5 Personal Airplanes You Can Buy For Less Than $30,000

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welcome to module grip mic hair so the general consensus is that flying can be really expensive and you have to be super rich to own an airplane some part of that is true flying can be expensive but aircraft ownership is actually not as expensive as most people think in today's video we're going to look at few airplanes that you can purchase for the same price as a brand new Honda Accord yes these airplanes can be bought for $30,000 or less let's get into it the first airplane we're going to look at is the Cessna 150 now when you think of Cessnas you think of one of the earliest manufacturers of airplanes in the United States the Cessna 150 is a very small airplane two-seater but this airplane is an absolute workhorse back in 1958 Cessna started producing this birds and you still have a few thousand of them still flying today as a matter of fact you have training schools use the cessna 150 to train their new pilots and the reason being that Cessna 150 is one of the most forgiving airplanes in general aviation period that's why for no power to low time powers that needs to build time you're always recommended to get a Cessna 150 one because of its forgiving behavior but also it's one of the most affordable and low cost airplane to maintain into own you can easily find a good working Cessna 150 either on brainstorm on traded plane or you can check out controller comm and you can find easily 15,000 to 20,000 dollars for a good working airplane and for a well equipped airplane may be safe for IFR over some glass cockpit you can find $30,000 and a little bit north of that but again you don't need all that you just need your basic six pack VFR and a good working airplane you can easily find one fifteen and twenty grand maybe the only downside you can find with the 150 is that it's considered slow by some pilots and this airplane cruises around a hundred miles per hour that's nothing to sneeze at even some LSA airplane today don't go that fast so for most pilots I think that's more than enough speed now if you want a little bit more speed and a little bit more useful load then let's check out the next airplane number two on the list is the Cessna 172 when you think of the godfather of general aviation aircraft think of the 172 this airplane is also one of the early birds here in the United States and this specific model is still being produced by Cessna today now the newest models of the 172 will cost you close to $400,000 but you can get your hands on one of the early models for less than $30,000 unlike the younger brother the 150 the Cessna 172 gives you quite a few more options you have longer range more useful load and you get those extra two seats to fit more people even with all the great extra options you get with the 172 this airplane is also just as forgiving as the 150 okay you get all that options but you also get a very safe airplane that's why you still see a lot of flight skills today use the 172 to train their pilots one being that it's very safe and also it's very cheap it's very low cost to buy one and it's very low cost to maintain one and there's so many thousands and thousands of Cessna 172 flying in the air today so maintenance costs in terms of getting parts and getting things fixed will not be a hassle at all because you have so many of them flying in the air today you can find a basic VFR equipped with 172 today anywhere from $25,000 to $30,000 now if you want something with more option or an airplane that's been remodeled or upgraded then you're looking at closer to 40 50 thousand dollars but nevertheless you can find a lot for still 25 30 grand for this airplane and a dirty little secret about the 172 since it's one of the most used airplanes for training purposes you can always do a leaseback with this airplane meaning you can buy one and then lease it to a school and they pay you for the usage of this airplane next on the list is the Piper Cherokee now we've looked at two different airplanes that are hiring airplanes this is the first lower airplane that we're going to look at today and the Piper Cherokee shares the same and very similar behaviors with the first two airplane I talked about this airplane was first introduced in the 60s and just like the Cessna is you have a lot of Cherokee still flying today and also being used in flight schools now the thing about the Piper Cherokee is that you have several different variations and models you have the 140 160 180 235 and it goes on and on and on and the different models comes with different engine and horsepower but the entry-level is the 140 which is a superb airplane has all the safety characteristics very forgiving airplane very low to maintain and very low to buy you can get a used early model Piper Cherokee in today's market anywhere from $20,000 to 28 $29,000 even an IFR equipped airplane you can find these airplanes for less than $30,000 now one tiny little complaint I will make about the Piper Cherokee is that it only has one door it's a matter of convenience for this airplane if you're going to carry passengers everyone has to scoot in through one door which is on the passenger side but other than that this is a superb airplane very low entry very cheap to buy and very cheap to maintain next airplane on the list is the Grumman American trainer now unlike the Cessnas this is not your typical training airplane but it does share similar characteristics this airplane is also small two-seater but you have a lot of good options a lot more useful load at over a thousand and you can fly anywhere from 300 nautical miles it's a 400 nautical miles with your tanks filled up the Grauman does have a small I command engine similar to the Cessnas but you get a little bit more performance with this airplane I mentioned the useful load earlier you get more useful load and depending on your power setting you can fly a little bit longer the good thing about this airplane though is the fuel consumption you're getting around 6 gallons per hour or cruising over a hundred knots in this airplane and with this airplane to me actually looks the best when you think of the looks the Cessnas they look more like your mom's car or SUVs when you think about when you compare this airplane to your car but the Grumman looks to me a little bit more sporty something that a young pilot can use and the most sexy thing about this airplane is the price you can find a good working airplane anywhere from $18,000 to $22,000 that's cheaper than most new Accords or even Corollas that you can find in the market today the last airplane we're going to look at today is the Sonics so the prior four airplanes I listed are all certified airplanes you have some Cessna Stu Piper's and we have the Garmin Sonic's is the only airplane on this list that is home-built now if you know anything about the Sonics airplane they have some of the most affordable kits in the market and for pilots who are looking to get into a project a flying experimental airplane I think this is a great option for you one this airplane is very very affordable to build on your own and you can find a completely built airplane for less than $30,000 easily you can find the Sonics right now for twenty twenty two twenty four twenty five thousand dollars on brains komm but again if you're going to purchase one of these you have to do your homework properly because this is not a certified airplane this experimental so it means somebody else built it either again either from their garage or with the help of a factory but nevertheless it's an airplane and he can violin for such an affordable price and again unlike the Cessnas or the Brahman or the pipers those are much more older we're talking airplanes that are built in the 50s 60s or in the 70s whereas the Sonics you can find one that was built a year ago for $25,000 this airplane only seats - you have a useful load of 350 pounds but this airplane can stay in the air long you can fly this thing for over 500 miles and you're cruising at over 130 miles per hour if you're the power that loves to have fun maybe do some aerobatics the sonics is definitely a great option to get into very low entry very low maintenance I would trade my honda accord for this airplane any day okay that is it for today's video thank you guys so much for spending time with me again my name is Mike if there's a particular airplane that I did not cover in this video let me know in the comments below okay thank you guys and I will catch you on the next video [Music]
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 2,335,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: light sport aircraft, single engine jet, cessna 150, cessna 172, piper cherokee 140, grumman american aa1a, sonex, sonex onex, subsonex jet, cheap airplanes, training airplane, airplane ownership
Id: IaFolrcK2Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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