How to Make a CINEMATIC Short Film! (Live Editing / BTS)

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do you wanna build a snowman come on let's go and play I never seen you anymore come out the door it's like you've gone away [Music] sure let's stress anybody out what's up everybody Peter beginning here back with another one today a little BTS look at how we shot edited and created the Arctic film you guys saw last week called what did we call it again deliver a feeling but silent is one thing it's not [Music] because I was just such a dope line a little fun back behind that I was asking Henrik talk to me about how you create music and he said think I don't necessarily like to think that I like creative but I liked I just like to make things that deliver a feeling dope let's begin let's hit play see how this goes BAM um creating all the music in my bedroom so I have my studio under the bed it's just me my laptop and the pair of speakers that's all it is one of the cool things about working with a music producer specifically Henrik was we actually had that intro building with just like the sound effect of a stopwatch Jos Henrik saw that and literally made that stopwatch into kind of like a beat so now it goes like C and it's just like those little details that's totally custom now so it took a creative idea using a sound effect and made it into something custom that has a beat to it but also serves the purpose that I wanted which was a build up at the beginning of a film I had just like a piano hit boom don't every single time a title came up he did the same thing but just use a different key on the piano so now there's there's music behind it it's this it delivers the same thing delivers a feeling BAM we're 12 seconds in and it's already it's already banging it's hard to get inspiration in a small place that's why I love to like go out and see like landscapes [Music] just like get inspiration from something new something I've never seen before fun little fact as each hit of the music was happening if you rewind that and you listen again we added a layer of the atmosphere each time so it started with wind then it went to adding birds and more things and waves and water and with each different hit the soundtrack grew and grew and grew and grew free the tracks and sounds [Music] I've become too dog fixer I would have even heard those birds can we rewind from when we put a vlog out a couple weeks ago when Henrik and I were listening to these birds in this clip [Music] those birds make it hard to vlog dude those little birds are so loud we got to sample those you gotta get you get some nice clips make a track yeah would you actually do something like that sure yeah yes so those birds are actually sampled at the beginning of this song and at the end of the song so you'll hear them real quick right here that that was that and then again at the end [Music] the first thing I wanted to start this with was an epic shot of where we were we're setting up the location we're saying hey this is where this film is happening this is an insane view of the Arctic so I wanted to just BAM I want to come out with that from there we quickly moved to Henrik basically explaining the setup for this video he's come to the Arctic to create a track using sounds from this beautiful landscape I've come to the Arctic Circle in Norway to create a track using sounds from this beautiful landscape it's remote isolated and still but silence is one thing it's not [Music] arguably my favorite part of the whole piece and I'm sure it might also be yours now why is that so cool well there is a lot happening in that right down from the shots to the sounds that you're hearing now the key to selling that was all of that craziness all of those manic shots those fast quick cut shots with sounds piling on top of sounds louder and louder and louder more and more more intense - boom stark silence the complete opposite that's what sells it that's why it's one of my favorites so let me run you through on how we actually edited that secret let's start by dragging the clips that we want to use onto the timeline here fishing rods then we have the edge of the bow we've got Henrik there we've got our boy puffing a cigarette this shot looks great coming through the hole of the boat right there oh we got this nice shot of a lever being boom pulled up a fish wiggling in which we did actually throw back into the ocean because you know I felt bad now one thing you'll notice about these that I want to change is none of them have movement so I need to start key framing moves into these I want to keyframe kind of like a rotation into that so let me just do that here the fishing line that for sure needs to rotate so let's do the same thing there that looks good real fast here let's just do a whole whack of them let's drop some sounds here let's get some let's get a reverse suck at the end here for the very end like a riser suck kind of thing that's what that sound is like a riser or somebody goes [Music] and then just stops and you get the suck sound which is like this really feels like a TV turning off or a black hole disappearing or just like a whole amalgamation of sounds this yeah okay let's listen to Hendrix this is what Henrik made for me after we talked them a little bit about what we're looking to do here and one thing that I really want to do here you see this guy puffing the cigarette and what really bothers me though is you get that sound effect but the cigarette itself isn't lighting up like he's puffing on it but there's no actual actual Ember at the end of the cigarette burning so let's let's do that let's make an adjustment layer and actually keyframe in the tip of that cigarette turning red okay we're smoking a cigarette on a boat in the Arctic all of this for what's gonna be what like two seconds of this whole film the things we do folks all right we need to change the blending mode on this it'll actually makes sense so it's not just like a big red dot that doesn't look good so we're definitely gonna have to keyframe this cuz the camera moves so the red amber thing isn't in the same spot for the two seconds of this clip that's obnoxious this better look good we're wasting everyone's time [Music] I need like a they need like some kind of let me see first let me search epidemic for fishing rod preview this one ah just love it love it love hurt when a good plan comes together BAM okay this is sounding sick listen to this from the beginning BAM let's drop Hendricks track in there BAM with ours [Music] so good ok when this comes to an end I need some Arctic Arctic wind search for that we'll put that at the end and then all of that with the riser [Music] exactly okay that should about do it for the sequence for now all right so moving on you got to get a couple follow shots that set up the the next shots now it's key not it's key not to put in so many of them you don't want to have Henrik on the boat Henrik coming off the boat walking up the ramp walking to his thing unlocking the door the door opening from six different angles outside inside now the feet now the mid shot now the ice now he comes in you get it enough stop it we get it he's walking so we only did a few shots of him walking to this cabin one two three we just needed to show enough to basically establish where he is now everything else and just focus on the nose fun fact this is not a drone shot this was Max and Kirk on a boat at like before sunrise freezing in the Arctic holding a Ronan with a red package over the edge that's windy that's just not and I was remote focusing from land so I had the monitor I was watching their feet from the boat and I was trying to keep that thing in focus well these guys were hazing this place to the world to end and lighting it with LEDs and feelings [Music] I lose myself in the process and without thinking every piece falls into place a really interesting editing technique that we used here was blurring the sides of these frames we actually put like a filter like an adjustment layer over top of the clip and really applied cotton just to kind of make it feel more manic just like you're in this creative state making something and nothing else matters and we wanted to portray that by kind of making it unclear because it's not necessarily always the clearest path to creativity lots of crazy things happen now for me if I'm being honest all of the flashing lights that they had set up there it was a bit weird for me if I'm being honest it just kind of felt out of place all these green lights flashing in like we're in the middle of the Arctic and suddenly we're at a nightclub so we actually captured the Northern Lights in a beautiful time-lapse Kirk went out there at 1:00 a.m. and just banged off this fire of a time-lapse and I thought that pulls in those lights perfectly because they're green and that was a choice that we made consciously we were like let's not have red and orange lights let's let's at least make them green then so it feels like aurora drawing in this shot of the time-lapse was absolutely strategic in maybe making those scenes feel like it was so bright the Northern Lights themselves were drowning out at the room while he was creating that's kind of what I thought would make it and make more sense I think it works and I think this shot nevertheless if it doesn't work it's a dope time-lapse though you'll notice another hard cut to a completely different contrast at scene that's a theme in this that's a theme in this little piece silent serene Arctic wind and a mountain to then start the next chapter of this small little piece a few years ago I climbed Sweden's tallest mountain fun fact that is actually from when I was on the top of that same mountain with Nicole and Maddy we didn't climb it we were we were heli to the top so that's awesome and we just tried to for a little bit of a filter on there fuzz the edges if you can see that to just make it feel more like a memory like the way we colored it and the way we blurred those edges and made it a four by three aspect ratio on this huge you know two by one frame I feel like it does just that I still remember every sound snow you guys hear that did you hear him hammering there it's fake he had nothing in his hands he was just like what do I do I'm like do you just punch the snow just punch the snow we'll throw some sounds in there no one's gonna know the difference snow crunching beneath my boots is cracking the wind against my jacket right all those supporting sounds you want to throw those sounds in as they're being discussed on screen your brain makes the connection my sounds are so important there is something so calming about it it aspires me to create music that makes you feel something from that point when you said it inspires you to feel something I wanted to move into something slow that might actually make you feel something and that part of his song really goes into kind of like an emotional stage it gets kind of quiet with the beautiful lyric in the background and that the sound just it's it's kind of just moving so I felt like why not just throw some calming footage of this plane this is a perfect spot with the water moving the two things just matched beautifully and yours truly makes a cameo in this film if you guys spotted it this part is very important having that beautiful calm middle section the calm before the storm continues for the rest of the film a lot of thought as you can see a lot of little things happen while crafting a piece while you're going through the motions of making something that's only just four minutes long there's a lot of decisions that were made to make you feel something when the viewer watches this back hopefully all those decisions you know come to a head and what is something that you know just makes you get even it's just one goose bump recalling the magnitude of this remarkable landscape that is what drives me [Music] I don't create something that expresses the experience I create music but the livers of Henrik is so good at adding those little accents in Wow those tiny little flange sounds those little lyric hits that just come in at the right spot it's like a rim shot when you're playing the drums it's like hitting the hi-hat open when you're those little accents those things that's where the skill is and he is so good at that that expresses the experience I create music that delivers a feeling now the main part of the song kicks as promotion [Music] [Music] [Music] these landscapes these places where I feel small and insignificant but alive with the familiar comfort they sing their own song to hear it you just need to stop and listen so all of that to build to another hit of just silence going from busy beautiful music that the ending the crescendo like that the moment the money moment that we've been waiting for the payoff to just so again as the headphones come off stopping to listen and listen music hits you hear the clock comes back to tell you that it's the end and we have our final montage before the credits roll [Music] that's kind of your BTS look at how we made deliver a feeling hope you guys enjoyed it if you like this style of video where we kind of do like a director's commentary if you will let me know below because I would certainly love to make more of these had a blast thanks to everyone at epidemic sound from Henrik making an incredible track dude your how do you even how does it come out of your head it makes zero sense to me so guys if you're looking for music for your videos you're looking for the royalty-free music stuff like this henrik makes music for this place if you want to use his songs head over to the link in the description below you can sign up all the free trials all of those things and you can use the same style of stuff in your pieces and not worry anything about getting hit with copyright fees or weird scary messages that you get at late at night when you're looking at your email and you get that cold feeling like when a cop pulls you over and you're like huh I digress link below let's do the next one [Music] do you wanna build a snowman come on let's go and play I never see you anymore come out the door it's like you've gone away we used to be best buddies and now we're not I wish you would tell me why do you wanna do this yeah doesn't have to be a snowman go away Anna okay bye are you rolling every night every night do you wanna build this now
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 958,405
Rating: 4.9654694 out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Live Editing, How to edit in premiere Pro, Premiere Pro Tutorial, How to make a short film, How to make a film, How to add SFX to a film, Sound Design, How to add SOund Design, Make better videos, How to make cinematic videos, Cinematic Vlogs, How to make a cinematic vlog
Id: BRcvU5GxmE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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