5 Amazing Ways I use Notion Ai to Save HOURS of Time

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okay so I am going to be completely honest I am a super lazy person at heart which is why I am so obsessed with doshing AI it can help me get way more done with way less effort like my work day has literally been cut in half and the tasks that used to take me hours to do I can now get done in the fraction of the time so in this video I am going to show you five ways that I use notion AI to save me hours of time let's Dive Right In the first way I save time is by creating a meal plan and grocery list so I love eating good food but I absolutely despise the process of planning out my meals and creating grocery lists for them the whole organizing and research process is just so time consuming and annoying but with no shame AI I can generate a meal plan and grocery list in seconds with the click of of a button and a couple of sentences like look at this it is literally a meal plan with each day of the week and every single meal with the calories and then we have a grocery list with each item in the meal plan that I can easily pull up and refer to when I head to the grocery store it is amazing alright the next way I save time is by creating a project roadmap as an entrepreneur slash Creator having a clear project roadmap is super important for staying focused and on track now usually this process is overwhelming and time consuming since I have to do all the research and planning myself but with notion AI I just have to tell it what kind of project I'm working on and it'll create an in-depth project road map for me so one project that I planned for the future is to create a course on skillshare on how to learn notion all I have to do is tell the AI to create a detailed project roadmap for me and it'll spit out an in-depth plan for me to follow then I can go on and click the action items option and it'll create a to-do list for each step in the project the next way I use notion AI is to learn faster so I just mentioned that I want to publish a course on skillshare but if I'm being completely honest with you I have no goddamn clue how to actually publish a good skillshare course so I have to learn how to do it which is where noshing AI comes in basically what I do is I tell the AI that it is an expert whatever in this case an expert online course creator and a top rated skillshare teacher then I tell it to teach me a beginner how to create a top rated skillshare course and importantly I tell it to be as in-depth as possible so I don't get a half-assed response if I want to expand on a particular point to learn more I just have to highlight the text and choose explain and then it'll go more in depth on that specific point basically instead of spending hours going through articles and watching videos and then taking notes on them I can just ask notion AI to teach me and then already have the notes inside of my actual workspace that I can reference literally whenever I want next up is using it to repurpose my YouTube content into other pieces of content so as a content creator repurposing my content to post on other platforms is super important so I can reach a wider audience but for the longest time I wasn't really doing this because the process of manually reading my scripts and then picking out the key ideas and then re-writing that into other bite-sized pieces of content was just too time consuming however now that I have notion AI this process is a bazillion times easier I literally just have to tell it write a social media post from my my YouTube video on whatever topic include a hook to evoke the reader's curiosity and number each key idea then I paste in my key ideas and for this specific tweet I tell it to include example scenarios for each point and just like that I have a great starting point for a Twitter thread where most of the work is already done now all I have to do is edit it a little bit before I can go ahead and post it okay so before we move on to the next point I wanted to take a second to mention the sponsor of this video super so super is a powerful tool that lets you turn any notion page into a beautiful responsive SEO optimized website without needing any coding skills it is incredibly easy to use and is perfect if you want to create a resume landing page blog personal website and much more there will be a link in the description if you want to check it out and start building your very own website now let's get back to the video all right the last way is by using it as my own personal research assistant I will say right away that the AI is not perfect and it can sometimes provide incorrect or incomplete information so it is super important to use it with caution and always double check any important facts or data anyway so one skill I am learning right now is copywriting so one way I use the AI to further my copywriting knowledge through research is by asking it to provide me with the best copywriters I should study and what the best books are I should read on the subject I can also just straight up ask the AI to provide me the key ideas of any of the copywriting books it recommends so I can save countless hours having to read the entire thing obviously I still need to do real research and studying to acquire in-depth knowledge on whatever I'm learning but it's still a great option to save time on surface level research and that is it for the video if you have any other tips on using notion AI to save time then be sure to let me know in the comments below thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next video adios
Channel: bri does things
Views: 94,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Notion AI, productivity, time management, automation, workflow, organization, task management, personal development, efficiency, tips and tricks, how-to, tutorial, time-saving, project management, software, technology, work smarter, goal-setting, self-improvement, study tips.
Id: bbnKz9KH3Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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