How to Use Microsoft To Do With Outlook, Teams & Planner

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today we're going to talk about microsoft to-do and how it integrates with other apps that you're using like outlook teams and planner now for example how can you easily create a task out of an email or create a calendar item out of a task how about if a task is in teams how can you add it to to-do so this whole integration was an important factor for me because i was only going to use yet another app if it fit properly in my world we'll take a look at all of these but if you're new to to do make sure you check out my other video that introduces you to the app and also shows you how you can properly organize your tasks once you're ready join me here and we're going to talk about integration [Music] to do is currently well integrated with outlook especially outlook on the web now you're going to be surprised here because outlook on the web is more advanced to desktop now to do is also we're integrated with teams there are some new developments that are coming there which i'm going to talk about let's jump in and talk about outlook integration first let's start off with outlook for desktop so i have an outlook open right here on the bottom i can take a look at my to-do's any test that you see in your to-do list is either directly created in outlook or in the to-do app because everything is synced you probably notice you have a more restricted view here so you have your to-do list you have your tasks including completed tasks and you have any lists that you might have created in to do what you don't have are tasks that are assigned to you from planner for example but what is important to know here is that any task you create or update in this view or in to do are going to be linked together so for example i'm just going to open my to do app and let's say i add a new task to my day i should see that pop up in my to-do list now we have to give it some time to sync and when it does it should pop up right here and it was added right in the middle now notice that we don't have a separate my day in here anything that doesn't have a date is going to be directly shown in this group now if i go here to outlook and add a due date to this so let's go with the 5th of march and let's save this it should update in my to-do app and it updated right here so it might take a few seconds to update but ultimately they are connected with one another now another thing i like to do is to create tasks out of emails so for example let's go back to email and let's say i want to create a task out of this email i can just click on it and drag it to my tasks icon here and drop it there then i can assign a due date add a reminder if i want and add any other information i want to this when i save this i can see this task in my to-do list and my to-do app so if i switch my view to here that task is right here and if i go to the app and switch to tasks that task is right here now the important thing to note here is that this task is now fully independent to the email you can safely delete that email if you don't need to keep it in your inbox if on the other hand you flag emails in your inbox you'll directly see them under flagged email so let's jump to outlook let's go to inbox and i'm going to flag this when i do that and i switch to my to-do i should see it pop up here and it does when you click on this you can directly open this in outlook once you've completed this task and you place a check mark here it's also going to remove the flag on the outlook side so if i bring up outlook now that flag is switched to completed now i'm just going to go ahead and clear this flag so let's right mouse click and clear flag now here i need to mention that you can also add your to-do's to the sidebar here so if we go to view under layout to do tasks we get to see all our tasks on the side but there is a difference when you drag and drop an email in this view so if for example i take this email and i drag it and drop it in here it doesn't create a separate task like it would if i drag and drop it in here instead it flags the email and in my to-do app this is going to show in the category flagged emails okay so keep this in mind if you're using to do on your sidebar remember how i told you that the web version of outlook has more functionality and better integration than the desktop version well let's take a look at that now i'm going to bring up the browser and i'm already logged into my account let's go and open outlook now just like we have in the desktop version we also have to do in the web version but take a look at this when i switch my view to to do i actually see what i see in the app i have my day i have tasks that are assigned to me everything is visible here and when i'm in to do i can easily switch to my email by clicking on this envelope now don't worry you don't have to keep clicking around because you can also see your to-do's directly in this view there is a feature up here called my day when you select that you have your to-do's here you can easily add a new task you can also click on an email and drag it and add it as a task just rename it right mouse click and add in other information so for example set a reminder set a due date and so on now in addition to to-do's here you can switch to calendar view this gives you a preview of your tasks organized by due date because you have a separate to-do bar here it's also really easy to add to do's to your calendar so if i bring up the calendar here and go back to my day here i have my to-do's and let's say i want to free up some time to do the slides for the stream committee i can click on this and then drag it in to my calendar a new event is created when i open this up i can edit it invite attendees if i want to work on this with other people and i can set a specific time to get this task done once you're done save it now another advantage you have with to do here is that whenever you drag an email and add it to to do you can directly click on the mail icon here and it takes you to that email this functionality currently works for flagged emails on desktop but it doesn't work for emails that you create a task out of okay so that sums up our outlook for the web integration now let's take a look at integration of to do with teams now i'm logged into microsoft teams and if you spend a lot of time in here you probably want to have your to-do's and any tasks assigned to you in planner all in one place you can add the tasks tab to the sidebar go to more options and add task by planner and to do if you don't see it here just type in tasks it's going to pop up and select it if you want this to stick to your sidebar so that every time you click away it doesn't disappear right mouse click and pin it now notice we see our to-do's here we can easily add a task in this view we can update and manage our tasks and we get to see all tasks that are in planner which are assigned to us so we have the same options we have in planner i'm looking at list view here but i can easily switch to board view and manage my cards and my buckets from this view as well now another really cool and handy option that's coming soon is the ability to automatically create a task from a message now this can be a conversation in teams or it can be a conversation in chat all you would need to do in the future is click on more options go to more actions and select create task now we don't see it right now because it's not rolled out yet but it was announced by microsoft and it should be coming soon once you add it as a task you're going to see it in the task pane right here and finally let's take a look at the integration of planner and to-do so i'm back in the to-do app and i want to see tasks that have been assigned to me from planner i can switch my view to assign to you i get a complete list of these tasks and when i select one so for example this one i can even see the steps and the checklist that was created in planner now if you scroll down it says some options aren't available for this task but you can open this in teams so notice it's not open in planner it's open in teams when you click that let's open the desktop version it takes me directly to tasks by planner and it opens that planner task i can create new items here or create these from my to-do now whenever you mark a task as completed so let's say i'm back in my to-do here and i mark this one as completed it's gonna mark it as completed in planner as well so we can see it if i switch to the teams app test my planner go to general tasks it's not here anymore i'm gonna go to board show completed and that's the task i just checked off okay so that's how the to-do app is integrated with the other apps that you might be using remember you have access to all of these different tasks to create the tasks that you need to concentrate on today so go to more suggestions here find your tasks and just add them to your today's list you can also directly go to a task and drag and drop it to my day or just right mouse click and add it to your day as you can see with to do you make sure that you stay on top of tasks and you also have a central place for managing all of your tasks i hope you enjoyed this video if you did and you learned something new please be kind to give this video a thumbs up also check to see if you're subscribed because if you aren't consider subscribing thank you for watching and i'm gonna see you in the next video you
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 228,291
Rating: 4.9632959 out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Microsoft 365, XelPlus, microsoft to do tutorial, microsoft to do tips and tricks, microsoft to do review, microsoft to do and outlook integration, microsoft to do outlook, microsoft to do advanced, microsoft to do best practices, microsoft to do and onenote integration, office 365, microsoft, microsoft todo, microsoft to-do, microsoft 365, to do, to-do, to do list, to-do list, tutorial, To Do and Outlook, Create to do from email, outlook web
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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