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and it's tunnel vision baby hello everybody and welcome back to the coolest dog training Channel right here on YouTube thanks for joining me today here's Lakota I'm at the Upstate k-9 Academy I'm gonna be answering some very frequently asked questions from you guys topic of discussion today is something we see all the time here at the Upstate k9 Academy I think a lot of beginner dog trainers and a lot of beginner dog owners will make them this mistake very very often which will be detrimental to your training in the future in your sustainability of obedience and so today I'm going to be talking about how to win your dog off the dependency of the food motivator which basically means my dog won't do anything unless food is involved so I'm going to be going over some real simple tips on how to get out of that funk as well as how it's created now I'll be the first to tell you I use food in almost all the training I do but a lot of times the food comes in the middle or at the end of the training for the icing on top now I love using food to motivate the dog to try new behaviors I love luring the dog with food to create new behaviors and I'll be the first to tell you that however you have to be really careful how you use food and the preliminary stages of building behaviors so if you think about it if you get into a training class and you cut up a half a pack of hot dogs or a whole pack of hot dogs pretty much any animal that eats meat is gonna follow you around the room which is okay if that's what you're looking to do but at what point does it become feeding versus training and I see that very frequently you go to a training class they say bring your hot dogs the dogs get really excited they salivate like that I don't have hot dogs but she just loves anything and they get really excited to work which is fantastic I love motivating dogs and creating euphoria for them to train and work and new and learn new stuff however I've also taught this to seven year olds at the 4-h club on how to lure animals or with food so it's a very very easy step to do but you have to be careful on the difference between feeding and training and that's where a lot of people make that mistake you get that food out the dog doesn't know you they don't know what you're asking and you're doing this and you're doing this and you're doing this and you're saying good job good job good job but the dog and the animal go touch is so motivated and so focused on the food that at that point you're not training you're feeding now it's the same thing I talk about very often on the other end of the spectrum of being very careful how you apply pressure corrections discipline structure all that stuff you have to meet somewhere in the middle to be fair to the learning curve of the dog now it may sound silly Tom how can you ruin a dog with food it's very simple teaching a dog to follow you around a room and chase chase food and lure without teaching behaviors is a big waste of your time and if you're paying a trainer to help you do this it's a big waste of your money as well you really have to ask yourself if you ask your dog to do a behavior do you need that motivation to get them to do it or have they captured the behavior internally and understand it to the fullest amount ask yourself that seriously look at your dog right now think of your dog think of your training protocols and say if I ask my dog to down will they down if I ask my dog to sit will they do it without a prompted motivation and I'm only making this video because it creates such frustration with dog owners when they come in and they say my dog has been through basic training before and they know sit they know he'll they know down and they know all of these things and I get them out on the leash and I say hey Fido sit and the dogs looking at me like I have a I have no idea what that is and B even if I did know it I'm not gonna do it because you're not serving me any food so no way Jose the amount of frustration that can create between the handler and the dog is huge because I said wait a minute you said your dog knows these behaviors Oh over there they do hold on let me get you some food now for me there's a significant difference between your dog doing a circus trick to get the food from you and kind of like a slot machine at some point it is going to land on that behavior and the dog is going to do it but they don't know how to comport analyze the behaviors and know them individually which for me if I'm training basic obedience to sit because I don't want the dog to cross the road yet to come back because I don't want them to get hit by a car to heal because I don't want them to drag me down the road or so on and so forth if they can't do those very basic things without food then to me there's absolutely no point in teaching that way so I'm going to go over a couple tips on how to wean your dog off of that food motivator now the first thing I'm going to do is just tell you to replace your food motivator to the dog with your verbal marker so when you're telling a dog to sit and they do it you're then going to say good sit instead of good sit food good sit food because again when you get that hotdog out with that food it's tunnel-vision baby I'm just going to demonstrate what that looks like right now go to left yes good left there's one thing Lakota heel good heel good heel Lakota good look or to sit good sit left place good place left good left touch good stay so there's maybe six or seven different things I've asked her to do and then at the end of it I'll then say hey good job good stay good everything else good job paying her for that so for her and I our relationship is very non-traditional because I'm paying her with food because she just performed really well I marked the behaviors when she was doing it with my verbal and that's the difference so a lot of people will go good heal good sit good down good place good left good touch right and I did that with my voice instead of food I just paid her at the end because she reached all my expectations like she normally does and I was happy with her performance so I paid her a little bit of food for doing all of that stuff at the end of the obedience trial that I just did the second thing you can do is simply wean off of the treats that you give your dog in increments so we're going to combine the first thing we just did with hey good job as you're doing it so verbal praise and then I'm gonna give her a piece of food maybe once every five or four times instead of every single time because this will then tell the dog okay I'm still doing the right thing but I'm not getting stuffed like a potbelly full of hot dogs and that's another really big reason why we don't depend on food in training is because if your dog is dependent on food for their reward and to let them know that they've done the right thing that you've asked them to do without just saying hey good job and they go okay I've got it if they're sitting there waiting for that food they may think that they didn't do the right thing if you go oh crap I forgot my treats or oh crap I'm out so that's the other big thing in the behavioral process and building a dog up is if your reward based system every single time is food food food if you don't have that piece of food they may think that they didn't do the right thing and you'll often times see dog go into a sit and you go good sit and they go where's my food you don't give it to them and they go down because they're like okay now I'm a little bit confused so that's the other reason why we aren't dependent on food in the preliminary stages of building a dog's foundational obedience now I'm going to demonstrate how to do incremental food delivery to the dog instead of every single time like you may be used to left good left heel good heel corta sipped yes good sit put it down yes good down sit yes good sit good job so there you guys just saw I was just teaching her that she's done everything I want her to do and she's still looking for that food but she's not getting in every single time so that's the other way you can start doing is just like we talked about in the beginning replacing that food delivery with good whatever the behavior asking and then incrementally maybe a treat maybe not doesn't matter come good come go touch yes good touch look what it come yes good come go touch good look what it come yes go ahead touch so there was another great example of just showing you guys incremental food delivery instead of every single time she might have came to me and went back to the place five or six time and then I gave her food at the end the last thing I'm going to talk about is just motivate delivery in general how you present your dog with the motivation or the reward is a big factor and how much they work how hard they work and their engagement with the handler but I saved this for last because this may be one of the harder things out of the things that we've talked about today for your dog if they're usually dependent on food or just reward based systems in general so what you're gonna do is you're gonna take your food so the dog knows that it's here right and then what you're gonna do is you're maybe gonna I'm gonna do this a couple of different ways just to get creative with you guys because I want it to be scalable to everybody and I want you guys to be able to apply it to almost any situation not even if your dog's dependent or not this is just a great opportunity for you to switch up your deliveries to get the dog more focused on you instead of the food so I'm just gonna take this food and this apparent napkin I'm gonna put it here now I'm gonna take one of the pieces of food out of this and this is just kibble by the way I'm gonna put it in my hand so she she she knows the deal but this is going to be applicable to any dog they're gonna be probably thinking that I'm gonna have to go from here to here and then they're gonna be waiting for that transaction before they anticipate that payment when in actuality what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pay the dog randomly so so she or he depending on who your training realizes that it could come at any given time and the most important thing is them focusing on the behavior at task and not the item that they're working for left good you good bless you bless you sweet girl so the food is in my pouch she knows a focused heal so she's a little bit different but the chances of the dog that's usually dependent on food looking at the pouch is likely so the dog is looking looking looking left quota sit good yes good touch so it's a secondary source of food for the dog cuz she didn't know that I had it in my hand she's like wait wait wait you mean it doesn't have to come from here so what happens is the dog just says okay I'm really getting paid for the task at hand versus core left heel versus looking here go touch and that's really what matters to you as the handler now this last piece of training is a little bit more advanced but if you want to take your engagement to the next level and trying to separate the motivation from the actual behavior here's what I suggest first and foremost to get a little bit more advanced in training you have to use a little bit more training tools or equipment so I'm using a d-town vest which is a dog training vest that you can store and keep your supplies in your phone your watch your wallet whatever it may be as well as your reward based systems so in the back I have a 12 inch canine tactical tug and in this little pocket here which is see-through which is also great if you're teaching a dog engagement on you as the handler because the dog can see the item that they're working for and this little pouch is a ball that was broken off by one of our shepherds and I had a piece of leather around and I made into a tug so now I have three motivations on me I have food here in the front I have my ball on a tug here and then I have my normal tug in the back and now the advanced step here is is what I would call maybe motivational proofing I don't know I just made it up but what it does is she knows that there's going to be many different items for her to choose from or get paid altogether so what she knows is is there's three different ways for her to get paid and she loves them all and so I'm gonna prove her throughout this process to pay her when she's actually paying attention to me and not the item at hand and so she's a little bit more advanced because she's my dog and I've been working with her since she was a puppy but I just want to show you how you guys can recreate this at home she's out of practice I don't train her every day but in videos like this when were in quarantine and we don't have a ton of dogs to choose from like normal I'm gonna be using her as a demonstration so my goal is going to be getting her out and then offering her a reward on the ground without releasing her so she can't really get it but she should be focused on it and your dog should be definitely focused on it if they're not practicing this type of advanced obedience and engagement in general so I'm going to show you how this works left yep good girl good girl so she's very engaged with me which I like good girl I'm gonna slow it down a little bit gonna show you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this tug out left good girl good yes good so what I did there guys good girl it touch you later alligator she looked at the toggle and I threw it and then she looked right back up at me and as soon as she gave me gave me that redirection 'l hey never mind i want to pay attention to you because i think that the fun actually comes from you and i say yes it does and then i release her because i'm paying her for the engagement into me so ultimately at the end of the day for you guys in your dog you want the dog to engage with you and then you release them so you're actually paying them through the release your break command to get the tugs and then play tug with you once they're focused in on you i'm gonna take that a step further i'm gonna pay her from me so I'm gonna throw the tug and I'm gonna get the other tug out but I'm gonna ask her to do a little bit more obedience a little bit more advance so I'm gonna ask her for a little bit more focus here a little bit advanced a little bit of everything left good heal good heal good I'm gonna take that tug left I'm gonna ask her to do some obedience first good good girl she's looking at me she's expecting this reward yes and I'm paying her there what I did just to run you through is she was expecting this because she can see it she knows it's there she's a clever girl but what I did is I proofed her I said nope it's actually gonna go right there and then she goes and gets that so in layman's terms mix it up don't let her or yourself be predictable in any way to keep it spicy baby so now I'm gonna do it again and use all three motivations food ball and tug but what I'm gonna do is because of this d-town vest has two pouches I'm gonna switch it over here because my dogs are always handled on the left side so she's gonna be here left good heel so I'm gonna proofer with my hand in this pocket which her assumption is then going to be okay the ball is coming out of the right hand [Music] so here comes the tug out from the back left good good girl so for beginners this is really good focus focus focus good focus at that moment you might want to pay but she's a little bit more advanced so I'm gonna move her a little bit more good heal eyes on me baby eyes on me good girl good heal lots of positive reinforcement just like we talked about beginning your voice is good enough guys your dog loves you left good heal good I'm gonna walk right around this tug hopefully you guys can see this in frame so she's walking around her hug if I get this focus for a little bit longer she's gonna get paid with the ball yes woohoo she's got a double she's got a double good girl good girl so a little crazy but that's that's the fun of having fun with your dog okay so what I was doing there guys is I was just telling her that hey you don't have to focus on what you think the item is so I'm switching it up to keep her engaged on the only thing that matters I am the gatekeeper I'm the one who tells her what you can and can't do so with these steps I hope it's helpful for you guys to figure out how to wean off of that motivation simply from the first step of getting away from food and maybe using an item because an item is way more engaging with you and your dog you're able to work on a lot of impulse control the dog wants it the dog wants it the dog wants it left do something for me do something again do something again let me hear what you've got to say watch them good girl yes good girl so you're able to really engage with your dog with play and I'm in a video before because a lot of people veterinarians and other different type of trainers will say playing tug with your dog can make them aggressive under most circumstances that's not true you can watch that video in the link above but anyway if you guys haven't yet don't forget like subscribe to my channel I'll be putting out these videos as much as I possibly can the link to the deep town vest is gonna be listed below you can get them in different colors you can get them in different sizes of course and there's a bunch of different great things on that on that website you guys can check out to make your dog training experience just one level up I appreciate you guys I [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 580,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dog trainer, dog training, dog video, positive dog training, dog training treats, treat training, purely positive, leash training, my dog wont, my dog wont listen to me, puppy training, tom davis, youtube dog trainer, youtube dog training, online dog training, dog trainer online, upstate canine academy, dog trainer tom davis, ny dog trainer, upstate new york, upstate dog trainer, dog trainer near me, e collar, remote collar trainer, aggressive dog, basic dog training
Id: ZzepUP3jcsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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