5 Mods Worth Checking Out - ARK Survival Ascended

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love them or hate them for many mods have been an integral part of Ark survival evolved whether it's just small tweaks or vast complex overhauls and now with survival ascended bringing access to consoles this is surely only going to increase but moving to a new game has effectively wiped that slate clean leaving many favorites behind and a vast array of beta test or unfinished ideas in their place the list is growing fast though and it can be quite daunting to look through but that's where I come into today all right folks my name is fr and I've been scouring through the mod Workshop to see what's out there and now I bring you five mods that I think are worth checking out if you'd like to know how I chose them I'll go over that to the end but for now in no particular order let's begin with R plus Advanced now cryopods are one of the most notable absences from AR ascended and while many among the community are actually really enjoying that it's certainly not Universal whether you simply miss being able to C carry a Giger in your pocket to save yourself from a sticky situation you're a server host hoping to reduce lag or simply you don't have time to log in and constantly feed your creatures cry pods are a huge Savor for many players and like many other mods out there that is what R plus is trying to bring back there are a few additional features added on top of the simple crys where I used to um I can't see it there but if I get it back out there we are we now have color coding on the cryos pink for female blue for male we also have stat display you can see I've got 38 points in health 40 in weight on this one that's not something that was available on default cryos in survival evolved and also allowing us to see whether it is currently ready to mate or not as well over here we have the bog standard cryo fridge as you may remember but also a cryo terminal it doesn't really have a lot of features so far it's not as extensive as Dino storage Fe 2 was but we can do the newborn Auto cryo and newborn Auto neutering if we like or if we put a creature in a cryopod into the terminal we can then go back to the settings and tell it to only pick up newborns of a specific species so you could have a whole array of terminals each one picking up a different creature all three engrams are available at level 81 the cryopod and cryo fridge being the same cost as they previously were the cryo terminal taking an additional element cost there but they're all available at 81 and then we have two other featur in the mod as well the first being an infinitely usable grappling hook not my favorite personally probably cuts a bit too much danger out but many will like it and then the last is meant to be a reusable mind WIP tonic and doesn't seem to work for me according to the description it should be reusable but uh doesn't seem to work for me so far there's always going to be a few few Kinks early on and I'm sure they will continue to expand the mod as time goes by but there we are r+ Advanced so let's move on our second mod is Cliff's backpacks now let's say you're out in the world you're doing some Gathering and you're pretty low level so you haven't really had chance to put points into weight yet oh dear we can't move well one solution would be a shoulder pet but moving it back and forth can get tedious and we may not even have one yet so yes as you may have guessed from the name this mod brings in backpacks to help lighten your load instead there are five different backpacks available all functionally the same simply a different appearance and they are available at three different tiers of weight reduction looking at our engrams the tier ones are available at level 10 and they provide a 20% weight reduction the tier 2s are available at 35 and they provide a 50% weight reduction and the tier 3 is at 70 and they provide a 65% wave reduction now it is worth noting that none of these values are visible in game they're all found only on The Mod page but that's likely because you can actually customize it with in I settings as well so if you wanted your tier three could completely reduce your weight down to only 1% the choice is yours so let's get that backpck equipped there we are and instantly I can move again haha a nice big weight reduction and more importantly it's a buff it's not taking up the off hand or the pet slot it is just a buff that you can turn on and off at will now it's not a completely Flawless mod as the the model doesn't really adapt to characters of different sizes particularly well but the idea is there the function is there and it's a feature that I've often thought would be very good in Arc something to help reduce your weight something craftable but now I can go and gather so much more metal before I have to return home it's a really nice small simple mod and if you want to take off the backpack again all you have to do stop go to your inventory unequip and there we go oh dear I can't move so we'll put a different one back on um let's go with the basket I like it it's a bit more rustic bit more more my kind of style there we are that is Cliff's backpacks for our third mod we have architect structures remastered this was one of my favorite mods in survival evolved a very very good building mod that is highly worth checking out if you're still playing in ascended not quite the game changer it once was though for two reasons mostly the first is that large chunks of its changes were actually now implemented into the base game so it simply doesn't have as much to do for instance the increased Wall height was part of the uh survival evolved mod as was the cycling between multip structures the second reason it's simply still in its infancy but what does it change though well first off all structures are crafted in a bench which I'm sure will please many a budding Builder who hates being slowed down from bulk crafting as they gather secondly instead of picking up individual engrams you instead unlock each material tier in one go see we got the wood tier Stone tier Greenhouse tier metal tier Tech eventually it's less hassle and it saves you some engram points for actual new structural options right now there aren't too many we have stackable foundations changeable pillow widths as we can see over here optional corrugation removal on the greenhouse Windows which are all easily accessible from the radio wheel like so and then we have steeper and shallower roof gradients the the default is in the center there for a bit of a comparison but that about sums up what's available at the moment so not a huge Mount but if evolved is anything to go by it'll be one to watch alternative appearances like scaffolding or the atlas aesthetic variable glass tinting half height pillars or quarter width walls and ceilings they really went above and beyond with all the different building options and hopefully they'll be bringing that across to survival ascended as well our fourth mod is polar an extremely lightweight quality of life tool that probably doesn't need much explanation s+ was one of the most popular mods in survival evolved and a large part of that was its item pulling functionality and this mod aims to emulate that although currently in a very stripped down and beta state if we look at our inventory we can see some new options down the bottom here so let's say I wanted to craft a foundation let's go stone foundation there we are now obviously I have no materials no stone no thatch no wood but if I come down here let's make three we click the button and there we are all the resources for three foundations pulled from my storage boxes into my inventory now as mentioned this is a very very stripped down version compared to what was in survival evolved it doesn't have the pulling for repairing or the ability to move specific resources from specific locations but they are working towards that it's definitely a quality of life feature many are missing right now and even if this particular mod doesn't manage to get it done quickly I'm sure someone out there is working on it as we speak so moving on to our fifth and last one for today circus RP Deco as you may expect from the name this is a decoration mod we start out with a little Deco table here at low level pick that up and that will enable you to craft all sorts of things this is far from the full selection but we have some brazers little fire there we've got some Shields some sort of tool racks shelves Flags nice fire pit there's some chairs a broom over here we've got some benches and tables and even some fully functional beds that we can travel and respawn from these are all nice cheap simple to make and with a new building system allowing us to make nicer bases than ever I'm sure a lot of people will really appreciate being able to fill out the interior as well it's one of the areas I was really hoping the vanilla game would expand on to be honest but there is a huge selection of items in here see we've got chairs sofas tables we've got some rugs in here got candles the shields of course as we mentioned we've got some hanging onions if you like those table settings we've got bottles goblets plates Cutlery all sorts you can really turn it into a fully lived in base now it is all very rustic sort of medieval Viking age kind of things so it may not appeal to everyone but it will really fit in with the more primitive Stone and wood bases that we can make in game so if building and decorating is the side of the game that you enjoy then this could really be a good mod for you and there we have it five mods I think that are currently worth having a look at obviously these are all still undergoing work and there are going to be many many many more still to come as well in the future as for why I chose these particular mods well it's a bit of a mixture I was looking for sort of quality of life stuff maybe a bit of an extension here and there over what we've already got also trying to avoid the really obvious ones like Arc editions which I think everyone will have already seen due to being available on day one and widely pushed by Wild Card themselves and simply aiming to put a bit of a spotlight on things people might not have already seen we'll have another look in a few weeks perhaps a month and see what other mods have appeared but in the meantime thank you all very much for watching I hope this has been of some use to you and I'll catch you in the next one [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Freyn
Views: 34,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freyn, survival game, survival crafting, ark mods, ASA mods, ark ascended mods, ark survival ascended, ark new mods, asa cryopods, ark tips, ark guides, ark news
Id: UAa3YY0aR_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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