50 Cent Speaks on Kanye West, Tory Lanez, Elon Musk, and Apologizes to Meg Thee Stallion | Interview

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little dirt NBA young boy the baby they're all 50 Cent mm-hmm you see what I'm saying like I watch them like those ones that I look at because I go oh I hope they can navigate themselves I I'm gonna apologize to making this diet I um I said some things but and it was because on social media I posted things that when she said uh she was with Gail and she said that uh she said were you intimate with Tory Lanez and she said uh what Big Boy's Neighborhood all righty Now 50 Cent is in the neighborhood and fifth I told you I want to do something with you call 50s two cents yeah there's certain things that's going on Bad Bunny throwing the Fan's phone into the water she comes up she's doing a lot you know what I'm saying and he takes the phone throw it into the water what do you feel um I guess she was uncomfortable with the uh you know taking the place you could get agitated at some points big like everybody's human you know what I'm saying there's no I don't know what she did or what she said ahead of that that's what I was saying like we see a snapshot of something Have you ever taken a phone and threw it in the water no no do you take pictures with fans yeah how do you how do you tell a fan no well even when you say no I'm I'm on my way that they don't necessarily accept you though right right you know what I'm saying so yeah I just said you're gonna say some other [ __ ] like yo uh whatever they say oh I don't really like you that way anyway do you feel you owe a fan that you know people say oh it comes with the territory you know look it does wow and it stays for the light bill not worrying about the light bill that's good that's why these are my guys from Japan I charge them 35 000 to sit in here for this interview I'm just playing he looked like he didn't know where the money was he's like what my dad makes what amen alrighty Gabrielle Union just recently revealed that she cheated in one of her past relationships in her first marriage because she was the bread winner uh alrighty since she paid all the bills and she could pretty much do what she wanted does the breadwinner have that pass to cheat and is it crazy coming from Gabrielle Union yeah that's crazy that she's even said that yeah because I I don't think that it matters who's making more money I think it matters the terms of the relationship how you get involved in it right because I think friendship is the strongest form of a relationship you know that's why you have friends since first grade and people play standards you know what you should ask a person you should ask them where that concept of a relationship is coming from because if the concept is coming from tradition then it may not naturally match up with the way we live right now we live in our traditional times this is modern times you know so if they're using their parents relationship as the way it should be right hello chances are that their mom was a little more submissive or different because she couldn't earn the same money when we talking about Gabrielle having more money right than the person that she was with and then the like I say and I mean how it depends on how how they come into it like I think if you nobody complains like if you think look at this if you have if women under different circumstance let's say the woman was a porn star big right if you're dating a woman who was appointed she has no there's no such thing as cheap right yeah you I've heard people saying the relationship like oh that's work yeah oh she went to work yeah okay so the way that was worked and it didn't matter if she asked you if you slept with somebody like and you say yeah yeah but that was nothing that was nothing ain't that the same as that was work and see when me it depends on who it is like if I knock down like Oprah Winfrey but she can do whatever she wants you know what I'm saying like Oprah can do whatever she wants she ain't even got a lie like she could be leaving the house and I'll just be like do you need me to pick you up or you know what I'm saying but do you think that she looks at a man like if he's not bringing in more than her that uh he should be under whatever I think so oh it was a for saying that I mean like just saying I I'm I was the bread wanted like making more money so now he should just go with whatever I say until what if until she go find something she like right now I hear you like because this is really what we're talking about this is whole [ __ ] man this is like the mentality of of someone that is a hoe because she's saying if if you got more got a bigger bag big then I'll listen right stay home but if their bag ain't right I'm out that's the whole that's Hotel you know that's that be the clickbait 50 Cent calls okay all right you set this up baby right now the mentality look at the mentality connected to it you still going to dunking it bro you said it Jesus Christ man we already got the two points if you say look if the guy has to have more money than you for you to be cool or just tell him still then we got it big that means you experience a low Point [ __ ] then what then she has the right to go out because she's earning more than you at that at that point this is whole [ __ ] like we're not saying it that not male female but just a cross stroke this is what the hoes would do right under circumstances of now he's okay he was up for a second now he's not and she's Junior got more right so she's rolling over there but to have Gabrielle say it it's crazy 52 cents Kanye West oh man I don't know what to Big I I said this uh I don't think um I really didn't know what the goal was yeah that one I just I didn't know because he was he just was saying everything you're not supposed to say and and I think intentionally first because remember it was White lives matter first and then nobody jumps on them because right yeah we people try yeah but yeah but they didn't have that it didn't have that effect you know because but she angered them you know anger some people with that and then just go taking it a step further and then he just stepped in on a landmark you know what it's you know what it is to have these relationships with these big Brands and for him to have that relationship with Adidas and what happened how do you feel about that situation uh well look all all corporations they have you got guidelines bro like it may have been terms in this contract that he could uh have uh freedom of speech and be say whatever he wants to say you know but that made him a little comfortable enough to to double down in the area he shouldn't have double down do you have guidelines because there's some times when I see like man you could be a brand and you'll do things and then I'll see other stuff and I'm like what the hell no there's no guidelines but yeah is big in areas that that like the goal like if you don't have a goal like if you're going what is the purpose of like what was why is he saying what are you saying like what what where does that go where do you go get to next following that and I didn't understand where that was what he was doing like you know who he's upset these two cents I just didn't realize what what that was making the stallion uh versus Tory Lanez the guilty verdict everything yeah I I'm gonna apologize to making this time um I said some things but and it was because on social media I posted things that when she said uh she was with Gail and she said that uh she said were you intimate with Tory Lanez and she said uh what and it was like no I was like ah she lying at that point I knew she was she's lying it wouldn't be no reason for me to be around each other and then um from that it felt like she was lying to me you know what I'm saying so I was like little things will pop up and I wasn't being supportive of it right you're a little more vocal yeah and the only reason why I feel like you know at some point you should apologize I should apologize to us because um when I heard the uh the phone conversation yeah that that made me feel like oh [ __ ] now I know what happened yeah you know I mean like and I I'm sure that that was probably what um with uh sway people in court too man Elon Musk running Twitter yeah yeah man I just it's another one and then what he bought it for yeah it's a lot I'm like but why but well I guess it means that these things are controlling more than we than we think that like the you see how he started putting out some of the stuff that the in politics oh the speaker of the house yeah and being guided yeah through like certain things that there was censoring so they didn't surface during the election and it's it's it is controlling uh the masses through things that a lot of your news comes through the social media first and then oh my Lord does it we're looking at that instant all right I guess that's I didn't realize that was that that important at that point you know it tells me that it is a lot more sometimes things are simple but it feels like it could be a lot more complex but but when you look at it oh why would you want that like I don't understand why you what's the play yeah all right uh Master P and Romeo we we've seen what I thought was a beautiful bond with Master P and Romeo over the years you see now that Master P and Romeo they were kind of going at it father and son you know what I'm saying and Romeo said a lot of things about Master P his father and you've been in a position where publicly you and your son right also went at it as well where do you see what's your two cent on Master P and Romeo knowing that you've been there as well well I think that that situation is different I think that um got it they may have some uh like a disagreement but um they'll be back being Master P and Romeo we know yeah you know what I'm saying and the other uh I don't know these are some things about like money and stuff like that that stuff is going to come right it's gonna come back peace is prolific man this guy's been the first the first time I went on a tour it was with Master P wow wow like he took me to uh you see how snoops respect for Master P is yeah man one billion percent yeah he's one of those guys that he'll find a way yeah like it may not necessarily even if he's hitting the spot at the moment like anybody who has a long enough career has Peaks and valleys in it yeah man you know but he's he's one of those guys that'll figure it out and then there's a um what I say about about peace he was he was slick big like he came he gave me the money for the eight shows right we did four of them he said oh man something happened we gotta have to take a break we just we just come back and do the other four later when I came back to do the other four I had already sold two million yeah man today's price I came back he had already paid me so I had to do the shows but he put that he put them last fours together around he was like yo look he came he's like this mother was on fire this is gonna go off and he said yo so he smoked he paid for the eight shows we did four of them and then he was like yo don't man this didn't happen in this the problem you know we're gonna take a break and then we'll come back for the last four you know you already got paid so don't worry we would do we do and you said by that time back to the last four I was already double Platinum can we renegotiate yeah are you ever when you get into like a beef and you're an equal opportunity to Destroyer you know what I'm saying I mean you would go uh do you go after any kids because I know you go after men women it doesn't matter what nationality imagine you know what I'm saying like I try not to do you go into every battle knowing that you like there's no fear well yeah you gotta look fear is optional it's always but Danger's real um you know so you gotta look you gotta know who you're talking to but you talk to everybody and I don't think that you go and say oh I'm not saying nothing about this person because this person is a beast you know what happened what I was doing was I I don't like to start I can always you said this before bro yeah I could always show you everyone pick on you they did right that's something to agitate right like you look what did Madonna do without a I just looked I said the first time I said look you had to adjust what's going on you can't be like a virgin at 63. you see me doing different things television to find my coordinates again in in yeah it's a market price now right now you have to change you can't be the same artist you didn't have a number to call Madonna and say hey Madonna send her a note yeah I'm pretty sure it did there's a Six Degrees of Separation when you see things that like online because it's that's really what it is it's the photographs and stuff come through the feed right and I go what like because she had like yeah because she did put it out stuck under the bed like the booties up in the air yeah 63 Grandma yeah yeah today yeah come from under the bed grandma Yeah Grandma are you stuck are you stuck waiting for the hit Life Alert all kind of yeah I'm like yo I imagine like and now I'm saying to my imagination I go who's taking the picture is her kids taking the picture yeah Lord of this oh man oh man so so you put that out and she sees it yeah do you feel bad when when she it's like oh he's a bully or do you ever feel bad I tell you the truth I really I really was uncomfortable when uh she kind of jumped out there on the baby I mean you know I've been on social media how long ago like or the baby said he made a mistake oh the baby okay okay he made a mistake he said some things right on stage right right and she jumped out there like she was going for the kill on him um you know what I'm saying and I looked I'm going I know I know the mistake I know who they are right you know what I'm saying like a little dirt NBA young boy the baby they're all 50 Cent mm-hmm you see what I'm saying like I watch them like those ones that I look at because I go oh I hope they can navigate themselves right so they don't they don't stop saying this yes yeah like now you can send in and make their way through it because and now the everything is you know magnified and Amplified now too it's nothing big and you don't see since the pandemic when people do things it's a little more blatant this is the news you look at the news it's a little more blade like that when they come they come like there's a movie now it's not even like that you don't worry about it no you're going you don't worry about cancer culture huh huh why would you cancel things that are great for the culture right right like I mean like I I was like cancel like Monique why is she canceled I had to revisit that because it was like it didn't make sense to me I'm like what did she do she said something you didn't like like so she didn't work for 13 years after that right and then I know Tyler wouldn't support that he never told anybody nobody not to work with him Tyler Perry yeah when I talked to him he was like nah I never told no one not to work with her and I said but you Tyler Perry and you never told anyone to work with it wow you know what I'm saying and he was like I never looked at it like that because I said you you just got to consider how like how strong it influences at that point because it hasn't happened like you say some things that I get scared of yeah you know I I get to a point I'm like man dude they know my algorithm and seen this you know what I'm saying I'm like man like this this guy hey Renee and Renee is here to do do you ever get nervous Renee when he step away with his phone oh okay the Renee was like nah nah we've been rocking for years you know what's crazy I think when the new Channel's open right when you when you do have the platform because you got to have a hit that they don't expect for them to look at you like maybe you have something like you got your finger on the post or something like like Jimmy would go even Jimmy Alvin would go when uh the first time I heard uh uh Chief Keef the uh [ __ ] I don't like that that's the [ __ ] this is crazy I played it in the in with Jimmy because I just got it like I just heard it and he was like who's get that kid to uh not him not Chief Keef or whoever produced that get him uh there's a chop got to L.A wow because he he needed to put him in the room with Drake because whatever musically is going on there is crazy and that's anything nude is changing he would look and say look look Quincy Jones era of uh production would be get me that bass player from over there that plays bad and put him in here with with him he's the best basketball players right like I'm All Star bring everybody all together and it's almost a jam session to to they already got the song written they already got everything and it comes together gels together as they as they go and um Jimmy was similar to finding things like so he was looking what he would do is if he saw something come out and it stood out like it was significant you go get that guy bring him out here so I can get some Chief Keef ended up coming in let's go too because me and Eminem was there y'all were like a magnet to people too though yeah you look you go who's over there like yeah I want I don't want to live with nobody who's had success that I want a mirror that in that place then you're going nah I don't know about that like because ain't nobody over there popping and you're going out so I'm gonna be the only thing there and even though right yeah yeah the only thing that like that might be interesting too but I don't know if they're gonna know how to get it to that position hey man when we talk about like social media and things that and and you being up for every fight there's nothing that not that either embarrasses you or like okay the penis enlargement lawsuit I would have disappeared I don't know what this is this can't disappear see when they do first off what is this penis enlargement lawsuit well it's it's somebody from a medispa that uh got a facial at the spot I was dead with the girls girl because your skin does look good go ahead I'm trying to get it together yeah so I'm getting efficient because I'm waiting on her she's doing what she's doing right and I took the picture with her and then she puts it up when she says something about King and that's what oh you see what I'm saying like it's not bro that's that's definition so you just taking a picture but you dare getting a facial but then she almost asset adds it to penis enlargement yes wow but you didn't get your penis enlarged from her my penis was enlarged since I was little okay so so why is it important to go back and get like a slander or defamation a character or whatever this falls under it just it sends a message to the public not to do it and it's cool we can go through that until they uh really wish they didn't do that right you know what I'm saying like so this isn't about money it's it's principle too like uh you ain't gonna do that the money then you the lawyers I spent millions of dollars anyway hey bro how much have you spent on lawyers since you've been in the game 20 I spent 23 million dollars always oh hey man that's what somebody wished that they won in the lottery damn and I give it to the lawyers to defend myself at points because I get to lawsuits whether they probe me or other things that I got to deal with have you ever gotten something where you're like man this could end me um nah not really you know I get into situations and a lot of it is I look at it like it's the cost of business because it's frivolous stuff but you still have to pay if you want the best attorneys right big money so Stars season two it is definitely going down man BMF how for one not only having a successful season one right and especially something that we were wondering man is this really gonna be true is it really yeah you know what I'm saying because we hold these kind of stories extremely close and there's a way somebody can always eff it up yeah yeah you know what I'm saying like the Tupac movie bro man and you know what's crazy when you say the Tupac movie I liked the Tupac movie which is great yeah man they had a hookah in it did it was like it was big it was stuffed it wasn't in the timelines and I'm looking going what's oh man damn organically I thought that following that would be Snoop right right after that there's nothing to do but still yeah the success of that project and that's why I was waiting for that to get to that to go when you get the BMF big this is one of the stories that you know I had to be around it closer to it for for it to make sure it was the right way I had two writers that I the first two guys that I I brought on to do it uh Josh and Darnell they went we struggled with it because Stars was having issues they kept changing creative Executives and stuff like that at the the network so um we couldn't just get it in pocket right away and then uh they went on Josh and Darnell to write the Transformers the new Transformers movies they did uh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles they did uh Hannibal for uh HBO they don't have no credit as we know but we got two more they got yeah they got two two new TV shows out of my because I had 22 television shows at the present moment of course 10 networks two of them are with Josh and Darnell right so they were the first choice and and not the right choice for BMF guys Huggins was the guy for it all the way like he's from Detroit all of that energy that they put what up dog when you walk in you feel his energies it's a whole Detroit thing from d and he was able to uh to give it something that I don't think that they would have ever nailed that even the casting though bro like when you think about like man I'm telling a story that's dear to people and then you get family you know what I'm saying explain that when I say you get family well when the the it is a family drama you know when you start out it's two brothers like and and little brother following his big brother yeah into a lifestyle and then and you know we know how often that that that's the way things go like the younger brother follows his big brother and and into anything you know I mean and that that is it's some of it it's Universal like it's just the way we we function as people but um the story I think it works so well like because it's a uh I think that's the part that everybody understands that the family portion of it the family drama and then you add the stakes of of how uh I like to say the the of the lifestyle the fast life and then you put because you know they made it so far I look at BMF like it's a long version of the push it to your limit montage you know when Tony's got the tiger and then the the the weddings in the back and and the bags of money are going to the bank like it's it's because it kind of goes upward the entire time so that aspirational thing that is within our culture within hip-hop and youth culture is going to completely be gratified with every season because they're getting bigger and they're getting bigger and again amen and when you get like you know everybody big meets the name even people that don't know meech or even that weren't even alive or didn't even know about BMF right people either they knew about Big Meech then or they know now you know but then when you go and you you do your casting how does that fall into your hands well look I I did a casting in Atlanta for BMF right and 3 200 people it's like that Street's blocked off it was crazy like this is the beauty of it big because people understand the characters in these shows they're going this is not 3200 trained actors right right these are 3 200 people they're like yo let me see yeah yeah yeah yeah I could pull it up I can pull this so I could get no I know I know the cow I know what to do this is me you know I'm saying like and when when you see people character Floyd characters that have imperfections that you relate to that you know somebody like that or you know someone would do that then it's easier for you to feel like you could connect with it and perform and perform it how many big meetings do you look at before you find a Big Meech that's just in the bloodline we had so many like people come through to read the different lines they was reading the lines and doing it and it was like oh that's cool I was like I'm looking and I'm like why because little me just sitting there yes the Braves you got BMF tattooed on his neck he's like you see I'm like yo he's watching other people audition to play his dad stop right next to me and then I'm going yo when I left the the auditions I flew back and um I called them the next morning and I said yo how about you player and he go I said you because I had to I moved them to L.A to get him out of Atlanta to move into L.A to so you can work with acting coaches and then um Tasha Smith's was one of the uh the strong influences with developing me getting working with him until he was ready to actually do it and then when he came because first he got they didn't take it like he made a bad take he made the bad tape and he was like yo you're so down and I was like but you could see it yeah I know he was I've seen him perform that better than that right in the tape so I'm like no don't worry like it was good for him though because when he realized and these are the executive that's also kind of had a a word a decision making they're going look you got a a a new actor you're gonna put him in the lead why and then not just being the the bloodline because he could eff it up it's not like it's authentic like oh it's his son like he could have did bad yeah not big no you're going once I see him performing it and it's and it's not bad and I had you know people watching over them like did multiple workshops going on at the same time working in he's in class and acting every day so he spent about about uh how long was about 12 12 months damn almost and then 12 16. and no acting before right just and that's a whole usually you get other actors that have that kind of discipline right like man I'm gonna lock myself in on this you know what I'm saying for somebody that's that's not their passion too but to lock in because he already was his superhero is that yeah so you know he all of the stories all the things that he hear all the information in it with meech he go yo I don't know if you intended to do it when you did that but you moved him closer to me wow because he's spending his time memorizing the lines yeah like this happened so how when did this like now when he talks to him he's talking to him different yeah he probably learned a lot in those pages too and even just the research and everything yeah and it was I mean I think look from there I gotta I'ma I'm gonna straighten them up too cause he wasn't there now he's doing a little too much outside [Music] he comes with the stardom BMF season two man make sure you guys check it out new night Friday January 6th make sure you guys check it out we got 50 Cent in the neighborhood big boys [Music]
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 2,487,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50 cent, 50 cent interview, 50 cent super bowl, 50 cent eminem, 50 cent dr dre, 50 cent bmf, bmf, BMF, bmf season 2, 50 cent first pitch, 50 cent pitch, 50 cent in da club, 50 cent full interview, 50 cent 8 mile, kanye west, megan thee stallion, tory lanez, megan thee stallion tory lanez, elon musk, bad bunny, big boy, big boy’s neighborhood, bigboytv, 50 cent big boy, interview, 50cent, BMF Season 2, big boy neighborhood, nba youngboy, lil durk, dababy, 50 cent beef
Id: I8RtzdDxgXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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