4 Extremely Creepy Mysteries from Japan

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so you will seem to really enjoy  my last video on japanese cases   so today i thought it would be fun to explore  some more unsolved mysteries from the country   and believe me there's no shortage of  bizarre and unsettling content to cover   so join me as we take another journey to the land  of the rising sun and see what dark mysteries are   lurking in its shadows but just before we do i'd  like to introduce today's sponsor kamikoto knives   kamikoto makes these high quality kitchen knives  crafted from real japanese steel using traditional   techniques that date back to the edo period giving  them a very distinct look and feel each blade   goes through a rigorous 19-step process that takes  several years to complete from start to finish   after which they're all individually inspected  to ensure they meet kamikoto's high standards   to prove just how much kamikoto believe  in the craftsmanship of their products   all of their knives come with a lifetime guarantee   the knives themselves come in this gorgeous  heavy-duty ash wood storage box which complements   the authenticity of the blades inside and makes  for a present that really has that wow factor   but kamikoto knives are more than just beautiful  objects with their super sharp single bevel edges   they're some of the best tools on the market  used by michelin star chefs around the world   sharp specialized and perfectly weighted  they make even a novice home cook like myself   feel more confident and capable so if you're  ready to level up your cooking game or know   someone who would appreciate these japanese steel  treasures then simply head over to kamikoto.com   forward slash lazy right now they have several  special offers going on and on top of those are   offering my viewers an extra 50 off any purchase  just make sure to use my discount code lazy   again that's kamikoto.com forward slash lazy use  my discount code l-a-z-y and grab your set today there's a number of strange superstitions  surrounding bathrooms in japan   toilets are the unexpected setting  of a lot of urban legends there   for example akamanto aka redcape a masked spirit  who appears to people in public bathroom stalls   if the occupants run out of toilet paper akamanto  will offer them a roll of either red or blue paper   if you choose the red paper you'll meet an  immediate bloody end the spirit may flay you alive   or rip the spine from your body and wrap it around  your neck like a cape if you choose the blue paper   akamanto will place his hands around your  throat and squeeze until your face turns blue   try and outsmart him by picking another colour and  a pair of hands will drag you to the underworld   your only viable option is to make a run for it  without wiping so there's really no winning in   this game now those type of stories are popular  among high schoolers and fans of the paranormal   sure but ultimately no one really believes  them and they're just seen as a bit of fun   there are however some genuinely unsettling  figures that lurk in japanese public bathrooms   namely peeping toms things have gotten a lot  better in recent years but in the not so distant   past japan had a real problem with pervs men who  go around following grabbing and photographing   women in many ways that's still a big problem in  japanese society and it's the reason that trains   in the country have female only carriages and why  phone cameras can't be switched to silent mode but   one place in particular that these men seemingly  couldn't help but venture into back in the day was   women's bath stalls which brings us to our first  entry from tamura county a rural area in fukushima   it was the cold dark night of february  28th 1989. a female school teacher   named yumi tanaka went into a restroom  just outside her single person dormitory   inside was an old-fashioned squat toilet  a simple model where the septic tank was   u-shaped one end of the pipe was connected to  the toilet inside the bathroom and the other   to the outside world you'd drop your business  down the bathroom end of the pipe and periodically   it would all get sucked out from the other end  by a machine after using the squat toilet yumi   looked down into it and noticed something bizarre  there was a leather shoe deep inside the toilet   confused she went outside to open the concrete lid  of the septic tank but found it was already a jar   she gazed down into this opposite end of the  pipe and what she saw made her heart skip   squashed inside the thin septic tank covered in  human waist was the frozen body of naoyuki kano   a 26 year old man who worked  for the local power plant   an autopsy would later reveal that he had died  two days prior due to a combination of pressure   on his chest and hypothermia investigators were  stunned to find him in such a strange position   he was lying on his back in the fetal position  his head positioned just under the squat toilet   despite the freezing temperatures naoyuki's torso  was completely bare and his shirt was found neatly   folded atop his body one of his shoes was on top  of his face that's the one yumi had seen his other   shoe was later found on the bed of a river quite  some distance from his body his car was discovered   close to the bathroom with the keys still in the  ignition and the doors unlocked the authorities   quickly closed the case concluding that now yuki  must have squeezed into the pipe in order to peep   up at women as they used the bathroom and to  enjoy the feeling of their waste covering him   now yuki's friends and family were outraged by  that assertion the young man was known for being   an upstanding sunny moral citizen he had helped  many of the locals with odd jobs and problems they   were facing and was well known in the community  he was also the minister of entertainment and   activities of the local youth club and was  considered a role model by all the young members   there was no way such an intelligent and sweet guy  perished doing something so shameful and foolish   they believed that now yuki had been the victim of  foul play more than 4 300 local villagers signed a   petition for naoyuki's case to be reopened  but the authorities denied their request   the coroner had ruled that now yuki only  had minor abrasions on his knees and elbows   with no noticeable wounds suggesting  that he had been forced inside the pipe   so in short there are two possibilities when it  comes to this case either now yuki had gone into   the pipe willingly for his own gratification  or he was put in there by somebody else   but was there any evidence that he'd been  murdered actually there were several pieces   firstly the pipe he was trapped in was tight and  i mean extremely tight now yuki's shoulders were   16 inches wide but the diameter of the pipe  which he had slid into was only 14 inches   the recovery crew couldn't pull his body out no  matter how hard they tried and the entire pipe   had to be destroyed just to get him out as naoyuki  slid himself face up into the pipe and shimmied   his way down he must have realized there was no  way for him to get out he wouldn't have been able   to get past the ceramic toilet above him and it  would have been impossible to crawl out backwards   would he really have put himself in such a risky  position just to fulfill a fantasy even if he   had the lighting in the bathroom was so weak he  wouldn't have been able to see anything anyway   secondly his missing shoe being found so far  from his body didn't make any sense at all   why would naoyuki have thrown one of his shoes  into a river so far from his destination and   then crawled into the pipe with the other  in his hand thirdly it wouldn't have been   possible for naoyuki to neatly fold his shirt  while stuck within the confines of the pipe   he must have folded it before he went inside but  if it was so cold why did he remove it at all   if he didn't want to get it dirty surely  he would have just left it outside   fourthly the fact that he had perished  from hypothermia was odd most people who   have fallen or crawled into septic tanks in  the past have either died from drowning or   from breathing in toxic fumes it's not clear  how much waste was inside the pipe but surely   the fumes would have still been potent enough to  end naoyuki's life at a faster rate than the cold   finally remember yumi tanaka the woman who  found naoyuki's body well now yuki knew her they   were close friends between the 24th and 28th of  february yumi was away visiting relatives outside   the village now yuki would have been very familiar  with her schedule and almost certainly would have   known that even if he didn't know she was gone  for some reason he had still perished on the 26th   that was a saturday yumi was never at her dorm on  the weekends if naoyuki wanted to pee puppeteer so   desperately why did he stuff himself into  her bathroom pipe when she wasn't there   knowing that he would have to wait  inside it for at least two whole days   in the minds of many the only possible answer  is that he didn't get into it willingly   but if someone else had stuffed naoyuki into the  pipe who and why well there are a few theories   just before the incident now yuki's village had  a mayoral election one of the candidates was   a man named tadashiro watanabe naoyuki had  been a supporter of tadashiros and that is   until he learned tadashiro was actually corrupt  and had been buying votes from the local villages   this strategy worked and tadashiro  was voted in as the village mayor   now yuki was furious and being a man of principle  immediately turned his back on tadashiro   on february 23rd five days before his remains  were discovered now yuki played a show with his   punk band at a local restaurant now he was a  very outspoken young man and consumed by anger   he thrashed his guitar while singing  lyrics that berated the villagers   mocking them for being so easily manipulated this  sparked an argument between naoyuki and several   men from the youth club that supported tadashiro  the youth club now yuki was the minister of   in their eyes their role model  naoyuki had just betrayed them   betrayed tadashiro according to witnesses  these men followed now yuki out to his car   some people speculate that they forced  naoyuki into his own vehicle drove him out   to the septic tank knocked him out somehow and  while he was still alive stuffed him inside it   now yuki then woke up in the cold dark pipe  realized his situation and unable to get out   squeezed himself into the fetal position  for warmth only to succumb to the freezing   temperatures two or three days later so had this  all been a setup a way to get rid of tadashiro's   outspoken critic naoyuki and pin him as being  a peeping tom desperate for a glance up at his   friend yumi tanaka had these men actually not  intended to kill naoyuki at all and stuffed him   inside the pipe as some sort of joke gone wrong  it's worth noting that the police handled this   case very crudely mishandling now yuki's remains  and accidentally destroying evidence it's also   worth noting that the coroner who examined  naouki's remains just so happened to quit his   job after declaring there had been no foul play  had the mayor himself pulled some strings and got   his young group members off the hook and ordered  the authorities to flush the evidence so to speak   it doesn't seem likely that the young men would  have killed now yuki over such a minor gripe   but then again it also doesn't seem likely that  he'd crawl into the pipe willingly himself there   are a few other theories floating about online  ranging from naoyuki being slain for being an   outspoken supporter of nuclear energy to him  being silenced by the very plant he worked at   for knowing some of their nefarious secrets but  there's not much evidence to support any of them   he may have been a peeping tom he may have been a  victim all i know is that now yuki suffered one of   the worst fates imaginable trapped in a cold dark  pipe unable to move and covered in human waste a big shout out to kyoto roboto for his amazing  video on this case it was a super helpful resource   yokaichi is a small city located in mia  prefecture just a stone's throw away from nagoya   on february 17 2004 one of its residents   an unnamed 68 year old man whom we'll call  ojisan was shopping in the city's jusko   jusko or as their now known aeon are a chain  of department stores popular throughout japan   places where you can buy anything from fruit and  veg to mattresses to 15 minutes in a massage chair   they're large accessible and almost always very  busy for their shoppers convenience all of their   department stores have an atm corner ojisan had  just spent the last of his money on groceries and   with both of his hands clutching heavy shopping  bags he slowly approached the cash machines   with this shopping he failed to notice  the woman lingering around the atms   she blended in with the rest of the shoppers with  her hood up and an infant strapped to her chest   she'd been standing there for the  past five minutes but in all that time   hadn't taken out any money ojisan withdrew his yen  and began heading towards the store's main exit   but just as he was about to leave  the woman quickly approached him   and intentionally bumped into his shoulder  feigning surprise as if the whole thing had   been an accident she gently began  running her hands over his pockets   ojisan quickly realized that she was trying to  steal the money he had just withdrawn he may   have been 68 but his hands moved quickly and he  grabbed his wallet at the exact same time she did   they grappled for a moment the woman desperately  trying to pry the wallet from mojisan's grasp   realising she wouldn't be able to overpower  him she instead grabbed onto his arm and collar   and began screaming meaning thief without  hesitation three nearby shoppers ran over   they saw how distressed the woman appeared and  the infant she had with her and immediately   assumed that the old man must be attacking her  they pinned ojisan to the ground restrained him   and tried to pry the wallet from his grip to give  to the woman but ochisan refused to be robbed and   he held onto his wallet with such vigor that  several of the bank cards inside it snapped   he pleaded with the shoppers holding him  down telling them that he was innocent   that she was the one trying to rob  him but the shoppers wouldn't listen   instead they called the authorities two  young inexperienced officers just so   happened to be nearby and were the first ones  to respond seeing just how frantic ojisan was   they immediately put him in handcuffs  and forced him to stay on the floor   they handled the situation so aggressively  that they even broke a lens in his glasses   for the next 20 minutes ojisan was  held down with one of the officers   kneeling on top of him the 68 year old began  groaning throwing up and even lost consciousness   the stress and brutality of the  situation had spiked his blood pressure   still the officers refused to take off his  handcuffs or call for medical assistance   eventually more experienced officers arrived and  saw just how poorly these rookies were handling   things they asked where the supposed victim was  the woman but the rookies had no clue by that   point she was already long gone having slipped  away into the crowd without anyone noticing   realizing ojisan was in a bad way these new  officers took off his handcuffs and called   for an ambulance but the damage had already  been done ojisan had gone into cardiac arrest   he died the following day the police filed charges  against him the day after he passed despite there   being no evidence he had committed a crime and  without even knowing who or where the woman was   thankfully there were some diligent officers who  didn't like the way the case was being handled   and took it upon themselves to investigate   after examining justco's cctv footage they quickly  determined that ojisan had been telling the truth   the unknown woman had indeed tried to steal  his cards he was completely innocent and yet   he was dead and this woman had  escaped justice the hump for her began   but despite having touched ojisan's wallet  and bank cards she hadn't actually left   behind any fingerprints so detectives were  forced to track her down by other means due to strict privacy laws in japan the  authorities have never released the cctv   footage of this incident to the public the  laws there surrounding privacy are so strict   in fact that even stills from such footage  are rarely ever distributed in this case   however they made an exception forensic artists  took two still images of the woman captured on   the surveillance cameras and enhanced them to  give a clearer picture of what she looked like   in 2005 one year after the incident had  taken place they released them to the public   people immediately noted and the  strong uncanny valley quality   of this picture in particular and soon internet  users began referring to the woman as the jusco   zombie her face appeared completely inhuman dead  synthetic even as if it were made from plastic   according to eyewitnesses at the scene however  the woman definitely wasn't wearing a mask   they were able to give a clear detailed  description of her to the authorities   she was between 25 and 30 years old  and was dressed in dark clothing   she was short at around five foot two had shoulder  length brown hair and judging from her appearance   and accent was a japanese native they described  her facial features as being very unusual   that much everyone agreed with  much like the woman's face   the infant strapped to her was also real and  wasn't a realistic looking doll as some internet   users suggested investigators theorized that the  woman must have been local to the area since she   wasn't caught on any other cameras leaving the  scene and likely knew the best escape routes   since these images were released one year after  the incident had taken place they didn't result   in any new leads to this day nobody knows who this  woman was or whether she struck again and since   the statute of limitations has already passed  in this case nobody's actively looking for her   it wasn't until march 2011 that the authorities  officially acknowledged ojisan's innocence   meaning that the seven long years his  reputation was left tarnished in the end   ojisan's family took the police to court  they denied being responsible for ojisan's   demise and claimed to have handled the  case professionally and competently   in may 2011 the police paid ojisan's family  an insulting 125 dollars in compensation   thankfully the nagoya high court stepped  in and ordered them to pay 350 000 instead   a definite improvement though obviously no  amount of money could bring their loved one back unfortunately these types of incidents are rare  in japan and they're far from unheard of i've   even seen something like this happen firsthand  in kobe a woman was grappling with a man over a   backpack screaming that he was trying to steal  it from her and saying that he was hurting her   we kept a hand on the bag and called the  police and in the end it turned out that   the bag actually belonged to the man the poor guy  just kept stammering why is this happening to me   luckily he didn't suffer the consequences  of her actions unlike poor old doji-san the yakuza are somewhat romanticized in the west  from the video games we play to the dramas we   watch on tv they're often presented as slick noble  and intelligent a classier and more sophisticated   breed of mafioso at least compared to other  nations organized crime outputs indeed even   in japan they were and to some extent still are  portrayed as underground businessmen with a strong   sense of honor loyalty and even their own unique  brand of morality like modern day samurai in suits   one man who hated that stereotype was juzo  itami a famous japanese director he saw the   yakuza for what they really were a bunch of low  iq roots and thugs manipulated by a few more   intelligent roots and thugs in his mind they had  no morals no values and most certainly no honor   he wanted to expose them and show  the world what they really were   and as a writer director that was  something he was positioned to do   justo really hid it big with his 1992 comedy mimbo  noona or the gentle art of japanese extortion   a film that satirized the yakuza and  made them look like absolute morons   making fun of the yakuza was extremely  rare in japanese media at the time   after all your reputation in  japan was of the utmost importance   juzotami had just damaged the yakuza's image  and they weren't going to let that slide   six days after mimbo premiered jizzo was  ambushed by five members of the gotogumi   a gangster clan they held him down  beat him and slowly sliced his face up   after the attack he was rushed to the  hospital and thankfully made a full recovery   specifically because of this incident there  was a national crackdown on gangsters and   their activities but the message was  made clear juiso itami was a marked man   one more film like that and he'd  face even more severe repercussions   now after that most men would have been too  intimidated to continue criticizing the yakuza   but not jusso he refused to bow down to such scare  tactics and in 1997 began working on a new film   this time a documentary which aimed to expose  the gangsters of tokyo and their political ties   that was a project he had never get to finish on  december 20th 1997 josuetami was found outside   his office building in tokyo splattered on the  ground he had seemingly jumped from the roof   on his desk he had left a note explaining  his decision to jump apparently a journalist   was about to publish an article detailing  an affair he was having behind his wife's   the note said that the claims were false  and that he believed ending his own life   was the best way to prove his  innocence and clear his name   two days later a newspaper did indeed publish  an article about the supposed affair and so the   investigators quickly closed the case concluding  that juicer's note had been authentic but many   people including jusso it tami's own family  believe he was actually thrown from the roof   in their minds there's no way juicer would have  ended at all over a real or fake accusation like   that they instead believe that he was slain by  tokyo scottogumi before he could make his expose   indeed in 2008 a former member of the  gotogumi told an american journalist quote   we dragged jusso up to the  roof and put a gun in his face   we gave him a choice jump and you might  live or stay and we'll blow your face off   he jumped he didn't live now it's possible the  man was lying for street cred or to sell his story   but given how the gotogumi reacted when mimba  was released i think his story sounds extremely   plausible whatever the exact circumstances most  of jesus fans seem to believe that this was a hit   jusuratami had made a career out of  mocking his own culture and its practices   he wasn't the type of man who'd  effectively seppuku himself out of shame   and they think it's much more likely that  the ones feeling ashamed were the gotogumi   ashamed that the crude brutish reality of their  lives was being revealed by a man much more   noble and intelligent than them unlike the  yakuza juzotami was a brave and honest man   and it was probably for those  virtues that he lost his life this mystery has been making the rounds  recently with channels like gooseboost   and blame it on jorge uploading some  very detailed videos investigating it   but i thought it would make a nice addition to  this list for reasons that will soon become clear   most of you are no doubt familiar with this image  associated with the jeff the killer creepypasta   the story of a teenage  slayer with a mutilated face   the originals not a great read let's be honest  but this associated picture has to be one of the   most iconic horror images to circulate around  the internet and where most pictures from the   creepypasta era have faded from people's memories  this one persists what some of you may not know   however is that the image itself is shrouded in  mystery in short nobody knows where it came from   it's obviously a heavily edited photo  but to this very day its origin remains   unclear for the past decade creepypasta fans  across the globe have been playing detective   trying to track down the original photo  and unveil the face of the real person   that jeff's based on and it's actually  been a wilder search than you might think   let's get into it what many people think of as  the original jeff story hit the internet in 2011   but the character was actually first conceived  all the way back in 2008 by a guy called susa   susa posted this short background on all jeffy  on newgrounds along with the now infamous picture   in an interview with scare theater sousa claimed  that he had taken the photo himself using a white   latex mask and a pair of plastic eyes he couldn't  prove this however because apparently he had lost   the mask soon after taking the photos but we  know that's not the case firstly because the   image is obviously photoshopped and not a mask  and secondly as internet sleuths later discovered   susa's post wasn't the first time this image  appeared on the internet one year earlier in 2007   a japanese video titled nnn special broadcast  was uploaded to youtube the video itself is   a recreation of a then popular japanese urban  legend that involved a late night news broadcast   according to the story a young man who was having  trouble sleeping turned on his tv at 2 30 am   he switched channels to the nippon news  network but was met with nothing but static   then suddenly coloured bars  filled the screen the words   nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn   hl appeared alongside a  photo of an abandoned factory   a list of seemingly random names slowly scrolled  down the screen followed by the words tomorrow's   sacrifice the implication being that all  the named individuals would die the next day   the broadcast supposedly ended with several weird  images and sound effects the youtube video stays   faithful to the legend but what's interesting  is that at the end the jeff the killer image   briefly flashes on screen just before the video  cuts to black and we're left with the message good night so it appeared as if the famous  jeff image actually had japanese roots that   made a lot of sense seeing how nobody in  the west knew what the original image was   that theory only solidified after the  jeff image was found in an archive post   from pyaar.cc a now defunct message board that was  popular in japan back in the day the post titled was made all the way back in november  of 2005 long before the image started   circulating in the west and two years  before it appeared in the nnn video   two months before that in september of 2005  this version of the image was also posted on pia   this appears to be the furthest back we can track  the jeff image the version with the least edits   the uploader a user named mulholland son  titled the image white powder part two   the words underneath it read go out with me   so it seems the image may have been getting shared  around as some sort of joke perhaps making fun of   another user's appearance but notice what somebody  commented underneath i often see this on the net if that's true then the image may date  back farther than we currently realize   as for the picture itself it's definitely far  less edited than the image we're all familiar with   at some point between september and november  2005 somebody painted jeff's distinctive black   eyes on the image and also elongated the  sides of the mouth as some have suggested   the stretched mouth may have been a play  on kuchi sake ona the split mouth woman   from japanese legend but i actually think  there's a different japanese connection here   around the time these images were posted to  pia.cc there was a popular trend amongst japanese   internet users called kawaii kosacete or the let  me be cute challenge this was particularly popular   on the imageboard 2 channel essentially users  would upload an innocent picture usually of a   person or a human-like object and then ask other  users to make me cute a different user would   then make some creepy edits to the picture and  transform it into something more kawhi than kawaii   someone else would then take that altered  image and add more creepy edits themselves   this would go on and on with the picture becoming  more and more cursed with every new iteration   during the process the original  image would often get lost   with different edit chains branching off  and becoming their own thing entirely   seeing how mulholland's image was titled white  powder 2 that could suggest he was playing the let   me be cute game with whoever uploaded white powder  1 aka the original jeff image white powder 2 was   then adapted by another user and then another  and then another until it eventually became also as blamed on jorge pointed out in his  recent video when we examine the except data   of aka we can see that it originally went by  a different name pretty face a fitting file   name for the let me be cute challenge don't you  think there is one final development to cover   just last year the creator of white powder 2  mulholland sun was actually tracked down on   twitter and according to him the original jeff  image was actually a screen grab he took from   a video that was circulating around japan  at the time mulholland said that the clip   featured a middle-aged asian woman at a point  in the video where she approached the camera he   took a screenshot made some edits in photoshop  and uploaded it to pr.cc as white powder 2. the   image was then warped further resulting in ah  which went on to become a popular meme in japan   that's probably how cesar the creator of  jeff first came upon it and realizing the   image wasn't well known in the west chose to use  it as the picture for his story unfortunately   mulholland believes that the video he took the  screenshot from has since been lost to time the final version of the jeff image we have to  talk about is this one green eyed jeff summer   suggested that this is the earliest incarnation  of the jet image though it's not clear when   exactly it was made however as creepy as this  image is it's widely considered not to predate   white powder part 2. the blurriness and overall  lower quality suggests that it's seen more edits in the years since this mystery caught traction  many photos of real people have been suggested   as the basis for jeff but none of them quite bit  the backgrounds are too different the hairlines   don't match up the proportions are all wrong  or the stories behind them don't make sense   there are plenty of great videos  on youtube debunking each of them   so i won't go into details here but suffice  to say none of these photos fit the bill   all the other jeff images said to predate  white powder 2 have also proven to be fake   all in all i'd say mulholland's  version of events seems the most likely   especially since he's the one who posted the image  online at the earliest point the earliest that we   know of anyway but if the videos are lost like  he says then this could be where the search ends   but perhaps in some dark rarely visited corner of  the internet the video of the woman approaching   the camera still exists if it does then the  people searching for it are yet to find it   until they do this is the closest  thing we have to the original image a huge thank you to my supporters here on  youtube and over on patreon especially my   biggest supporters lydia glassley jamie dreams  x nephes 1988 hamish kay that one guy thomas   jesse jag alex greenswall alicia jaggals anikra  anya yakatarina faustov asriel warakai beatrice   matarazzo charlie lackey chief kochuake colin  monsma connolothen crawford k macdonald expand on   gina valera grace archie infamous empappy  leonardo martinez myra lancaster monica mendoza   nadine natalie escobedo peter ogdraj  philip wester pro cuper dinetta   taylor and monica growing the only dorita zayn  and the deck of cards thank you guys so much for   your continued support it really helps the channel  out i'll be back again next week with a new video   but until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,340,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, scariest video ever, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, English, British accent, asmr, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, cold case, clues, usa, buzzfeed unsolved, internet, Japanese cases, rabbit holes, Jeff the killer, blame it on Jorge
Id: x9iLWjxGjqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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