How to Import Emails From OUTLOOK to EXCEL & why you want to do that!

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today we're gonna have fun importing data from outlook to excel we're gonna make the whole process dynamic so it's not a one-time thing we're gonna set up a connection to outlook so we just need to press refresh and we get the latest outlook information that we're tracking directly in excel obviously we're not going to dump all our emails in excel there's going to be something specific that we want to track for example sales emails or project ideas anything that you receive a lot of emails about and you'd like it all organized in a nice excel table it's so easy to set this up don't believe me just watch okay so this is my mailbox and i want to import emails from a specific folder of this mailbox to excel i don't want to import everything i want to just import the content of the action required folder because let's say all of these emails are going to be easier for me to analyze if i get them in an excel table to do that just open up excel open a blank workbook go to data get data from other sources from microsoft exchange now all you need to do is give it your mailbox address which is your email address next step is to authenticate yourself so this is something you need to do if it's the first time you are connecting to this mailbox once you've done this and the connection is set up you don't need to do this every time you want to refresh your data the connection is going to be there i'm gonna use my microsoft account and then sign in you just have to select your microsoft account and your password and then click on connect now power query is gonna set up a connection to this mailbox check this out notice all the different tables i get i have a calendar table so in case you're interested to keep your eye on specific meetings you can import this table and add the filters that you need i have a mail table this is where all the emails are so not just the emails in my inbox but in all other folders as well i get a table for meeting requests for people and even tasks that i have in to do in this case i'm interested in mail so i'm going to select that and go ahead and transform the data now take a look at these categories i get the folder path so these are the names of the folders i have in this case actually i just want to restrict it to the action required folder so i'm going to click on this drop down and just select action required and you can also use text filters whatever makes sense to restrict it to the view that you need so i'm going to click on ok and my folder path is going to be restricted to the action required folder here i get the subject of the email sender comes in as a record notice we have a different category for name and the email address this means if i expand this i can get a separate row for the name and for the address i also get the display 2 information and if i scroll over we have display cc we have the two recipients this one comes in as a table so here we get to see the name and the address of the recipient if we have more recipients we're going to see them in this table and we have cc recipients bcc the time the email was sent the time it was received the importance of the email whether it was read whether it has attachments or not so if you're looking for special emails that have an attachment you can set this to true now in this case all these emails that are in the action required folder they don't have any attachments so i only see the false option then i also get the preview of the email and on the side here i get the body of this email i get two versions of this the text body and the html body now actually in this case it makes sense just to go with the text body i'm going to add a check mark for that and click on ok last column is a unique id so there is a lot of things here that i don't need and some parts that i might want to expand so let's say for sender i actually just want to keep the name so let's go with ok now let's restrict this to only the columns that we need so i'm going to go to home choose columns let's uncheck select all columns and only select the ones that i'm interested in that's going to be subject in this case the name and the body of the email and click on ok that's it all my steps are recorded every time i refresh these steps are going to run now let's go ahead and send this to our workbook close and load this is going to create a new sheet and it's going to upload my data in an excel table on this sheet this way i can view the content easier and i can even use formulas that reference this table and you're probably wondering is this all dynamic well yes it is let's go ahead and push another email to this folder so i'm going to go to the inbox here let's take this one that says don't forget to record i'm going to drag and drop it in the action required folder i can see it on the bottom here so how about in excel let's right mouse click and refresh this and i get to see the email right here that's the subject that's the name and that's the content which is also a good time for me to let you know that in case you're not subscribed to this channel consider subscribing now as you can see all of this is dynamic so if you are using rules in outlook to move over certain type of emails to another folder you can then create a connection from excel to that folder and you don't even have to have outlook open you just go to excel you right mouse click your refresh and you get the latest information in your excel table how cool is that so what do you think was that difficult not really right all you have to remember is go to the data tab and the rest is going to come to you that's my tip for today thank you for being here thank you for watching hit that thumbs up and while you're down there you might as well hit subscribe if you aren't subscribed yet i'm gonna see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 478,373
Rating: 4.9665713 out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Advanced Excel tricks, Excel online course, Excel tips and tricks, Excel for analysts, Microsoft Excel tutorials, Microsoft Excel, Excel 2016, Excel 2019, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, Excel 365, power query, outlook, microsoft, how to, connect outlook to excel, import emails to excel, get emails in excel, import outlook data to excel, microsoft outlook, ms outlook, email, hacks, no vba
Id: apBglZR9W60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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