50 Advanced English Fluency Phrases | English Conversation Skills

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Hi guys and welcome back to Love English in  today's lesson you are joining me in my kitchen   because where better than a kitchen to talk about  advanced conversation phrases i don't know about   you but very often i find that my conversations  tend to happen in the kitchen while i'm making   a cup of tea or doing the cooking so i thought as  a change of location why not right bear with me a   second i'm just gonna make my cup of tea and then  we'll be getting on with the lesson 50 advanced   fluency phrases and i do mean advanced many of  these are more c1 plus they'll be great to use in   any kind of exam like ielts and indeed if you are  simply looking to boost your conversation skills   now if you are perhaps not c one level if you are  not an advanced speaker you can still definitely   make use of many of these phrases just pace  yourself you don't need to rush to use all 50   choose 10 useful expressions that you think you  could use in conversation and practice using them   until you feel confident then move on to another  10. i have tried to categorize these expressions   as best i can but they're actually expressions  that i use in day-to-day english over the past few   weeks i've been noting down any kind of expression  that i think would be useful in conversation that   i personally use and here we have it 50 advanced  fluency phrases but first let's make that cover right guys have you got that cup of tea ready  coffee is also acceptable so let's get started   50 fluency phrases advanced fluency phrases that  you can use in day-to-day english day-to-day   conversation to boost your fluency skills sound  a little bit more native and of course express   yourself better now as i mentioned previously  i have tried to categorize these expressions so   that you can perhaps learn them in chunks rather  than learning everything in the video 50 phrases   is quite a lot to learn in one go and of course  the idea is you actually use these phrases not   just write them down on a piece of paper and never  actually practically understand how to incorporate   them in a conversation now i say 50 fluency  phrases i've actually kept it to 49 and i would   like you to comment below and share number 50. an  advanced expression it could even be an idiom that   you have heard people use in conversation that  you think would be useful to others let's begin   by looking at sharing your opinion now  i'm not going to be using in my opinion   from my point of view these expressions have  slightly different connotations but in essence   they are trying to express your opinion number  one keep in mind keep in mind that you should   really consider the cost of traveling not just  the time it takes now the expression keep in mind   is encouraging someone to think for themselves  you are sharing your opinion but you're doing   it in a more indirect way so keep in mind is  telling someone don't forget remember consider   something that maybe they haven't done  before so you're perhaps manipulating them to   consider your point of view or something that you  have thought about before so keep in mind the best   way to learn english is to study daily number  two i'm inclined to i'm inclined too inclined   is basically hedging language you're being  tentative you're being careful rather than saying   i think i feel i believe which can be very strong  when you're having a conversation with someone and   can actually make someone basically go against  what you're saying by saying i'm inclined to   believe think side with you're saying that this is  your opinion it's not completely fixed it's not so   strong and arrogant as to not consider other  people's opinion but you're inclined you have   a tendency to think this way it's really very  effective in sharing your opinion and trying to   convince someone of it so i'm inclined to believe  that westminster university is one of the best for   business master's degrees i've been doing a bit  of research on this lately for a student of mine   so i am inclined to think that westminster is a  great choice number three verging on verging on   you can put a gerund or a noun with this verging  on the ridiculous verging on insulting verging on   ridiculous you don't have to have that there but  sometimes we can add it his attitude was verging   on arrogant verging on arrogant so when we talk  about something verging on you're saying it almost   is essentially it is but again it's hedging it's  trying to be a little bit more tactful in sharing   your opinion his attitude at the conference was  virgin on arrogant i can't believe what he said   her attitude was verging on lazy really does  she think she can pass an exam without doing any   revision saying something is the most important  thing we have the expression first and foremost   first and foremost i think you need to save some  money before you think about traveling first and   foremost you need to invest in a good dictionary  if you want to improve your vocabulary skills   so this is saying i believe something is  the most important thing to do first and   foremost if you want to say definitely not if  you want to be really strong in your opinion   then you could say and be careful how  you use this not in any way shape or form   not in any way shape or form am i going to that  party while she's there not in any way shape or   form do i think spending 1 000 pounds a night  on a hotel is a good investment for a holiday   not in any way shape or form definitely not  okay when something has already happened and   you think about it in retrospect you're looking  back and you want to talk about maybe you were   wrong in your opinion or your judgment you  could say with the benefit of hindsight or   in hindsight hindsight what a word perhaps you've  never come across that before but it's essentially   saying if i knew what i did now then then yes  probably i would have made a different decision   you can only really understand an event after  it's happened when you're talking in hindsight   so for example with the benefit of hindsight  perhaps we should have left earlier for the   airport i definitely didn't expect that much  traffic on the roads i'll know better next time   with the benefit of hindsight right again  another strong one when you're saying there is   no discussion here no ifs and buts no ifs and buts  no ifs or buts you are coming to dinner tonight i   insist so there's no discussion this is what's  happening it's a very strong way of sharing your   opinion but usually done in a nice way it doesn't  mean that you have to kind of enforce something   you believe you're perhaps inviting someone as i  just gave the example to dinner and you're saying   no ifs or buts i am gonna cook you a lovely meal  you've had such a hard week i want to treat you   no ifs or buts i am paying for dinner tonight  seriously so yes you can use no ifs and buts no   ifs or buts i would be more inclined to say no ifs  or buts no ifs or buts click that notifications   bell so you know when we've uploaded new lessons  i'm serious now if you want to change your mind   and you're perfectly entitled to do this whether  it's on your position your viewpoint or on a   decision you've made on second thoughts on second  thoughts on second thoughts i think it's a much   better idea if we leave in the morning rather  than the afternoon we'll beat traffic that way   and second thoughts maybe i should  study in the uk rather than america yeah   okay a well-earned break have a sip of your tea  or coffee moving on to number nine and the next   section inviting others to share their opinion  there is no conversation when it's just one way   part of having an effective conversation no matter  the language you speak is by inviting others to   share their opinion so number nine what's your  take on it what's your take on vaccinations   bit of a taboo subject a bit controversial what's  your take on the covid vaccinations there's a lot   of controversy surrounding getting vaccinated and  i'm not going to share my opinion here but i might   do in the comments section if you share yours  what's your take on covered vaccinations what do   you think a little bit more informal here guys um  but definitely one that we would use often reckon   what do you reckon what are you what do you reckon  what do you reckon reckon is an informal slang   almost for think basically it's a synonym of  what do you reckon uh studying english what   do you reckon do you need to study every day or  do you think just a few times a week is enough   number 11 i would say this is nice in a more  formal context perhaps in a business environment   in a meeting what are your thoughts on what are  your thoughts on the proposal do you think we   should go with sally's suggestion or do you think  bob might have a point what are your thoughts on   some lovely ways to invite someone to share  their opinion now when you want to show your   understanding or clarify your understanding rather  than say can you repeat this or what do you mean   you could try some of these expressions i take  it you think we should go with sally's proposal   meaning i understand this is what you think i  gather you haven't told bob that you're not able   to make the meeting tomorrow because he seemed  to think you'd be there i gather i understand   i was under the impression we get christmas eve  off work so what's going on have we got to come   in so i was under the impression as this is what  i believe to be true but i guess maybe i'm wrong   i was under the impression we got christmas eve  off work how annoying if we have to actually work   i'm not sure i follow i'm not sure i  follow now when you want someone to clarify   something their proposal their thoughts etc and  perhaps you didn't quite understand what they   said you can just say i'm not sure i follow i'm  not sure i follow you're saying love english is   one of the best channels out there ah interesting  now also when you're showing your understanding   and you want to show that perhaps you are  beginning to agree with someone's point of view   you could use when you put it like that when  you put it like that yes that definitely   does make sense yeah when you put it like that i  definitely think we should invest the money better   when someone says something interesting and you  want to show you've acknowledged what they've said   you've understood what they've said and you're  going to really think about it you can use the   idiomatic expression that's food for thought  that's food for thought a master's degree you say   in london that's food for thought  it could be a really good idea   number 18 it poses the question it poses  the question so when their someone's opinion   actually raises an issue you make a really  good point but it poses the question   do we have enough staff to manage the project is  sally the best person to run the project number 19   be that as it may be that as it may so when  someone has said something and actually there's   truth to it you still want to highlight something  that they've missed be that as it may so someone   might say this project is going to bring in  a lot of money it's going to raise a lot of   investment capital you could say be that as it may  there's also a number of risks we have to consider   so basically it's but however yes you're  right but be that as it may and number 20   you raise an interesting question you raise an  interesting point to raise something is to bring   it to someone's attention so in a meeting  it would be perfectly acceptable to say you   raise an interesting point i will look into this  later when someone makes a suggestion or queries   something that perhaps you hadn't thought about  you raise an interesting point question issue   or problem you can raise lots of things actually  so i've decided that actually i'm gonna try and   finish my christmas shopping a little bit early  this year um oh sorry i do digress i do digress   i digress basically this is much more formal  but it's a great way to say oh i've gone off   topic i'm talking about something that actually  i didn't want to talk about in the beginning   i digress i talk about something i don't focus on  the topic so when you want to bring something back   into focus the issue that you were discussing  you can say oh i do digress but i digress   let's get back to what i was discussing with you  earlier now similarly but more perhaps informally   and certainly more colloquial you can say  to go off or to fly off on a tangent oh she   always flies off on a tangent when i'm having a  conversation with her she can never keep focus   oh i've gone off on a tangent again haven't i  what were you saying so to go off or to fly off   on a tangent basically basically synonyms of i do  digress oh sorry i've completely lost my train of   thought a nice idiomatic expression your train of  thought think about a train yeah on track going   straight normally um if you say you've lost  your train of thought you've been talking and   suddenly you're just like oh my goodness what was  i saying i've completely lost my train of thought   where was i where was i often happens in  conversation when you're in a big discussion   with someone or there's more than two people  having the conversation it's very easy to lose   your train of thought if someone's been asking  you lots of questions and suddenly you've started   talking about something else where was i i've lost  my train of thought just give me a minute and i'll   get back on track now get back on track there we  go there's lots of idiomatic expressions for you   essentially if you are taking an ielts exam or any  kind of speaking exam this is a great expression   to use if you do feel like you've kind of gone off  in a different direction and you didn't want to   you want to bring the discussion back to the  main point the question you were answering so   i've lost my train of thought sorry believe it  or not you'd actually get a few extra points   for that it's a great colloquial expression  and will definitely boost your ielts score so   i've lost my train of thought where were we what  was i discussing oh yes fluency phrases right   giving advice a good conversation  whether it is a formal informal business   friend conversation always requires usually  requires uh sharing some advice giving some   advice to someone to perhaps maybe comfort  them or to help them make a better decision   take it with a pinch or a grain of salt a pinch  or a grain of salt okay now you don't need to   get any salt out for this and the opposite is  not pepper but to take it with a pinch of salt   or a grain of salt is essentially saying it's not  important don't pay any attention to what she said   or how he behaved i know he was a bit angry with  you in meeting but i would just take it with a   pinch of salt he's just stressed at the moment  i don't think it's got anything to do with you   i really take everything he says with a pinch  of salt he can be very dramatic so you can see   that actually i commonly use pinch of salt but you  might hear people say a grain of salt same thing   25 practice what you preach practice what you  preach here we're using an expression essentially   saying well if you tell people to do this you need  to live this way yourself so if i talk about being   vegan being a vegetarian i really need to practice  what i preach and actually not eat a hamburger   it's quite a strong expression if you're saying  it to someone you're basically saying don't be a   hypocrite you need to practice what you preach you  can use it as well for yourself i practice what i   preach i'm not just telling you to do something i  also do it myself you want to save the environment   you want to reduce your co2 footprint  why are you eating meat why have you   got loads of plastic bottles in your bathroom  you really need to practice what you preach   number 26 a great expression if you are just kind  of adding emphasis at the end of something or   indeed if you are giving advice or  trying to give comfort to someone   you live and learn live and learn basically  it's something maybe that's taking you by   surprise but it's added to your life experience  i can't believe you trusted him to pay you back   well you live and learn don't you and number 27  again giving someone a bit more comfort if you say   it's not the be-all and end-all it's not the  be-all and end-all spending lots of money on an   outfit for the christmas party is not the be-all  and end-all really you can wear something that you   wore last year so the beal and end-all is saying  it's not the most important thing in the world   put this into context really right reacting  reacting to information to something that   someone has said to you told you you could be  surprised you could be shocked you could be angry   these are some great expressions to help you  express yourself essentially 28 i wouldn't   stand for that i wouldn't stand for that meaning  you wouldn't tolerate you wouldn't accept that   how did he just speak to you i would not stand  for that it's not acceptable 29. again think about   intonation it could be humorous you've got to be  kidding me or again you could be angry you've got   to be kidding me intonation plays quite a big role  with most of these expressions but essentially   if you are kidding you're joking but obviously  when you say this the person isn't joking they   are serious but you are so surprised so shocked  that you think maybe they are and you're just like   checking you know you've got to be kidding me  really he told you that he didn't want to be   with you anymore come on we can also simply use  some nice creative adjectives so how absurd how   ridiculous how awful okay choose a nice creative  extreme adjective really when you want to express   some kind of shock or surprise don't just say how  surprising how crazy how absurd how ridiculous how   awful you are expressing very clearly how you feel  about what someone has told you but rather than   say that is how how ridiculous how ridiculous  he wanted to spend how much money on a car   next to take umbrage take umbrage now this is not  the professor in harry potter but if someone takes   umbrage oh don't take umbridge oh she really  did take on bridge then essentially someone has   become upset because they feel that they have been  treated in a rude maybe dismissive way she really   took umbrage when i didn't invite her out to the  cinema but i'd already arranged it with sally so   come on to take umbrage right highlighting  importance particularly important in a   conversation when you want to really stress this  thing it is relevant it is important it's part and   parcel it's all part and parcel of growing up  i'm afraid yes if something is part and parcel   it's an essential part of so studying english  reading is all part and parcel of it i'm afraid   it's an essential part of learning a language the  nitty gritty the nitty gritty we really got into   the nitty gritty of the problem so essentially  the nitty gritty is the small essential details   of something he had an excellent proposal but we  needed to really focus on the nitty-gritty aspects   let's keep it short and sweet shall we short  and sweet so in this way we are saying let's   just focus on the essential things and not really  go off and talk for ages about a topic i'm going   to keep this presentation short and sweet so  hopefully we'll be out of here by 10 o'clock   truth be told we didn't have enough money in  the budget to actually buy all the things we   needed to complete the project so we've had to  take out another loan so truth be told you're   essentially highlighting something as important  but also saying that you know this is really the   reality of something truth be told being vague and  perhaps a little bit less specific sooner or later   someone is going to find out that you don't have  a degree so maybe you should just be upfront and   honest sooner or later it will happen at some time  in the future you can't escape it it's usually   about two and a half hours drive to london give  or take give or take often used at the end or the   beginning of a sentence meaning approximately  there's only a small difference in the time or   whatever you are suggesting by and large spanish  students are actually some of the best to teach   meaning generally for the most part so by and  large by and large brexit has been a bit of a   disaster and made a lot of stuff go up in price  time and time again i tell you guys get yourself   a vocabulary book to write down the new words you  learn time and time again meaning very often often   used in a way that's saying come on i keep telling  you this i keep doing this this keeps happening   on the face of it on the face of it meaning  this is essentially what it looks like on   the face of it they seem like a great couple  but actually they've got quite a few issues   on the face of it it looks like a great school  but from what i've heard meaning other people   have told me things it's really not as great as  they make out so on the face of it something looks   in a certain way but actually the truth is perhaps  a little bit different making conclusions and   summarizing a point and this doesn't have to  come at the end of the conversation by the way   come on may you can always rely on your friends  come what may meaning whatever happens you never   can tell they're breaking up you never can tell  or can you i thought they were a great couple   meaning you can't be certain of anything one way  or another i want to visit my family in italy i   don't care what problems there are with flights at  the moment i will find a way one way or another a   great way to express your determination in the  grand scheme of things it's really not that   important is it so to put something in perspective  in the grand scheme of things failing one exam   not the end of the world is it 45 you reap what  you sow you reap what you sow essentially whatever   you do the actions that you take you will benefit  or suffer from them depending on what they are   well you reap what you sow you didn't want to make  an effort with your kids there you go done and   dusted done and dusted to be completely finished  i am so happy to have that essay out the way done   and dusted all finished pure and simple he's  motivated by greed pure and simple it essentially   means and nothing else it's that straightforward  on the whole i think the meeting went well   meaning overall on the whole i think the meeting  went well on the whole i think these phrases   are going to be pretty useful in conversation  overall it's not perfect but it's pretty good   now 49 hence therefore now actually you'll hear  people use this expression but technically it's   not correct hence and therefore essentially  don't need to go together hence and therefore   essentially mean the same thing but for some  reason english people often put them together   hence therefore i decided not to go to the party  no hence i decided not to go to the party or   therefore i decided not to go to the party if you  want to sound a little bit more natural and native   you can make the same error as native people  make native speakers hence therefore so you're   expressing the result of something hence therefore  i decided that i was going to study in the uk   not technically correct but certainly  sounds a bit more fluent and well   it's a mistake that natives make so you  decide if you want to make it and finally   number 50 comment below share an expression a  phrase an idiom that you think would be great   in an advanced english conversation and do try and  give it a context put it into an example sentence   hopefully you have enjoyed this lesson make  sure that you do click like and share it if you   did and don't forget you can always comment below   and suggest more lessons and more topics for us  to cover take care and thank you for watching bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, English with Leila, English with Sabrah, British English, english conversation, advanced english, advanced phrases, advanced english vocabulary, advanced english conversation, advanced english speaking
Id: 3fRSQpC-ous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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