Gloomhaven Random Dungeon Full Playthrough - JonGetsGames
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Channel: JonGetsGames
Views: 539,782
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Keywords: jongetsgames, johngetsgames, gloomhaven, jongetsgames gloomhaven, gloomhaven review, gloomhaven playthrough, gloomhaven play through, gloomhaven playthru, gloomhaven runthrough, gloomhaven run through
Id: hC5B3Z6ieVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 58sec (7378 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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This was difficult to write without spoilers.
The setup on these is a little trickier, but the main thing is that they can be immensely difficult.
Most scenarios you hit the first time and think "okay, there's probably going to be lots of low hp ranged guys, maybe a few bigger things thrown in" and prepare for it. Then you play through it and realize you'll be cursed the whole time and there's a few of a monster you didn't expect.
With the random scenarios, you could have 3 rooms that have effects that synergize in powerful ways, and a selection of enemies that are so different, you basically can't prepare to do anything but be ready to overpower everything entirely. You just have to be better on every front with these, because you can't go "ranged heavy" and find success, or "bring heals" to balance out a problem. You just have to crush everything.
I'd recommend you just use one monster card for the entire dungeon, and only pull room cards. So in this video he did the Cutthroat Hovel, then the Crushing Sewer, then Putrid Cave. Just do the Cutthroat Hovel, Cutthroat Sewer, and Cutthroat Cave. Maybe pull a monster card instead of doing the scenario effect on the last room, but three different monster cards makes for way more variety than a normal scenario and gets pretty difficult.
Again, unless you're party is that perfect mix of OP classes and you're on easy mode. If you've got a lvl 3 Spellweaver/Scoundrel/Cragheart and you're pulling a lvl 1'll be fine.
We tried them for new characters after old ones retired to test them out, but it was a colossal PITA
This game is really not designed for random setups. There are better games for that.
I have yet to try one of these. How is the setup vs the main campaign? Is it worth it over just playing those? Whats the benefit/gameplay plus?