$14,000 Cessna 150/152 - Best Starter Airplane

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welcome back to channa everybody this is a Cessna 150 and you could buy this plane for under $15,000 [Music] a big shout out to flat rate for let me borrow their plane and for today's review if you ever in Orlando please come check them out I'll put a link in the description below they we are close to Disney and to Cape Canaveral both places are under about 30 minutes to get there and beautiful views everywhere great prices on flight ready check them out I love the sass on 150 I may be a little biased though because I started my private pilot training in it and I love her isn't she cute them taken ticket also commonly referred to as the moped of the sky on this plane is so tiny right now you can go online and find ads for a Cessna 150 or - 150 - ranging anywhere from about a 14,000 to about a 41,000 depending on what's inside the plane some of the cheaper models you'll find online will probably be closer to tbo with the six-pack and that's probably why you will find a cheaper one 51 52 about that price it just is a great starter point if you want to save money while doing your private your commercial even instrument you can you should definitely look into a fit 151 52 I'm now going to show you how to get in and out of the Cessna 150 opening doors is an easy latch on the outside pull out to get in to operate the window we just open the latch pull it up push out there is no air conditioning in this tiny plane to get out of the aircraft all you do is pull on this lever here and you can see how I really have to lift up my legs here to get inside the aircraft it is extremely tiny but I love it here I'm showing you the manually operated trim for the aircraft with a sight window to see where our trim is for takeoff now onto the rudder pedals are operating our nose wheel on the aircraft with the toe brakes to stop the aircraft and the fuel tanks there's just a setting for on and off there is no left or right or both just on or off for the Cessna 150 now in this Cessna 150 we have conventional yoke rotating left or right will operate the ailerons well pulling back and pushing forward will operate the elevator we also have a push-to-talk on the yoke another really cool cork about this late model Cessna is the push and pull master you really have to watch your knees in this small aircraft to make sure you don't accidentally push that master back in parking brake is pulled to activate and if you notice right here you also see the vertical speed indicator underneath a yoke primer is your standard push and pull still looking at our instrument panel here we have our pitot heat our nav lights our beacon lights in our landing lights which are activated by pushing of pulling and just like standard cessna fashion we have our mixture in our throttle both activated by pushing and pulling and our car beep now one really cool feature that was first added to the system 150f model was the electrically actuated flaps as you can see here he pushed down and they go down you pull up and they go back up and one way to tell what degree they were at it was to look at the sight window above the pilots head that range anywhere from 10 to 40 degrees or he could just look outside now onto our right panel of the aircraft where we have our RPMs are left to right fuel gauges oil temperature oil pressure our suction gauge our hobbs meter and also our amp meter over here as well here we have the MX 170 C which is the radios and navigational columns for the aircraft to operate these we do not have an avionics which in this plane we have to operate these manually right here on this button and if we're talking about maintenance cost and insurance cost for a moment as well to get that yearly price down for you annual on a 150 152 is going to range anywhere from a couple hundred dollars to a thousand dollars and insurance for a year is going to be about in the two thousand a two thousand five hundred range like I said this is a great priced aircraft for a beginning pilot you don't need the $750,000 Cirrus you don't need the fancy bells and whistles you need something where you can feel the basics out and really putting down your skills before moving on to something bigger and badder as long as you kept out on your oil changes your annuals and your just general maintenance on the plane you should be able to get about the same price fur and a lot of these 150 152s are kept out on the ramp at this agent and at this low price of a plane a lot of owners don't feel the need to hangar the aircraft obviously if you do is better for keeping the paint and the insides of her from deteriorating faster but definitely you can keep run to a ramp and be just fine there's one actually right behind me that's on the ramp right now like these points with just the bare bones side them is that you really hone your skills of your pilotage and dead reckoning and your fuel calculations and your weight and balances you really know that how important these these skills can be in such a basic plane now let's talk about performance for just a moment you have a plane that pumps out barely a hundred horsepower it's got a cruise speed of 102 knots has got a take-off roll about 107 735 and a landing roll of about 400 something give or take that's fantastic starting off on a plane like this that means you can take off and land on some pretty fantastic runways you so as you can see this is a very bare-bones plane but I loved it exactly for that reason you really get to hone your skills as a stick and rudder pilot and as any pilot should when they're first starting off now as long as you take care of her go ahead and get your $750,000 parachute plane afterwards Who am I to stop you as always guys thank you so much for stopping by go ahead and hit that subscribe button then that like button leave us a comment let us know what claim you want to see next thanks for watching another episode cleared for takeoff see you next time
Channel: Cleared For Takeoff
Views: 307,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheap Airplane, Flying, Cessna, C150, Airplane Review, c152, cessna 150, cessna 152
Id: hM3ru5WLLHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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