4 Reasons Why Your Wrap FAILED! - & How To Troubleshoot It

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[Music] what's going on guys Christian here from CK wraps today I'm going to talk about four reasons why your vinyl wrap might fail in a recessed area recessed areas are very common areas for wrap failure a lot of times it's just a matter of post heating you know if we stretch it into a recessed area where we have to stretch it into like for example behind the door handle like the door handle cup area you usually want to post eat that area the film is gonna be under tension the whole time it's gonna want to pop out and post heating will help set the material down if your guys are looking for a video on how to post eat properly and the effects of how that works check out my website see CARICOM i'll put a link in the top corner and in the description below for you it shows you how to post eat if and the effective post eating is amazing at how well it works let's move on to reason number one reason number one while your rap might fail is because of an unclean surface you want to make sure that you're prepping your panels properly make sure using some kind of a surface prep at least 70% isopropyl alcohol or something similar offer by any particular brand for that matter you know we have to strip wax grease oil off of the surface if we stretch the film into that area into an area that it has contaminant on it like grease or oil or wax the film isn't going to adhere as well as it should so we have to make sure we strip everything off and that will give us a much better adhesion level when we go to stretch our film into that area that it's not the only reason why rap can fail and recessed area but that is one reason why why rap will fail in a recessed area how to check for that well if you go to push the film back down you keep pushing you down into that recessed area you heat it you push it down you heating you push it down and it just seems to want to lift all the time with no visible sign of anything underneath it's you know no no texture of some kind basically dirt or maybe pain lifting off or any like that you don't feel anything and it's just very smooth and ever end the rap is snapping out of that area very quickly most likely you have some kind of grease oil or wax underneath your rap you're gonna have to rewrap at that point you don't really have any choice so that is one reason right there I'm gonna use tech producer Vivat a producer as grease in this situation okay we're gonna take my cloth and we're gonna make sure we give a fair evaluation here this way I'm gonna clean off about half right here and then I'm going to add the TOC reducer to the other half over here [Music] you're gonna see the difference in in grab that it will have from side to side so again one sides clean one sides not let's take a bit of the Avery attack reducers a wonderful product you just don't want to put it into an area that's recessed because if that if you have to stretch the film into that area what's gonna happen is you're gonna end up having the film pop out or lift out of that area grease and something else that's a heavier contaminant will even cause that affected be greater so we want to make sure that we're doing our best job to ensure that the film or that the surface of the vehicle has been prepped properly before hands in this case right here you're gonna see that there's a bit of a haze to the tack reducer that is what it's supposed to look like and we're gonna take our Avery and put it across both sides [Applause] [Music] there aren't many other ways that your film is gonna fail in a recessed area these are the main reasons why it's going to fail fail okay it's the things that I've covered today are though are the main reasons squeeze it down fair and ends we're good now let's let's lift the film up on one side and let's let the film for the other side let's make sure this is fair here let's just see what we have as far as grab goes okay right across that body line so I'm gonna pull this it's feeling like it's feeling good it's got some good bonds yeah let's check out this side right here little much easier okay so the fact that it's much easier it's just it's just pulling off like no problem at all this is a common reason of failure okay you have to make sure that there are no contaminants in your on your panel at all or especially in the recessed areas those are the most critical reason number two and I'm gonna take you over to a panel that's failing in a recessed area because you stretched it into a recess that's just too deep for the film to actually handle this area on like Sprinter vans and things like that tends to fail quite often so post heating is very important if you guys are looking for a post seating video go check out my website see Capcom there's gonna be a link there for you I show you what the effect of post seating has the way we check this right now is to push the film down when I push the film down and we're gonna see what happens so right now it looks like the film is just popping out there is maybe potentially a chance to salvage this right now so what we're gonna do is we're gonna heat it and hope that we can push this down and maybe even post seated afterwards so as we have air in here it's gonna get stuck right now I can see that there are no real glue lines or glue rings or anything like that which means like to me it looks like the film has been separated from the adhesive and on top of that it also shows me that the paint isn't lifting off and there's no dirt behind it so it could be one of two things here just too much stretch for the actual film or this area wasn't cleaned properly we're gonna poke a little hole there and get in there and heat it down same thing with this guy over here poke a little hole he didn't push it down now what we want to do is we want to post eat this okay is it going to be perfect notes I can see now I'm starting to get bubbles over here this area should have been done a little bit more thorough in the beginning well we would have just heated the area immediately after and then we wouldn't be dealing with this right now it's not gonna look the prettiest because we are messing around with the film so I can actually see some glue rings or in that area the film has been sitting like this for quite a while right so the film sitting under tension shows me I sorry it shows you that the films been sitting under tension for a while in this area while it's been lifted up that's why we have a slight blue line there and they're really low I even still have a couple of very small bubbles these are actually very tricky to get out because when they get very small the glue tends to not let the air out properly but it is working it is getting a little bit better okay so it's gonna you're able to fix this in this case not perfect like as you can see we can see the finish is not the greatest but we can get the air bubbles down and make the finish a little bit more presentable to avoid this we would have posted right after installing and we want to most likely had this issue to me it's showing me that it just simply wasn't post heated as opposed to there being contaminated underneath the under underneath the film basically or on the paint so it probably always wiped down it just wasn't heated and set into place afterwards and that's reason number two so reason number two you can actually check to see how the film is sticking into the recessed area if the film is still sticking into that recessed area and you can push it down and it seems to not want to snap out right away most likely you just didn't heat post heat that area properly or in any kind of other case slaps in primer ninety four or he's the promoter into that area definitely it he's the promoter in the area on that panel would have held the would have held the wrap down and that would have prevented it from lifting at all but the less lazy way of doing it would have just been to post heat the area and you saw when I was Postini or when I was heating it I was able to get that air down we'll see how long it holds but typically you want to post eat that area to a particular temperature okay it's not just like heated up to a hundred and call it a day no we have to heat it to a particular temperature to make sure it's settled and that will reset the memory in the film let's move on to reason number three reason number three is a less common reason but if it ever happens you'll know and there's one way to check and it's pretty simple if your paint fails you're gonna see it through the rapid ascent now when you go to push that wrap back down into the area where the paint fails you're going to see the film actually just come right up immediately but if you actually take your time and push the wrap down you're going to see that there's gonna be a profile to the wrap essentially you're gonna you're gonna definitely feel the edge of the paint and the edge and the edges of that area that had lifted when the paint failed okay that isn't so common but it can be more common on repainted or resprayed areas especially from bumpers front rear bumpers they tend to be real reef resprayed without anyone ever knowing because they got into a little fender bender in a parking lot people think their car is in great shape but it's just a little fender bender so they just got resprayed and they don't do that great of a job usually with a respray as opposed to manufacturer straight from the street from the car manufacturer they do a much better job aftermarket yeah you can get anything especially when you're going through insurance these were kind of going the cheapest fastest route possible again being able to check that is important because you actually have to know if it's your fault or if it's just the substrate itself if it's the substrate itself asan your fault you're not really gonna warranty that there's nothing you can do about that the wraps gonna have to come up the car custom we'll have to go get it painted properly or resprayed and then once the fit once the paint cures they're gonna have to bring it back and have it rewrapped a huge pain so try to check vehicles and check them before you wrap them to make sure they haven't been resprayed if they have been resprayed you always have to let people know about the possible consequences of wrapping over a respray panel okay you can have them sign off on something whatever it is you choose to do but there is that possibility that it can happen it can also just happen on rap removal let's move on to reason number four now reason number four I've seen it happen with every single brand there is and it's adhesive separation okay so adhesive separation is when the material itself and the adhesive pretty much fails this is not your fault but I tended warrantee this because getting this getting warranty from a manufacturer for this reason is a huge pain in the butts a lot of them won't even do it for my experience they just like yeah you didn't you didn't do this properly so you didn't install it properly should have used the seam sometimes you don't really want to use this team because you don't have good body lines to use a seam so using a seam all time doesn't make a lot of sense and you know around the hinges on my Jeep for example the bubbling that was going on there and I'll throw a little clip in there for you that bubbling that was going on around the hinges was actual adhesive separation from the film it's a wonderful brand doesn't mean Texas is terrible it is a great brand but there was just too much tension in that area for the film to handle and for the adhesive to handle on that particular side of the car it wasn't on it wasn't on every single hinge it was only on it was on three out of four the doors actually not on all of them but for some reason it worked better on one door I couldn't tell you why all I know is that the adhesive fails when I go to remove the wrap you can clearly see the adhesive stuck to the paint and the adhesive not stuck to the film anymore when there and how you check for this okay so there's a way to check for this when you push the film down on those bubbles that you see bubbling up you're going to actually feel like a ring for the most part it's gonna be like a glue line a massive glue line really thick pretty heavy and you're the film is gonna pop out right away it won't feel the same as paints because the edge won't be or sorry it's paint failing because the edge won't be as sharp or jagged it will be more rounded and smooth for the most part because it's just glue and it's like a it's like a balloon it's like a bubble it's just bubbling up while paint will be different paint will chip off so you'll feel more of a jagged edge for the most part with paints then you would if the adhesive just failed when the adhesive fails you know and these things just take a bit of experience so these are ways to check on check to see if it's your fault or if it's the actual substrate or material two of the reasons you weigh against you out of the four you know it's your fault if you didn't prep the service properly and it's your fault if you over stretched basically without a seam or without post heating when you should have used the seam or post seeded those are that's your fault but again paint failing and the adhesive failing is not your fault but getting warranty for that as a bit of a pain in the butt so guys I hope this video was informative and helpful for you I'm looking forward to doing some more videos for you a lot of you had asked this about how to check for that sort of thing so I wanted to do this video on that and that's about it anyways thank you for watching I appreciate very much take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 153,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, how to vinyl wrap a car, wrap failure, vinyl wrap failure, wrap fail, why my wrap failed, how did it fail, wrap lifting, vinyl wrap lifting, lifting, failing, wrap failing, vinyl wrap, vehicle wrap, car wrap, vinyl, wrap, testing, troubleshoot, troubleshooting, cheap vinyl, best vinyl, easy vinyl, Chinese wrap, Chinese vinyl, car, ckwraps, car wrapping, vinyl wrapping tutorial
Id: XRYaXOmTf3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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