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[Music] shadowbox faster than what is good youtube my name is Jorge I get a lot of comments on my channels from beginners looking for trick tips skate advice and stuff like that in this video I'm going to tell you five tricks that you can work on before you actually learn how to ollie so you can learn these tricks right now even if you can't ollie or if you're working on your ollie obviously if you already can Ollie you'll be more comfortable on the skateboard all these tricks will be easier for you but I know that phase where basically the only trick you can learn is the ollie and you can't really learn anything until after that can be a little boring so hopefully these tricks can spice up your ski life so let's do it also if you wanted to see what all these gate Stoppers are here for you're going to want to check out John Hill's channel we just did an epic challenge and John's also helping me with this video are you helping me with this video I'm so helping you and I'm also posting the Internet story of you right now as we speak in fact boy that's back let's get it backpacks let's get e trick number one so John yeah I actually think that you can do a boardslide before you can do an ollie okay I can do that yes on something low enough all you do is lift your tail exactly and you lift your nose we have a perfect box right here so you could actually probably manage your boardslide on this before you can ollie let's do it and the test is not to pop your tail exactly now something there you go no pop here I'll doing this as well George prove it dude stinking prove it [Music] get up like this exactly no Ally necessary you basically just have to lift the tail like this enough so these wheels can get over the ledge and you can work fine the next trick that you can do before learning the ollie is a slappy trick no ollie required although I find these a little tricky but you certainly don't have to all you just have to freaking jam your into the wet right yeah I would say so they're a little awkward for me they're awkward can you do them I can do them but they're awkward it's one of those things where you just have to practice them yeah just don't like me bad an exe that [Music] like know what I was doing it works John was a little stressed about this one now know whatever strike first boobs that you don't really know it's a fact of what to do is beat was McGee's Anderson genius be fun lower curb is better waxed up is better or painted yellow blue orange red whatever red if you're in California the way I think about this slappy is you just kind of have to lift just a tad freer to know us to get on the car this next trick that you can definitely do before you ollie unfortunately John is unable to do it yeah I just can't it's called the shove it this trick you don't even have to pop and I actually know a lot of people who learn it before the ollie like Nora that's my girlfriend own a hockey team they're easier nollie and Peggy let's do that I said it first row freaka sub to John hey hey nice you liar said you can't do it [Music] John explained to the people I think fakie or nollie is easier so many pivots it wants to pivot here or round so if you're going forward it works naturally where it pivots to the front if you're going this way it wants to pivot behind you so you land like this exactly it's difficult but I'll fakie it's just like your next trick I have for you guys involves a quarter pipe and I actually know a lot of skaters learn several tricks on quarter pipe before learning to ollie how do you feel about quarter pipe tricks I think sometimes people will really really seem like they're really good at skating by skinny mini ramps and they can barely kick we're gonna demonstrate the rock to fakie this quarter pipe this quarter pipe is not a great example for beginners it's very steep but if you have a good one I your local try no I cool I want to try to just it goes I'm scared it no I was here to try it this is literally like three times as steep as a normal one hey go boss learn that's for it the next trick I actually can do but it is called the old-school kickflip so you can kick flip before doing an ollie John how do you do this I don't know okay I think the way that I do it I literally will put my feet together and then I tried to wrap this part of my foot around the bottom of the board and then I just jump and as I jump I just flipped like that and it works out it's easier but this one you can do without having to learn how to ollie [Music] yes I did this mlus horror bra it doesn't have to be easy it just has to not involve an ollie that's gonna be an epic thumbnail because your feet just look ridiculous I have kind of a similar one to the old school kickflip technically doesn't require an ollie but it does kind of involve like the motion of pressing your back foot down and lifting up your front foot it's called the toe flip what's that have you heard of it oh thanks oh I'll show you share your boy yeah that's way easier than I could you're insane man this is a great for beginners dude maybe don't try this that's cool it's an interesting one you're that insane your friends would be like right doesn't count I think I got one too all right now this one definitely all you do is go like this stop grab the nose job that's a really good one for this video actually Hey I think anyone can learn that one that way I'm a Vil I'm a hey I actually really learned this one before the Holi good nice I do it the other way so funny my trucks it too loose guys as any other easier ones pretty good okay care to join me down here this might get sick so those were five tricks you can actually learn before doing an ollie well while you're working on the poly but me and Jon actually realize something okay we're good me and Jon actually realized something important of all filming this video try just learn how to ollie these are definitely tricks you can try for fun while you're practicing the ollie but even having the ollie down will make these tricks easier because you'll have a better foundation in skateboarding it really is the trick you need to unlock all the awesome tricks in skateboarding it's true but if there is these weird experimental tricks that you want to try we did you can go down that Lane too because nowadays created fun tricks man they're in [Music] is that very true figure out whatever hey John talk to me thanks for the help of these video thanks for the fist this guy is the freakin best thanks man 3 make out we try you suck [Music] [Music] the wax gave me good my friends yeah so this happened we got part of my bearing remaining in the wheel and the rest of it is here just kind of exploded while I was riding I think this still can kind of work as a wheel though might try a couple tricks you this is a wreck surprisingly well what a great way down in this video by finding out you don't really actually need skate wheels you just need four bearings pop them on your trucks I'm like rolling with no problem thanks for watching guys [Music] I knew you're gonna try that
Channel: George Poulos
Views: 1,837,930
Rating: 4.9216628 out of 5
Keywords: George Poulos, 5 tricks you can learn before the ollie, 5 tricks to learn before ollie, 5 tricks that don't require ollie, tricks that don't require ollie, tricks before ollie, tricks to learn before ollie, tricks you can learn before ollie, tricks to learn without ollie, tricks to learn no ollie, skate tricks no ollie, skate tricks without ollie, tricks to learn right now, john hill, skateboarding, 51 skatepark brooklyn, washington skatepark brooklyn, 5 skate tricks, 5 tricks
Id: 02xDqKBpuL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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