Japanese Dad-Daughter Duo's unspeakable murder in LOVE MOTEL

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[Music] bada bing badao have you ever been to a love Motel love motels are pretty popular in Asia they're designed for people to get in and get out literally so the utilization is not the same as regular hotels if you're visiting South Korea for a week I mean chances are you're not booking a love hotel for a week it's mainly for couples that are looking for a bed or either a few hours maybe the entire night if you've got the stamina and you can typically tell when it's a love Motel they'll have these neon love hearts outside or it'll say love in the name or Cupid it'll advertise a rest rate so a rest rate is different from normal hotel stay rates stay rates are when you book the room for the night so I mean we've all been there right you check in Saturday afternoon check out Sunday rest rates are just you book a room for a few hours during the day which you can imagine what people are using this for I was planning on going to a ton of Love motels in Korea next time that I'm there just because I think it's so fascinating you know a lot of them are themed each room has a color theme or a fantasy theme there's a love hotel in Japan where you can rent a room that is designed after the Japanese subway station at blah blah blah station be careful of sliding doors do if youve ever had the urge to do it on public transit this would be your safest bet I imagine there's one where you can rent a fake doctor's exam room there's fake x-rays stethoscope setup and of course you can even rent role playing costumes there's another love Motel where every single room is just hardcore BDSM dungeons it's called Hotel Alpha in Tokyo you get complimentary whips collars gags feather dusters and blindfolds there's a bunch of different frames so you can be suspended on the walls or the ceiling if that's what you prefer suspend it on the ceiling yeah like hanging from the ceiling oh upside down if that's your okay I mean the TVs in these love motels they typically come complete with like a collection of adult entertainment to watch and if you're feeling extra frisky I guess in Korea you can get your love hotel to be Ramen themed you can sleep inside of a bed inside of a cup Ramen that's the one yeah and they know what you're doing inside of that cup Ramen because most love hotels they come equipped with two complimentary pieces of protection so Runa a 29-year-old Japanese woman was at one of the love motels in the red light district of sapuro Japan this is like June of this year so a few months ago and the room that they booked for the next few hours was an all pink themed room the walls the carpeting the table everything was pink he was waiting for her in the bathtub just a second I'll be right there she reaches into her suitcase and pulls out her new raincoat it's got the smell of thick plastic she unfolds it puts it on un covering her clothes then she bends down grabs a pair of gloves squeezes her hands it's like those rubber kitchen gloves squeezes her hands in until they make this like satisfying smack sound now now she's ready for him for 3 hours Runa would be in the bathroom with this man she would walk back out into the all pink room and start packing up her bags her job was done her dad an influential psychiatrist at a local hospital would be picking her up soon she want to keep him waiting outside the hotel so she throws in her ring coat she throws in her gloves back into the suitcase she digs out fresh clothes and pulls out a blonde wig it's probably itchy but it it would be good to have it on that night she adjusts the wig puts on lipstick and grabs the handle of her suitcase and walks out that hotel room door some would say that she had a pip in her step maybe it was the new toy that she had just acquired in her suit case she had the decapitated head of the man bobbing [Music] around as always full show notes are available at Rotten Mingo podcast.com as with most International cases we had our wonderful Japanese researchers assist in gathering of the facts and also analyzing social discourse about this case I mean this was pretty big in Japan it still is the crime happened just a few months ago trial has not started yet so it's a developing case which is a good time to mention that nobody has been convicted in the court of law I mean the evidence here is overwhelming to say the least and there really doesn't seem to be too much of a debate on if this person did something but more so on why did this person do this or was anybody else involved so I'm really curious to get your thoughts on this one please leave it in the comments but as always if there's anything Lost in Translation anything that we missed please let me know and with that being said let's get started do you think therapists take their own advice probably not probably not right like when they have a parent sitting in their therapy chair K I'm kidding I think they do I think they do like when they have a parent sitting in their therapy chair and they tell them you know it's time Mrs Lee it's time you got to let your child adult child learn and grow it's time for them to learn consequences on their own you've done their job you need to give them space stop hovering do you think those same therapists if they are also parents go home and follow their own advice while in the office Dr tamura he preached the importance of setting boundaries healthy family Dynamics and giving children the space to learn but off hours Dr tamura found himself in very strange situations that night after work Dr chura still dressed in his smart business casual attire he would end up at a club there were drunk partygoers like all around him surrounding him spilling the drinks in their hands swaying to the music they're screaming and in the middle of this crowd he's just standing there he's not even trying to fit in he's not even it's really weird if you there's a CCTV video of this but he just stands there staring intently at someone he was holding his daughter's jacket in his arm waiting for her while watching her dance intimately with a man the man that they planned to murder is he hiding or he's no he's not hiding no that's the weirder part cuz I can't imagine dancing like that in front of my dad really even with my husband yeah so the man also knows the dad was watching I don't know if the man knows but the daughter knows oh okay okay it's really weird her name is Runa tamura and she' always been a little bit weird if you see pictures of her she's got long black hair down to her waist and it's almost always pinned straight or at least the pictures I've seen her face is really pale um in the sense that it looks like she doesn't spend a lot of time out in the sun so the contrast of The Long Dark black hair and her pale skin it does kind of add like a ghostly look she doesn't smile often that's what people said and she had this very creepy tendency to stare deeply into your eyes with this empty dark look in her free time her hair would be like half covering her face and she would hum make these little trinkets for her doll collections she loved dolls as a 29-year-old which nothing's wrong with that but it's a little creepy like what kind of trinkets little doll clothing should just be sitting there so focused growing up Runa had a bit of a temper that's probably what the teachers called it okay when they bring her parents in for yet another emergency meeting it's a nice way of saying excuse me sir there is something seriously wrong with your child and the dad would say something along the lines of what did Aruna do this time I don't understand well your daughter came to school wearing a dress okay and a little boy from class gathered up all this courage to walk over to your daughter tap her on the shoulder and say hey um you look you look so I think he was trying to say you look pretty you look like an anime character your daughter pulled out a knife and told him she would stab him and then chased him around with that said knife all around the classroom another time teachers were eating lunch in the break room and they're like did you see what one of her her students wrote in the essay they're like no what I want to see and they're gathered around PE passing around this piece of paper with this very childish writing on there I mean it's clearly the work of like a fourth grader and the word said I had lots of fun during the school field trip but I was shocked that I was the only girl that brought a wooden sword there seems to be very few girls who are interested in knives and swords like I am Run's parents were called in for yet another emergency meeting the teachers most likely suggested nicely of course that Runa was exhibiting some alarming behavior that at least to them it felt like she could use some professional help right Dr tamura clearly disagreed he would later state I'm a psychiatrist I'm treating my daughter myself side side note he's not even just a regular psychiatrist he is the head of Psychiatry at the kiniko central hospital so this guy's a big shot psychiatrist by the time that Runa is 29 I don't think that she got any professional help any counseling therapy any sort of psychiatric treatment unless it was done by her dad at least that's what it seems like according to the sources at 29 she's still living with her parents and the family Dynamic was odd I wouldn't say that it's clear that Runa was in charge but her parents I mean they spoiled her they tried to give her everything that she wanted her dad would go out on these business trips go out of his way to buy her these cute frilly pink almost like Lolita esque style dresses even post about it on Facebook and this part is also interesting but when he posted about his daughter on Facebook he always referred to her as Like musi Son which musi I think I'm saying that right is a common way to say daughter in Japan but when s is added it becomes a lot more formal if not even distant and respectful H so it's one thing if a kid addresses their parent like that but for a parent to address their child like that it felt like he was treating his child like royalty like he bows down at her feet and worships the ground she walks on at 29 Runa is completely secluded she spent most of her days in her family's three-story concrete Mansion yeah side note it a three-story concrete house in Japan is a luxury like you would need to have some real money to have that type of home I mean it even had this Garden that Mrs tamura loved taking care of so it's a nice one people that knew Runa said you know she's she's reclusive but there's not like anything strikingly wrong with her like she's not weird she doesn't give me the creeps people even thought it was kind of a shame some of her former friends said you know she's so pretty she's pretty she's young her family's really well off she could have easily had the perfect life anytime we invited her anywhere with people her age she would just sit in the corner on her phone she would never smile she looked miserable it seemed like Runa preferred to spend time with her dad a relative said her parents you know they they drown her in so much love I guess that's the way to put it Hotel lets is a love hotel in the red light district of sapuro Japan it's not a big one it's got 14 rooms so it's not difficult for the staff to keep track of the guests that are coming in and out I mean I guess the whole point of their job is to not track who's coming in and out but at least they have to manage which rooms had guests that are overseeing their visit if they pay for 3 hours they better be gone by the third hour at 300 p.m. the front desk noticed that room 202 that had two occupants they saw one leave already in the middle of the night but the other guests hadn't left I mean it's way past checkout time maybe they forgot to set the alarm maybe they slept in after a long fun night the the receptionist goes upstairs to room 202 she's knocking front desk no response she puts her ear up to the door which I mean that's a pretty bold thing to do in a love hotel but this is her job she's got to make sure that they're out so she can rent this room again she tries knocking again no answer heads back downstairs to grab the spare key runs all the way back up one more time if anyone in there we're coming in unless you open the door nothing silence not even a peep not even shuffling of blankets or Furniture nothing so she inserts the hotel Key opens the door and the room is perfectly fine it's all pink nothing has the bed is empty completely unused no personal items Left Behind maybe all the guests left in the front desk just failed to notice maybe it was extra busy that night but there was something off about this room it was just too clean it didn't even feel like a single person stayed here even for an hour I mean this is a love Motel it's not uncommon for things to be used moved around rearranged she's about to walk back out but it is Hotel policy to check the entirety of the room to make sure the guests have evacuated before they send in the cleaners she does a quick sweep of the main room bed TV mini fridge everything is pink everything is good she takes a left into the bathroom and right there in contrast to the soft pink bright pastel color of the room was the worst thing that she had ever seen in her life her voice got caught in her throat and she starts stumbling like backwards she lets out this scream I mean it's the type of scream that every single person inside this hotel would know that's not a scream of fun that's a scream of sheer Terror in the bathtub of this very pink room propped up against the bathtub wall was a naked body hands tied behind their back without a head the body was taken immediately into police custody and it was just chaos at this hotel side note uh murders in Japan are pretty rare and we're going to get into that later but they had 240 police officers working this case so this was a big big case they bring the body in they run the body's fingerprints they start cross referencing all the missing person's cases that are active right now and the body belonged to a father of two and husband hitoshi Yura hitoshi had been found brutally slain in the love motel's bathroom and there's so many questions like who killed him why did they kill him and what is a family man doing in a love Motel bathroom hitoshi was said to be a very kind man more of a low-key member of the community and I think that's very interesting so I realize that each culture they have their own way of saying that someone was nice never did anything strange or bad in the US these types of cases I feel like it's always oh you know they were your girl next door they were so normal they were perfectly normal Suburban All American they lit up the room when they walked in in Japan I always see this with cases they're described as never causing issues mhm yeah law-abiding yes like I just thought it so interesting cuz Japan and even Korea they're cultures that are heavily frowned upon when you inconvenience people around you mhm but people said no hitoshi was actually super nice and law biting if you were lost in the neighborhood you might want to ask Hoshi where you are he just seems so approachable very friendly and this is crazy but he was 62 years old he does not look 62 people said that he easily passes for 40 I saw pictures probably 40 yeah I wouldn't even say 50 I mean he looks really really young a lot of people said that his energy itself was young too he seemed he seemed very fun to be around now side note before I show you pictures of him I do need to preface that there is only one confirmed photo of him right now that is circulating where he is dressed in masculine clothes now the rest of the pictures depict him wearing feminine clothing and wearing makeup I'm still going to use he him pronouns because there's no indication that he identified as a woman he just liked to wear makeup and dress in more quote feminine clothing when he went out for the night he usually only wore feminine clothing and makeup when he went out for either big events big parties when he went to the clubs and bars and that kind of becomes a point of contention later on because we have no idea if hoshi's wife knew that he was dressing up and going to these types of parties at night or if it was all done in secret and it has nothing to do with the type of clothing he's wearing but just you know marriage who knows about this who doesn't hoshi's friends would later say he would go out dressed in a bit more feminine attire meet girls at clubs specifically in the red light district of sauro and bring them back to love motels again we don't know if this is an arrangement that his wife was okay with but it does seem like this was hoshi's way of letting loose dancing having fun just escaping from his daily life and making new friends he's really social like when he went out it's like he was in his element he's living purely in that moment May 28th 2023 Hoshi hits up a club in the red light district and that's where he runs into Runa there are videos from that night of them dancing on each other and the club itself is really packed it feels very Lively if you're just listening I'm going to describe what the CCTV camera footage is showing hitoshi and Runa are kind of off on the corner dancing along honestly it looks more like they're hugging than anything else it's like they're hugging and swaying to the music a few key takeaways it seems super Mutual Runa seems to be enjoying hitoshi's company and nens have stated it actually seems like Runa is the more clingy one her arms are around hitoshi's neck and she's smiling a lot she's you know putting her head on his chest leaning up and kind of snuggling her face into the crook of his neck meanwhile Hoshi is kind of standing there engaging with her hugging her back I mean his body language doesn't indicate that he's uncomfortable but Runa is definitely the one that's actively hugging him is this the one that the dad was standing off yes like 20 ft away her dad is standing staring at them while holding her jacket it is so odd and he's standing and there's dancers all around him like clubgoers dancing swaying to the music and he's standing still he's not even pretending to sway to the music he's not even trying to fit in this is so weird yes so creepy I've never h this type of you know relationship yeah that's odd we're going to get into some theories about this relationship later but it is very odd and Runa and and Hoshi is their first encounter it seems very flirtatious neon stated that at times it seems like Runa is almost kissing hoshi's neck on the dance floor again her dad is like right there watching one moment they're having a good time until they're not everything else going forward about this night in question are just pure speculations it is speculated that after they leave the club Runa and Hoshi were hitting it off so well on the dance floor they decide let's get to know each other in a quieter setting they rent a room in a local love hotel we don't know if Run's dad went in with them if he waited outside for his daughter to be done wait so do we know if they rent a room or not they did oh they did go to a hotel but we don't know if her dad came in the room if her dad was waiting in the car outside the hotel or if her dad was like oh well I'm just going to go home call a cab home okay we don't know who went in there yes I imagine it was just Runa and Hoshi okay so the two Runa and atoshi went to a local love motel and it's alleged by Runa and her family that Hoshi assaulted her that night according to rea's grandfather the family believed hitoshi was wearing more feminine clothing not because he wanted to not because he liked it but because it was easier for young women to let their guard down around him if he was dressed in that way now I don't think that we need to put a disclaimer here but I'm just going to put one just in case this is just an allegation from Runa side of the family we don't even know if there's an ounce of truth to this but even if there is I don't think that this should reflect badly on people who wear clothing that might not fit society's expectations of them or their gender like who really defines feminine clothing or masculine clothing like who's allowed to wear makeup and who's not but this allegation has become a very big part of the case so I can't not mention it Runa seems to allege that hitoshi lured her to the love Motel then assaulted her there's an even Wilder allegation thrown in there that hitoshi recorded the assault and was planning on blackmailing Runa and her family with it later on again these are all just allegations as of right now either way Runa must have told her parents about it because they go into full lockdown mode after that night do you think that you would notice if your neighbor's daily habits changed like even just a little neighbor always washes their car on their driveway on Sundays now suddenly they start doing on Saturdays do you think oh maybe their off days changed or do you think oh maybe they're holding someone captive and they only have someone to watch that person in their basement on Saturdays would you even notice you're like no absolutely not so the tamura family's neighbors were observant but they very much followed the Japanese culture of minding their own business but it was kind of hard Dr turo was just being straight up creepy it's like he was on a Onan neighborhood watch situation every day he would stand at his front door eating a a cup of ramen while staring intently down the street it made neighbors very nervous when they walked past his house other times he'd be sitting in his car that was parked facing the street level he would be eating a full Bento Box in his car just staring not on his phone not listening to music not listening to a podcast staring onto the street all day all day neighbors felt like it's it's like he's waiting for someone or like waiting for something we don't know and this once friendly Dr tamura they would wave and he just had this dark expression on his face was weird he said he was waiting for Hoshi to show up it is said that Run's parents reached out to Hoshi after hearing about the alleged assault and made a deal with him you stay out of bruna's life never contact her again never talk to her again and we will stay out of yours it's not clear what the repercussions would have been if he broke those said quote rules but I imagine it would have something to do with getting the police involved Hoshi agreed okay I'm never going to contact Runa anymore but it's again alleged that he broke that promise and allegedly he started coming over to the Runa family home and look I have no idea if this is true or how he would even know their address but allegedly he started showing up uninvited and it put the whole family on edge they wanted to do something to protect their daughter their precious baby so after about a month of this a month and a half it seems like the family thought you know what we can't keep living like this we got to do something about it like what is he showing up for they don't say I mean we don't even know if he showed up okay so they are saying he's harassing them yeah okay on July 1st 2023 right around 11:00 p.m. two people walked into the love hotel hotel lets a young woman and an older woman at first glance that's what the receptionist is most likely picking up the young woman was dropped off by someone who appeared to be her father an old man met the older woman outside and the two entered together and checked in the young woman was wearing summery light colored clothing the older women looked like they had just come from a party they had on this shimmery NASA crop top straight styled black Bob nails painted bright red to complete the look I mean the two did look interesting sitting next to one another mainly for the age Gap okay but the receptionist is not here to judge as long as everyone's legal what does it matter the receptionist checks them men hands them their hotel Key and motions that ways the elevator we don't know exactly what happened in there but judging by the crime scene and the timeline we can kind of piece together a series of events and this is all still speculation as of right now the two hosi and Runa went into the hotel room and Runa was somehow able to get Hoshi naked it's likely that she told him that she had a special surprise for him wanted him to get into the bathtub and wait for her it's also speculated that she might have blindfolded him and handcuffed him telling him that it was for some sort of fantasy that she had then she presumably ran back out into the pink room changed into a raincoat a raincoat squeezed her hands into a pair of rubber gloves and now that she was dressed for the occasion she took a knife went into the bathroom room she stabbed him multiple times primarily on his neck area did she bring a knife yes she brought a suitcase full of stuff Hoshi fell into the tub bleeding profusely Runa used this opportunity allegedly to if she hadn't already handcuff him behind his back and stab him some more once he was dead she would start removing his head from there it's theorized that that Runa starts cleaning up all the blood and she is meticulous about this there was not a speck of blood left behind and then she takes his phone ID clothes and his head in the suitcase with her at 2:00 a.m. so approximately 3 hours after initially checking in Runa comes back down to the front desk but this time she's not seen wearing light colored clothes she's seen in new clothes all black she's got on a blonde wig and a black fedora on she returns her key to the front desk and tells her thanks uh I'm going to head out first the receptionist nods and watches as she's rolling out her suitcase and gets into a car that was waiting out in front for her it was the same man that dropped her off just 3 hours ago it was Run's dad he was going to be driving his daughter to a club so she could party while a suitcase with a decapitated head sat in his trunk wow so I guess the question here is like does the dad know right wow Dr tamura and Runa never got rid of hoshi's head they went home and put his head in their bathtub so he knows he knows about the head I mean he might try to argue that he found out after the fact but he knows about the head yeah yeah now a big part of this case or at least the online discourse is about an alleged video of said head in the bathtub allegedly there is a video that police have found that shows Runa playing with the decomposing head she was allegedly poking at the eyeball squishing the eyeball around swirling it around in the eye socket and even squeezing it and allegedly this video was filmed by her dad there are other reports that state that there's also a video from inside the hotel room from when the murder actually took place it's alleged that the video shows Runa holding a knife in her hand and attacking Hoshi from behind behind it's believed that she set up a camera to record the actual murder these were all later found in the tamura household which side note the house has been dubbed by the press as the garbage Mansion so it does seem like after this murder after the head being in this family bathtub for three whole weeks that's how long it was in there there was there was a shift in the energy in the house the family was you're saying they didn't catch them for 3 weeks 3 weeks I mean they were starting to show signs that something was not right even as a psychiatrist I guess it's something that you can't hide well a lot of therapists stated disorderly home disorderly mind neighbors started noticing within those 3 weeks that trash started piling up outside the house boxes were just thrown in the front lawn like imagine opening up a package throwing out your box onto the front lawn you don't even break it down don't even recycle it just throw it out the interior of the house became some sort of Hoarders Paradise there were boxes stacked up to the ceiling it hasn't been explicitly revealed yet how the police were able to track hoshi's murder to the tamura family but I I I can't imagine that it was that difficult you know I don't think Runa had the greatest undercover disguise yeah and once they searched that whole family home every single person in there was arrested the sweet gray-haired older Japanese man that you could pass on any Street in Japan and think you know what that guy looks nice Dr tamura he was arrested his wife arrested oh there the wife was in the house too the wife was in the house and there was a head in the bathtub so she knew about this or she she knew I mean that head was decomposing and it was very smelly the thing is it seems really clear at least in my personal opinion that Runa murdered Hoshi and it seems to me that her dad was in on it he helped her he dropped her off at the motel picked her back up and I think that her mom most likely had the least involvement but we can't say for certain if she even knew about the crime before it happened or they just walked in through the front door with a head in a suitcase and now she's got to deal with it we don't really know but it's clear that she knew about the head in the bathtub thankfully all three of them would be arrested for murder and if the head in the tub was not a slam dunk on this arrest there was more evidence uncovered the day of the murder Runa and her father went to a nearby store to purchase a few items that are interesting to say the least she bought a whole blond wig toy handcuffs a knife saw raincoat and a suitcase wow the raincoat signaled to the police that this is clearly a meticulously planned murder they thought that she wore it so that there wouldn't be as much blood splatter on her own clothing it would be easier for cleanup it's just so interesting from the club dancing the dad is watching you know going to buy all this stuff the dad is there sending the girl uh the daughter to the motel the dad is doing like what what is that that's goes against parents psychology to want to protect your child it doesn't make sense yeah I don't know if he's like the follower or he's directing anything in the back like I don't know who's in charge here so there's going to be theories that I'm going to cover where it just each different variation is different and it just gets darker so Runa had brought gloves to the love Motel as well so that she would leave no fingerprints she brought a change of clothes and the wig was maybe her attempt at not being recognized by hotel security footage or CCTV cameras out on the street another interesting purchase which shortly after the murder Dr tamura goes to buy 10 bags of ice it's speculated that he wanted to fill the bathtub with the ice and place the head on top oh my gosh they also took into evidence the now blood soaked raincoat that was never thrown away the blonde wig 20 knives and four saws she brought 20 knives I don't know if she brought all 20 to the crime scene but there were 20 knives when police asked Dr tamura why there were so many knives in this house because I'm assuming these aren't just regular kitchen knives he said my daughter just loves collecting knives as a hobby it's not something weird she was cutting tree branches outside the house he said the saws were for Run's crafting hobby of making trinkets for her dolls the police also found hitoshi's ID cloth and wallet in the garbage mansion and all three of the family members they had looked up Susi Kino murder as if they were keeping an eye on this case that was unfolding so that's what the case is called in Japan so they're Googling it I mean there is so much to this case that just doesn't make sense like why did Runa clean up the blood in the love hotel if she knew that she was going to be leaving a bloody headless body behind because it doesn't make sense I imagine that you would clean up the blood if you're also going to be taking the body so you you don't want anyone to know that there was a crime scene mhm why did she change into a blonde wig and go to the club after is she trying to create some sort of weird Alibi is she trying to get away with it or is this more for fun and I think one of the most interesting questions is what is Run's relationship with her dad who has more power in this Dynamic who's in control let's quickly get into all of the theories on why Runa killed Hoshi I mean I think it's such an unhinged crime neens are having a really hard time wrapping their heads around it so these are the theories that they came up with Theory number one Hoshi assaulted Runa and this was a Revenge kill now quick disclaimer many nuzens have pointed out that even if this theory is true it still does not justify murder and especially not in the gruesome brutal terrifying way that Runa murdered Hoshi one of hoshi's friends did come out and state that hitoshi would go out wearing more feminine clothing and sometimes s at these bars or clubs he would get a little too close to the other girls there allegedly sometimes he would go in and try to lean in for a kiss or try to get their personal information and there were a few times where some of the girls were bothered by this again this is all a rumor but some of his acquaintances also believed that hitoshi would dress more like a woman by Society standards so he could lure in young women to the hotel let their guards down and then take advantage of them Run's grandfather is adamant this is what happened he even said Runa would only let her guard down at the club the first night they met because she thought that he was an older woman and that's why she was willing to go to a love motel with him she's a very reclusive person she keeps to herself she doesn't really like dating so far from what it seems is what the grandpa is arguing and it just seemed like she was making a friend after Hoshi allegedly assaulted Runa in the love Hotel he continued to stalk and harass her this is what grandpa is alleging now the theory suggests that he threatened to blackmail her with a video of The Assault maybe he kept coming over to the house unannounced to scare her threaten her asks for money which could explain some of Dr tamura's Behavior like sitting outside his car looking like he's waiting for someone like he's stationed on the lookout maybe the family decided that they can't live with this type of paranoia anymore and even if they went to the police maybe they think you know what we've seen cases like this before we don't have too much evidence the police aren't going to do anything about it so they handled the situation themselves they got rid of the phone because maybe the video of the assault was on his phone now if this theory is true Hoshi should have faced consequences for his actions if this is true maybe Runa was a victim at one point or was victimized first but murder obviously isn't the way especially in this really cruel manner Theory number two is the total opposite Runa was obsessed with Hoshi and he was not returning her love a lot of this theory is upheld by the video of them at the club the first night they met it does seem like Runa is a lot more interested in hitoshi than he is in her perhaps after spending the first night together she wanted more but he's a married man who's only looking for a one night stand she's Furious becomes obsessive creates this whole storyline for her parents to give her sympathy and attention and maybe even get their help in murdering Hoshi maybe her parents had a completely different story in their head some neens were saying that this just makes more sense because if Hoshi was stalking her blackmailing her like the family claims there must have been other woman that he had done this to like you don't just randomly wake up and you're like I'm going to Blackmail someone with a video of their assault it's usually a pattern of behavior this is how they make money this is what they get off on right or maybe there had to be some sort of evidence paper trail digital Communications left behind but there is so far at least known to the public nothing Theory number three Runa has disassociative personality disorder and had a mental breakdown I personally don't like this Theory and the only reason is it exists is not because people are trying to stigmatize mental health but because Runa literally stated in an interview that an alternate personality of hers caused her to kill yeah so whether or not these are words to try and push the blame off of herself it's unclear but the part that gets me about this is let's say she did have some sort of Personality Disorder her dad is a psychiatrist even if he wasn't parents would stop their children from doing something like this they wouldn't help them and that's where we get into Theory number four the pleasure kill Theory a lot of neens believe Runa and do tamura wanted to kill for pleasure wanted to experience it The Thrill The Rush the adrenaline as dad and daughter the reason is I mean so much of the case just doesn't make sense so first of all why did Runa clean the blood at the crime scene after killing someone I mean I hope this is not like a relatable feeling for anyone listening but I would imagine if we really had to put ourselves in that situation the first instinct is to want to get out of there separate yourself as much as possible from that crime scene but instead Runa stuck around to clean the blood she was already wearing a rain coat and gloves she didn't need to clean the blood off of her own body unless she herself maybe ended up bleeding somehow that night I just don't understand why she would spend extra time potentially hours at the crime scene cleaning up the blood it's one thing like I said if she planned on taking all of the evidence with her including hitoshi's body then it's like oh okay maybe she doesn't want anyone to know that a crime took place here but if you're leaving a full decapitated body in the tub I mean the The Jig Is up H another big question mark is why did she decapitate him and take his head so at first I was is thinking maybe she wanted to make the body hard tid fingerprints are easier and again it's not like she buried his body in the woods where it would decompose for a while it felt like there was a more Twisted reason for her taking his head and the alleged video of her playing with his eyeballs could further bolster that part of the theory a psychiatrist said the head has been a symbol of Victory and trophy since the ancient times you know to take someone's head after killing them is a different Behavior it's much much different from having a grudge against someone of over Love or Money and getting revenge on them this is a tendency towards extreme sadism so if she took the head for pleasure the psychiatrist is saying I don't think that she killed for Revenge then and side note netizens are bringing up her doll trinket making hobby they wonder if a 29-year-old being that into dolls has something to do with some sort of sick fascination with the human body and that could also play into why she was playing around with the eyeballs and it leads into the two of them wanted to do this they wanted a pleasure kill another big thing nutans bring up is how was Runa able to skillfully behead hitoshi if she had no prior experience I mean as far as we know she hasn't killed anyone before but the way that she beheaded him cleaned up the crime scene in such a short amount of time just 3 hours inside of a motel room not even in the middle of an isolated cabin in a motel room a lot of netizens said It felt a lot more consistent with someone who had killed before they also wondered if you know how she was cutting tree branches with all the knives outside mhm was that her practicing and the fact that her dad took her to the club right after the murder again we don't know if this is her very sad attempt at creating some sort of Alibi but it feels a bit like a celebration doesn't it I mean how can she even act normal at a club after this I imagine if it's a Revenge kill or a self-defense kill right you don't even want to go to the club because there's so many moments where your your mask is going to come down and people are going to notice something is very wrong with you you're distraught you're having a panic attack and there's so many eyes now the pleasure kill theory is not perfect though it still leaves a lot of big unanswered questions like did Runa want to experience the pleasure in killing and her dad was just supporting her did her dad want to experience the pleasure kill through his daughter and he encouraged her to do it or was this a mutual thing where both dad and daughter wanted to bond and quote kill together so then of course we've got Theory number four which is daddy made me do it some netizens believe that it's possible Dr Tura was The Mastermind of all of this and he used her mental health to his advantage to manipulate her into committing this crime the whole theory is a bit more sick and twisted but their relationship is just so strange a criminal psychologist believes that the two dad and daughter had a toxic relationship they said he always keeps her under his supervision and creates an environment where he's always there if something happens it ends up creating this really weird dynamic where the two are completely dependent on each other emotionally mentally the psychiatrist theorizes that Dr tamura was overprotective of his daughter which would lead her to being super dependent and ultimately just deprived of a normal life I mean even the fact that he took his daughter to the dance club and stood there watching her dance pretty intimately with another person and stood there while holding her jacket it's just kind of weird yeah on both sides it's weird that he did that but Runa is 29 it's not like her first time going to the club after turning legal it's just weird and at least in my personal opinion I think it's so weird that Runa is willing and so okay with being that affectionate in front of her dad and maybe it's different in Western culture cultures but I feel like Japan and Korea are very similar in terms of conservativeness I feel like I would die I would just be so uncomfortable even hugging my husband like that in front of my dad especially in a club setting yeah and I think you know since the dad is a psychiatrist right he obviously knows what causes certain Behavior so the fact that he obviously knows if this is not normal right so he obviously knows there's some's off and he's still doing it so it's just even more sick and twisted because he knows the Reas what's causing this behavior and and what's leading to what like that's just so messed up so the theory continues that he had been grooming her ever since she was a child now maybe not in the way that that word is usually used but grooming her to be fully dependent on him because he knows that every every action he's doing is making her more and more dependent on him mhm you know clearly her upbringing wasn't normal by any means I mean just all the things that happened with her threatening her other classmates with knives as like a fifth grader that's alarming and now that she's 29 and seemingly growing up one of the theories is perhaps she wants to go clubbing perhaps she wants to go out and experience these new things and kind of spread her wings and he feels like I need to do something to keep her under my wing and that could be killing someone together if he could convince her that she needed to do this she would always need his mental and emotional support she would forever be bound to her father and potentially mentally messed up to the point where she Retreats from society once again oh my God I don't even know what to say that's that would be Beyond yeah so that's a the because I think the reason that a lot of neens have come to this theory is even just her childhood is so bizarre right the fact that she had so many behavioral issues and he was adamant on treating her himself mhm some other sub theories of this one I saw floating around was Dr turo was treating Runa more like an experiment wanting to see if he could turn her into a killer and see if he could quote fix her after the kill that he wanted to study how she breaks down after a kill things of that nature again we don't have proof of any of these theories just speculations here other netizens speculated that Dr turo just wants the courts to think that he's a mastermind maybe he knew nothing maybe he knew nothing he was just dropping off his daughter picking her back up or maybe he knew nothing would stop Runa from killing Hoshi he couldn't turn her in he couldn't admit her for whatever reason I mean I think he should have if that's the case but he didn't want to and now he just had to do whatever he could afterwards to try and make sure that she wasn't caught I don't know evidence that supports this theory is Rena's mom was in prison and on a call with a relative she allegedly said I wanted to stop Bruna but couldn't the the family attorney would later rebuke that statement and say that never happened but Dr Tura would actually go on to publicly state that he had nothing to do with the murder after spending a little bit in jail he's like actually my daughter did it alone so that theory kind of died off yeah look the theories are controversial they're wild I mean Japanese neens are very split on how to feel about some of this news a lot of netizens were just sad that a life was taken in such a gruesome way and they want to be careful of making any judgments about hitoshi because we really don't know we really don't know if he was just truly someone experimenting with his style that wanted to be himself at night and go to these clubs we don't know if he was a predator and like that's a crazy label to put on someone without having more proof but other netizens thought the allegations against hosi were really bad they're saying you know it's one thing if it just came from rea's grandparents but there were some of hoshi's acquaintances that came out and said little things here and there that kind of bolster that specific Theory so a lot of the hardcore more extreme nzen said that he deserved it which is a pretty controversial thing to say others said even if he didn't assault Runa the fact that he had a wife and kids but always went out to meet other women is a bad sign one nzen just tried to remain neutral and said I feel sorry for the victim and the person that found the body so far these are all the developing theories and these are all the updates that we have right now on this case the trial is set to start sometime next year they're in the whole family they're in holding until February of 2024 which is when I believe they're going to have a full mental evaluation yeah if the family is convicted it seems Mrs chura will be facing 3 years in prison for abandoning a corpse investigators are the least concerned about Mrs tumur it seems I mean I think every everyone kind of agrees that she most likely didn't know about the murder is the vibe I'm getting from all the netizens and Runa is facing a 20year sentence since she's the one that carried out the actual murder that's it that's it oh wow whereas Dr tamura is only facing 10 years if he is found guilty of being an accessory to murder but if he's viewed as The Mastermind of all of this he could get 23 years which honestly these are wildly short jail times and the case just blew up and Japan I mean for a number of reasons so firstly there's not a lot of murders in Japan in 2021 how many murders do you think happened in Japan the whole country I I don't know I need like I guess a 285 in 2021 in the US there were 22,900 murders so in Japan it seems like every single murder you know makes headlines especially when the murder victim's body was found in a love Motel bathroom decapitated and secondly this one I think is probably the darkest but allegedly it's a psychiatrist and his daughter that killed someone a lot of netizens felt like this whole thing is so Eerie I mean this is someone who gives advice and guides people in life and now he's allegedly killing someone with his daughter of all people even if he himself wants to kill someone you would imagine that the first parental instinct is to protect your kids his colleague said Dr tamura had a great reputation I mean patients and Hospital staff loved him nobody ever said anything bad about this guy he would hold seminars to talk about societal problems in Japan he said when people these days in Japan are depressed or they're anxious it's not a they problem it's not an individual problem it's society's problem because people are overworked they're losing hope they're stressed out in order to fix the collective mental health in citizens Society needs to be fixed like these are messages that you and I could probably get behind mhm psychiatrist who work with Dr Tara said I mean we are trained to analyze behaviors emotions see behind the facades look at Hidden body language at times no none of us suspected this Dr turo was warm nice compassionate I mean not a single person from the Department saw this coming so he was hiding this side of himself very very well even after his arrest and this bizarre crime comes to light he said with his full trust I'm a psychiatrist I have no history of mental illness there's also a fascinating quote from Dr tamura's online blog from 24 years ago he wrote from the moment you kill you are no longer human you become a monster what are your thoughts on this casee I mean let me know in the comments there's so many theories this is one of those cases where I just don't understand I don't even understand the clear motive yeah let me know in the comments please stay safe I will see you guys on Sunday for the minod bye
Channel: Rotten Mango
Views: 1,794,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stephanie Soo, MissMangoButt, Stephanie Soo Story, Stephanie Soo Storytime, Stephanie Soo Podcast, Rotten Mango, Rotten Mango Podcast, Podcast, Mystery, Mystery Storytime, Storytime, Story, Mysterious, Scary Story, Internet Mysteries, Urban Legends, Creepy Story, Korean Story, Bailey Sarian, Dark History, That Chapter, Mr. Ballen, Strange & Mysterious, Morbid, Ashley Flowers, Danielle Kirsty, Kendall Rae, Mile Higher, Eleanor Neale, Documentary, Japan, Japanese Story, haunted, ghost
Id: xPuSdiob6sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 12sec (3132 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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