DETAILED Motorcycle Gas Tank Wrap In ONE Piece!

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[Music] [Applause] what's going on guys christian here from ck wraps today i'm going to show you how to wrap a motorcycle gas tank on a bmw s-1000rr um this tank is not the most difficult to wrap and i'm actually using avery which makes it even easier uh but it's still challenging okay it's a very very compound curve uh one of the hardest shapes that you'll probably ever wrap is a gas tank uh on top of that it's it's large okay it's not it's not a mirror size this is much bigger than the mirror uh so other than that like mirrors kind of fall into the same category for the most part um though this is a little bit more challenging especially if we want to do it in one piece uh the other side is already done and i'm going to show you guys some other stuff as well like this front fairing here there's a there's a fairing piece that goes on top of this afterwards and then this back piece right here that's really all there is isn't a whole lot to wrap on this bike uh the front fender it doesn't have it's carbon fiber so it doesn't get wrapped as you notice on this one it will so a bit different uh this one's gonna be a lot harder because there's more to wrap on this one sim and also simply because of this piece right here uh with side and chrome we're just gonna have to use seams um that's that's just how it is i have my piece already cut now this is pretty wide all right this is about 30 inches wide so about as wide as a bumper and i took a measurement from the widest part of the tank to the other side of the tank and i got about 25 26 inches i think so we wanted to give ourselves a little bit extra uh i have some compressors so i'm going to blow away any loose particles debris things like that these are brand new so there shouldn't be anything as far as issues go but let's get the camera in a bit and show you guys what uh this is like to wrap okay guys before we even get started here i wanted to show you this bike right here and show you sort of where the panels uh sorry my camera uh show you where the panels are sitting okay so this is gonna show us uh what we need to wrap um so anything below here uh so on that that bike over there anything below that line uh it's just extra i'm gonna wrap it i took all this stuff off just because it's easier just so you know the bolt for the seats to remove is right behind here um and then these guys are pretty easy to come off once you get the seat off you'll have another you'll have access to another screw to get this panel the rest of this panel off which is like right around here and then the panel just uh unclips very simple and very straightforward to do so this one just has to come out then this piece will come off uh after you remove the seat there's a screw right underneath there that's pretty much it uh i'm gonna when i do this one i'll remove these screws right here i just have them in place because these are very specific type screws they only go in certain places what i would recommend here is putting some knifeless tape down i'm not going to use it um because i don't need to but i would recommend putting knife tape somewhere what i'm going to end up doing is i'm going to cut right where this weld is uh and not wrap any lower than that so that will be like the maximum of where i wrap too and then there's trick to this guys is to have it mounted to something it's going to help you a lot and then b is to stretch it from here across okay we're going to have better success starting from this end i just want to get it in place i want to make sure that we're kind of stuck down around the sides here slightly this is where it gets really hard okay but what i need to do is stretch this out i'm going to do a corner at a time and come out across and the other side the other bike's going to be much more difficult let's do the same thing i want to get these guys out right here so let's just flatten i don't want to pull the bike too hard obviously either because uh we can pull it we can pull it over last thing you want to do is drop the bike especially on new bike okay so now we're going to take this and stretch it out to this corner okay spreading always spreading the film out as much as you can so we're going to lock that in on the flattest area which is right there i'm running into a quite a bit of slack here so what i need to do here is try and keep the tension minimal around this uh gas door and i have to fix up all this and same thing on the other side so this means i have to come down this way there's a plastic cover and this sits uh sits down here like like this and it kind of comes around the gas cap uh you're gonna see there's like a screw here somewhere um you're gonna see that there yeah so it sits there like this and that's all about how far we have to go we don't we're way beyond where we need to go but that's it's better to have that extra okay let's come down around the side here a bit and show you guys what's happening in this area because again this is the tricky part let's take this add some heats again not so bad when when the bike's mounted okay sorry when the tank's mounted this is really really hard to do when you don't have the tank mounted to anything i need to get rid of those if i can you might get a couple of blue lines guys it's just it's one of those things that's inevitable let's take this let's try and keep trying to keep the stretch further up and not so much towards the edge so by that i mean i want to keep all my tension right in here and try to keep these edges as tension-free as possible and just spread it out just right here [Applause] so again we always want to make sure we're trying to alleviate the tension by the time we get down to the edges i'm going to try and lay into that little recess there so a couple of wrinkles is okay i'm not worried about those they're gonna be they're gonna be completely hidden i don't mind having a couple there all right here slack right gotta take this bring it down i don't want to like i don't want to kill the film guys i just kind of want to make it pliable and then running out of time here so you do want to move swiftly when it comes to doing this so that's i feel pretty good about this this is a little bit better on this side i find touching heats again let's take this sorry if i was in your way there a bit hold it and always lock it in before you let go you feel like this side again has come across a little bit better we're gonna make sure it's all wrapped really nicely to the edge i wanted to leave the velcro piece there because if i take the velcro piece off and then reinstall it it could be an issue with the film sticking just hold it trying to hammer out those wrinkles the best that i can and then also get this film laying and smooth to this area this might show a little bit so you want to come down from this edge okay i'm just letting you know you might be able to see down a bit get some get some pressure on it at the same time but get that post heat in there guys it's very important it's just that enough i want to make sure that the customer cannot see the red like when they're sitting on their on their seat here i want to make sure that they're not able to see down between the seats um and then see the red in the area or the paints whatever color the paint is okay let's get in here some post heater on these edges here going here one more here again just hit it up really good [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we're wrapped all the way down past that first lower or at let's just add it at least at that lower weld come around here around here same thing i'm going to cut these guys out so i'm just going to thread through here i'm going to cut this out i'm going to cut out the rest of it just so you can see here guys again that plastic panel comes just below the velcro so anything past that is good so we're going to have good coverage here i don't want to leave myself too much vinyl attack in here i'm going to tuck it in let's get rid of that so what i want to do now is lift heat and let the film shrink i did a pretty good job of making sure there was not much tension around it let's just check it out okay we have there's some wrinkles around this edge here but not a lot i'm okay with that very minimal just take your time with the cut guys shouldn't look too bad let's just start getting this underneath it's just patience see how much time is taking me to do this that's tucked in that was fun let's get the rest cut out i'm cutting on the velcro not on the paint just remove that we've got pretty good coverage but alright blade just floats really nicely and glides along the edge just giving ourselves as much coverage as we can get lift and then take my knife and glide along the edge don't put too much of your knife out you'll end up cutting into the lower section of the panel just very lightly guys the paint guys i'm pushing so lightly you have no idea it's like shading in very lightly with a pencil let's just take you for a little tour i'll slap the fairing back on to show you what it looks like on the other side i'm not going to put on this side yet because i have the other panel to wrap still this is everything wrapped again there's a little bit of red showing here but that that plastic panel that goes on top that i showed you guys this guy here um it will cover that of course it looks like that but it's going to cover that entirely so i'm not worried about that showing at all and then plus we have the black plastic piece that goes here guys let's take you over i just slapped the seat on so you can see that you're going to want to wrap down to about there okay so it's important that you get that coverage because nobody wants to see the red down in their seat area look at that it's beautiful this whole side is is actually finished so you can see what this bike's starting to look like that's nice satin black is definitely the way to go for bikes we're going to get into doing this panel here and then that top fairing piece that i have that goes here and then this guy here and that will be pretty much the entire bike obviously i don't have a front fender to wrap on this one you'll get that video on this guy here but it will be sat in chrome so it's going to be a little bit different than it normally would be guys i hope this video was informative helpful and showing you what to do looking forward to more videos for you thank you for watching i appreciate it take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 285,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ck wraps, how to vinyl wrap, motorcycle wrap, gas tank wrap, how to wrap a bike, bike wrap, satin black, how to wrap, vinyl wrapping tutorial, tutorial, learn to wrap, wrap school, wrap training, vinyl, wrap, motorcycle, wrap a gas tank, car wrap, diy, how to, instructional, car
Id: BVp2wQgk3hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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