Optimizing Adobe Premiere For Best Performance!

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what's up guys not even Sancerre back yet again with another very exciting episode it's kind of exciting it's a little more technical than exciting but it still learned how to edit stuff I get messages every single day about premier being laggy premier being slow what can I do to make premier faster what can I do to optimize my system and today we're gonna cover all of it now I'm not saying I have all the answers but I can give you my best practices tips tricks advice all of that stuff about your computer what you should be doing with your system how you can optimize premier to work better for you even if you're on a laptop versus a PC all of that fun stuff I'm gonna try to cover everything today so by the end of this video you hopefully feel a little bit better about working because there is literally nothing more frustrating than not being able to work or sitting down to edit and you have an idea that you want to get out in your head and not being able to do it because of computer problems so hopefully we're gonna fix some of that stuff now before we open premier or any programs at all for that matter I want you to hit the Windows key and I want you to type in update and then I want you to see if you have any Windows updates available for your computer because if you do you're gonna want to do that first anything that you can do with your computer system first is going to be beneficial to you so maybe you're having problems in premiere and things are moving slow and you don't know why it may be because your computer is not up-to-date so in addition to updating windows you're also going to want to update your graphics card drivers if you're using an Nvidia graphics card which a lot of you may be using you're gonna want to download the GeForce experience app and click on the drivers section and make sure that your graphics card drivers are up-to-date on top of graphics card you're also gonna want to make sure that like your BIOS is up-to-date your motherboard settings are all correct and it's different for every computer I have an MSI motherboard in my computer so there's a thing called MSI Live Update it basically goes through and tells me all the drivers and all the things that I'm missing that I can currently install I've also updated my BIOS to the most recent version and every computer is different every motherboard is different so depending on the brand or whatever of your computer you're gonna want to look into the tools that they have to make that happen I don't know what kind of rig you are using so just do a quick google search of your computer making model and make sure every single thing that you can possibly update is up-to-date and now we're gonna open premiere all right guys Adobe Premiere is and what we're gonna do is come up to edit and come down to preferences and we're gonna start with general now your should look mildly similar to mine here the only thing that may be different on mine is bins double click open in new window and the reason why I like this is because if I double click on any one of these bins down here it will open that in a new window instead of opening it in a new tab down here which can get really annoying and really clustered real quick so double click open a new window it's just really nice especially if you're using a second monitor you can just take this window and just move it over to your second monitor you can't see my second monitor but it is there so this is kind of nice the rest of everything should be pretty self-explanatory and I just keep it default other than double click open in new window now coming down to appearance this is where you can adjust the appearance of premiere some people like to use it lighter I think this looks awful and absolutely terrible so I would never use it like that so I'm gonna come down here to darker and then it makes my highlight color a little bit more of a highlight versus the lighter which like kind of just I don't know don't use that and then these two things I keep default as well moving down to audio now I'm pretty sure that all of this is the default Adobe Premiere what they give you a couple important things to take a look at mute input during timeline recording if you're gonna be a recording voiceovers or anything directly onto your timeline I would definitely keep this on but I keep it off because I never do that and then the only other thing I would say is this one down here render edit in audition files too and I'm gonna keep it next to the original media file so if I have a voice-over file or anything like that I decide to render an audition it's gonna save that file that I render next to the original when possible it just makes it way easier to find now audio Hardware depending on your computer specs and depending on how you have your speaker set up and all of that stuff you'll change your default input and output to whatever your desired input and output is and my recommendation for latency is to keep it as low as possible the higher your latency the more audio lag you're gonna have so maybe yours to set it like 200 or 250 or higher and you may be experiencing some weird audio lag during playback or when you're trying to edit the latency is probably the answer so I keep mine at 50 you can keep yours it kind of whatever you want sample rate setting it to 4,800 Hertz recommended audio hurts sample rate for premiere I wouldn't really touch that next autosave if you guys don't have autosave turned on you are just turn out a save on please for the love of God I can't tell you how many times I've something's crashed or something is like shut down or whatever and I lost a tremendous amount of work because I didn't have autosave on so click on the automatically saved projects dialog I am saving every 6 minutes for a maximum of two hundreds project versions that's a lot of versions they don't take up a tremendous amount of space but you don't want to be stuck in a situation where you lose all of your work and then you're unable to open an autosave because I've had a crash and then I just open up the autosave and I'm only lost like two minutes of work as opposed to like two and a half hours of work where I actually saved my project last so the project autosave is like a huge huge thing that you absolutely 100% should be using capture not really much going on here defaults are fine I think this is defaults collaboration unless you're using team projects this tab is not going to do anything for you I personally don't like to use team projects I've tried to in the past it's very clunky doesn't really make a lot of sense so I don't even touch this tab Control Service nothing going on here from my computer probably yours as well device control again defaults are fine for premiere because nothing's really going on here graphics European and East Asian text engine yes because I'm not in a South Asian or Middle Eastern country so European and East Asian is totally fine labels you can kind of tailor make these labels to whatever you want so like if you have interviews you can set instead of it saying purple you can say interviews and you know instead of tan you can say like b-roll and then when you label your clips in Adobe Premiere you can label it as these things instead of just colors so this is kind of tailor-made to whatever you guys are working on sometimes I'll leave them default sometimes I'll set them depending on the project I'm working on and then you have your label defaults right here that you can also set so you can bring things in in a certain color every single time as you can see a new bin is automatically mango and down here it is reflective of the defaults so just some color coordination making it look nice you know do whatever you want media this tab is absolutely important 100% so starting off at the top intermediate timecode base I always have my timecode base at 23 976 I'm usually shooting in 23 976 so this never changes the time code is gonna use the media source frame count start at zero and default media scaling now this is an interesting one if you're working in a 4k timeline and you bring in a video that's 1080 right now as you know if you drop that 1080 video onto your timeline it'll be small on the frame or vice versa if you're working in 1080 and you have a 4k clip it'll be gigantic and it'll be like outside the frame lines but by switching default media scaling from none to set to frame size it will automatically set the source video to the size of your timeline automatically and it will automatically reflect those changes in the effect controls panels so if I have a 4k clip and I drop it on a 1080 timeline that clip will read at 50 percent scale because it has to scale it that much in order to fit it in 1080 and it will do it automatically so you're not gonna miss anything nothing's gonna be blown up or shrunken down to small this is a great little tool to kind of like optimize your workflow not necessarily your system but definitely your workflow but the most important part of this media tab to me is automatically refresh growing files turn that garbage off a few weeks ago my computer was just bogged down and I didn't know why I just updated premiere and things were just moving really slow and I searched through all the menus and I found this stupid automatically refresh growing files thing and I turned it off and magically my computer started working again and I don't really know what it is I looked online it's basically you can edit files that are still being recorded because premiere is constantly refreshing every 60 seconds to see if any media has changed that means for you if you don't have media that's constantly changing that's premier is still updating every 60 seconds and it's just gonna cause problems and it's gonna cause slowdowns and bog down so if this is turned on for you turn it off right now absolutely just what why why Adobe Media cache also an important tab so for me I have a separate SSD in my computer that is just for storing my cache files now maybe some of you don't have an extra hard drive or whatever but basically your cache files you're gonna want to store on the fastest drive in your computer or your fastest external hard drive so 7200 rpm external hard drive save your cache files there don't save it to like a 5400 rpm drive don't save them to your opera Asians discs like your C discs don't save them there either it just causes a lot of problems so if you can absolutely have a dedicated drive to put your cash files on and anything like that like I do also every once in a while you're just gonna want to delete your unused cash from older projects that you aren't working on anymore that are just taking up computer space just delete the unused cash and coming down here I'm gonna set mine to automatically delete cache files after 90 days so in that way after three months premier will be like hey you're not using these anymore automatically delete them but it's still good to delete your unused cache files every so often if you're encountering slow problems memory another important tab Ram reserved for other applications you're gonna want to drop that number down to as low as you possibly can so I'm only reserving three gigs of RAM for everything else so the most amount of RAM I can allocate to Adobe software is what I'm gonna do so keep this number as low as you possibly can especially if you're not doing anything else except for editing and you're gonna want to optimize your rendering for performance and not for memory playback pre-roll post-roll that's totally fine the one thing you're gonna want to turn off in this menu is enable mercury transmit and what that's doing is it's looking to your computer for an external source monitor that's not your normal computer monitor right like I have my computer monitor sitting right here it's my normal monitor what this is saying to do is to export your main Timeline view window to another like TV or something so if I had a TV here I could set my computer to constantly have my time line playing on that TV which is great does take a little bit more power but if you don't have that turn this off absolutely so enable mercury transmit we're just gonna turn that off sync settings I don't really mess with that too much time line is kind of an important one so my video transition default duration is 30 frames which is like roughly a little bit more than a second if you using 23 976 or 24 FPS audio transition default duration is 2 frames so then when I right-click in between two audio clips it'll create a very very short transition in there that's only two frames long to help blend the audio just a little bit nicer still image default duration 12 frames if you're trying to do like a time-lapse or anything like that you can keep this also at 2 frames which will bring in any still image at two frames maybe you have this set really high and you drag in an image and it's like super long on your timeline this is how you get that to be a little bit shorter timeline Mouse scrolling vertical I have mine set to vertical horizontal when you use the scroll wheel on your mouse here it'll scroll this way where for me I like it to scroll vertically because I like to stack a lot of audio layers so vertical makes a little bit more sense for me but you can turn into horizontal if you'd like and now down here my god we're gonna mess with these a little bit snap playhead and timeline when snap is enabled absolutely what that will do is it will snap your playhead to the end of a clip so you can quickly find things and it just snaps and it's a little bit easier instead of like constantly searching frame by frame to fight it just turn that on at playback and return to beginning when restarting playback turned that off have you ever been watching anything and it gets to the end of your timeline and then starts over again from the beginning for no reason when you want to like make edits to the end turn that off just play out of sync indicators don't really care about that play work area after rendering previews I keep that off as well because once you render your timeline it just automatically starts playing like sometimes I'll just render and then go do something in the background and all the sudden audio will come out of nowhere and I don't really want that so I like to keep that off personal preference if you want to keep that on or off it doesn't render audio when rendering video yes please chocolate mismatch warning dialogue yeah occasionally I like to see what's going on in from here with that and that's about it for the timeline panel and now we're going to trim and I think that's okay so the most important things that you guys are going to want to pay attention to or your media tab automatically refresh growing files turn that garbage off your media cache making sure to delete your unused cache files memory allocating as much RAM as humanly possible to your Adobe applications and your playback disable mercury transmit and your timeline turning a couple of these things on snapping playhead and off at playback and return by starting playback yada yada and then click OK and now to the best of my knowledge my abilities we have optimized adobe premiere in the menu system to give you guys a little less problems now let's drop in some footage and see what we can do to kind of minimize the amount of lag that you guys are experiencing alright first things first if you guys import a batch of footage and it's all shot at the same frames per second and by the same camera and all this other stuff don't start a new sequence down here just out of nowhere the easiest thing you could possibly do is take one of your clips and just drag it down to the new item button and it will automatically create a new sequence based on the source resolution and FPS of the video that you're editing this is tremendously helpful because if you're editing on a timeline that doesn't match your clips you may get weird lag and you may get stutters you may get all the stuff that you're not sure about so just simply dragging and dropping it onto the new item button and creating a timeline based on the source resolution is the best thing you can possibly do now I'm probably not gonna get very many playback issues but say you're experiencing some playback issues in your timeline the one thing that you absolutely can do to make sure that you can play your stuff back is just simply rendering it so if I set an end point at the beginning and an out point at the end I can come up here to sequence render in two out and it will render that bit of video so I'm able to play it back in full quality without any frame lag or stutter or anything like that conversely if you want to just play through your timeline without rendering it turn this from full to anything other than a full so you can go to half resolution you can go to one-quarter resolution and it will downgrade or downsample the resolution in your playback so you can kind of watch it through not at full quality and that will help you a little bit as well and as always don't forget to say so basically the biggest part of optimizing your system is actually making sure the system itself is optimized so updating windows updating your graphics card drivers updating all of your motherboard and everything else all of the drivers and necessary updates that you need for your computer to run without any Adobe programs at all you're gonna want to make sure that you prioritize those things on a weekly bi-weekly or at the very very least monthly basis just constantly make sure that you're updating your system the second thing you're gonna do is you're gonna follow what I have set in my Adobe Premiere menu settings you're gonna turn some stuff off you're gonna turn some stuff on you're gonna allocate as much RAM as you possibly can to Adobe applications and that should help tremendously regardless if you have 32 64 8 gigs of ram it's gonna help you and last but not least when you're actually working inside of premiere make sure that you downgrade the resolution of your output to 1/2 or 1/4 if you're experiencing weird playback issues or if you want to play back in full just simply settin in outpoint and render that section of video so you can play it back in full without any issues at all guys if you were experiencing issues with playback or lag on your computer before watching this video and if since corrected those issues after watching this video I would love to know your thoughts and your opinions on what I have shared with you today drop a comment in the comment section below that's it for this lesson guys I hope you are out there optimizing your system to the best it can possibly be if you haven't yet make sure you subscribe to the channel and also check out the last video that you missed we do them here weekly it learn how to edit stuff we didn't teach you how to edit anything today but at least you can probably go and edit now that your computer's updated and that premier is optimized I'm proud of you guys subscribe check out the last video and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Learn How To Edit Stuff
Views: 269,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn how to edit stuff, optimize adobe premiere for best performance, notiansans, optimize adobe premiere, premiere laggy, adobe premiere laggy, adobe premiere slow, adobe premiere problems, fix adobe premiere, premiere slow, premiere crashing, adobe tutorials, adobe premiere tutorial, adobe premiere settings, best settings for premiere pro cc 2018, best settings for premiere pro, video editing tips, adobe premiere pro cc 2018 tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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