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my choice I get my coffee would be nice yesterday burrito with some ice [Music] [Applause] what is good YouTube my name is George if you are a beginner stapler that is completely okay every single person you see at the skate bar they were once in your position when you go to the skatepark realize it's okay and skate your heart out we were all beginners once so believe me I know it can be intimidating when you show up to the state park especially if you are a beginner so I have prepared for you guys 5/5 to look like you're not a beginner skateboarder and they don't involve doing things like this [Music] the first way that skaters judge other skaters in terms of their skill is the way they look when they're pushing around tip number one is to be comfortable pushing and riding around the skatepark in general while you're pushing around the state bar hit all the obstacles so even if you're not doing tricks on them just right onto the ramps do kick turns and while you're pushing around the skatepark the faster you push the better you look that's a general rule of thumb across skateboarding if you go fast it looking good [Music] you doubted nora looking with pretty beginner at skateboarding but Nora now try your hardest to get like a really comfortable looking push you gave me permission the road [Music] [Applause] now they know how to push around the park and look pretty solid tip number two master the throw down the stop and the pick up if you're fumbling on these you're gonna definitely look like a beginner at the skate park if you want to look like a good skater it's definitely worth mastering these nobody does that [Music] I actually prefer to stop and pick up my board all-in-one I put my foot on the nose I step my right foot up and then I snap my board into my hands and I just keep walking do you want to just try picking it up normal tip number three is to do the basics well and fast so I'm talking alleys 180s half hat shove it so probably look to other people like you're just warming up to do some crazier tricks but secretly you may not know how to do any other tricks wait wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] [Applause] if you don't have these tricks of course just practice um nervous command demonstrate out trying to learn how to shove it she's being close you think you're gonna get it today if you put two feet on one in the next ten tries I'll buy you frozen yogurt right up we're getting Froyo a deal's a deal she was no I bought dinner last night oh you wanna roast me house trendies let's do 10 more Christ Nora you did so good you even get a next time how did it feel like this you don't suck just take the tips in this video and you'll look like your gnarlier truck yeah that that would help you a lot where's the beach yo that's a demon beef what I'm just kidding he looks pretty cute what is he doing it was like no mother hello mister what do you want [Music] what he pollinated it he pollinate in my phone that's dirty sorry for the interruption I was scared for my life right there anyways the next tip for you guys to avoid looking like a total noob at the skatepark is to follow basic state park etiquette the most important thing to keep in mind is to just be aware of the other skaters at the park everyone is taking turns so don't just constantly be going make sure you're looking around giving people their turn don't sit and hang out on the obstacle for the most part it's just common sense oftentimes at the skatepark there's obstacles that aren't actually part of the skatepark but that the scare is used often and I will often see beginners like sitting around on top of them so for example here at the skate park there's a wall and a backside but don't sit on things like that basically look for skate marks or look for other people skating the obstacle just be aware just by doing that following say forget it you will look like another school [Music] [Music] tip number five involves falling advanced skaters have fallen so many times that when they follow their bodies are relaxed they actually gets no big deal they get right back up so if you're a beginner just try to mimic that if you want to go out of your way and actually learn how to fall there are techniques you can use like you really want to try to roll out of your falls to reduce the impact when I tell me busting my ass so it's so not believable [Music] that was ridiculous that's not the point purpose it has to just happen it's mostly just get back up and don't be embarrassed those are the five tips I have for you guys but I really want to get across the message that it's okay to be a beginner I was a beginner every incredible skater was a beginner looking like a goof at the skate park so everyone understands no matter how intimidating they look and try just talking to people at the skate park it will make you feel better about being a beginner chances are people would be happy to give you tips and advice just embrace that beginner phase because sooner than later you're gonna start progressing and you'll cherish those days when you first found the beauty of skateboarding a lot of beginners show up to the skate park and kind of nervously look around don't really just start skating but if you just embrace it and just start skating right away you will actually give off more confidence and you will look like a better skateboard just by doing that and having that mindset so get out there get skating don't worry about it too much be yourself ride your board write as much as possible and you won't be a beginner for long [Music] you know on the sky looks good you look like garbage me and Nora are taking pictures of this new eros kekua shirt Oh Stokes Thank You Nora even though you're just roasted my ass roast you it's just the camera so these tips are basically so these tips are [Music]
Channel: George Poulos
Views: 376,256
Rating: 4.9274378 out of 5
Keywords: George Poulos, skate vlogger, college vlogger, arrow skate co, Fortune Skateboards, Wesleyan University, skateboard vlogger, how to not look like a beginner skateboarder, how to not look like a beginner skater, how to not look like a beginner on a skateboard, skateboard tips for beginners, 5 tips to not look like a beginner skater, 5 tips not look like a beginner skateboarding, how to look like a good skater, how to look like a good skateboarder, vlskate, vlskate beginner, skate
Id: mR-FnsH7wlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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