5 Personal Airplanes You Can Buy For Less Than $20,000

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The main cost of a plane is the storage and maintenance, though

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SevenandForty 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

planes are cheaper than cars now

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello welcome to mojo group Mike here today we're checking out some more cheap airplanes in the past I made a video of airplanes that you can afford for under $30,000 today we're gonna check out some more airplanes that you can afford for less than $20,000 these airplanes are generally smaller inside and they're your basic flight trainer but they are very affordable to purchase and very affordable to maintain the first airplane on the list is the lust cone 8 the Luscombe was first introduced back in the 40s and a few thousand of them were built and you still have them flying today this is a tow driver so you need to get a tailwheel endorsement to be able to operate in that you have 65 horsepower which can get you cruising at around 90 to 100 miles per hour this airplane will also travel as far as 350 miles the fuel burns four to five gallons per hour now here's some downside about the Luscombe other than the fact that it's a tail wheel it's also a very basic airplane one good thing is that you have a control stick some people prefer the yoke but this air path has no electrical system whatsoever but that means for the pilot is one you have to hand profit you can't turn the ignition and the engine you just start also your flight instruments are very basic depending on who you ask this may be a good thing or a bad thing this can make you a much better pilot and so when you advance into a more modern airplane you know how to fly without necessarily needing to look at gadgets all day now how cheap is this airplane you look all around you can find a good Luscombe pay for as low as $13,000 next we have the earth cool it's another aircraft that was built post-world War actually this aircraft was first introduced back in the 1930s and then took a break in production and later came back after the world war ii ended in 1946 the ercoupe is an all metal frame aircraft with 85 horsepower engine that allows you to climb around 600 foot per minute and get to a cruise speed of a hundred miles per hour it is a two seater airplane with your normal tricycle landing gear but looking at this aircraft you can see that the design is quite different for what you normally see it has double rudders in the rear but it doesn't even have rudder pedals which is a little on what that means for policies that you have to control the aircraft mainly with the oil now you do have later models that were outfitted with waters but again flying this airplane would take some getting used all that said here's the best part you can buy the front or a pool between 15,000 and 20,000 dollars next we have the tail of crab species now the post-war aircraft it's a two-seater shares a similar engine with the earth coat a five horsepower continental engine and you also share a similar performance numbers the Taylorcraft to close around a 100 miles per hour we have a travel range of 300 miles but you have a better climb rate at 700 feet per minute that said it is a televisor so once again to operate this aircraft you would need a till endorsement and the power and like several of the other early birds built in the 1940s the Taylorcraft is your basic basic airplane if you want a decent lwill trainer that's also capable of going cross-country you want to take a look at a Taylorcraft because this aircraft will break the bank you can find a good fine aircraft on the at number four we have the sessional 120 system candle out everybody else to have all the fun so the 120 was their response to all of the tables that were being introduced in the market back in the nineteen thirties but the good thing about this aircraft is that it actually helped fix some of the problems that the other aircraft models had it shares a similar engine at 85 horsepower the pro speed you're looking at between a hundred and a hundred and fifteen miles per hour the aircraft also stalls nicely at only 43 knots the Cessna 120 was a great airplane to begin with but it also had some of its flaws and later down the road cessna introduced a new model aircraft that would help resolve some of these issues that aircraft as we know it today is the cessna 140 now you can go find yourself for good flying 140 but before you do you might want to take a look at the cessna 120 first because you can find this aircraft anywhere from sixteen thousand dollars to about 19 thousand dollars and lastly we have the piper i wasn't gonna leave part of this list and yes they do have an aircraft that you can purchase for less than twenty thousand dollars - it's known as the tomahawk the piper tomahawk was really a response to the cessna 150 piper wanted to build a good trainer for new pilots and so they created this two seater low wing tricycle landing gear airplane the piper tomahawk is equipped with a hundred and twenty five horsepower lycoming engine that allows it to close around 115 miles per hour we have a range of over 500 miles I should also mention that the piper tomahawk has a better safety record than the cessna 150 that said there are some downside to this aircraft see initially when the airplane was first certified piper went back and altered the design of the and that later cause some changes to the star characteristics of this airplane to the point where it's been nicknamed the piper trauma Hawk because the wings tend to drop during a stall all that said the piper tomahawk is still a great airplane to fly and operate the best part is it won't cost your entire life savings to buy one you can find a well-maintained piper tomahawk for eighteen thousand dollars and that price will go as high as twenty six thousand but you don't need to spend over twenty thousand dollars for this aircraft and that is it for this video hope you guys enjoyed it if you did please give a thumbs up and if this is your first time make sure you subscribe to Mulder group thank you so much for watching again my name is Mike and I will catch you guys on the next video [Music]
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 1,154,751
Rating: 4.8867111 out of 5
Keywords: cheap airplane, cheap flights, taildragger, tailwheel, private plane, ercoupe, luscombe 8a, taylorcraft, piper tomahawk, cessna 120, cessna 140
Id: Xi1sy93c_Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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