at him you already know what i'm going to tell you she says i'm not the one he responds then she tells him that despite this morpheus believes in it so strongly he will sacrifice his life to save neos she says that one of them will die and it will be up to neo to decide who then she gives him a cookie and he leaves on the way out neo spots a cat then sees it again oh deja vu he says this catches the attention of his crew they inform him that deja vu is typically a glitch in the matrix when they change something and mouse finds their exit suddenly blocked by brick walls just before he is killed by a tactical team they were sent by the agents who were tipped off by cipher knowing that telephone hard lines are needed to exit the matrix the line is cut and they are trapped inside the building their operator tank watches from outside the matrix and helps them find a place to hide inside the walls and that works until cipher gives away their position a policeman fires into the wall until he's replaced by an agent the agent grabs neo through the wall but morpheus breaks out to fight him off you must get neo out he shouts that's all that matters nia wants to stay and help but trinity grabs him and forces him to follow they fight their way out though cipher purposefully trips so it can appear he was inadvertently left behind morpheus fights the agent who introduces himself as agent smith they fight until smith gets the upper hand and has morpheus taken by the cops now separated from the rest of the group cipher finds a phone with tank's help and exits joining tank and his brother dozer in the real world before the rest can follow cipher picks up a lightning rifle and shoots tank then dozer trinity calls for tank but cipher is the one who answers the phone he rants about how tired he is of fighting and living in their cold dark reality as cipher rants he unplugs apoc who dies immediately then switch and as he reaches for neo's plug tank reveals that he survived the earlier attack and kills cipher with a whitening gun then helps trinity and neo out of the matrix still inside morpheus is brought to a skyscraper and interrogated by agent smith he tells morpheus that the first matrix was designed as a paradise where everyone would be happy but it was a disaster no one accepted the program the perfect world was a dream that humans kept trying to wake up from morpheus is injected with something which after enough time will crack his mind so he'll tell the agents what they want to know monitoring from outside the matrix tank explains to neo that the agents want codes to zion's mainframe computer given to the leader of every ship if an agent got into their mainframe they could destroy humanity tank insists they have to pull the plug and kill morpheus to keep the code secret and protect zion but before he can neo stops tank and says that he will enter the matrix to rescue morpheus the oracle told him that he would have to choose who lives him or morpheus so he believes that if he sacrifices himself morpheus will live and he believes the oracle that he is not the one so his life is not worth saving over morpheus is they think neo is crazy but agree to give him a chance though trinity insists on joining him in the loading program neo tells tank they'll need guns lots of guns and as the weapons are loaded trinity warns no one has ever done anything like this that's why it's going to work neo says smith asks the other agents to leave him alone with morpheus he removes his earpiece so he is not monitored and tells morpheus how much he hates this world he can't take the smell of it any longer and to be free he needs to complete his mission he needs morpheus to give him the codes downstairs neo and trinity use their impossible speed acrobatics and guns to fight their way up to the roof things go smoothly until an agent arrives neo fires repeatedly but it dodges every bullet when the agent fires back neo dodges all but one bullet which knocks him to the ground the agent approaches and points his gun then dodge this trinity says before shooting the agent in the head she asks neo how he moved so fast he moved like they do she says but neo doesn't have an answer using a helicopter left by the tactical team neo and trinity fly to the side of the building and grab morpheus once they get away from the carnage neo tries telling morpheus the truth the oracle neo says she told me she told you morpheus interrupts exactly what you needed to hear that's all tank finds them a hard line at the subway station and they head to it morpheus and trinity exit just before agent smith arrives and destroys the phone so neo cannot follow them run neo run trinity whispers but neo stays for the first time in known history a human holds his own against an agent and in the midst of their fight neil leaves smith to be hit by an oncoming subway then the agent steps off the subway to continue his pursuit and seeing the fight can go on forever neo runs in the real world sentinels approach the nebuchadnezzar morpheus orders them to prepare the emp but trinity warns they can't activate it until neo is out if it goes off while he's jacked in it'll kill him i know trinity morpheus says don't worry he's gonna make it neo runs as agents appear at every corner replacing nearby civilians to chase him he reaches the room where a phone and his exit await neo opens the door and finds agent smith who shoots him point blank in the heart neo looks at the blood pouring from his chest then the agent shoots him eight more times it can't be morpheus says as neo's heart stops as sentinels cut into the ship trinity tells neo that the oracle told her she would fall in love and the man she loved would be the one so you see she says you can't be dead i love you then kisses him neo's heart beats again and inside the matrix he stands when the agents fire on him neo holds up his hand and stops the bullets then he effortlessly fights smith with one hand finally he flies into the agent and destroys him from the inside neo runs to the phone and just after he exits they activate the emp and stop the sentinels neo wakes up and returns trinity's kiss i know that you're afraid you're afraid of us neo says in a message to the machines he tells them that he is going to show people what the machines don't want them to see i'm going to show them a world without you neo says a world without rules and controls without borders or boundaries in a world where anything is possible then he hangs up the phone and flies into the sky trinity leaps from a motorcycle and fights her way into a guarded building she is pursued by an agent and almost escapes until a bullet hits her chest neo wakes from his nightmare next to a sleeping trinity and fears it is a premonition neo doesn't tell trinity the contents of the dream but she knows he is shaken and she reassures him that the oracle will call soon morpheus trinity and neo head to a meeting inside the matrix where teams from other ships have convened at a hideout captain naobi informs them that 250 thousand sentinels are digging from the surface down to zion and will arrive in 72 hours she also shares commander locke's order that all of them are to evacuate broadcast level where you must be to plug into the matrix and return to zion morpheus agrees to evacuate but first asks for some help the prophecy of the one will soon be fulfilled but the oracle must be consulted someone needs to stay at broadcast level in case she tries to contact them morpheus would do it himself but his ship needs to be recharged he will head to zion and return as soon as possible in the meantime he asks for a volunteer to stay behind and captain ballard agrees to stay suddenly neo senses something and heads to the entrance before he arrives agent smith drops off an envelope for neo in it he finds an earpiece smith's way of saying that neo freed him and he is no longer taking orders from the system then neo senses something else he tells the guards that the meeting is over and to leave three agents punch through the fortified entrance and neo effortlessly fights them off before flying away later the nebuchadnezzar piloted by the recently added crew member link arrives at zion morpheus is immediately brought to commander locke for his disobedience for requesting that a ship stay behind and there is already tension between them as captain naobi used to be with morpheus but is now with locke the commander chides morpheus for prioritizing the prophecy over following orders and protecting the city then councilor haman arrives and lets them know there will be a gathering in zion that night the people have noticed something is going on so they'll have to decide how much to tell them about the approaching army lock recommends they keep things quiet to avoid panic while morpheus insists on the truth meanwhile as neo and trinity head home they are interrupted by civilians approaching neo as though he were a messiah elsewhere in zion link comes home to see his wife zee she is a sister of tank and dozer both of whom are deceased she worries about link being gone so much and asks him to move to another ship that's home more often but link cannot as he promised dozer he would operate the nebuchadnezzar if anything ever happened to tank and he tries to calm her fears by telling her how after the things he's seen he is starting to believe in morpheus the war will be over soon at the gathering that night counselor haman invites morpheus to speak and he gives a speech of hope he confirms the sentinel army is on its way but says that they must shed their fear he reminds them that after a century of war with the machines they are still here tonight he says let us send a message to that army they will tremble the halls with celebration and make the machines remember that zion is not afraid and they party which gives neo and trinity a chance to finally be alone but the vision of trinity's death sullies neo's mood trinity he says i can't lose you she takes his hand and assures that she is never letting go ballard's crew who stayed behind inside the matrix receives a message from the oracle but they also run into agent smith most of the crew manages to escape but smith gets a hold of bane before he can follow smith plunges his hand into bane's chest and overwrites the man with a copy of himself this new smith exits through the phone to occupy bain's body outside the matrix the oracle's message asking neo to come meet her is delivered before neo departs a kid who looks up to him delivers a parting gift from one of the orphans a spoon in the matrix neo meets the oracle's guard seraph seraph attacks neo and they fight until seraph is sufficiently convinced nioh is the one having passed the test neo is taken to a hallway of programmer back doors serif opens a particular door which leads to the oracle in their conversation neil learns a few things the oracle and serif are both programs from the machine world it is up to neo whether or not to trust her but she assures that her only interest is in the future she also tells him that once programs break down or are no longer needed they are deleted by returning to the machine's mainframe or the source but some resist deletion and instead hide in exile ghosts vampires werewolves or angels are examples of exiles she tells neo that he will need to go to the source she points out that he's seen it in his dreams as a door made of light in his dreams after neo enters the door he sees trinity fall but wakes up before he can tell if she lives or dies the oracle explains that neo has the sight now he can see into the future but he cannot see past choices he does not understand that's why he can't see if she lives or dies are you saying i have to choose whether trinity lives or dies he asks no she answers you've already made the choice now you have to understand it and if neo fails zion will fall before leaving she tells neo that he can save zion if he reaches the source but to do that he needs the key maker who is being held prisoner by a dangerous program named the merovingian she gives neo his location and leaves then smith arrives he tells neo that they have a connection perhaps some part of neo was imprinted onto him smith explains that after neo destroyed him he resisted deletion and became an exile no longer an agent of the system then he reveals many agent smith copies and neo is quickly surrounded by them smith plunges his hand into neo's chest and begins turning him into another copy spreading himself like a virus but neo resists and then fights the growing mob of smiths before flying off in zion the council asks commander locke to send a ship and ascertain the fate of the one since there's been no word from the nebuchadnezzar lok says it could take days for a single ship to find them then send two they insist this is insane locke says unwilling to lose two ships that he needs for their defense but the council overrides him and asks for volunteers captain sorin of the vigilant volunteers and to lock's shock captain naobi of the logos does as well neo trinity and morpheus arrive at a restaurant to meet the merovingian and his wife persephone he is guarded by twins dressed all in white the marovinjian pontificates that causality action and reaction is the only truth morpheus retorts that everything begins with choice but the merovingian disagrees neo believes he chose to come here but really he was told to by the oracle and he obeyed we are slaves to causality and the best we can do is understand why something he does and they do not they are just links in a chain he excuses himself refusing to give them the keymaker needed to reach the source on the way out neo trinity and morpheus run into persephone she surmises that her husband is currently cheating on her and betrays him in return she offers to bring them to the keymaker but in exchange she wants neo to kiss her like he would trinity he complies half-heartedly so she starts to leave but neo tries again he removes his sunglasses and kisses her with a bit more passion she takes them to a door that leads to a back room but when she closes it and uses a certain key it suddenly leads to a mansion she takes them to a hidden room where they find the merovingian's prisoner the keymaker as they leave the merovingian and his guards block their path he tells the twins to go after the keymaker and they suddenly become translucent taking on a ghostlike appearance as they float toward the key maker he runs morpheus and trinity chase the keymaker and the ghosts while neo stays to fight the merovingian and his guards neo stops their many bullets so the men resort to hand-to-hand combat and make use of the many antique weapons in the merovingian's collection after the guards are defeated the merovingian runs through a doorway and closes it behind him when neo opens the door its destination has changed and he suddenly finds himself in the mountains 500 miles away morpheus and trinity try fighting the twins but it's made difficult by their ghost abilities when translucent bullets pass through them they pass through walls and wounds heal immediately but they managed to get the keymaker into a car and link finds them in exit just off the freeway they are chased by the twins and now agents as well sent to delete the keymaker in exile in the midst of their battle niobi enters the matrix and joins the fight with her help they are just barely able to protect the keymaker eventually the agents get the upper hand and nearly destroy morpheus and the keymaker but neo finishes his 500-mile flight just in time to save them both afterward the key maker tells morpheus soarin and niobes teams where to find the source in a building there is a special door which leads there but the building is wired with bombs that will explode if an alarm is triggered to get in they will have to cut off the building's power source that means destroying a nearby power station and deactivating its emergency backup system in a separate location after that neo will have a five minute window to enter the door which leads to the source before the mission begins neo asks trinity to promise she will stay out of the matrix during their battle he does not tell her why but he hopes it will prevent the future he's seen in his dreams the future where she dies near midnight they strike naobi's team reaches the power station and soren's team gets to the backup system but in the real world soren's ship is destroyed by sentinels along with him and everyone else on it in the matrix their bodies fall lifelessly no longer inhabited by living minds nyobe's team takes down the power station but with soren's team dead the backup system remains active and so do the building's explosives neo and morpheus enter the special hallway containing the door inside the hall they cannot be reached by link and cannot be warned that opening the door will trigger the bomb with no other options trinity breaks her promise and enters the matrix she will take down the backup system herself in the hallway neo morpheus and the key maker encounter smith and his copies the ensuing fight slows them down and delays their opening the door staving off the explosion when they finally reach it trinity takes down the power system and the door is open safely but just as the door is closed the smiths shoot the keymaker with his dying breaths he tells morpheus which door will take him home and he hands neo a key saying you will know which door hurry neo neo walks through the white door and enters a room filled with monitors showing projections of how neo may react to what follows in the center of the room sits a man who introduces himself as the architect the program who created the matrix and finally he reveals the truth the first version of the matrix failed because it was too perfect and rejected as unreal by its inhabitants the second tried to account for this but failed again so a new program was created to investigate the human psyche this program came to be known as the oracle and she stumbled upon a solution people had to be given a choice to accept or reject the matrix even if only subconsciously so they created a new version with choice and 99 accepted it but the machines knew that the remaining one percent would become a problem if left unchecked so those who reject the simulation are allowed to escape into zion when zion grows too large the machines destroy it and restart the matrix this has happened five times before and is about to happen again the introduction of choice into the equation also had an unexpected side effect it led to an anomaly the one the architect has been unable to rid the program of this systemic anomaly so instead he incorporates it into their plan the life of the one is guided so that it always leads back here where the architect offers a choice the one must select 23 individuals 16 female 7 male to rebuild zion so after its destruction it can continue as humanity's illusory escape hatch and the one must return to the source allowing their code to be temporarily disseminated thereby removing the one as a threat until the anomaly reemerges and the cycle continues neo's five predecessors chose to comply with this process because they were guided throughout their lives to feel a strong connection with humanity so they always chose to sacrifice themselves for the continuation of the human race but the architect points out that neo is different he feels such a connection but he also feels something the others did not love for a specific person trinity neo shouts and inside the matrix trinity is pursued by an agent after shutting down the backup system without neo's help she will die and fulfill the vision from his nightmares so neo is given a choice one door leads to the source trinity and zion will die the matrix will restart with its seventh iteration and neo will select 23 individuals to start zion anew the cycle continues the other door leads back to the matrix neo can save trinity but this will lead to a system crash killing everyone connected to the matrix coupled with the extermination of zion this will result in the extinction of the human race neo chooses love he goes to the door leading back to the matrix and catches trinity just after she is shot by the agent as she dies he uses his powers as the one to reach inside her and remove the bullet her heart stops but he reaches inside her again and restarts it trinity lives and the two share a kiss in the real world neo breaks the news to morpheus that the prophecy was a lie the one was never meant to end anything but is just another system of control i don't believe that morpheus says benio points out that if the prophecy were true the war should have ended when he reached the source but as things stand zion is mere hours away from destruction i'm sorry neo says i know it isn't easy to hear but i swear to you it's the truth an alarm blares warning of nearby sentinels one that is out of emp range carries a bomb so they run from the ship and watch the nebuchadnezzar explode behind them i have dreamed a dream morpheus says but now that dream has gone from me more sentinels approach and they run again but neo sees that they will not make it suddenly he stops running something's different neo says i can feel them the sentinels approach neo holds up his hand and seemingly destroys the machines with his mind the sentinels fall and neo collapses unconscious then another ship the hammer arrives and rescues them neo's vitals are stable but he appears to be in a coma roland the hammer's captain informs them of what transpired in the real world while they were in the matrix several ships were preparing for a counter-attack against the sentinels but before they were in position an emp went off early taking down five ships and everyone aboard was slaughtered no one knows why the emp went off except one man among the wreckage an unconscious survivor was found bane though none of them are aware that his body is inhabited by the mind of smith and that he is the one who triggered the emp the ship's doctor reviews neo's neural scans and tells trinity that somehow they're identical to that of someone jacked into the matrix even though neo is in a coma and not plugged in meanwhile the ship receives a call from serif telling them to visit the oracle at once nia wakes at a train station with a young girl named saty staring at him she informs him that the train from here leads to the matrix that's where sati and her parents are going but neo cannot join them as the trained man won't allow it morpheus and trinity visit the oracle who now wears a different face since she was last seen the merovingian destroyed her but she was rebuilt with a new shell she tells them that neo is trapped in a place between this world and the machine world the link is controlled by a program called the train man he uses it to smuggle programs in and out of the matrix they must reach neo before the train man does as the train man works for the merrell vinjian and he has placed a bounty on their heads serif will guide them there at the train station neo meets sati's parents ramacandra and kamala neo notes that all three of them are programs and ramachandra explains why they are there he is the power plant systems manager for recycling operations and his wife is an interactive software programmer but they birthed a daughter who does not have a purpose within the program so she is slated for deletion they went to the merovingian for help and he arranged for the train man to smuggle her into exile meanwhile seraph brings trinity and morpheus to the train man but he refuses to help and evades their capture then at the train arrives at the station and the train man refuses neo entry neo threatens him but the train man built this place and has control over it he punches neo sending him flying into a wall and the train leaves neo tries running after it but the station is an impossible loop running through one end simply brings him back to the other having failed to reach neo before the train man serif trinity and morpheus go to the merovingian instead they fight their way past his guards and find him at the back of his club he agrees to speak though the conversation is ultimately fruitless he only agrees to return neo if they bring him the eyes of the oracle i don't have time for this [ __ ] trinity says then a brief battle ensues that ends with trinity's gun against the merovingian's forehead though seraph and morpheus are also trapped in a standoff with many guns pointed at them trinity makes a new offer give them neo or they all die he agrees to her terms and neo is freed before leaving the matrix neo visits the oracle he asks how he entered the matrix without jacking in and how he stopped four sentinels just by thinking it she explains that the source gives power to the one and that power extends beyond the matrix neo can feel and manipulate machines even when he's not hardwired in neo felt the source when he touched those sentinels but he wasn't ready for it he asks if it's true that zion will be destroyed at midnight like the architect said she assures him that the architect doesn't know for certain as he cannot account for choice in his projections he does not understand choice finally neo asks what she wants she answers that she wants the same thing as him the end of the war and she does not know if zion can be saved but she knows where nia will have to go to find out where neo asks you know where she answers but if he fails there may be no tomorrow for any of them everything that has a beginning has an end she says explaining that smith will soon have the power to destroy the matrix but he won't stop there he won't stop until there's nothing left at all what is he neo asks he is you she answers your opposite your negative the result of the equation trying to balance itself out neo wakes in the real world and excuses himself telling the crew he needs time inside the matrix smith and his army of copies reaches the oracle serif tries to sneak saty away who is left in the oracle's care but both are captured and turned into two more smith copies and he takes over the oracle as well but the smith clones watching are disturbed as the process seems more intense than usual smith removes his hand from the oracle's body once she is converted then he is taken aback when the new smith takes off his sunglasses the new smith then laughs maniacally as he is suddenly filled with the oracle's knowledge of the future in the real world bane possessed by smith finally wakes when interrogated he claims not to remember anything and captain roland tells the doctor to make him remember later roland is informed that the logos niobe's ship has been located though it appears to be powered down they disembark from the hammer to investigate and find niobe with a couple of her crew members alive they were taken down after an encounter with sentinels but the ship is intact and can be restarted with a jump from the hammer at the council commander locke explains that if the machines get inside the city the odds of survival decrease dramatically so their primary goal is to stop the digging machines at the dock their odds of success are low so lock will need as many soldiers as possible and has asked for additional volunteers and link's wife zee is among them she makes shells in preparation for the attack knowing that holding the dock is her only hope of ever seeing link again another volunteer is the kid that worships neo although he is under 18 and too young for enlistment he begs the captain of the armored personnel unit corps for a chance and captain mafuni allows it elsewhere naobi and roland discuss their next move with the swarm of sentinels digging their routes back to zion are limited niobi points out a support line they can fly through but roland is quick to protest saying the path is too narrow and twisted for anyone to pilot through it but niobe is confident she can do it finally neo returns and tells them he needs to take one of the two ships and fly to the machine city roland laughs at neo's insanity in 100 years no ship has ever gotten within a hundred kilometers of the machine city but niobe believes in neo and offers her ship the rest of them will consolidate on the hammer and she will pilot it through the support line back to zion at the infirmary the doctor prepares to administer a drug to help bane remember what happened but before she can he murders her as neo packs to leave trinity tells him that she's coming too even though she knows it's likely a one-way trip it was an honor sir neo says his parting words to morpheus no the honor is still mine morpheus replies trinity and neo leave for the machine city while myobi morpheus and the others leave for zion however trinity and neo are unaware that bane has snuck aboard their ship he attacks and locks trinity in the lower deck before turning a gun on neo forced to listen to the man's psychotic rambling neo realizes he is smith trinity frees herself and shuts down the ship's power during the distraction neo fights for the gun and gains the upper hand until bane grabs a live wire and plunges it into neo's eyes bane laughs at the now blind neo and prepares to kill him but sensing the machine programming in bain's body neo is able to see smith he dodges baine's attacks and strikes back killing him then he frees trinity and the two embrace he tells her that it'll be okay but she'll have to drive the armored personnel units or apus move to the dock and prepare for the sentinel's arrival zee and her friend chara also head to the dock where they'll operate a handmade bazooka together at the dock one of the diggers makes it through and a swarm of sentinels quickly follow the apu's fire back while zee chara and other soldiers go after the digger with their missiles hoping to stop it before it can reach the city missiles strike the machine but it keeps digging so zee and chara run for a better angle this time chara hits the machine's leg toppling and crippling it but this gets the attention of sentinels so zee and chara run to another spot locke and his team cheer at the destruction of the digging machine but their celebration is cut short as a second one arrives zee and chara move through the tunnels and attempt to attack the second machine but this time chara's missile is blocked by sentinels and again they're forced to run this time z gets away but chara is torn up by the machines in the midst of the battle the hammer approaches zion although the flight was difficult and they had to battle sentinels along the way naobi successfully traversed the support line with her ship only minutes away one of locke's men informs him that they'll be able to use the hammer's emp to take out the sentinels it'd take out more than that lock says it'll wipe out our entire defense system we blow an emp inside we lose the dock sir we already lost the dock the man replies another of his crew informs locke that sentinels damage the gate and they won't be able to open it for the hammer so they send word to the apu's that someone needs to manually open it most of the troops at the dock are killed but captain mafuni is one of the few still fighting when he calls for a reload the kid runs into the battlefield with ammo he reloads the apu then watches a swarm of sentinels engulf the captain after they pass the kid runs over with his dying breaths the captain tells him that he needs to open the gate so the hammer can get through at the command center lock communicates through the radio that the hammer will reach the gate in two minutes z overhears the message and knowing link is on that ship she runs to the gate just in time to zap a couple of sentinels that nearly stop the kid from reaching his goal with z's help he gets to the gate fires at the counterweight and opens it just as the hammer arrives aboard the ship link activates the emp and takes down all the nearby sentinels the ship lands reuniting z and link as people celebrate commander locke informs niobe roland and morpheus of their error the emp took down all of their defenses when the next wave of machines arrives they'll be helpless and moments later that wave arrives the teams fall back and seal the dock to buy some time but the sentinels repair the digging machines and they continue burrowing towards zion commander locke updates the council in less than two hours the machines will breach the city all humans will move to the temple where a narrow passage will force the machines into a bottleneck increasing the desperate odds of their last stand commander do you think that we have any chance of surviving one of the council members asks if i were you counselor i wouldn't ask me that question lock answers i would ask him he gestures toward morpheus why she asks because locke responds he's the one that believes in miracles elsewhere trinity and neo approach the machine city as they fly neo can feel the machines around him and see them as lights in his mind they are chased by machines but neo stops them just like he stopped the sentinels but they are overwhelmed and are forced to escape by flying up above the dark clouds for a moment trinity sees the sun and bright blue skies above the scorched clouds until they plummet back under to the wasteland of machines they crash land and in the impact trinity is impaled by pieces of the ship i've gone as far as i can she tells neo and he realizes that she is mortally wounded she tells neo that he has to save zion and she tells him that she loves him she tells him how grateful she is for every moment they had together and she asks for one more kiss before she dies neo weeps before crawling out of the ship he walks through the dark city which in his mind is bright and glowing an enormous machine flies in front of him and neo asks for a chance to speak a swarm of small machines creates the form of a face speak the deus ex machina says neo makes an offer the program smith has spread beyond the machine's control soon he will spread throughout the city just as he spread through the matrix the machines cannot stop him but neo can both are anomalies beyond the machine's control the machine asks what he wants in return and neo answers peace at zion the sentinels suddenly stand down while the machines give neo a chance to deliver on his promise although they don't know what's happening naobi and morpheus realize it is neo's doing he fights for us morpheus says the machines bring neo into the matrix where he finds a destroyed world of endless storms where every human has been replaced by smith they watch neo as he approaches a singular smith the one that imprinted onto the oracle he welcomes mr anderson back and tells him he's seen the future he knows how it ends so the rest of him will just sit back and enjoy the show we already know that i'm the one that beats you smith says the two fight their battle takes them from the streets to the skies and into a building neo is knocked down and smith takes the opportunity to thank neo for teaching him the purpose of all life the purpose of life is to end he says neo stands and beckons smith to attack again their fight continues until smith pounds neo into a crater in the ground smith asks nia why he keeps getting up does he even know what he's fighting for freedom truth perhaps love illusions mr anderson he rants vagaries of perception temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose neo stands again why mr anderson smith asks why why do you persist because i choose to neo answers they continue to fight and smith knocks neo down again suddenly smith realizes he is seeing an image from his premonition this is the end he knows he is supposed to say something and then he speaks everything that has a beginning has an end neo smith is confused why did he say that but hearing smith call him neo for the first time neo recognizes that the oracle is speaking through smith smith becomes frightened it's a trick he shouts neo stands and allows smith to overwrite him making one more copy is it over smith asks and the neo-smith nods the machines fire a destructive pulse into neo's body and with his mind embedded in the smith program his enemy finally faces destruction the world of the matrix is filled with light as the smiths explode in glowing brilliance outside the matrix neo's body convulses glows and falls lifelessly with his arms to his side and zion celebrates as the machines retreat inside the matrix the smiths fade and leave the people that overwritten behind including the oracle and satie the weather returns to normal and the architect approaches the oracle you played a very dangerous game he tells her referring to her risky manipulation of events to achieve peace he asks how long she thinks this piece will last as long as it can she replies and she asks if those in the matrix that want out will be released obviously they will be freed the architect replies i have your word the oracle asks insulted the architect replies what do you think i am human and he leaves her a brilliant sunset appears behind the city as serif and satya arrive sati tells the oracle that she made the sunset for neo and asks if they'll ever see him again i suspect so the oracle says someday did you always know seraph asks oh no no i didn't the oracle says but i believed i believed and now thankfully we know that the oracle was right we will see neo again in the matrix resurrections so if you enjoyed this video make sure to like subscribe and hit the bell icon that way you won't miss out when we talk about the fourth matrix movie thank you for watching and see you on the next one take
Channel: OneTake
Views: 3,446,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matrix, the matrix, the matrix explained, matrix recap, the matrix recap, the matrix trilogy recap, the matrix reloaded recap, the matrix revolutions recap, the matrix resurrections, the matrix 4
Id: -D5p9BmDKkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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