10 Things You Didn't Know About TheMatrix

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time to get unplugged from the matrix and join humanity's future war with machines released in 1999 the matrix tells the story of thomas anderson who goes by the online name of neo played by keanu reeves who believes that his otherwise mundane world is not all that it seems he meets up with morpheus played by laurence fishburne a mysterious figure who's perceived as being an online terrorist and a freedom fighter of truth who promises to give neo the answers to what the matrix is and after taking the red pill neo discovers that his life was a lie living in a virtual reality computer world known as the matrix and that the real world is a nightmarish destroyed place after humans went to war with artificial intelligence whom have created the matrix and keep most of the human race unknowingly imprisoned within its system it is believed that neo has been prophesied to be the one to end the war with the machines in this revolutionary science fiction masterpiece which mixes martial arts action with cyberpunk science fiction and co-stars carrie anne moss as fellow freedom fighter trinity and hugo weaving as agent smith a villainous computer program designed to stop people from leaving the matrix whom himself wants to break free from i can remember watching the matrix when it first came out in 1999 and it honestly blew my mind i had literally never seen anything quite like it before so today we are going to have our minds blown once again by looking into 10 things that you didn't know about the matrix let's check it out [Music] number 10 comic book origins the matrix was the brainchild of sibling directing team the wachowskis and when they first conceived the idea of the matrix they originally envisioned it to be a comic book the pair already had a history of writing comic books for marvel during the 90s such as ecto kid and a comic book series for hellraiser and night breed when it came to creating the matrix the wachowskis took inspiration from several different sources including hong kong kung fu movies stanley kubrick's 2001 a space odyssey and anime films like ghost in the machine and akira but as the matrix evolved more and more it became clear that this was way too ambitious for a comic book so it was written into a movie script instead number nine the matrix was part of a three picture deal [Music] funny enough the matrix probably wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the sylvester stallone action movie assassins yep feeling confused well let me explain the wachowskis wrote the script for assassins and in 1994 submitted the script to warner rovers warner brothers brought the rights to assassins along with two other scripts written by the wachowskis including the crime thriller bound and of course the matrix assassins was released in 1995 and the wachowskis themselves directed bound in 1996. bound gave the wachowskis some momentum as filmmakers and from there they wanted to get to work on the matrix it would have been a daring investment for warner brothers as the matrix production was going to cost over 60 million dollars thanks to all the sets and special effects required but thankfully big time hollywood producer joel silva came on board as producer which would have helped the project get off the ground as he had produced many successful action movies like predator and die hard to help fully realise their vision to the studio the wachowskis hired comic book artists jeff darrow and steve scross to draw up an entire storyboard presentation of the film and thus the matrix was in production number 8 the matrix could have been a will smith vehicle for the movie's main heroic lead of neo the wachowskis turned their attention to will smith and offered him the role but he turned it down to star in well wild wild west instead despite the film he chose being a commercial and critical dud smith has since said that he doesn't think that he would have been right for the role as he was not mature enough of an actor at that time other actors considered for the role included nicolas cage brad pitt and val kilmer all of whom declined in the end it was down to a choice between johnny depp and keanu reeves and so reeves won the part during the 90s reeves had proven himself to be a top notch action movie star having appeared in point break speed and chain reaction but yeah just think about that for a second will smith could have been in the matrix one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time and chose to star in wild wild west instead a movie notoriously known for being awful damn will smith i love you mate and i think that you're one of the best actors of our modern time but yeah you really chose the wrong movie here but still keanu reeves does a brilliant job as neo he is convincing in the action scenes and brings a lot of vulnerability and likability to the parts number seven other casting possibilities both gary oldman and samuel jackson were considered for the role of morpheus till lawrence fishburne landed the part bringing with him great wisdom to the role there are rumors that sean connery was also offered the part but apparently they are just rumors fishburn was also asked to take inspiration from the morpheus character from the sandman comics when it came to performing the part janet jackson was offered the role of trinity but she had to turn it down due to other commitments she later regretted this saying turning down the part was not easy for her carrie anne moss took on the part of trinity instead where she brings a lot of heart to the role while being total badass not falling into the usual just a love interest trope jean reno was offered the role of agent smith but turned down the part when he found out that the movie was going to be filmed in australia as he didn't want to move there while filming was taking place so hugo weaving took the part instead who didn't have a problem with the filming location being an australian native himself in fact a lot of the actors cast in the movie said things like when they read the script they didn't understand it or even know how the hell the movie could be made but they believed in the project thanks to the wachowskis number six preparation for filming before filming began on the matrix the cast had to get themselves trained both mentally and physically to get in the mindset of the movie the cast were asked to read the french philosophical book simulacra and simulation which challenges both the boundaries of reality and society along with symbolism in both media and culture they also had to read the book out of control which explores the idea of society and intelligence being like a bee hive structure yeah these books were pretty heavy reading and not to mention pretty complicated too they also had to explore the theory of evolutionary psychology the cast also had to partake in four months of training for the movie's fighting and martial arts scenes chinese filmmaker yuen woo ping was hired to work on the movie's martial arts scenes and was helping the actors to find their own style of martial arts techniques what didn't help is that during the vigorous training keanu reeves were still getting over spinal surgery of which could be restrictive for him and during the training hugo weaving would sustain a hip injury which also required surgery but on film all the actors look like professional martial artists number five filming location most of the matrix was filmed at fox studios in sydney australia as well as on location filming taking part around the city of sydney it was believed that sydney could pass off as an american city and looked slightly futuristic australia was a cheaper location for filming and the sydney fox studios was fairly new at the time as it opened in 1998 at that stage not many hollywood movies were being filmed in australia just three years prior the mighty muffin power rangers movie was also filmed in sydney along with other films being filmed in australia like the island of dr moreau and parts of the phantom movie but australia hadn't quite gotten its foothold in the hollywood movie business yet however after the matrix many films were suddenly being filmed in the land down under including the star wars prequels where there was a sudden boom in hollywood movies being filmed in australia so the matrix is an important chapter in the history of filmmaking in australia although while filming the matrix they had to make sure that they didn't capture any famous sydney landmarks like the sydney harbour bridge or the opera house in fact in the entire matrix series there are background characters who are played by australian actors who had previously starred in australian tv shows like blue healers heartbreak high and home and away and so on number four onset accidents actors had to really throw themselves in their roles and go above and beyond for the scene where neo wakes up in the real world keanu reeves shaved his head and lost 15 pounds in order to look malnourished and of course there were scrapes along the way too during one of her action scenes carrie and moss badly injured her leg the scene where morpheus and neo were training in the dojo caused the actors to receive several bumps and bruises due to the close contact that was required for that scene reeves became frustrated as he had difficulties performing the triple kick move which caused filming the scene to be postponed however he did manage to do the maneuver three days later however the person who suffered the most injuries during filming was keanu reeves stunt double who while filming was inflicted to broken knees broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder but as i often say on this show there is always going to be injuries on set particularly with action movies number three recycled movie set [Music] at the start of the movie we see the trinity character running on a rooftop in order to avoid the agents where we see that impressive rooftop jump the rooftop was actually a set left over from fellow science fiction movie dark city which was released one year prior in 1998. the irony is several people have noticed that there are a lot of similarities between dark city and the matrix they are both science fiction movies about questioning false societies which are secretly prisons being controlled by evil overlords they were both filmed in australia and they both have a green filter over their screen presentations giving the picture a green tint and they are both surreal mind-bending stories exploring breaking the boundaries of reality and on top of that both movies have cyberpunk visuals the biggest difference is the matrix is more action movie and dark city is more noir thriller but no doubt about it the two movies are very similar in fact i've seen some fans claim that dark city could have been a more widespread movie but was overshadowed by the eventual release of the matrix i personally think the reason the matrix took off commercially more than dark city is because it did feel more like a hollywood movie and felt more proactive with its action movie approach and had stars that were more bankable at that time however i love both movies and see them both as parallel companion pieces of each other they both represent a time when an interest was growing in hollywood of cyberpunk simulated worlds and breaking free from those worlds it's just that the matrix managed to take off and dark city didn't but that doesn't make dark city less of a movie and the fact that these two movies share the same set binds them even closer together let's not forget that also at this time there was the even lesser known thirteenth floor which was once again about characters downloading themselves into computerized worlds number two the bullet time sensation one of the most memorable aspects of the matrix the one that everyone was talking about was the famous bullet time effect where the camera does a 360 degree view of keanu reeves bending backwards in order to avoid bullets in slow motion while the camera is used at normal speed nothing like this had ever been seen before and back in 1999 this looks spectacular the special effect technique was created for the movie and yes bullet time is the actual name of the effect before filming the scenes with keanu reeves they first did test filming with a trash can of all things i know i'm not the only one to point this out but in the early 2000s there was a sudden influx of matrix parodies that were spoofing the fight scenes from the matrix and i mean these parodies were everywhere even shrek which came out two years later was mocking the matrix bullet time effect like i thought it was being funny and clever but thankfully the bullet time parodies died down in time number one uploading success matrix was released in march in the states in april in australia and would go on to make over 465 million dollars on a 63 million dollar budget making it a financial hit it was the fifth highest grossing movie of 1999 as well as also being the highest grossing r rated movie of that year the matrix would also go on to win four academy awards and of course was praised by critics and audiences alike with it being described as spectacular not only has the matrix brand become a pop cultural landmark but also a subculture in its own right and still is to this day and still to this day it's often quoted and referenced and even philosophized beyond the spectacular action sequences and razzle dazzle momentum of the movie what i love most about the matrix is to me it's a powerful movie with a powerful message of liberation breaking free from slavery and breaking free from the binds and restraints placed on us by society its message is that we can be free if we want to and be who we want to be without society restrictions telling us otherwise a movie that challenges our thinking and perceptions and dares to ask us if you could would you go down the rabbit hole and take the red pill [Music] i love this movie i loved it back in 1999 and still love it now 21 years later i swear this movie doesn't age and only gets better and more relevant in time it's a movie that is easy to see why it's celebrated so much and it's as much of an important science fiction movie as say star wars or terminator 2. so go back and re-enter the world of the matrix and give it another viewing anyway i'm minty and remember no one can be told what the matrix is you have to see it for yourself see ya [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 243,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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