5 Ways to make PREMIERE PRO FASTER! (Instead of rage smashing your office)

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got this new got this new flashlight in the mail this thing like a little lamp mode and then low medium high 1500 oh man and I think if you triple tap there's that [Music] welcome back to another tutorial while I regain my vision and continue to drink from my monster canteen what's up everybody Peter may get in here welcome back to yet another video it's so great to have you here today now if you are an editor at all and you're using Premiere Pro you've been in the situation where you've thought to yourself if only this would just be faster if I could just speed up this software if I could just render this fabric and scrub through if my playhead would just if it would just work it would just work today that would be great the other day we got hung up editing some 8k footage we started at 9 and by 3 p.m. we we had problems and we need to troubleshoot and find all of these things and it wasn't until about 4 o'clock we could actually start editing the video now last week I put out silently editing on my iPad and what seems like a very easy video to make because one of the most difficult videos we've made in a long time here's the set up background light to the background see 200 for just the audio shooting on the red and then we have a scratch audio going with the extension road cable all the way down to this janky little thing set up as external audience we can sing them after the fact this is your key light this is what we're working with here just so I can do a silent video editing on the iPad oh for thought today would be perfect to go over a couple ways to speed up your system speed up your software so that it's working top-notch as fast as possible for you so let's start with number one point number one is enabling GPU acceleration now sometimes changing this will make render times faster it'll make previews show up that weren't showing up before so depending on what you have your machine sets you that could be the factor as to why it's you know acting up to get there you're gonna go up to file project settings come down here click on general that opens up this window right here where it shows rendering and playback go ahead click that drop down menu you'll see it says mercury playback engine GPU acceleration open CL now if your PC user knee of the C you da option available go ahead and click that it's only available if you have an Nvidia graphics card if you're on a Mac make sure it's selected to open CL hit ok so just changing those two options could fix your problems speed up your machine make your previews show up all of the above so go ahead give that a shot moving on to number 2 so when you're editing Premiere is storing cache files now those files start to add up in increase in size which slow down the machine and it fills up the cache so there's a way to clear that out to make sure that everything is running as smooth as possible this is how to do it go on up to Premiere Pro in the top left corner click on preferences scroll down to media cache and that opens this window here now what you're gonna want to do is delete unused so go ahead click that button let it do its thing it might take a minute might be a little bit slower depending on if you've done it before but go ahead hit that clear that out of the way you can hit browse in the top right corner and select your cache files from where you have them stored and move them to a different drive to an external drive anything like that that's what we're doing here now one last thing before you get out of this menu is make sure I mean this also depends on your workflow but we have selected delete any cache files older than 7 days because the videos that we're making are pretty much done in 1 to 2 to 3 days max I don't need it set to the option which is deleting them every 90 days we make a video we edit it it's uploaded the footage is archived it's gone I don't need those cache files so go ahead if you're kind of making the same style of content select that 7-day option it's gonna keep things running smooth and emptying that bin out over and over keep doing this I'm gonna hit myself in the face it's gonna delete that VIN make sure everything's again running smooth that's number two moving on to number three this is an easy one you're probably already doing it but it's playback resolution now you'll notice over here on the right side you can click this little arrow and it brings you a drop-down and you can choose what resolution you're gonna play back your footage while you're editing so when you're you know dealing with monster files you don't have to play them back at a hundred percent but I'm almost always editing at around fifty percent or less you'll notice this red footage right here just this clip if we play it back it's super super super choppy so we can change that to a quarter resolution now when we hit spacebar there's a little bit of a lag at the start but it does playback smoother so let's change that options like a sixteenth of the resolution all the way at the bottom now when we hit spacebar there's no leg in the footage place back smooth so that's one way you can start editing a little bit faster without having to worry about you know your system being laid down because those files that you're working with are so big some of you might say look I don't ever edit files that are 8k or I don't ever use 4k footage but like you never know you might be on a project somewhere and someone gives you their footage or you get some files from a DP or anything like that they give you a hard drive and you're gonna go home and edit this stuff and you're thinking to yourself oh I don't know if my computer can handle this this is one of the ways to get through that difficulty now moving on to number four is another way to speed up premier Pro which is muting all of your effects it's called the global effects mute you see when you keep editing and you put transitions in and you've colored one clip and then you color it again and then you use enough a third party plug-in or you use Lumet recolor on the side and you're adding things to these clips and you're adding them to all of the clips all of that starts to slow things down so be able to mute all of the effects that you've applied to your Clips speeds things up drastically doesn't remove the color it doesn't remove the effects it just temporarily puts them on hold so that your machine still runs fast that's done by hitting this little effects button up here by the playback window now if you don't have that over on the right side you can hit the plus that's gonna drop down a menu of options go over find the effects drag it into your toolbar and now you have that option able to click on and off to mute global effects that's a fun one it's pretty easy to give it a shot number five now number five is none other than creating proxies now we've discussed this in videos before but for the people that are new here or the people that missed that video proxies basically creating a second version of the footage at a much lower resolution so that you can edit nicely and fast and then when you export it replaces those lower res clips with your high res footage and you still have that high-quality export a lot of the time when we are editing red footage 8k footage things like that in order to make multiple cuts and go through everything fast applying all of these techniques and using proxies our machines are able to keep up with this kind of thing no problem I would liken it to you know someone saying I can't edit 8k red footage on a laptop well if you proxy the footage to 720p it'll have no problem editing all of that and then you can just re export it a high res which will take a long time with a laptop but albeit it's going to work this is a way to save time and a lot of frustration so go ahead and select the clips that you want to proxy in your bin click on one and click on a bunch whatever you want to do then right click come all the way down hit proxy select create proxy that opens the dialog box that we want to mess with where it says preset this little drop-down menu you can choose like 1280 by 720 that's what we're doing right now so that we just work with like a low res still HD this is 720p even really HD at this point in life like let's just go ahead and call that standard definition now select that for the sake of speed and your computer's health now right when you hit OK Adobe's gonna open media encoder that's what it's gonna use to encode all of these clips down to a lower res now you can see all of this happening will speed this up so we don't have to wait for the whole thing now all we have to do is toggle the proxies in the toolbar and that buttons located in the same place the other effects button was so if you don't have it you can hit the + and drag that icon into your toolbar as well which I recommend doing and then when you click toggle proxies it activates those lower res files and you are able to edit fast efficiently and smooth and that might just be one of the best possible tips editing in Premiere Pro a lot of the time are dealing with bad codecs are different types of footage from different types of cameras and all of these things are mixed together and it becomes a bit of a headache and overwhelming and you want to know how can I just I just want to get this video done oh and a side smash in your computer or your own face these things I would recommend trying instead so my friends I hope that saves you some frustration I hope that helps I hope that's you know something that's gonna work for you and your workflow or fix your problems if you are experiencing slowdowns within Premiere Pro it's great software but you know there are times where I just wish Adobe would morph into a person on my desk while I'm editing and I could kill that person and then so I hope that some of these techniques and these tips tricks hacks whatever you want to call them will help make your day just a little bit better that's it for me guys thanks so much for watching this video hit that like button if you liked this video smash it that's something that you're into 20:19 styles subscribe if you aren't already and and I will see you in the next video we're doing the hat today please I cut my hair and people are like what product are you using to style your hair I don't use any I literally just wake up and go train of thoughts gone tsuya the train has left the building it's gone I was sewing before I made this video whereas about two so making a little SD card wallet it's so down this side and it'll fold and go into you're just like a little a cute little SD card wallet everything in here is gone it's funny I'm by myself and I'm just saying weird things I'm getting way off track and I'm so easily distracted shooting back at home now there's just fun things everywhere well I think it's almost time for an office build up a sub three because folks it's happening fast right now we're gonna be moving into that spot soon in oh the videos we have planned for that space that's an American two dollar bill I'm Canadian but it's just cool we're gonna ramp things up a little slow right now in the summer because everyone's enjoying summer we call it the summer bummer but when the fall comes I am [Music] who doesn't love magnets flat a flag baby my fire alarm started to decide to die outside the door here so every nine seconds it's going that's like riding a horse oh she want to drop a missile in one of those you know I could make a whole video just having a convert like a one-sided conversation with you I can make a whole video just doing that I could just hit record and just talk to you without having to respond just flip around different subjects have a great time you just give me the time limit you want me to talk for 20 minutes easy zero issues maybe I should do that one day having a conversation with myself I'll upload that and you'll know what it is I'm gonna go
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 501,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, How to fix premiere Pro, Speed up Premiere Pro, Make premiere faster, premiere pro is slow, premiere pro wont load, loading issues premiere pro, Video editor slow, 8K footage, Editing high res footage
Id: tSxZGo7x28o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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