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[Music] it's good YouTube my name is George welcome to another episode of senior year and in this video I'm going to give you guys all the wisdom and tips I have on improving your style in skateboarding we all know that skateboarding is so unique because style matters to some people style matters more than skill I particularly don't think that I have an amazing skate style I get roasted for it often in the comments on my videos but some people think I have a good skate style and I really appreciate that regardless of what you think of my skate style and when I think of my skate style I do think I've developed some wisdom on this matter tip number one look good feel good ski good if you look good and feel good with what you're wearing this includes your clothing and your shoes it's jacket though by the way I'm not gonna lie I feel good in my helmet I feel like it's a part of my style now but anyways it is true if you look good and if you're just hyped on your clothing this will actually shine in your skateboarding because you're just gonna feel better and you're gonna be cruising and having a good time and you're gonna skate good and this will absolutely come out in your style I need to give a huge shout out to minimal for actually providing me with a wardrobe makeover for this video you can see right now I got this baseball jacket on I'm really hyped on it I'm gonna roll the V roll of all the cool stuff that they sent me basically minimal is a very cool clothing line out of LA it's a bit different than what I'm used to and they hit me up I checked out their site I was like ok ok I think I could work with this I was really hyped on some of the stuff that I saw it's kind of a little bit of a different style than what I'm used to play actually I already got to skating in this jacket and the pants and the socks and I've been feeling really good in it this shirt I picked up is really freaking cool very unique I personally like the baggy fit like this jacket fits nice and baggy the pants got a lot of room to them and they got that nice stretch I'm even like I've done the socks they got those simplistic red stripes yo check out minimal guys you won't regret it very high quality and really good price for these goods so you can go hit that link in the description see if you like anything and get a nice discount on your clothing so thanks minimal for making me a little bit more stylish today that's tip number one look good feel good skate good get clothing that you are gonna feel good and we'll shine through in your style now tip number two is confidence and being comfortable and you're gonna actually see that all of these tips kind of fall into the same Universal connection of the life that we live in no but seriously it flows from number one if you're looking good and feeling good in your clothing you're gonna be more confident and confidence is a huge indicator of style the better and more comfortable you feel on your board it's gonna show and people are gonna see that and it's gonna come off in your style the key to this tip is to keep practicing those tricks get them down so good that you don't even have to think about it because then you can just lose and have fun with it and you will look good doing it in general you want to be riding your skateboard all the time as much as possible the more time you spend on your board the more comfortable and confident you will look and the more stylish you will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] see should we rock the top button tip number three has to do with your skate setup you always want to abide by tip number one look good feel good skate good whatever type of skateboard setup you feel the best in that is what will make you the most stylish in general what I'm seeing like trending and skateboarding right now is the wider boards are looking more stylish I ride an eight point two five inch board I also like when the trucks are as wide as the board I feel the best with classic silver color trucks and white skateboarding wheels anything else and I feel dorky I'm more tensed up and like self-conscious you want to feel good about it I will shine through in your energy while you're skating [Music] tip number four also has to do with your skateboard setup and it is to loosen your trucks loosening your trucks lets you get that carving motion you know it's more like surfing on the street instead of tic tacking everywhere and that can look really sick I know I got out of some of those pivot fakies because of my loose trucks you know it just gives you more freedom and it kind of has some more of that surfer flowy vibe to it if you can really carve and turn without tic tacking number five has to do with what you do with your body when you're skating and I know this tends to be the number one kind of thing that skaters are self-conscious about they're always like oh what do I do with my arms like I got those chicken wing arms when I'm skating nollie and yeah this happens to everyone I do weird stuff like when I'm skating nollie specifically I kind of end up with a weird fist thing but what I want to say about this is put your body into your skateboarding tricks like lean with your tricks and kind of don't worry about like you don't want some non moving arms like moving your arms as part of it but like use it to your advantage use your arms to balance and actually put them into your tricks add them to the flow of the transition and all of that like I've recently been doing this thing where I kind of going up to the obstacle I'm gonna hit I kind of prepare by like putting my arm out in front of it and I've heard this in the comments you guys would call it like minority style and just putting your body into tricks in general actually will help you balance and skate better but it also can make you look very stylish number six is a simple one going faster he's gonna look more stylish than doing a trick really slow now don't just go trying a brand new trick going a hundred miles per hour except that the learning curve might look a little bit dorky but that's part of it once you're super confident with the trick take it a little bit faster you're gonna just look like you have more confidence and control over the board if you could go flying doing it back fifty rather than like doing one at two miles per hour I guess I want to add that in addition to faster being more stylish than slower obviously doing longer grinds and slides whether it be a Ledge rail or quarter pipe longer is definitely gonna be more stylish than shorter and number seven it actually has to do with facial expression and more generally just kind of having fun and letting your face show it like have a big smile when you're skating you know instead of looking like you're angry or like you got a poop no but seriously if you're having fun it will show in your face and you know you notice that maybe you don't consciously know it but think about it now next time you're watching someone skate if they've got a goofy happy looking face while they're skating it's gonna make their energy shine and their style look better [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] number ages more generally like let loose I mean all of these tips ultimately have to do with accepting yourself the way you skate and kind of being able to just let loose and get your body into it and smile and freakin vibe and it's all connected and all of these things just like relax and let your natural style come out that is what it's all about I actually thought of one more that I think is worth mentioning and I don't know what to call it other than like doing little things to show that you have master control over your board what I'm thinking about is just when you're kind of riding around the park kind of like if you're rolling over a ramp to like let your back wheels touch down first I see this a lot or like I don't know doing a little nollie kind of boopity boop to go into a ramp that looks really sick sometime maybe like a little power slide here and there you know just these like little things that are slightly out of the ordinary enough to demonstrate control [Music] [Music] [Music] not underestimate the power of look good feel good skate good I'm having just an amazing session and I know you guys know this feeling when you're just feeling your style and you can most envision your tricks better and actually translates into landing more tricks now I'm from out of breath that back Smith I just did on the quarter pipe was the first one that has ever clicked in my mind that's like one of those tricks where it just was not I could not figure it out and I'm just so hyped on it and honestly I think the the minimal clothing and just just feeling good and how I look has a huge role in that Philippe Sarah thanks for the photos and the energy thank you always a good time believe thanks for the front Smith thank you so I hope you enjoyed these tips I want to remind you guys about minimal I mean you guys saw me I was so hyped on it and having good clothing can make a huge difference so I highly recommend you to check out minimal if you see something you like grab it and make sure you use my discount code thank you to Sarah for all the players helping me out with this video it means a lot to try it out guys have a good one I hope everything is going well leave me a comment send me a DM send me a freaking email if you want to I don't know take it easy guys thanks for watching well what is that I think I'm turning the wrong thing wait but did I coming up because I turned that way it's not focusing okay there we go that quality no you cannot put the socks like that well that was not close enough wait wait wait you're you know that you're hot is like crooked stop doing that what do we got
Channel: George Poulos
Views: 110,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: George Poulos, skateboarding style tips, skateboarding style, skate style tips, skate style, 10 skate style tips, how to improve your skate style, improve skateboarding style, best style in skateboarding, skate tips, skate style advice, skate advice, george poulos style, mnml la, mnml la review, 10 skate tips, middlefield skatepark, peckham skatepark ct, ct skateboarding, get better at skateboarding, how to skateboard
Id: FsBLolKHqlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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