Save Microsoft Forms Attachments to SharePoint with Power Automate

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Hey. Everyone, April Dunnam here. In this video, I'm going to show you how you can use the file attachment capability of Microsoft forms and create a flow and power automate that takes that information and the attachment and rates that out to a list in SharePoint. This was a pretty highly requested topic in the previous video that I did on moving Microsoft forms data to Microsoft list. So I thought I would do a quick video walking you through how we can now take those attachments and move those at the same time into our SharePoint list, either as an attachment to the list item or in a SharePoint document library, there's a few steps involved to this, but I'll bring it all down for you right after this. [Inaudible]. Okay. First things first, let's see how we get the form set up in Microsoft forms to handle file attachments. So I have a form that I created to get information for session requests for a conference. So I've added single edit text fields for first name, last name, and you'll notice what I have here. I have a profile picture field where they can upload their picture. So you get a file upload in your Microsoft forms. Just click, add new click on the drop down there, and we'll see a new file upload option. And when you add one of these ads, there's a few different settings that you need to configure. First. You have to choose how many files to limit this field to. We can also choose these single file size limit. We can set that to 10 megabytes, a hundred megabytes or one gig. So just choose the option there for your needs. And then that's really all we need to do from the forms site itself. Next thing I did is I went into SharePoint and I created a list that contains all of those fields in it. And we're using the title field for the last name. I created a single line of text for first name, job title, email, and session title, and that profile picture file attachment. I want to actually attach that here directly on the items. So as you can see, I've tested this workflow already. I have a file attachment in there is the picture in the attachment that was saved from the Microsoft form to get this all synchronized. So I'm working though. We need some power automate, so let's go over the power automate click on my flows. I'll click the new flow option and choose the automated cloud flow. So I'll give our flow name. So call is power platform, bootcamp sessions, and then for the trigger, we'll select the, when a new response is submitted into Microsoft forms, click create I'll choose my forum for the dropdown here. The power platform bootcamp called for speakers, and now we need to get the response details. So we'll do a new step. I'll just type get response. And the first one that pops up there is Microsoft forms get response details. That's what we want. We'll choose the form again from this dropdown and for the response ID, we'll point it to the item from the trigger which we have here in our dynamic content. It's the response ID fields. Now the next thing I'm going to do, I want to create an item in the SharePoint lists to hold all of that static data. So not the profile picture of any of that, just the first name, last name, and all that static information. Then we'll go back in after that and add that attachment. So to create the item, we'll add a new step, do a search for create item and we'll choose these SharePoint creates item action. I'll select the training site from the site address drop down and I had a list called power platform, bootcamps submissions, and that's where I'm going to be storing the data. Now I'll just map my properties. [Inaudible]. Now is we're actually going to do the work where we're going to pull that attachment for the profile picture from this form. So there are a couple of steps involved here that you might be tempted to just create a new stuff, search for, add attachment, and choose to SharePoint, add attachment action, and just point the file name and file content properties to this profile picture field from our Microsoft form. This isn't going to work though, because that object there does it store the file content or the file name that we need to actually pull in there. We need to go do two separate actions to get that. We need to first extract out the name of the file. Then we need to actually go and make a call from where it's actually stored. So that leads us into the first question when we're leveraging that attachment capability in Microsoft forms, where is that physically storing the file? Well behind the scenes, when you configure it and set up a form, leveraging the file attachment capability, it's storing the files in the one drive for business account of the person that created the form. So I set up that power platform, bootcamp form. And if I go to my one drive for a business account, I see what it does is it creates an apps folder. And within that apps folder, we have a Microsoft forms folder. If we keep drilling down now into the Microsoft forms folder, let me see. We have another folder which is associated with the name of my form. So every form that you have, if it includes an attachment, it will be shown here in this folder. So apps, Microsoft forms, and then your form name. Now, if we keep drilling down into this, I'll go into this folder for my form. We see, we have question and question one, these are the two attachments I have now. I only show up one, but if we go back to the form, they actually do have another attachment for session abstract and resources. So unfortunately the names aren't super intuitive it's really goes by the order in which you add the file attachment field in. So if you do have multiple attachment village in our forums, you kind of have to know which one you added first for these names of the folders, or they're stored to make sense. Now I happen to know that I added the profile picture one second. So that means it's probably this question one folder. So if I dive into that, I will see the two pictures that I know I have uploaded in my testing so far. So we're going to need to know this file path, to be able to look up the contents and retrieve that of this file, but we actually need to do something before we even mess with retrieving this file from our one drive. We need to get the name of the file because the only way to look up and find that file is with having that complete path with the file name. So how do we get the name of the file before we can figure that out? We need to actually save what we have so far, and we want to submit a test. So we actually want to run through submitting an item in that form so that we can see the outputs of that. So let's go back to our forum. I'm going to open it up and preview, and I'm going to feel something else. Let me upload an image here and then click submit. Now we'll go back to our flow and we'll click out of here and we'll look at the run history so I can see it ran. So you want to inspect the run history now and expand out this, get response details, action that we see succeeded. This is where we'll find out the format that we need to be able to extract the name of our image. So if we look at the profile picture property here in our get response details, you see that object there. That field is actually a block of Jason. So you see, I have a property called name with a value. We have another property called link, which is actually where the file is stored. We have other properties for ID type size and reference ID. This is why we couldn't just point that field directly in our add attachments action, because that's not just a file content or a file name. We need to do something called parsing this Jason, to extract out just the information we need in this case, the name of the file. So this is the whole reason why we had to test it. We needed to get to this. So what we're going to do is we're going to copy what's in this profile picture attachment field that we see here, this block of Jason. And now we're going to go back into our edit mode and we need to add an action in here to parse this. So let's add a new step and do a search for parse. We want this data operations parse Jason action for the content property here, when to click in that box. And this is where we want to point to our attachment fields, which in my case is profile picture. Now we need to give it a sample of what the Jaison will look like. That's why we tested it. And we copied that. So what we'll do is we'll click generate from sample and we'll piece. What we copied in here now just click done. And now we have a way to get to that name. Now we can do that call to one drive for business and pull the file content. So what we'll do is we'll click new step. We'll do a search for gets file content and we'll choose the get file content using path for the one drive for business connector. Now this needs a complete file path. So we'll have to go back to what we were looking at earlier with the one drive. And we need to look at this total file path and type that in manually there in that one drive for business action, I've already typed this out and I'm lazy. So I'm just going to paste that right in there. So you want to start it with a forward slash then you'll have the name of the first folder, which has apps or another forward slash the Microsoft forms folder another forward slash and the name of your form in a final forward slash and the name of the folder where your field that has the attachment is now, the last thing to do is now we need to pull in the file name. So we have a final Ford slash, and this is where we need to pull that in. And we need to use an expression and power automate for this. Now you notice here in that dynamic content window, under the parse, Jason header, these are all those properties that we had from that block of Jason. So the one that we're trying to get to is this name, property. That's where the file name is store. Now I can't just click on that and then have that be the name of my file in the file path, because it recognizes this as an array. So we need to use a function called first to get the first object there that contains the name. So I'm going to click on the expression tab. We're going to use that first function, and then we're just going to pass in the name of that name, field from our pars Jason action. So let's click okay on this. So we see that populate there that I'm a compulsive saber. So I'm going to save this one more time, right? There's only one thing left to do. We need to actually add that attachment now because we have everything we need. So all that we're going to do now is click a new step again, do a search for add attachment, choose these SharePoint, add attachment options, choose the site address and listen to them again. Then for the ID, we'll point that to the ID from our Crete item action. And now it's time for the file name. So we'll do that same expression. We'll switch over to the expression option piece, set in click, okay for the file content. And you'll see in that dynamic content window. Now we have that gets file content using path, and we have a file concept property that we can pass it. All right. That is all that is needed. So let's save this and let's run the test. So I'm going to jump back over to our form, fill it out here, upload a picture, click submit. Now let's jump back over to our flow. Let's look at that run history. See we have a successful run three seconds ago. So if we kind of peak at what's going on here, if I look at my parse, Jason, I can see that data being populated there with the name because he gets a file content succeeded. So if you look at one drive, for example, I see that new picture was added just a few seconds ago. And final moment of truth. If I go to my SharePoint list, I'll see there is the item. And if I opened that up, I see the attachment. I can click on that and it opens right up. We can make a simple modification to this if we didn't want to add this as an attachment, but rather in a document library, all we'd have to do in that case. If I go back to the edit mode here is replaced the add attachment action with the create file action for SharePoint point that to the site address and the folder path. So I'll just choose this generic share documents, library, and same thing for the file name. So they will use that expression here, getting the name from our parser Doosan action and the file content from our goods content using file path one drive connector. So now if I click save, this should be in two places and rather than submit that form again, I'll just do a test. So I'll use our nifty testing function and flow. I'll do with a recent trigger click test. They ran successfully. So let's go back to SharePoint, look at that document library. And there's the profile picture. That just one more thing that I want to point out before I let you go. If you recall in the options here in our file attachment on our form, we had the option to have a file number limit. So if you did set that to maybe allow someone to upload more than one file in the attachment, this will slightly change the process that we just went through in your flow. So really we can do all of the same things. The main thing that would change here is in the gets file content path and the add attachment actions here. If you allow multiple file attachments in that field, you wouldn't want to use the first function because that's only returning one item. Instead, you had pointed directly to this, you saw name, and when you do that and I'll just show you real quickly, what happens, it's going to wrap your add attachment action insight and apply it to each. So this will do a loop for you, looping through all the attachments and getting that name, property, and same thing with the GEDs file concept from path. Don't use the first point directly to the name so that I can do the looping through all the different attachments there. All right, well that pretty much wraps it up. If you found this helpful, do me a favor, like subscribe, share that I'll catch you in the next video.
Channel: April Dunnam
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Keywords: Save Attachments from Microsoft Forms to SharePoint with Power Automate, April Dunnam, microsoft forms attachments flow, microsoft forms attachment power automate, saving attachments from microsoft forms with flow, microsoft forms with attachments, microsoft forms and power automate, microsoft forms attach file, microsoft forms sharepoint workflow, save ms form attachment to sharepoint, save ms forms attachment to sharepoint, save ms form attachment to sharepoint list
Id: Xb_k8vOERpU
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Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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