Top 5 Bush planes In The World

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What? No deHavilland Canada machines? OP has no f'n clue.

I mean, the DHC2 is the quintessential bush airplane.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stygarfield πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 09 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello and welcome to mojo grip mic here today we're checking out some Bush airplanes when you think about general aviation aircraft they all come in different shapes size and models and Bush planes are generally known for three things one you can fly them to remote places meaning that you don't need a standard one way of paved one way to land or take off with these planes to a lot of this airplanes are Taylor draggers which makes you a better stick and rudder pilot and lastly it's just the ultimate adventure airplane and today we're going to check out five of the best bush planes in the market first is the Piper j-3 cub this plant is like the Godfather of all bush planes as a matter of fact a lot of the modern bush planes you'll find in the market today were built to model the j-3 cub first introduced 80 years ago the j-3 cub was the first of its kind a little over 20,000 units were produced and you still have a lot of them flying today now this is no cross-country airplane the j-3 cub has a tiny tiny motor the first model series had only 40 horsepower and then you had later models that were built with 65 horsepower engine and that allows this aircraft to cruise around 75 miles per hour and you have a range of about 200 miles the j-3 cub was also built as a trainer and it's still being used as one today if you're looking for an affordable Stowell airplane with our fill capabilities definitely check out the j-3 cub and you can find this aircraft anywhere from twenty five thousand to forty thousand dollars used in the market today next is the mall m7 if you know anything about mall you know that this family of aircraft are some of the most powerful single-engine aircraft in the market and there are bush planes for that matter the great thing about the m7 series is that it's almost like an experimental airplane because you can get different power plants with them and this airplane is so versatile that you can have your standard tricycle landing gear you can fit them with tail draggers or you can put floats on them if you wish to you can even find some law em7 with turboprop engines now for the sake of this video we'll stick with the standard maul m7 series and this comes with the high performance like I'm an i/o engine producing 235 horsepower this aircraft will cruise around 130 140 miles per hour and you have a useful load of almost 900 pounds I should also mention that the m7 is a four-seater in some cases you can actually fit up to 5 people in this aircraft for all the useful load and versatility you are looking at a price tag of almost $300,000 for a brand new mall m7 next we have the zenith 750 if you want a proper off-field airplane that has amazing short field takeoff and landing capabilities you definitely want to look at the zenith 750 this aircraft is in the light sport category which makes it easier access to just about any power and the zenith 750 can take off in about a hundred feet a hundred feet of space if you're not amazed by that number I'll give an example the standard single-engine aircraft probably needs 800 to a thousand feet of takeoff roll to get off the ground whereas this particular aircraft only need about a tenth of that to get you right up in the air and the zenith CH 750 will cruise around 130 140 miles per hour you have a range of 440 miles now the best part about the 750 is that you only need about 50,000 dollars to build one on your own if you don't have the time to build on yourself you can find a good used aircraft between 70 and 90 thousand dollars next we have the X cub from cub crafters cub crafters is one of the most popular airplane manufacturers in the United States and rightfully so this and an ex-cop is fitted with a hundred and eighty horsepower engine and that allows the airplane to cruise around a hundred and forty-five miles per hour you have a range of 800 miles and a useful load of over a thousand pounds so with two people on board a ton of room for your baggage this aircraft is the perfect airplane to take on a cross-country flight and again the best part is you don't need a runway you can land an x cub just about anywhere but you have to pay for all that fun a brand new cup crasus xcode will cost you at least $300,000 and here we've saved the best for last one of the best bush planes you find today is the kit fox kit fox is another experimental light airplane that you can build yourself or buy one used the kit Fox was first introduced back in 1984 and over the years it's gone through several different modifications the recent model for the kit fox is the s7 which uses a Rotax 912 engine again this is an experimental aircraft which means you probably have several different options for your engine choices the standard speed for the kit Fox is a hundred and ten miles per hour you have a climate of 1,200 feet per minute now where the kit Fox really shines is not just in performance because this aircraft is a capable cross-country airplane and it's just as capable for short takeoffs and short landings and more importantly you can land it off fill early model kit Fox aircraft can be found for as low as $20,000 and then you have later models from the 3 and the 4 and maybe the 5 for around $30,000 to build on yourself you're looking at anywhere from 50,000 to about $100,000 depending on the equipment all of the Adams you'll have on the airplane and that is my top 5 for today I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please go ahead and give a thumbs up and if this is your first time make sure you hit that subscribe button for me I'd greatly appreciate it also my patreon link is below thank you all so much for supporting the channel again my name is Mike and I will catch you on the next video [Music]
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 791,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bush plane, stol, stol airplane, zenith ch 750, zenith super stol, kitfox, piper cub, maule m7, xcub, cubcrafters, back country planes
Id: fy_06_y29eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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