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is it just me what's up y'all welcome back to my channel I'm so happy to be back with another video and Amelie it's been like three months I think but I am back and today I'm gonna talk to you guys about what you should know before joining the army and I have my little notes here so we're just gonna go straight into it and the screamer y'all probably like why are you doing this video in your car well I don't have my own room here so it's kind of hard making a video with your roommate and the room and just making noise and stuff like that so I just decided to do it in my car and also all this stuff that I'm gonna be talking about I am talking about my own experience what I know from being in the Army for about a year now so the first thing is do your research talk to people in the military specifically if you want to join the army then talk to people that are in the army and just ask them questions ask them how they feel about being in the military and hopefully by that then you know if you do want to join in on I'm going to talk about a lot of stuff that I didn't know about before joining the military so one of the things and this is why I am making this video in my car is the barracks so the barracks is where you're gonna be living at if you are a single soldier you're married then you can have your house your apartment whatever you want but if you are a single soldier then you're gonna be living in the barracks now they told me my recruiter told me that I'm gonna be had that I will have my own room I'm gonna be sharing like a common area with a roommate but I'll have my own room so that I'll be sharing a restroom and like a stove a refrigerator all that good stuff right so I ended up getting here and I don't have my own room I share a whole space with another female so if I can by the end of this video I'll kind of show you guys what it looks like but it it's it's not what I expected obviously and it sucks because you don't have your own privacy so just so you guys can see this is what I'm working with this is my little space over there I'm sorry if it's dirty or whatever but um this is my space here this is her space this was already um here when I got to this room so this is her and then this is her TV so we share a refrigerator and a microwave and that's it we don't even have a stove or nothing and this is stove freakin restroom sink and obviously we share all of this so obviously is not what I expected in my own room but so that's what I'm talking about like don't what they're gonna tell you they're gonna tell you a lot of things and just know not to get your hopes up because there's a lot of stuff that you probably won't expect like how I said before that there's things that you're not gonna expect like me I have to go to airsoft school Here I am my for Campbell airborne air saw base they obviously want me to go do air saw I never expected to even do air assault so to be honest I am kind of scared and I'm like dang like I don't really want to do it like I don't want to I don't want to go through all of that again you know like working and getting hurt I'm already hurt my knees are effed up already another thing is pay and rank so [Applause] you can easily find out what you'll be getting paid on Google you could just be like what's an e3 pay or whatever I went into the army as in e2 and I did that by recruiting somebody else they left to basic training before I did so so yeah I recruited her and that's how I got my e to ring and then I got promoted to any 3a IT that's advanced into individual training that's where you get trained for your MOS the job that you picked so that's where I got promoted to an e3 so currently I'm in e 3e one to e4 is automatic you're supposed to automatically get ranked up after like six months first two six months and then I think it's twelve months so it is a little while but like I said like me I got promoted way before all of those timeframes so of you if you do good like I said an auntie I got promoted it was because I got a 300 PT score I was doing really good like physically and all that good stuff and I had um a leadership position so they did they'd seen potential in me or whatever so I got promoted the defect the food is not so great it's it's not all that and when I first when I was talking to my recruiter he said oh yeah you're gonna get this card you go eat breakfast lunch dinner and it's free or whatever so I wasn't thinking I was thinking free food shares good but in reality they take that money out of your paycheck for the defect it's about 300 something dollars so that's what they take out of your paycheck and even if you're eating or not they're still taking it out it doesn't matter if you're if you're not eating you're still taking that out of your paycheck just so you know that know that you're still waking up early to go do PT this is the schedule it's PT from like 6:30 to 8:00 obviously you have to wake up a little bit earlier probably wake up at 5:00 5:30 go to formation you go do PT probably until 8 8 a.m. you come back you shower you get ready put your uniform on and then you go back and do your actual job from 9:00 9:30 to whatever time you get out sometimes I get out really early sometimes I get out 2 3 4 sometimes I get out really late so it just it depends what you got going on that day you you never have a really set schedule so that's just something that you guys should know let's talk about duty station if your recruiter tells you that you're gonna get the duty station that you want no you're not my recruiter had told me that 99% of the time I'm I'm probably gonna get what I put on that paper they call it the wish list when you go to basic and at AIT you're gonna you're gonna get a paper and pretty much put what duty stations you want to go to I never put Kentucky for Campbell but I am here now so yeah I did not pick this duty station at all so just know that you can get sent anywhere even if you don't want to go there you can get sent there you can still get deployed even if you don't have a combat job if you're not an 11 Bravo I am supply I'm a 92 Yankee so I handle supplies for my company order go pick up supplies that we order go do turn-ins all that good stuff and obviously we can any MOS can get deployed know that and it doesn't mean you're gonna be out there killing people and deployment doesn't mean that you're gonna go and die you know that's what people think at first when they hear a deployment but it's it's not like that okay and I can't really tell you guys a lot about deployment because I haven't gotten deployed yet hopefully I do because you get paid really good when you get the point so I am waiting on that let's talk about family yes you can go and see your family but it's not gonna be as often as you probably think you can put in leave and tell them hey like I want to go home you have maybe 10 days 5 days whatever they can deny that depends on what's going on and there's to be honest there's always something going on so it's it's mostly around the holidays when you're gonna be able to go home which is like you know Christmas during the summer we get we get leave so it's it's not that often especially if you're really far from home if you get stationed somewhere where it's not close at all to where you are from then it's gonna be kind of hard seeing your family and stuff like that every month you get 2.5 days of leave so that accumulates right so if you haven't gone home for five months or even more than that that accumulates it's 2.5 days every month so that accumulates and then when you do want to take leave and whatever it's an emergency are you just feeling bad and you just want to go home then you can put in your you know request or whatever is caught on I really forgot what it's called but pretty much requests to go home and those are the days that you're gonna be used yes we have Saturdays and Sundays off but it's not like a for-sure thing there's there can be something going on and you have to go in and do whatever they tell you to do right so even if it's a Saturday you have it off just know that if they need you you have to go in and do whatever they need you to do you know what I mean like there's some times where we go to the feud and it's like Thursday through Saturday we come back like Saturday even if it's a day that we're supposed to have off you know like we still have [ __ ] to do training to do and stuff like that and we also have a lot of three-day weekends four-day weekends that is something that I love because you know you don't really get that in a regular civilian job you know yeah you might have the weekend off or maybe you have Wednesdays and Fridays off or whatever but it's mostly mostly every month we do have a four-day week you get more freedom don't think basic and AIT is way different from military life I guess you could say because in basic and AIT they don't give you as much freedom you don't be going out anywhere and here when you get to your duty station it's way different you go work you go do pt you go to your job you get off you can get off at 2:00 p.m. after that you can go do whatever you want you could go to the mall you could go party you could go drink and you can come back in the base at any time you want just as long as you show up for PT the next day then you're good obviously if it's a Friday you don't have work the next day you can leave go do whatever you want go rent a hotel you don't have to come back and base as long as you are where you're supposed to be at at the right time at the right place right uniform you'll be good if you if you do that you'll be good education so one of the things I thought is I would have a lot of time to to take classes right because I joined to study to have my free college and to obviously have that experience of just being in the military you never know if you're gonna have time to study and sometimes we get off really late I might not have time to study sometimes I do sometimes I don't so right now I'm I'm in the process of getting into college but with this whole coronavirus stuff everything got cancelled so I'm not able to do anything right now but I am I am like really like strict - I need to study here while I am in because if not I feel like I'm gonna waste my time if I get out and with no college like I can't do that I have to study right now because that's just how I feel I feel like I'm gonna be wasting my time if I don't so just know that it might be hard to study while you're in because you have a job you have a full-time job that you have to do so just keep that in mind if you are joining for for education okay in the Army you can pick your job in other branches I know that you can pick like the exact job that you want but just make sure you pick a job that you actually want and that you know that you're probably going to enjoy because I'm telling you you're gonna be doing this every day you're gonna be doing your job every day so if it's something that you're not sure that you're gonna enjoy I mean you might not like it at all you might regret picking that job if you get your job choices after taking your a swab and you don't like any of them honey do not settle don't settle so you might think that you have to pick a job then and there and join then and there but you don't you can wait you can retake the ASVAB get a better score and have more choice so that's pretty much it I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video and if you have any questions again comment down below I will answer every question you guys have give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't because I'm coming with more videos okay anyways bye guys
Channel: itz julie
Views: 153,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JRfGaBlqwYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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